• Title/Summary/Keyword: Baseball

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Plantar Pressure in Skilled and Unskilled Players during Baseball Batting (야구 타격시 숙련자와 미숙련자의 족저압력 분석)

  • Moon, Won-Ho;Lee, Joong-Sook;Kim, Chang-Hyun;Jang, Young-Min;Jeong, Jin-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2013
  • This study examined 24 right-handed amateur baseball players. Twelve who had played baseball for more than 6 years were grouped as skilled players, while 12 who had played for 1-3 years were the unskilled player group. The swing motion was divided into four event phases: stance, backswing, impact, and follow-through. The mean and maximum plantar pressure, center of pressure, and ground reaction force were measured during each event phase. The mean and standard deviations for each variables were calculated and differences were validated with the independent sample t-test. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The results were as follows. 1)The ideal stance is a stable, balanced position with more than 65% of weight on the right foot. There was significant difference in mean left plantar pressure, while the maximal plantar pressure and mean right plantar pressure did not differ significant. 2)The effective backswing of a skilled player is comprised a rightward shift in weight to build maximum energy. More than 90% of the weight was on the right foot. There was a significant difference in the mean left plantar pressure, while the maximal plantar pressure and mean right plantar pressure did not differ significantly. 3) For an effective impact, a rapid shift in weight to the left foot is essential, so that a power hit is obtained. Significant difference in the mean and maximum plantar pressures of both feet were observed. 4)Follow-through requires wight balance, more on the right than the left, without leaning leftward. There was no significant difference in the mean or maximum plantar pressure. 5)The center of plantar pressure should move from the center of the foot to the toe. 6)The analyses of the ground reaction force suggest that a good swing involves a gradual shift in weight to the right side and a rapid leftward shift at impact. Good balance, with the center of gravity on the right side at follow-through, is also required.

The Study on the Representation of the Times in the Sports Films of the 1980s (1980년대 스포츠영화의 시대적 표상 연구)

  • Im, Jeong-Sig
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.315-347
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    • 2019
  • (1986) and (1987) represent the society of 1980s in which the professional baseball game was initiated to cover the irrational military culture. The love and marriage of sports players were the headlines of the media, and the yearly salary of the players was the hottest issue of conversation. The military culture is represented in the scenes where the coaches train the failures and inapt players in extreme drills. The films pinpoint the absurdity of military culture and win-at-all-costs mentality. The collapse of the dictatorial leadership at the end of the films is a metaphor for the collapse of the fifth Republic of Korea. The episodes where the players talk about contract money, and the trade of players and sports business were a new phenomenon of the 1980's. The fact that Oh Hyesung of chooses love instead of victory deals a big blow to the secular ambition for money, victory and dictatorial leadership. His option provides catharsis for an audience oppressed under military leadership and success driven ideology. On the other hand, Oh Hyesung of dies right at the moment of winning the world champion. He achieves neither love nor success. While Oh Hyesung of is a symbol of pure love and gives spiritual comfort to the audience, Oh Hyesung of gives a sense of hopelessness to the audience. Both of the two sports films reflect the representation of the 1980's but received opposing reviews from audiences.

A Physiotherapy Program for Adolescent Baseball Players with Scapular Dyskinesis: Comparison of the effects of posterior shoulder stretching combined with scapular stabilization exercises (PSSE) (어깨뼈 운동 이상증을 가진 청소년기 야구선수들을 위한 물리치료적 프로그램: 어깨뼈 안정화 운동과 동반된 뒤쪽 어깨 스트레칭(PSSE) 중재 후 효과 비교)

  • Keon-Cheol, Lee;Hyeon-Su Kim;Yeon-Ki Choo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2024
  • Purpose : Scapular dyskinesis, it have been shown to be common in overhead athletes and has been associated with RC muscle strength. Posterior shoulder tightness (PST) has been suggested as an important factor causing scapular dyskinesis. Therefore, rehabilitation programs should focus on a posterior shoulder stretch combined with scapular stabilization exercise (PSSE) intervention. Determine the effects of posterior shoulder stretch combined with scapular stabilization exercise on the rotator cuff (RC) muscles strength, functional strength ratio (FSR), range of motion (ROM), and pain. Methods : 30 adolescent baseball players participated and subjects were allocated PSSE group (n=15) or the SSE group (n=15). Both group performed a 6-weeks intervention and measured of isokinetic peak torque/body weight (PT/BW) of concentric external rotator (CER), eccentric external rotator (EER), concentric internal rotator (CIR), eccentric internal rotator (EIR), FSR, ROM, and pain. Results : After 6 weeks PSSE, significant increase CER PT/BW (+6.02±4.76 %), EER PT/BW (+5.39±4.22 %), EER to CIR ratio (+.17±.16), and internal rotation ROM (+15.08±3.57 °). Whereas, significant decrease EIR to CER ratio (-.14±.18), external rotation ROM (-12.00±6.94 °), and GIRD (-17.41±2.84 °) compared with pre-intervention. No significant difference of isokinetic PT/BW of CIR and EER post-intervention. In the SSE group showed no significant difference all measurements for isokinetic PT/BW, FSR, and ROM post-intervention. The pain was significant improve both PSSE group (-3.25±1.60) and SSE group (-2.83±1.85) post-intervention. Conclusion : Both the PSSE and SSE interventions led to more pain relief. However, only the PSSE group showed ROM, CER, EER PT/BW, and FSR improvements. These results might suggest that the PSSE intervention is a more effective program for improving RC muscle strength and balance, in particular, concentric and eccentric ER muscle strength, FSR and can expect to prevent shoulder injuries in adolescent baseball players with scapular dyskinesis.

The Relationship between Competition Anxiety and Performance Confidence in Amateur Baseball Player: The Moderated Mediation Effects of Cognitive Appraisal and Character Strength (아마추어 야구선수의 경쟁불안과 수행자신감과의 관계: 성격강점과 인지평가의 조절된 매개효과)

  • JinHee Son;SunYoung Park
    • The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.197-225
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the impact of Competitive Anxiety on Cognitive Appraisal and Performance Confidence among Amateur baseball players was investigated, as well as the mediating role of Cognitive Appraisal in this relationship. Furthermore, the moderating effect of Character Strengths related to positive psychology on the relationship between Competitive Anxiety and Cognitive Appraisal was explored, dividing these Character Strengths into six virtues. To conduct this research, an online survey was administered to 201 Amateur baseball players aged 19 and above. The result of this study are as follows. First, it was found that the association between Performance Confidence and Competitive Anxiety is mediated by Cognitive Appraisal. Second, Character Strengths showed a moderating effect in the relationship between Cognitive Appraisal and Competitive Anxiety. Thirdly, statistical significance was shown for the moderated mediation effects. Specifically, it was established that values like Transcendence and Justice would considerably moderate the relationship. Notably, the degree to which Cognitive Appraisal declines as a result of Competitive Anxiety was found to be mitigated by Transcendence and Justice Character Strengths. In conclusion, based on the results of this study, implications, limitations were discussed.

Differences between Japanese Characteristics and those of Europeans from the viewpoint of TQM: -Ways of thinking at the stage of design and/or development of new products-

  • Shingyouchi Kouji;Maruyama Yukio;Miyazu Takashi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Quality Management Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 1998
  • In the 11th AQCS(1997), the paper entitled 'Statistical Analysis of Baseball Records - Jinx and National Characteristics -' was presented by the same authors. At that time, the differences between Japanese characteristics and those of Europeans, using baseball data were discussed, mainly from the viewpoint of 'ways of thinking about chance cause and assignable cause.' In this paper, the authors described also on the same subject from the different viewpoint, 'ways of thinking at the design and development stage of new products', From this viewpoint, the difference also be found. It seems that the most significant difference between Japan and Germany exists in the field of aeroplanes design. The German ideas in the field were very unique, therefore the authors classified and named their ideas as: A) 'Quantitative analysis' type idea, and B) 'Chemical synthetic' type idea. The former concept is composed of two ways of thinking: a) All parts essential for just flying must be used, but b) All other parts shall be rejected, as far as possible. The latter concept is that, the all additional parts necessary for the development of the above 'purified' original product should be added respectively, depending on the requests of customers. These ideas are outlined using the actual examples of German aeroplane.

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The Movement of Foot and the Shift of Ground Reaction Force in Batters according to the Ball Speed Increase (투구 속도 증가에 따른 타자의 발 움직임과 지면 반력의 변화)

  • Lee, Young-Suk;Eun, Seon-Deok
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2004
  • The batting performance in baseball is a repetitive movement. In order to make the stabilization of posture and the efficient shift of body weight, both the range of stance and stride are important. The previous studies explained that the consistent stride which included the amount of time, stance, and direction were needed. However, the batting performance is frequently changed according to the several speed of ball. Therefore, this study was to analyze the reaction time, the range of stance, the change of stride, and the change of GRF during the batting movement in three kinds of ball speed (120km/h, 130km/h, & 140km/h). Seven elite players are participated in this study. 1. The reaction time of the stride phase was short whereas the time of the swing phase was long according to the increasing ball speed. 2. The range of the stance was wide and the mediolateral direction of the stride was decreased according to the increasing ball speed. 3. In the three kinds of ball speed, the change of body weight was transferred to the center, the rear foot, and the front foot directions. The ball speed of 130km/h showed the high frequency of the suitable batting. At this ball speed, the movement of the body weight was shifted smoothly and the value of the Ground Reaction Force was large enough.

The Effect of Professional Sport Spectator's Experience Economy Factors on Satisfaction: Focused on Mediating Effects of Attachment and a Sense of Community

  • LEE, Hyuk-Jin;JUNG, Sam-Kwon;SEONG, Myeong-Hee
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.269-282
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the spectator experience and satisfaction with a focus on attachment and a sense of community. The survey was given to random spectators who watched KBO (The Korea Baseball Organization) games in 2018. With 189 surveyed participants, this study used exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis to verify the reliability and validity of the measured variables. The hierarchical multiple regression correlation was employed as a statistical method for the hypotheses of this study. The findings showed that spectators' experiences have influences on satisfaction. Among the experience factors, education and entertainment affect attachment, and education has the only significant influence on a sense of community. In addition, spectators' attachment and a sense of community positively influence satisfaction. Attachment and a sense of community have a relatively mediated effect on spectators' experiences and satisfaction. This study confirmed the need for various spectator experiences at KBO games, and the importance of place attachment or a sense of community.