• 제목/요약/키워드: BIODIVERSITY

검색결과 2,141건 처리시간 0.026초

Phylogenetic analyses reveals two unrecognized species of Sparganium (Typhaceae) in the Korean Peninsula

  • Gil, Hee-Young;Ha, Young-Ho;Choi, Kyoung Su;Chang, Kae Sun;Choi, Kyung
    • 한국자원식물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국자원식물학회 2018년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.42-42
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    • 2018
  • Two unrecognized species of Sparganium of Korea were found during the our field expeditions and phylogenetic analyses of specimens deposited in the Herbarium of Korea National Arboretum (KH). S. coreanum H. $L{\acute{e}}v$. was first reported as a new species based on the specimen (Taquet, 2150) collected from Jeju Island. It has been recognized as synonym or infraspecific taxa of S. stoloniferum and S. eurycarpum or even never recognized recently. However, phylogenetic tree showed that S. coreanum is monophyletic and has sister relationship with S. eurycarpum. Furthermore, additional distribution localities were also found by herbarium survey. Morphological characteristics and distribution information of S. coreanum will be discussed. Another Sparganium species found from Mt. Daeam is occurring either as floating or emergent. Although we could not identify this species since lack of any flowers or fruits for two year surveys, phylogenetic analyses results showed that this species belong to the clade of S. glomeratum, which is distributed in high elevation lakes and marshes of Europe, Asia, and North America. Additional survey of morphology and report will be needed.

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An Interface between Computing, Ecology and Biodiversity : Environmental Informatics

  • Stockwell, David;Arzberger, Peter;Fountain, Tony;Helly, John
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2000
  • The grand challenge for the 21$^{st$ century is to harness knowledge of the earth`s biological and ecological diversity to understand how they shape global environmental systems. This insight benefits both science and society. Biological and ecological data are among the most diverse and complex in the scientific realm. spanning vast temporal and spatial scales, distant localities. and multiple disciplines. Environmental informatics is an emerging discipline applying information science, ecology, and biodiversity to the understanding and solution of environmental problems. In this paper we give an overview of the experiences of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) with this new multidisciplinary science, discuss the application of computing resources to the study of environmental systems, and outline strategic partnership activities in environmental iformatics that are underway, We hope to foster interactions between ecology, biodiversity, and conservation researchers in East Asia-Pacific Rim and those at SDSC and the Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics.

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생물다양성 학습을 위한 생물다양성 DB 활용에 관한 연구 (A Study on Using of Biodiversity Database for Learning of Biodiversity)

  • 안부영;조희형;박재홍
    • 한국콘텐츠학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘텐츠학회 2005년도 추계 종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.428-432
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 국내에 산재한 생물다양성정보를 학습에 활용하기 위하여 KISTI에서 구축한 생물다양성 DB 현황과 e-Learning의 기술요소 등을 조사하였으며, 기존에 구축된 생물다양성정보 DB를 활용하여 일반인과 학생들을 위한 생물다양성 학습 콘텐트를 기획하고 설계하였다. 본 설계를 바탕으로 생물다양성 콘텐트를 개발한다면, 국토가 좁고, 네트워크 인프라가 잘 갖추어져 있는 우리나라의 실정에 맞는 사이버공간상의 학습의 장으로서 일반인과 학생들에게 양질의 생물다양성 학습 콘텐트를 제공할 수 있으리라 기대한다.

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Thermal and Organic Chemical Stress Responsive Genes in Soft Coral, Scleronephthya gracillimum

  • Woo, Seon-Ock;Yum, Seung-Shic;Kim, Yong-Tae;Suh, Seung-Jik;Kim, Hack-Cheul;Lee, Jong-Rak;Kim, Sa-Heung;Lee, Taek-Kyun
    • Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 2006
  • The extensive isolation of genes responsive to stressful conditions from a soft coral Scleronephthya gracillimum was described. Soft coral colonies were exposed to thermal and chemical stressors to induce the expression of stress related genes. Differentially expressed genes by natural or anthropogenic stressors were identified by construction of standard and stress exposed-paired subtractive cDNA library. Thirty-two and thirty-seven kinds of candidate genes were identified from thermal or benzo[a]pyrene stress exposed group, respectively, which are associated with cell cycle, cell signaling, transcription, translation, protein metabolism, and other cellular functions. The expected function of each gene was described. The isolated and identified differentially expressed genes have a great potential to identify environmental stressors in global environmental changes and could act as molecular biomarkers for biological responses against environmental changes. Finally, it may open a new paradigm on soft coral health assessment.

Conservation of Biodiversity and Its Ecological Importance of Korean Paddy Field

  • Cho, Young-Son;Lee, Dong-Kyu;Choe, Zhin-Ryong;Han, Min-Soo;Pellerin, Kristie
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제51권6호
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 2006
  • Biodiversity is closely related to the conservation of ecosystems. Ecosystems provide more subtle, but equally essential, services. Microorganisms decompose human's waste and renew the soils that produce our food crops. Biodiversity in Korean paddies encompass 54 families and 107 species of freshwater invertebrates. In terms of the number of aquatic insects affected by different sources, the order starting with the highest population was swine slurry > chemical fertilizer > fresh straw with reduced fertilizers > control. The number of freshwater invertebrate and aquatic macro-invertebrate in surface water of the plots without insecticidal application were 2 and 2.1 times greater than in fields receiving insecticide applications, respectively. The soil microfungal flora of the 85 isolates paddy fields in Korea was 30 species in 13 genera and 11 isolates were unidentified yet. Agricultural policy should be changed to assist the conservation of biodiversity because until now the agricultural ecosystems have been negatively affected from the development of high-yield varieties to enhance food production, and the expansion of fertilizer and chemical use. For the conservation of agricultural ecosystems, agricultural practices with less investment and more resource saving, as well as enhancing the safety of agricultural and livestock products are essential. Finally, this paper was written for the contribution for the development of environmentally friendly farming systems with neighboring or whole ecosystems.

한국 미기록 귀화식물: 아메리카대극과 털땅빈대 (Two Newly Naturalized Plants in Korea: Euphorbia heterophylla L. and E. hirta L.)

  • 지성진;박수현;이유미;이철호;김상용
    • 식물분류학회지
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.164-170
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    • 2011
  • 부산광역시와 제주도에서 대극과의 미기록 귀화식물 2종을 발견하였다. Euphorbia heterophylla L. (아메리카대극)은 부산광역시 동래구 안락동 수영강변 공원에서 확인되었으며, E. dentata Michx. (톱니대극)과 비교하여 원줄기 잎은 호생하며, 소총포의 선체 입구는 원형인 특징으로 구별된다. 또한 Euphorbia hirta L. (털땅빈대)은 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 예래동 예래마을에서 확인되었으며, E. hypericifolia L. (큰땅빈대)와 비교하여 삭과에 털이 있는 특징으로 구별된다.

Taxonomic Study of Amanita Subgenus Lepidella and Three Unrecorded Amanita Species in Korea

  • Kim, Chang Sun;Jo, Jong Won;Kwag, Young-Nam;Kim, Jae-Hyeun;Shrestha, Bhushan;Sung, Gi-Ho;Han, Sang-Kuk
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2013
  • Amanita Pers. is a well-known monophyletic mushroom genus with a broad distribution. However, the diversity of Korean Amanita species has been underestimated, and most taxonomic studies conducted in Korea have only investigated their morphological characteristics. This approach is frequently insufficient for correct identification in fungal classification; therefore, we constructed a phylogeny of Amanita subgen. Lepidella in order to understand the phylogenetic placements of 16 Amanita specimens collected in Korea in 2012. The phylogeny constructed using the sequence data of the internal transcribed spacers and the partial large subunit of ribosomal RNA identified nine Amanita species (A. citrina, A. excelsa var. spissa, A. flavipes, A. fritillaria, A. oberwinklerana, A. pallidorosea, A. rubescens, A. subjunquillea, and A. volvata); of these, A. fritillaria, A. oberwinklerana, and A. pallidorosea are new to Korea.

중요생물다양성지역(KBAs) 기준 적용을 통한 설악산 보호구역 평가 (Assesment of Protected Mt. Seorak Areas in Korea Applied by the Key Biodiversity Areas(KBAs))

  • 성정원;강신구;김근호
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2020
  • This study was aimed to design core areas applied by the global conservation criteria to promote the public awareness to the protected areas and the value cognition of the Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), targeting the Mt Seorak, according to the designation of globally important biodiversity areas. As a method for carrying out this study, the biota were cataloged through literature reviews and field trips. With applied by the Global Red List criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), only nine species were categorized in the studied area; plants were classified into six species as follows: Megaleranthis saniculifolia ohwi, Bupleurum euphorbioides Nakai, Hanabusaya asiatica Nakai, Thuja koraiensis Nakai, Leontopodium leiolepis Nakai, Androsace cortusaefolia Nakai, fish was classified one species as follow: Pungitius sinensis Tanaka, and the mammal was classified as two species as follows: Hydropotes inermis, Naemorhedus caudatus. According to the occupation area (EoO, Extent of Occurrence) and Minimum Viable Population(MVP), the size of protected area was 234.56㎢ for plants, 235.07㎢ for mammals, and 0.14㎢ for fish, and the Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) of Mt. Seolak suggested as 286.72㎢.

DNA Barcoding of the Marine Proteced Species Pseudohelice subquadrata (Decapoda, Varunidae, Pseudohelice) from the Korean Waters

  • Kim, Ji Min;Kim, Jong-Gwan;Kim, So Yeon;Choi, Woo Yong;Kim, Hyung Seop;Kim, Min-Seop
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.228-231
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    • 2020
  • Pseudohelice subquadrata (Dana, 1851) is endangered due to its restricted habitat; hence, it has been designated as a marine protected species and endangered species by law in Korea. It has been recorded only Jeju-do and Geomun-do, Republic of Korea. The present study, is the first report on a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I DNA barcode for P. subquadrata. The maximum intra-specific genetic distance among all P. subquadrata individuals was found to be 0.5%, whereas inter-genetic distance within the same genus was 17.2-21.5% compared with Helice tientsinensis (Rathbun, 1931), H. tridens (De Haan, 1835), H. epicure (Ng et al., 2018), and Helicana wuana (Rathbun, 1931). Our barcoding data can thus be used as reference for restoration and conservation studies on P. subquadrata, which are designated as marine protected species.

하시동·안인사구의 생물다양성 보전 위협 요인 분석 (A Study on the Threat Factors of Biodiversity on Hasidong Anin Coastal Dune)

  • 이은혜;오충현
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2021
  • We examined a current status of damage in biodiversity and its causing factors in Hasidong Anin coastal dune, Gangneung-si, Gangwon province which is designated as ecological and landscape conservation area. In this study, we found that ecosystem and biodiversity have been primarily damaged by anthropogenic factors such as the construction of surrounding area, military facilities illegally dumped garbage and the expansion of windbreak forest. These factors occur to damage the landscape, ecosystem and biodiversity etc. There is a significant lack of basic data needed for preservation and restoration due to the lack of prior research and value assessment. In order to establish solutions for preservation and restoration, it is critical to collect fundamental data and implement value assessments. Therefore, further studies such as ecosystem services assessment, increasing biodiversity, spatial analysis and monitoring of various items related to coastal dunes are needed.