• Title/Summary/Keyword: BI advisor

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Study on the Plans for Successful Business Incubator in College - the feasibility of royalty system - (대학 창업보육센터의 발전 방안에 대한 연구 - 성공불제의 가능성 -)

  • Park, Sangsoo;Kim, Youngsear
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2004
  • The number of business incubator (BI), introduced in Korea in the early 90's, has grown rapidly in the last 10 years, reaching 342 by 2002. Most of the incubator was supported financially by the Small and Medium Business Administration (SMBA), and 83% of them are run by college or university. To develop successful plans for college business incubator, we studied the relationship between a college incubator and its tenants through a systematic questionnaire, and compared royalty systems of four college BI's. It was found out that the tenants wants more flexible advisor system and closer relationship with the professors to solve the technical difficulties. The royalty system is important for BI's to survive without the financial assistance from the government, but the royalty systems of the four college BI's studied in this report have some practical shortcomings and needs amendments.

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A study on the use of a Business Intelligence system : the role of explanations (비즈니스 인텔리전스 시스템의 활용 방안에 관한 연구: 설명 기능을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, YoungOk
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.155-169
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    • 2014
  • With the rapid advances in technologies, organizations are more likely to depend on information systems in their decision-making processes. Business Intelligence (BI) systems, in particular, have become a mainstay in dealing with complex problems in an organization, partly because a variety of advanced computational methods from statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence can be applied to solve business problems such as demand forecasting. In addition to the ability to analyze past and present trends, these predictive analytics capabilities provide huge value to an organization's ability to respond to change in markets, business risks, and customer trends. While the performance effects of BI system use in organization settings have been studied, it has been little discussed on the use of predictive analytics technologies embedded in BI systems for forecasting tasks. Thus, this study aims to find important factors that can help to take advantage of the benefits of advanced technologies of a BI system. More generally, a BI system can be viewed as an advisor, defined as the one that formulates judgments or recommends alternatives and communicates these to the person in the role of the judge, and the information generated by the BI system as advice that a decision maker (judge) can follow. Thus, we refer to the findings from the advice-giving and advice-taking literature, focusing on the role of explanations of the system in users' advice taking. It has been shown that advice discounting could occur when an advisor's reasoning or evidence justifying the advisor's decision is not available. However, the majority of current BI systems merely provide a number, which may influence decision makers in accepting the advice and inferring the quality of advice. We in this study explore the following key factors that can influence users' advice taking within the setting of a BI system: explanations on how the box-office grosses are predicted, types of advisor, i.e., system (data mining technique) or human-based business advice mechanisms such as prediction markets (aggregated human advice) and human advisors (individual human expert advice), users' evaluations of the provided advice, and individual differences in decision-makers. Each subject performs the following four tasks, by going through a series of display screens on the computer. First, given the information of the given movie such as director and genre, the subjects are asked to predict the opening weekend box office of the movie. Second, in light of the information generated by an advisor, the subjects are asked to adjust their original predictions, if they desire to do so. Third, they are asked to evaluate the value of the given information (e.g., perceived usefulness, trust, satisfaction). Lastly, a short survey is conducted to identify individual differences that may affect advice-taking. The results from the experiment show that subjects are more likely to follow system-generated advice than human advice when the advice is provided with an explanation. When the subjects as system users think the information provided by the system is useful, they are also more likely to take the advice. In addition, individual differences affect advice-taking. The subjects with more expertise on advisors or that tend to agree with others adjust their predictions, following the advice. On the other hand, the subjects with more knowledge on movies are less affected by the advice and their final decisions are close to their original predictions. The advances in predictive analytics of a BI system demonstrate a great potential to support increasingly complex business decisions. This study shows how the designs of a BI system can play a role in influencing users' acceptance of the system-generated advice, and the findings provide valuable insights on how to leverage the advanced predictive analytics of the BI system in an organization's forecasting practices.

The Method for Generating Recommended Candidates through Prediction of Multi-Criteria Ratings Using CNN-BiLSTM

  • Kim, Jinah;Park, Junhee;Shin, Minchan;Lee, Jihoon;Moon, Nammee
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.707-720
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    • 2021
  • To improve the accuracy of the recommendation system, multi-criteria recommendation systems have been widely researched. However, it is highly complicated to extract the preferred features of users and items from the data. To this end, subjective indicators, which indicate a user's priorities for personalized recommendations, should be derived. In this study, we propose a method for generating recommendation candidates by predicting multi-criteria ratings from reviews and using them to derive user priorities. Using a deep learning model based on convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM), multi-criteria prediction ratings were derived from reviews. These ratings were then aggregated to form a linear regression model to predict the overall rating. This model not only predicts the overall rating but also uses the training weights from the layers of the model as the user's priority. Based on this, a new score matrix for recommendation is derived by calculating the similarity between the user and the item according to the criteria, and an item suitable for the user is proposed. The experiment was conducted by collecting the actual "TripAdvisor" dataset. For performance evaluation, the proposed method was compared with a general recommendation system based on singular value decomposition. The results of the experiments demonstrate the high performance of the proposed method.

Digital Transformation Based on Chatbot in Legacy Environment (챗봇을 이용한 Legacy 환경의 Digital Transformation)

  • Jang, Jeong-ho;Kim, Jin-soo;Lee, Kang-Yoon
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2018
  • As the utilization of chatbots grows and the AI market grows, many companies are interested. And everybody is spurring growth by offering chatbot build services so that they can create chatbots. This makes chatbots easier to service on the messenger platform, which is changing the existing application market. In this paper, we present a methodology for designing and implementing existing DB-based applications as instant messenger platform-based applications, and summarize what to consider in actual implementation to provide an optimal system structure. According to this methodology, we design and implement a chatbot that serves as an teaching advisor who provides information to the students in the curriculum. The implemented application objectively visualizes the user's desired information from the user's point of view and delivers it through the interactive interface quickly and intuitively. By implementing these services and real service, it is predicted that DB-based information providing applications will be implemented as chatbots and will be changed to bi-directional communication through an interactive interface. it is predicted that DB-based information providing applications will be implemented as chatbots and will be changed to bi-directional communication through an interactive interface. Enterprise legacy application will take chatbot technology as one of important digital transformation initiative.