• 제목/요약/키워드: B23

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국제항공화물운송에 관한 운송증서의 요건 및 효력 (The Requirement and Effect of the Document of Carriage in Respect of the International Carriage of Cargo by Air)

  • 이강빈
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.67-92
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구의 목적은 몬트리올협약 및 IATA 항공화물운송약관상의 관련규정과 국내 및 외국의 법원판례를 중심으로 국제항공화물운송에 관한 운송증서인 항공화물운송장과 화물수령증의 작성 교부 요건 효력에 관하여 고찰하는데 있다. 몬트리올협약 제4조에 의하면, 항공화물의 운송에 관하여 항공화물운송장을 교부하여야 한다. 한편 이행될 운송에 관한 기록을 보존하는 다른 수단으로 항공화물운송장의 교부를 대체할 수 있으며, 이러한 다른 수단이 사용되는 경우, 운송인은 송하인의 요청에 따라 송하인에게 적송품을 증명하는 화물수령증을 교부하여야 한다. 몬트리올협약 제7조에 의하면, 항공화물운송장은 송하인에 의하여 원본 3통이 작성된다. 제1원본에는 "운송인용"이라고 기재하고 송하인이 서명한다. 제2원본에는 "수하인용"이라고 기재하고 송하인 및 운송인이 서명한다. 제3원본에는 운송인이 서명하고 화물을 인수받은 후 송하인에게 그것을 인도한다. 만약 송하인의 청구에 따라 운송인이 항공화물운송장을 작성하였을 경우, 반증이 없는 한 운송인은 송하인을 대신하여 그렇게 한 것으로 간주한다. 몬트리올협약 제5조에 의하면, 항공화물운송장 또는 화물수령증에는 (1) 출발지 및 도착지의 표시, (2) 출발지 및 도착지가 단일 당사국 영역내에 있거나 약정기항지가 다른 국가의 영역내에 있을 경우 최소한 한곳의 기항지의 표시, (3) 적송품의 중량의 표시 등을 기재하여야 한다. 몬트리올협약 제10조에 의하면, 송하인은 본인 또는 그의 대리인이 제공한 기재사항의 불비, 부정확 또는 불완전으로 인하여 운송인 또는 운송인이 책임을 부담하는 타인이 입은 모든 손해에 대하여 운송인에게 보상한다. 몬트리올협약 제9조에 의하면, 동 협약 제4조 내지 제8조의 운송증서에 관한 요건을 준수하지 아니하는 경우 운송계약의 존재 또는 효력에 영향을 미치지 아니하며, 책임제한에 관한 규정을 포함한 이 협약의 규정들이 적용된다. 항공화물운송장은 유가증권이나 유통증권이 아니다. 몬트리올협약 제11조에 의하면, 항공화물운송장 또는 화물수령증은 계약의 체결, 화물의 인수 및 운송의 조건에 관한 추정적 증거가 된다. 몬트리올협약 제12조에 의하면, 운송인은 항공화물운송장 또는 화물수령증의 제시를 요구하지 아니하고 화물의 처분에 관한 송하인의 지시를 따른 경우, 이로 인하여 항공화물운송장 또는 화물수령증의 정당한 소지인에게 발생된 손해에 대하여 책임을 진다. 우리 대법원 판례에 의하면, 운송인으로서 운송주선인은 보세창고업자가 항공화물 운송장상의 통지처(실수입자)에게 화물을 불법인도한데 대해 책임을 지지 아니하는바, 그 이유는 운송주선인이 보세창고를 지정하지 아니하였으며, 보세창고업자에 대한 고용자의 입장에 있지 않았기 때문이다. 결론적으로, 우리나라 관세청은 항공화물서류의 전자화 사업인 e-Freight를 오는 2012년완결을 목표로 적극 추진해 나갈 계획이다 따라서 향후 항공화물운송에서 전자 운송서류의 사용이 활발해 질 것이므로 운송인 및 운송주선인은 전자 운송서류의 작성요건 및 법적 효력에 세심한 관심을 가져야 할 것이다.

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한국에서 자궁경부알 방사선치료의 Patterns of Care Study 진행을 위한 문헌 비교 연구 (Literature Analysis of Radiotherapy in Uterine Cervix Cancer for the Processing of the Patterns of Care Study in Korea)

  • 최두호;김은석;김용호;김진희;양대식;강승희;우홍균;김일한
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2005
  • 목적: 한국인의 여성암 중에서 호발하는 암 중의 하나인 자궁경부암의 검사 및 치료 형태와 치료 결과가 발표된 연구 논문을 통해 분석하고 미국과 일본 자궁경부암의 Patterns of Care Study (PCS)와 비교하여 한국 실정에 맞는 PCS 문항 개발의 진행을 위한 기본 자료를 제시하기 위해 문헌 비교 연구를 시행하였다. 대상 및 방법: 외국의 PCS 관련 자료는 PCS 홈페이지에 소개된 212편의 논문 및 초록 중에서 자궁경부암 및 PCS 구조부분의 논문(42편)과 최근에 발표된 논문을 대상으로 하였으며 한국에서 연구된 것은 Korean Pub Med에서 자궁경부암과 방사선치료에 관한 자료를 구하고(99편) 외국 잡지에 발표된 것을 포함하여 PCS의 비교 대상을 선정하여 PCS의 구조(Structure), 진행(Process), 결과(Outcome) 의 순서에 따라 비교 분석하였으며 시대에 따른 PCS의 패턴을 분석하기 위해 1980년대 이전과 1990년대 이후의 연구 결과로 나누어서 분석 하였다. 결과: 미국과 일본에서 자궁경부암의 PCS에 관한 논문이 각각 28편과 10편이 분석 가능하였고 한국은 73편이 PCS에서 다루는 항목을 포함하여 분석 가능하였다. 미국과 일본의 PCS는 공통적으로 치료기관의 규모, 의사 및 환자 수, 그리고 치료기관의 성격에 따라 계층화된 3~4개의 구조로 나누고 연구 대상 환자를 엄격하게 제한하였다. 그리고 연구의 진행을 위해 치료 전 병기 결정과정의 요소들을 나누고 시대에 따른 병기결정의 요소들을 분석하였으며 치료와 관련된 여러 가지 인자들을 다루고 FIGO 병기 이외의 예후인자들도 자세히 분석하며 기계에 대한 비교분석이 잘 되어 있다. 그러나 미국과 일본의 PCS도 그 나라의 특성상 미국은 인종간의 특성, 사회경제적 계층에 대한 분류를 시도하고 있으며, FIGO 병기에서 다루지 않은 종양의 크기(6편), 자궁방 또는 골반벽 침범이 한쪽 또는 양쪽으로 진행된 것에 따른 치료 결과의 분석이 활발하였고(5편), 일본은 종양표지자에 대한 연구가 포함되어 있다. 그리고 병기 결정 과정에서 공통적인 시대적 변화는 초창기의 림프과조영술, 바륨 관장술이 점차 사라지고 나중에 CT, MRI의 비중이 높아졌다. 한국 자료는 주로 단일 기관에서 한 연구로 구조(Structure)에 대한 언급이 없으며 기계적 특성에 따른 차이도 거의 분석하지 않았다. 그러나 최근의 연구 주제는 미국, 일본의 PCS에서 잘 다루지 않던 항암제의 병용 요법(9편), 치료기간(4편) 종양표지자(8편), 비전형적 분획 등을 다루고 있다. 결론: 여러 나라의 문헌을 비교 분석하여 한국에서 필요한 자궁경부암의 PCS를 이용한 문항개발이 이루어졌다. 그리고 후속적인 연구로 진행될 근접치료기 사용 및 치료의 결과, 부작용 등의 비교 분석을 포함하여 한국형 자궁경부암 PCS에서 필요한 항목을 합의 도출하여 완성하였으며 이 내용을 토대로 향후 표준화된 치료 모델 개발을 위한 PCS가 진행될 수 있으며 환자의 치료에 있어서 부족했던 분야에 대해 교정할 수 있는 교육적인 목적도 제시할 수 있을 것이다.

고객만족이 기업의 신용평가에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Corporate Credit Ratings)

  • 전인수;전명훈;유정수
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 고객만족과 기업가치 성과간의 관계를 분석하는 것이 목적이다. 기업가치성과는 주가와 신용등급으로 나눌 수 있는데, 전자는 기업의 시장가치이고 후자는 자금조달비용이라 구분하여 사용되고 있다. 고객만족과 주가와의 관계는 비교적 오래전부터 연구되어 왔으나 신용등급과의 관계는 최근 들어 연구되기 시작하였다. 대표적으로 Anderson and Mansi(2009)의 연구에서는 양자가 긍정적으로 관련된 것으로 밝혀졌으나, 윤상운(2010)이 국내자료를 사용한 연구에서는 그 관계가 입증되지 못하였다. 일치하지 않는 두 연구의 결과에서 아이디어를 얻어 본 연구에서는 고객만족이 신용등급에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고 이를 검증하였다. 두 연구에서 사용한 모델을 참고로 하였고 특히 우리나라 실정에서는 정부지원이 중요한 변수임을 감안하여 이를 포함한 연구모형을 설정하여 검증한 결과 긍정적 관련성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 추가분석에서 자산규모가 큰 기업보다 작은 기업에서, 제조업보다 서비스업에서 고객만족이 신용등급에 더 유의한 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

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솔잎혹파리 피해적송림(被害赤松林)의 생태학적(生態学的) 연구(研究) (I) (Ecological Changes of Insect-damaged Pinus densiflora Stands in the Southern Temperate Forest Zone of Korea (I))

  • 임경빈;이경재;김용식
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.58-71
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    • 1981
  • 충남(忠南) 전북지방(全北地方) 적송림(赤松林)의 천이과정(遷移過程)을 연구(研究)하기 위하여 솔잎혹파리의 피해지속기간(被害持續期間)에 따라 피해극기지(被害極基地) (5년전(年前)에 피해발생(被害発生))인 공주(公州)(A), 피해지속지(被害持續地)(10년전(年前)에 피해발생(被害発生))인 부여(扶餘)(B), 피해회복지(被害回復地)(20년전(年前)에 피해발생(被害発生))로서 고창지역(高敞地域)(C)을 조사지역(調査地域)으로 설정(設定)하고, 각(各) 조사지역별(調査地域別)로 환경요인(環境要因)과 식생상태(植生狀態)를 調査하여, 환경요인(環境要因)과 식생상태(植生狀態), 삼림군집(森林群集)의 비교(比較), 식물상(植物相)의 변화(変化) 등(等)을 분석(分析)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다 1. 임분(林分)이 솔잎혹파리피해(被害)로 부터 회복(回復)되어 감에 따라 식생구성(植生構成)에 변화(変化)가 오고 대상수종(代償樹種)으로 발달(発達)된 참나무류(類)의 상대우점치(相対優点値)가 감소(減小)되었다. 그러나 본(本) 조사지역내(調査地域內)에서는 상수리나무의 상대우점치(相対優点値)가 다른 참나무류(類) 보다 높았다. 2. 솔잎혹파리피해(被害)가 지속(持續)됨에 따라 삼림군집(森林群集)의 종구성상태(種構成狀態)가 점차 다양(多樣)하여진다. 그후 피해(被害)가 회복(回復)됨에 따라 임분(林分)의 종구성상태(種構成狀態)는 단순화(单純化)되는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 상대밀도(相対密度) 및 상대우점치(相対優点値)의 상대치(相対値)에 의(依)한 식생천이(植生遷移)를 종합분석(綜合分析)한 결과(結果) 솔잎혹파리피해(被害)의 극심(極甚)에서 우점종(優点種)을 이루던 참나무류(類)가 피해(被害)로부터 회복(回復)되어감에 따라 그 값이 감소(減少)되고, 싸리류(類), 진달래류(類) 등(等)이 하층식생(下層植生)을 형성(形成)하는 삼림군집(森林群集)으로 변화(変化)하여 갔다. 4. 식생(植生)에 미친 토심(土深), 토양함수량(土壤含水量), 유기물함량(有機物含量), 그리고 유기물층(有機物層)의 두께는 본(本) 조사대상지(調査対象地)의 범위내에 있어서는 거의 같은 것으로 사료(思料)되었고 연평균강수량(年平均降水量)과 온도(温度)도 유사(類似)하였다고 본다.

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가족계획과 모자보건 통합을 위한 조산원의 투입효과 분석 -서산지역의 개입연구 평가보고- (An Intervention Study on Integration of Family Planning and Maternal/Infant Care Services in Rural Korea)

  • 방숙;한성현;이정자;안문영;이인숙;김은실;김종호
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.165-203
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    • 1987
  • This project was a service-cum-research effort with a quasi-experimental study design to examine the health benefits of an integrated Family Planning (FP)/Maternal & Child health (MCH) Service approach that provides crucial factors missing in the present on-going programs. The specific objectives were: 1) To test the effectiveness of trained nurse/midwives (MW) assigned as change agents in the Health Sub-Center (HSC) to bring about the changes in the eight FP/MCH indicators, namely; (i)FP/MCH contacts between field workers and their clients (ii) the use of effective FP methods, (iii) the inter-birth interval and/or open interval, (iv) prenatal care by medically qualified personnel, (v) medically supervised deliveries, (vi) the rate of induced abortion, (vii) maternal and infant morbidity, and (viii) preinatal & infant mortality. 2) To measure the integrative linkage (contacts) between MW & HSC workers and between HSC and clients. 3) To examine the organizational or administrative factors influencing integrative linkage between health workers. Study design; The above objectives called for quasi-experimental design setting up a study and control area with and without a midwife. An active intervention program (FP/MCH minimum 'package' program) was conducted for a 2 year period from June 1982-July 1984 in Seosan County and 'before and after' surveys were conducted to measure the change. Service input; This study was undertaken by the Soonchunhyang University in collaboration with WHO. After a baseline survery in 1981, trained nurses/midwives were introduced into two health sub-centers in a rural setting (Seosan county) for a 2 year period from 1982 to 1984. A major service input was the establishment of midwifery services in the existing health delivery system with emphasis on nurse/midwife's role as the link between health workers (nurse aids) and village health workers, and the referral of risk patients to the private physician (OBGY specialist). An evaluation survey was made in August 1984 to assess the effectiveness of this alternative integrated approach in the study areas in comparison with the control area which had normal government services. Method of evaluation; a. In this study, the primary objective was first to examine to what extent the FP/MCH package program brought about changes in the pre-determined eight indicators (outcome and impact measures) and the following relationship was first analyzed; b. Nevertheless, this project did not automatically accept the assumption that if two or more activities were integrated, the results would automatically be better than a non-integrated or categorical program. There is a need to assess the 'integration process' itself within the package program. The process of integration was measured in terms of interactive linkages, or the quantity & quality of contacts between workers & clients and among workers. Intergrative linkages were hypothesized to be influenced by organizational factors at the HSC clinic level including HSC goals, sltrurture, authority, leadership style, resources, and personal characteristics of HSC staff. The extent or degree of integration, as measured by the intensity of integrative linkages, was in turn presumed to influence programme performance. Thus as indicated diagrammatically below, organizational factors constituted the independent variables, integration as the intervening variable and programme performance with respect to family planning and health services as the dependent variable: Concerning organizational factors, however, due to the limited number of HSCs (2 in the study area and 3 in the control area), they were studied by participatory observation of an anthropologist who was independent of the project. In this observation, we examined whether the assumed integration process actually occurred or not. If not, what were the constraints in producing an effective integration process. Summary of Findings; A) Program effects and impact 1. Effects on FP use: During this 2 year action period, FP acceptance increased from 58% in 1981 to 78% in 1984 in both the study and control areas. This increase in both areas was mainly due to the new family planning campaign driven by the Government for the same study period. Therefore, there was no increment of FP acceptance rate due to additional input of MW to the on-going FP program. But in the study area, quality aspects of FP were somewhat improved, having a better continuation rate of IUDs & pills and more use of effective Contraceptive methods in comparison with the control area. 2. Effects of use of MCH services: Between the study and control areas, however, there was a significant difference in maternal and child health care. For example, the coverage of prenatal care was increased from 53% for 1981 birth cohort to 75% for 1984 birth cohort in the study area. In the control area, the same increased from 41% (1981) to 65% (1984). It is noteworthy that almost two thirds of the recent birth cohort received prenatal care even in the control area, indicating that there is a growing demand of MCH care as the size of family norm becomes smaller 3. There has been a substantive increase in delivery care by medical professions in the study area, with an annual increase rate of 10% due to midwives input in the study areas. The project had about two times greater effect on postnatal care (68% vs. 33%) at delivery care(45.2% vs. 26.1%). 4. The study area had better reproductive efficiency (wanted pregancies with FP practice & healthy live births survived by one year old) than the control area, especially among women under 30 (14.1% vs. 9.6%). The proportion of women who preferred the 1st trimester for their first prenatal care rose significantly in the study area as compared to the control area (24% vs 13%). B) Effects on Interactive Linkage 1. This project made a contribution in making several useful steps in the direction of service integration, namely; i) The health workers have become familiar with procedures on how to work together with each other (especially with a midwife) in carrying out their work in FP/MCH and, ii) The health workers have gotten a feeling of the usefulness of family health records (statistical integration) in identifying targets in their own work and their usefulness in caring for family health. 2. On the other hand, because of a lack of required organizational factors, complete linkage was not obtained as the project intended. i) In regards to the government health worker's activities in terms of home visiting there was not much difference between the study & control areas though the MW did more home visiting than Government health workers. ii) In assessing the service performance of MW & health workers, the midwives balanced their workload between 40% FP, 40% MCH & 20% other activities (mainly immunization). However, $85{\sim}90%$ of the services provided by the health workers were other than FP/MCH, mainly for immunizations such as the encephalitis campaign. In the control area, a similar pattern was observed. Over 75% of their service was other than FP/MCH. Therefore, the pattern shows the health workers are a long way from becoming multipurpose workers even though the government is pushing in this direction. 3. Villagers were much more likely to visit the health sub-center clinic in the study area than in the control area (58% vs.31%) and for more combined care (45% vs.23%). C) Organization factors (admistrative integrative issues) 1. When MW (new workers with higher qualification) were introduced to HSC, it was noted that there were conflicts between the existing HSC workers (Nurse aids with less qualification than MW) and the MW for the beginning period of the project. The cause of the conflict was studied by an anthropologist and it was pointed out that these functional integration problems stemmed from the structural inadequacies of the health subcenter organization as indicated below; i) There is still no general consensus about the objectives and goals of the project between the project staff and the existing health workers. ii) There is no formal linkage between the responsibility of each member's job in the health sub-center. iii) There is still little chance for midwives to play a catalytic role or to establish communicative networks between workers in order to link various knowledge and skills to provide better FP/MCH services in the health sub-center. 2. Based on the above findings the project recommended to the County Chief (who has power to control the administrative staff and the technical staff in his county) the following ; i) In order to solve the conflicts between the individual roles and functions in performing health care activities, there must be goals agreed upon by both. ii) The health sub·center must function as an autonomous organization to undertake the integration health project. In order to do that, it is necessary to support administrative considerations, and to establish a communication system for supervision and to control of the health sub-centers. iii) The administrative organization, tentatively, must be organized to bind the health worker's midwive's and director's jobs by an organic relationship in order to achieve the integrative system under the leadership of health sub-center director. After submitting this observation report, there has been better understanding from frequent meetings & communication between HW/MW in FP/MCH work as the program developed. Lessons learned from the Seosan Project (on issues of FP/MCH integration in Korea); 1) A majority or about 80% of the couples are now practicing FP. As indicated by the study, there is a growing demand from clients for the health system to provide more MCH services than FP in order to maintain the achieved small size of family through FP practice. It is fortunate to see that the government is now formulating a MCH policy for the year 2,000 and revising MCH laws and regulations to emphasize more MCH care for achieving a small size family through family planning practice. 2) Goal consensus in FP/MCH shouBd be made among the health workers It administrators, especially to emphasize the need of care of 'wanted' child. But there is a long way to go to realize the 'real' integration of FP into MCH in Korea, unless there is a structural integration FP/MCH because a categorical FP is still first priority to reduce the rate of population growth for economic reasons but not yet for health/welfare reasons in practice. 3) There should be more financial allocation: (i) a midwife should be made available to help to promote the MCH program and coordinate services, (in) there should be a health sub·center director who can provide leadership training for managing the integrated program. There is a need for 'organizational support', if the decision of integration is made to obtain benefit from both FP & MCH. In other words, costs should be paid equally to both FP/MCH. The integration slogan itself, without the commitment of paying such costs, is powerless to advocate it. 4) Need of management training for middle level health personnel is more acute as the Government has already constructed 90 MCH centers attached to the County Health Center but without adequate manpower, facilities, and guidelines for integrating the work of both FP and MCH. 5) The local government still considers these MCH centers only as delivery centers to take care only of those visiting maternity cases. The MCH center should be a center for the managment of all pregnancies occurring in the community and the promotion of FP with a systematic and effective linkage of resources available in the county such as i.e. Village Health Worker, Community Health Practitioner, Health Sub-center Physicians & Health workers, Doctors and Midwives in MCH center, OBGY Specialists in clinics & hospitals as practiced by the Seosan project at primary health care level.

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장기혈액투석환자의 투석중 혈압하강과 Coil내 혈액손실 방지를 위한 기초조사 (A Study on the long-term Hemodialysis patient중s hypotension and preventation from Blood loss in coil during the Hemodialysis)

  • 박순옥
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.83-104
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    • 1981
  • Hemodialysis is essential treatment for the chronic renal failure patient's long-term cure and for the patient management before and after kidney transplantation. It sustains the endstage renal failure patient's life which didn't get well despite strict regimen and furthermore it becomes an essential treatment to maintain civil life. Bursing implementation in hemodialysis may affect the significant effect on patient's life. The purpose of this study was to obtain the basic data to solve the hypotension problem encountable to patient and the blood loss problem affecting hemodialysis patient'a anemic states by incomplete rinsing of blood in coil through all process of hemodialysis. The subjects for this study were 44 patients treated hemodialysis 691 times in the hemodialysis unit, The .data was collected at Gang Nam 51. Mary's Hospital from January 1, 1981 to April 30, 1981 by using the direct observation method and the clinical laboratory test for laboratory data and body weight and was analysed by the use of analysis of Chi-square, t-test and anlysis of varience. The results obtained an follows; A. On clinical laboratory data and other data by dialysis Procedure. The average initial body weight was 2.37 ± 0.97kg, and average body weight after every dialysis was 2.33 ± 0.9kg. The subject's average hemoglobin was 7.05±1.93gm/dl and average hematocrit was 20.84± 3.82%. Average initial blood pressure was 174.03±23,75mmHg and after dialysis was 158.45±25.08mmHg. The subject's average blood ion due to blood sample for laboratory data was 32.78±13.49cc/ month. The subject's average blood replacement for blood complementation was 1.31 ±0.88 pint/ month for every patient. B. On the hypotensive state and the coping approaches occurrence rate of hypotension was 28.08%. It was 194 cases among 691 times. 1. In degrees of initial blood pressure, the most 36.6% was in the group of 150-179mmHg, and in degrees of hypotension during dialysis, the most 28.9% in the group of 40-50mmHg, especially if the initial blood pressure was under 180mmHg, 59.8% clinical symptoms appeared in the group of“above 20mmHg of hypotension”. If initial blood pressure was above 180mmHg, 34.2% of clinical symptoms were appeared in the group of“above 40mmHg of hypotension”. These tendencies showed the higher initial blood pressure and the stronger degree of hypotension, these results showed statistically singificant differences. (P=0.0000) 2. Of the occuring times of hypotension,“after 3 hrs”were 29.4%, the longer the dialyzing procedure, the stronger degree of hypotension ann these showed statistically significant differences. (P=0.0142). 3. Of the dispersion of symptoms observed, sweat and flush were 43.3%, and Yawning, and dizziness 37.6%. These were the important symptoms implying hypotension during hemodialysis accordingly. Strages of procedures in coping with hypotension were as follows ; 45.9% were recovered by reducing the blood flow rate from 200cc/min to 1 00cc/min, and by reducing venous pressure to 0-30mmHg. 33.51% were recovered by controling (adjusting) blood flow rate and by infusion of 300cc of 0,9% Normal saline. 4.1% were recovered by infusion of over 300cc of 0.9% normal saline. 3.6% by substituting Nor-epinephiine, 5.7% by substituting blood transfusion, and 7,2% by substituting Albumin were recovered. And the stronger the degree of symptoms observed in hypotention, the more the treatments required for recovery and these showed statistically significant differences (P=0.0000). C. On the effects of the changes of blood pressure and osmolality by albumin and hemofiltration. 1. Changes of blood pressure in the group which didn't required treatment in hypotension and the group required treatment, were averaged 21.5mmHg and 44.82mmHg. So the difference in the latter was bigger than the former and these showed statistically significant difference (P=0.002). On the changes of osmolality, average mean were 12.65mOsm, and 17.57mOsm. So the difference was bigger in the latter than in the former but these not showed statistically significance (P=0.323). 2. Changes of blood pressure in the group infused albumin and in the group didn't required treatment in hypotension, were averaged 30mmHg and 21.5mmHg. So there was no significant differences and it showed no statistical significance (P=0.503). Changes of osmolality were averaged 5.63mOsm and 12.65mOsm. So the difference was smaller in the former but these was no stitistical significance (P=0.287). Changes of blood pressure in the group infused Albumin and in the group required treatment in hypotension were averaged 30mmHg and 44.82mmHg. So the difference was smaller in the former but there is no significant difference (P=0.061). Changes of osmolality were averaged 8.63mOsm, and 17.59mOsm. So the difference were smaller in the former but these not showed statistically significance (P=0.093). 3. Changes of blood pressure in the group iutplemented hemofiltration and in the Uoup didn't required treatment in hypotension were averaged 22mmHg and 21.5mmHg. So there was no significant differences and also these showed no statistical significance (P=0.320). Changes of osmolality were averaged 0.4mOsm and 12.65mOsm. So the difference was smaller in the former but these not showed statistical significance(P=0.199). Changes of blood pressure in the group implemented hemofiltration and in the group required treatment in hypotension were averaged 22mmHg and 44.82mmHg. So the difference was smatter in the former and these showed statistically significant differences (P=0.035). Changes of osmolality were averaged 0.4mOsm and 17.59mOsm. So the difference was smaller in the former but these not showed statistical significance (P=0.086). D. On the changes of body weight, and blood pressure, between the group of hemofiltration and hemodialysis. 1, Changes of body weight in the group implemented hemofiltration and hemodialysis were averaged 3.340 and 3.320. So there was no significant differences and these showed no statistically significant difference, (P=0.185) but standard deviation of body weight averaged in comparison with standard difference of body weight was statistically significant difference (P=0.0000). Change of blood Pressure in the group implemented hemofiltration and hemodialysis were averaged 17.81mmHg and 19.47mmHg. So there was no significant differences and these showed no statistically significant difference (P=0.119), But in comparison with standard deviation about difference of blood pressure was statistically significant difference. (P=0.0000). E. On the blood infusion method in coil after hemodialysis and residual blood losing method in coil. 1, On comparing and analysing Hct of residual blood in coil by factors influencing blood infusion method. Infusion method of saline 200cc reduced residual blood in coil after the quantitative comparison of Saline Occ, 50cc, 100cc, 200cc and the differences showed statistical significance (p < 0.001). Shaking Coil method reduced residual blood in Coil in comparison of Shaking Coil method and Non-Shaking Coil method this showed statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). Adjusting pressure in Coil at OmmHg method reduced residual blood in Coil in comparison of adjusting pressure in Coil at OmmHg and 200mmHg, and this showed statistically significant difference (P < 0.001). 2. Comparing blood infusion method divided into 10 methods in Coil with every factor respectively, there was seldom difference in group of choosing Saline 100cc infusion between Coil at OmmHg. The measured quantity of blood loss was averaged 13.49cc. Shaking Coil method in case of choosing saline 50cc infusion while adjusting pressure in coil at OmmHg was the most effective to reduce residual blood. The measured quantity of blood loss was averaged 15.18cc.

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식물근의 추출물질이 종자발아 및 유식물의 생장에 미치는 영향 (The effects of aqueous extracts of plant roots on germination of seeds and growth of seedings)

  • 박찬호
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 1968
  • 작물근의 분비물질이나 함유물질이 그 작물 자체에 나 또는 다른 작물에 미치는 영향을 구명하여 작무작촌방식 개선에 기여하고자 본연구를 하였다. 재료와 방법은 우리 나라에 적합한 사료작물중에서 레드클로우버, 옹처드그라스 및 브로움그라스의 생근즙액, 부패근즙액, 수경폐액을 채취하여 레드클로우버, 라디노클로우버, 매듭풀, 콩, 오오처드그라스, 이탈리안라이그라스, 브르움그라스, 보리, 밀, 수수, 옥수수 및 기장 등의 종자발아 및 생장에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 그리고, 식물근의 분비물질이나 함유물질중 기지현상과 관계가 깊은 것은 유기산일 것이라는 견해하에 이들 3개 재료작물의 근에서 유기산을 분석하였다. 본 실험 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 생근즙액의 영향 : 레드클로우버즙액 : 라디노클로우버와 매듭풀의 유식물 생장을 제제하였고, 화본과작물에 대하여는 수수를 제외하고는 모든 작물에 생육제제작용을 하였다. 오오처드그라스즙액 : 레드클로우버와 콩의 유식물생장을 촉진하였으며, 오오처드그라스 자체에 대해서 발아와 생장을 제제하고, 보리와 기장의 생육을 제제하는 이외는 그 밖에 작물에 대한 영향을 인정할 수 없었다. 브로움그라스액즙 : 이탈리안라이그라스에 대해서는 영향이 없고, 그 밖의 작물에 대해서는 모두 제제작용을 하였다. (2) 부패근즙액의 영향 : 레드클로우버즙액 : 레드클로우버의 유식물의 생장을 촉진하였고, 수수를 제외한 그 밖의 작물에 대해서는 모두 제제작용을 하였다. 오오처드그라스즙액 : 레드클로우버와 리디노클로우버, 콩, 수수의 생장을 촉진하였고, 보리와 기장의 발아와 발근을 제제하였다. 브로움그라스즙액 : 레드클로우버, 콩, 수수에 대해서는 생장에 촉진적 영향을 미쳤고, 오오처드그라스, 브로움그라스, 보리, 기장에는 제제적 영향을 미쳤다. (3) 수경폐액의 영향 : 레드클로우버의 폐액은 화본과작물의 생장에 제제적 작용을 하였으며, 오오처드그라스와 이탈리안라이그라스의 폐액은 레드클로우버의 생장에 촉진적 영향을 미쳤다. (4) 유기산 분석 결과 : 레드클로우버근에는 비휘발성 유기산중, 수산, 구연산, 주석산, 마론산, 사과산, 호백산이 들어 있었고, 오오처드그라스와 브로움그라스에는 수산, 구연산, 주석산, 사과산이 들어 있었다. 그리고, 모두 휘발성 유기산인 의산이 들어있음을 확인했다. 이상의 결과로 보아 본실험의 뿌리의 분비물질이나 함유물질의 영향으로 다음 사항을 알 수 있었다. ${\circled1}$ 레드클로우버는 대체로 화본과작물에는 불리한 영향을 미치는데, 그 원인은 뿌리가 함유하는 유기산(수산, 구연산, 주석산, 마론산, 사과산, 오백산, 의산)의 종류와 함량이 많기 때문이라고 인정된다. ${\circled2}$ 오오처드그라스는 두과작물에 대체로 유리한 영향을 미치는데, 그 원인은 뿌리가 함유하는 유기산(수산, 구연산, 주석산, 사과산, 의산)의 종류와 함량이 적고, 또 어떤 생장촉진물질이 들어 있기 때문이라고 인정된다. ${\circled3}$ 브로움그라스의 뿌리는 부패하지 않는 근 두과 화본과작물에 모두 불리한 영향을 미치는데, 그 원인은 확인된 유기산(수산, 구연산, 주석산, 사과산, 의산)이외에 미동정된 수종의 휘발성물질이 들어 있기 때문이라고 인정된다. (5) 근부함유물질의 기지현상에 대한 영향 : ${\circled1}$ 종래 알려진 레드클로우버의 기지현상의 원인은 뿌리의 유독성분에 의하는 것은 아니라고 인정된다. ${\circled2}$ 오오처드그라스 및 브로움그라스는 장기단작의 경우는 뿌리의 유독성분이 기지의 원인이 될 수 있다고 인정된다. (6) 근부함유물질의 작부체계상 상대작물에 대한 영향 : ${\circled1}$ 생근즙액 및 수경폐액의 경우(간작, 혼작 상정) : 1) 유리한 조합 : 오오처드그라스->레드클로우버, 콩. 이탈리안라이그라스->레드클로우버. 2) 불리한 조합 : 레드클로우버->라디노클로우버, 매듭풀, 오오처드그라스 ,이탈리안라이그라스, 브로움그라스, 보리 ,밀, 옥수수, 기장. 오오처드그라스->매듭풀, 오오처드그라스, 보리, 기장. 브로움그라스->레드클로우버, 라디노클로우버, 매듭풀, 콩, 오오처드그라스, 브로움그라스, 보리, 밀, 수수, 옥수수, 기장. 3) 무해한 조합 : 레드클로우버->레드클로우버, 콩, 수수. 오오처드그라스->라디노클로우버, 이탈리안라이그라스, 브로움그라스, 밀, 수수, 옥수수. 브로움그라스->이탈리안라이그라스. ${\circled2}$ 부패근즙액의 경우(후작 상) : 1) 불리한 조합 : 레드클로우버$\longrightarrow$레드클로우버, 수수. 오오처드그라스->레드클로우버, 라디노클로우버, 콩, 수수, 옥수수. 브로움그라스-> 레드크로우버, 콩, 수수. 2) 불리한 조합 : 레드클로우버->매듭풀, 오오처드그라스, 이탈리안라이그라스, 브로움그라스, 보리, 밀, 기장. 오오처드그라스->보리, 기장. 브로움그라스->오오처드그라스, 브로움그라스, 보리, 기장. 3) 무해한 조합 : 레드클로우버->라디노클로우버, 콩, 옥수수. 오오처드그라스->매듭풀, 오오처드그라스, 이탈리안라이그라스, 브로움그라스, 밀. 브로움그라스->라디노클로우버, 매듭풀, 이탈리안라이그라스, 밀.

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공해의 상공비행에 관한 국제법 (International Law on the Flight over the High Seas)

  • 김한택
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.3-30
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    • 2011
  • 1982년 UN해양법협약 제86조에 의하면 공해는 영해와 내수는 물론이고 접속수역, 배타적 경제수역이 아닌 수역을 의미하므로 기존의 공해였던 부분이 상당히 연안국관할권 하에 놓이게 되었다. 이와 같은 공해의 상공비행과 관련된 국제법에 관한 사항으로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있다. 첫째, 항공기의 국적에 관하여 1944년 시카고협약 제17조에 의하면 항공기는 등록한 국가의 국적을 갖는다. 여기서 항공법이 해양법과 구별되는 측면이 있는데, 선박에는 통용되는 '편의치적'(便宜置籍 또는 편의기국, flags of convenience)이 항공기에는 적용되지 않기 때문에 항공기에 대한 실질적 소유와 효과적 통제가 유지된다. 둘째, UN해양법협약 제95조는 공해상 군함의 면제권에 대하여 설명하고 있는데, 공해에 있는 군함은 기국외의 어떠한 국가의 관할권으로부터도 완전히 면제된다고 규정하고 있다. 따라서 군용항공기(또는 군용기)의 경우도 이에 준하는 면책권을 향유한다고 해석할 수 있다. 셋째, UN해양법협약은 해적에 관한 정의를 제101조에 명시하고 있는데, 해적행위가 공해상의 선박에 대하여 행해 질 경우, 공해상의 선박뿐만 아니라 항공기에 의해서도 행해질 수 있음을 분명히 하고 있다. 넷째, UN해양법협약 제111조는 추적권에 관하여 상세하게 규정하고 있는데 이러한 추적권은 군함이나 군용항공기 또는 기타 정부역무에 종사함이 명백히 표시되고 식별되며 이에 대한 권한이 부여된 선박이나 항공기에 의해서만 행사되어질수 있음을 명시하여 선박 뿐 아니라 항공기에 의해서 추적이 행사될 수 있음을 규정하고 있다. 다섯째, UN해양법협약 제110조는 임검권(right of approach)에 관하여 설명하고 있는데, 외국선박을 공해에서 만난 군함은 일정 혐의를 가지고 있다는 합리적 근거가 있는 한 그 선박을 임검하는 것은 정당화되는데, 이러한 규정은 군용항공기에도 준용되고, 이러한 규정은 또한 정부 업무에 사용 중인 것으로 명백히 표시되어 식별이 가능하며 정당하게 권한이 부여된 그 밖의 모든 선박이나 항공기에도 적용된다. 여섯째, 1982년 UN해양법협약은 해양오염과 항공기의 관계를 규정하고 있는데, 제212조는 대기에 의한 또는 대기를 통한 오염을 규정하고, 제222조는 대기에 의한 또는 대기를 통한 오염관련 법령집행을 규정하고 있고, UN해양법협약은 제1항에서 '투기'(dumping)에 의한 오염을 규정하고 있는데 각 조항은 자국기를 게양하고 있는 선박 또는 자국에 등록된 선박뿐만 아니라 항공기에도 적용되는 법령을 채택한다고 규정하고 있다. 일곱 번째, 공해상공에서 발생한 범죄에 관하여 국제민간항공기구(ICAO)의 주관하에 1963년 도쿄에서 개최된 회의에서 이러한 문제를 종합적으로 해결한 협약인 도쿄협약이 제정되었다. 또한 ICAO의 주관 하에 하이재킹문제를 해결하기 위하여 1970년 12월 16일 헤이그협약이 체결되었으며, 사보타지문제를 해결하기 위하여 ICAO에 의해서 1971년 9월 23일 몬트리올협약이 체결되었다. 도쿄협약, 헤이그협약, 몬트리올협약 모두 공해상에서 발생한 범죄에 대하여 항공기의 기국관할권(flag State jurisdiction)을 인정하고 있다. 여덟 번째, 공해상에서 연안국의 영토에 진입하지 않고 실시하는 정찰행위는 국제법 위반행위가 아니다. 이는 관련항공기의 공해상 정찰행위는 연안국 영토를 침범하지 않고 행해지는 것으로 공해상공비행의 자유가 우선적으로 적용되기 때문이다. 아홉 번째, 연안국에 의한 공해상 설치된 '방공식별구역'(또는 방공확인구역, Air Defence Identification Zone: ADIZ)이 국제법상 합법적인가 하는 문제가 있는데, 이에 관하여 합의된 결론은 없고, 실제로 실행국가의 국내법에 따라 규율되고 있다. 마지막으로 북극해는 얼어있는 바다가 대부분이므로 북극해의 상공비행은 공해의 상공비행과 유사하다. 20세기후반부터 아시아, 북아메리카, 유럽을 잇는 항공로가 북극을 경유하도록 고안되었는데, 매우 추운 지방임에도 불구하고 지금까지 북극 항공노선에서 사고가 발생한 경우는 없다. 그러나 최근 기후온난화로 얼음이 녹기시작하면서 북극을 이용한 선박의 해로가 개발되면서 북극에 대한 자원개방을 둘러싼 연안국가들의 관할권주장이 열기를 띠고 있으므로 배타적 경제수역(EEZ)과 같은 연안국들의 해역선포는 북극해 비행에 지대한 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것이다.

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호텔기업에 있어 구조조정상의 공정성 지각이 경영진의 신뢰, 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 (The Impact of Justice of Layoff on Management Trust, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in the Hotel Corporations)

  • 김용순;안대희
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.115-139
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    • 2008
  • IMF이후 경쟁의 심화와 적대적인 경영환경에 효과적으로 대응하고자 많은 호텔기업들이 구조조정을 실시해오고 있다. 이러한 구조조정은 인력감축을 동반하기 때문에 구조조정 과정에서 공정성을 지각하는데, 인력감축에서 살아남은 생존자들이 인력감축의 절차나 실무에서 불공정성을 지각할 때 상사에 대한 신뢰감이나 조직유효성을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 호텔기업을 대상으로 구조조정 이후 살아남은 생존자를 대상으로 정리해고의 공정성 지각이 경영진의 신뢰, 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보고자 하는 것이다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 실증분석을 실시한 결과 잔류종업원들은 구조조정 과정에서 절차 공정성 및 분배 공정성을 높게 지각 할수록 경영진에 대한 신뢰감과 조직 몰입이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 구조조정 과정에서 절차 공정성을 높게 지각할수록 직무만족은 높아지는 것으로 나타났지만, 분배 공정성은 직무만족과는 인과관계가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 구조조정 과정에서의 경영진에 대한 신뢰감이 높아질수록 직무만족이나 조직몰입은 높아지는 것으로 나타났다.

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조선왕조(朝鮮王朝) 왕릉(王陵) 문인석상(文人石像)의 복식형태(服飾形態)에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Costume Style of Civil Servants' Stone Images Erected at Tombs of the Kings for Yi-dynasty)

  • 권용옥
    • 복식
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    • 제4권
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    • pp.87-114
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    • 1981
  • A costume reveals the social characteristics of the era in which it is worn, thus we can say that the history of change of the costume is the history of change of the living culture of the era. Since the Three States era, the costume structure of this country had been affected by the costume system of the China's historical dynasties in the form of the grant therefrom because of geographical conditions, which affection was conspicuous for the bureaucrat class, particularly including but not limited to the Kings' familities. Such a grant of the costume for the bureaucrat class (i.e., official uniform) was first given by the Dang-dynasty at the age of Queen Jinduck, the 28th of the Shilla-dynasty. Since then, the costume for the bureaucrats had consecutively been affected as the ages had gone from the unified Shilla, to the Koryo and to the Yi-dynasty. As the full costumes officially used by government officials (generally called "Baek Gwan") in the Yidynasty, there existed Jo-bok, Gong-bok and Sang-bok. Of such official costumes, Gong-bok was worn at the time of conducting official affairs of the dynasty, making a respectful visit for the expression of thanks or meeting diplomatic missions of foreign countries. It appears no study was made yet with regard to the Gong-bok while the studies on the Jo-bok and the Sangbok were made. Therefore, this article is, by rendering a study and research on the styles of costumes of civil servants' stone images erected at the Kings' tombs of the Yi-dynasty, to help the persons concerned understand the Gong-bok, one of the official costume for Baek Kwan of that age and further purports to specifically identify the styles and changes of the Gong-bok, worn by Baek Gwan during the Yi-dynasty, consisting of the Bok-doo (a hat, four angled and two storied with flat top), Po (gown), Dae (belt), and Hol (small and thin plate which was officially held by the government officials in hand, showing the courtesy to and writing brief memorandums before the King) and Hwa (shoes). For that purpose, I investigated by actually visiting the tombs of the Kings of the Yi-dynasty including the Geonwon-neung, the tomb of the first King Tae-jo and the You-neung, the tomb of the 27th King Soon-jong as well as the tombs of the lawful wives and concubines of various Kings, totalling 29 tombs and made reference to relevant books and records. Pursuant. to this study, of the 29 Kings' tombs the costume styles of civil servants' stone images erected at the 26 Kings' tombs are those of Gong-bok for Baek-gwan of the Yi-dynasty wearing Bok-doo as a hat and Ban-ryeong or Dan-ryenog Po as a gown with Dae, holding Hol in hand and wearing shoes. Other than those of the 26 tombs, the costume styles of the Ryu-neung, the tomb of the Moon-jo who was the first son of 23rd King Soon-jo and given the King's title after he died and of the You-neung, the tomb of the 27th King Soon-jong are those of Jobok with Yang-gwan (a sort of hat having stripes erected, which is different from the Bok-doo), and that of the Hong-neung, the tomb of the 26th King Go-jong shows an exceptional one wearing Yang-gwan and Ban-ryeong Po ; these costume styles other than Gongbok remain as the subject for further study. Gong-bok which is the costume style of civil servants' stone images of most of the Kings' tombs had not been changed in its basic structure for about 500 years of the Yi-dynasty and Koryo categorized by the class of officials pursuant to the color of Po and materials of Dae and Hol. Summary of this costume style follows: (1) Gwan-mo (hat). The Gwan-mo style of civil servants' stone images of the 26 Kings' tombs, other than Ryu-neung, Hong-neung and You-neung which have Yang-gwan, out of the 29 Kings' tombs of the Yi-dynasty reveals the Bok-doo with four angled top, having fore-part and back-part divided. Back part of the Bok-doo is double the fore-part in height. The expression of the Gak (wings of the Bokdoo) varies: the Gyo-gak Bok-doo in that the Gaks, roundly arisen to the direction of the top, are clossed each other (tombs of the Kings Tae-jong), the downward style Jeon-gak Bok-doo in that soft Gaks are hanged on the shoulders (tombs of the Kings Joong-jong and Seong-jong) and another types of Jeon-gak Bok-doo having Gaks which arearisen steeply or roundly to the direction of top and the end of which are treated in a rounded or straight line form. At the lower edge one protrusive line distinctly reveals. Exceptionally, there reveals 11 Yang-gwan (gwan having 11 stripes erected) at the Ryu-neung of the King Moon-jo, 9 Yang-gwan at the Hong-neung of the King Go-jong and 11 Yang-gwan at the You-neung of the King Soon-jong; noting that the Yang-gwan of Baek Kwan, granted by the Myeong-dynasty of the China during the Yi-dynasty, was in the shape of 5 Yang-gwan for the first Poom (class) based on the principle of "Yideung Chaegang" (gradual degrading for secondary level), the above-mentioned Yang-gwans are very contrary to the principle and I do not touch such issue in this study, leaving for further study. (2) Po (gown). (a) Git (collar). Collar style of Po was the Ban-ryeong (round collar) having small neck-line in the early stage and was changed to the Dan-ryeong (round collar having deep neck-line) in the middle of the: dynasty. In the Dan-ryeong style of the middle era (shown at the tomb of the King Young-jo); a, thin line such as bias is shown around the internal side edge and the width of collar became wide a little. It is particularly noted that the Ryu-neung established in the middle stage and the You-neung in the later stage show civil servants in Jo-bok with the the Jikryeong (straight collar) Po and in case of the Hong-neung, the Hong-neung, the tomb of the King Go-jong, civil servants, although they wear Yang-gwan, are in the Ban-ryeong Po with Hoo-soo (back embroidery) and Dae and wear shoes as used in the Jo-bok style. As I could not make clear the theoretical basis of why the civil servants' costume styles revealed, at these tombs of the Kings are different from those of other tombs, I left this issue for further study. It is also noted that all the civil servants' stone images show the shape of triangled collar which is revealed over the Godae-git of Po. This triangled collar, I believe, would be the collar of the Cheomri which was worn in the middle of the Po and the underwear, (b) Sleeve. The sleeve was in the Gwan-soo (wide sleeve) style. having the width of over 100 centimeter from the early stage to the later stage arid in the Doo-ri sleeve style having the edge slightly rounded and we can recognize that it was the long sleeve in view of block fold shaped protrusive line, expressed on the arms. At the age of the King Young-jo, the sleeve-end became slightly narrow and as a result, the lower line of the sleeve were shaped curved. We can see another shape of narrow sleeve inside the wide sleeve-end, which should be the sleeve of the Cheom-ri worn under the Gong-bok. (c) Moo. The Moo revealed on the Po of civil servants' stone images at the age of the King Sook-jong' coming to the middle era. Initially the top of the Moo was expressed flat but the Moo was gradually changed to the triangled shape with the acute top. In certain cases, top or lower part of the Moo are not reveald because of wear and tear. (d) Yeomim. Yeomim (folding) of the Po was first expressed on civil servants' stone images of the Won-neung, the tomb of the King Young-jo and we can seemore delicate expression of the Yeomim and Goreum (stripe folding and fixing the lapel of the Po) at the tomb of the Jeongseong-wanghoo, the wife of the King Young-jo, At the age of the King Soon-jo, we can see the shape of Goreum similar to a string rather than the Goreum and the upper part of the Goreum which fixes Yeomim was expressed on the right sleeve. (3) Dae. Dae fixed on the Po was placed half of the length of Po from the shoulders in the early stage. Thereafter, at the age of the King Hyeon-jong it was shown on the slightly upper part. placed around one third of the length of Po. With regard to the design of Dae, all the civil servants' stone images of the Kings' tombs other than those of the Geonwon-neung of the King Tae-jo show single or double protrusive line expressed at the edge of Dae and in the middle of such lines, cloud pattern, dangcho (a grass) pattern, chrysanthemum pattern or other various types of flowery patterns were designed. Remaining portion of the waist Dae was hanged up on the back, which was initially expressed as directed from the left to the right but thereafter expressed. without orderly fashion,. to the direction of the left from the right and vice versa, Dae was in the shape of Yaja Dae. In this regard, an issue of when or where such a disorderly fashion of the direction of the remaining portion of waist Dae was originated is also presented to be clarified. In case of the Ryuneung, Hong-neung and You-neung which have civil servants' stone images wearing exceptional costume (Jo-bok), waist Dae of the Ryu-neung and Hong-neung are designed in the mixture of dual cranes pattern, cosecutive beaded pattern and chrvsenthemum pattern and that of You-neung is designed in cloud pattern. (4) Hol. Although materials of the Hol held in hand of civil servants' stone images are not identifiable, those should be the ivory Hol as all the Baek Gwan's erected as stone images should be high class officials. In the styles, no significant changes were found, however the Hol's expressed on civil servants' stone images of the Yi-dynasty were shaped in round top and angled bottom or round top and bottom. Parcicularly, at the age of the King Young-jo the Hol was expressed in the peculiar type with four angles all cut off. (5) Hwa (shoes). As the shoes expressed on civil servants' stone images are covered with the lower edges of the Po, the styles thereof are not exactly identifiable. However, reading the statement "black leather shoes for the first class (1 Poom) to ninth class (9 Poom)," recorded in the Gyeongkook Daejon, we can believe that the shoes were worn. As the age went on, the front tips of the shoes were soared and particularly, at the Hong-neung of the King Go-jong the shoes were obviously expressed with modern sense as the country were civilized.

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