• Title/Summary/Keyword: Available phosphate

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The Criteria of Optimum Phosphate Fertilizer Recommandation based on Phosphate Fertilizer Index (P.F.I) Method on Upalnd and Paddy Soils (논 밭 토양(土壤)에 있어서 인산시비지수(燐酸施肥指數)를 이용(利用)한 적정시비량(適正施肥量) 추천(推薦))

  • Hwang, Young Soo;Hong, Chong Woon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 1982
  • The incubation study of the phosphate Fertilizer Index (P.F.I) fertilizer recommandation method combining two factors-retention capacity of phosphate and available soil phosphate was conducted to test the applicability on both upland and paddy soils. The relationship between added P and the square root of the $NH_4OAc-P$ (for upland) or Bray No.1-P (for paddy) was a straight line for most of soils but was not straight for some soils which are low in phosphate absorption coefficient (P.A.C) However, the relationship between the value of the slop (termed as P.F.I) and the phosphate absorption coefficient was not showed a good correlation. The P.F.I was highly correlated with extractable Al on upland soils. The effect of extractable Al on P.F.I is more pronounced on newly reclaimed soil than cultivated upland. In case of paddy soils the P.F.I showed a high correlation with active iron contents. Also, P.F.I method was compared to NPK field trial on paddy soils to eximaine the applicability of the method in determining phosphate fertilizer recommandation.

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The effect of mixing of calcium superphosphate and urea on the change of the available phosphate and urea-nitrogen (과인산석회(過燐酸石灰)와 요소(尿素)의 배합(配合)에 의한 요소태(尿素態) 질소(窒素) 및 유효성(有?性) 인산(燐酸)의 변화(變化)에 관(關) 연구(硏究))

  • Maeng, Do-Won
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.7
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 1966
  • This experiment was carried out to determine how the water soluble, the available phosphoric acid and the urea-N would change as time went by, when mixtures of calcium superphosphate and urea were made. Two kinds of materials, i. e., calcium superphosphate and urea were engaged in this experiment. Two kinds of mixed fertilizer, i. e., A and B were made up by mixing these materials to satisfy the following ratio. 1) Urea 1+ calcium superphosphate 1${\cdots}\;{\cdots}$A 2) Urea 1+ calcium superphosphate 2${\cdots}\;{\cdots}$B A and B pIaced placed in desiccators respectively a six-month period. During the time of storage, the water soluble, the available $P_2O_5$ and the urea-N were measured once a month, seven times with the control measurement. The results may be summarized as follows. 1. The urea-N in both A and B showed no change by the passage of time. This fact suggested that the mixing of calcium superphosphate with urea was not unfavourable. 2. A and B showed no diminishing in the water soluble and the available $P_2O_5$ in the process of time. This fact indicated that the combination of calcium superphosphate with urea was not unfeasible.

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Distribution of Phosphate Fractions in Greenhouse Soils Located on Southwest Region in Korea (한국 남서(南西) 지역(地域) 시설(施設) 재배지(栽培地) 토양(土壤)중 인산염(燐酸鹽) 형태별(形態別) 함량(含量))

  • Suh, Jang-Sun;Song, Yo-Sung;Kim, Kwang-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.270-277
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    • 1995
  • The phosphate fractions and their relationships with other soil characteristics in greenhouse soils located on the southwest region in Korea were studied to demonstrate the possibility of the application of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. The average contents of organic matter of 4.0% and exchangeable K, Ca, Mg of 1.16, 3.4, and $1.2cmol\;kg^{-1}$ respectively were higher than the aiming level for improvement of low fertile soil. Especially, available $P_2O_5$ of $1,193mg\;kg^{-1}$ was far more than the aiming level. The distribution of greenhouse soils classified by their total P contents was 46.1% for the range of $1,000{\sim}2,000mg\;kg^{-1}$, 29.6% for $2,000{\sim}3,000mg\;kg^{-1}$, and 12.9% for $3,000{\sim}4,000mg\;kg^{-1}$. And the soils containing more than $1,000mg\;kg^{-1}$, available $P_2O_5$ occupied 63.0% of the examined soils. The main forms of inorganic phosphates in greenhouse soils were Ca-P and Fe-P. The P fractions compared to total P were significantly correlated to soil pH, while available P was not so. Available phosphate was significantly correlated with the contents of organic matter and nitrogen, which are closely related to soil microbial activity, at the probability level of less than 1%.

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The Effects of Different Particle Sizes of Fused Phosphate on Paddy Rice (수도(水滔)에 대한 용성인비(熔成燐肥)의 입도별(粒度別) 비효에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Uhm, Dae-Ick;So, Jae-Don;Chang, Young-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 1978
  • The effects of different particle size distribution of fused phosphate on the changes of phosphorus content in soil and plant, growth and yield of paddy rice were investigated through pot and field experiments. The following results were obtained. 1. Negative correlation was found between unhulled rice yield and the composition of fused phosphate whose particle size was larger than 28 mesh, and 65 to 150 mesh, and highly significant correlation was found between unhulled rice yield and the composition of fused phosphate whose particle size was 28 to 48 mesh. But no significant correlation was found betweeen unhulled rice yield and the composition of fused phosphate whose particle size was 48 to 65 mesh. Thus the composition of 56% of 28 to 48 mesh particles and 44% of 48 to 65 mesh particles would give the best effect. 2. In the soil of the Jeonbug series rice plant in the plots treated with fine single textured fused phosphate showed poor early growth, i.e. poor tillering and short plant height. But at harvesting stage it showed rather increased number of tillers and higher plant height. Of the composite fused phosphate the more particles of 28 to 48 mesh it had, the better growth it showed. In the soil of the Yesan series rice plant in the treated plots showed much better tillering and higher plant height in contrast with that in the control plots. Of the single textured fused phosphate the finer particles showed better growth, while of the composite fused phosphate the more particles finer than 48 mesh it had, the poorer the tillering. 3. The content of available phosphorus in the soil tended to increase as the particles of both single textured and composite phosphate became finer. The soil phosphorus content decreased as the content of phosphorus absorbed by rice plant increased at each stage of growth, and the amount of soil phophorus decreased became larger as the the particles were finer. The amount of available phosphorus in the treated soils was larger in the soil of the Yesan series than in the soil of the Jeonbug series which was a long cultivated soil and contained relatively high phosphorus. 4. In the single textured fused phosphate the amount of phosphorus absorbed by rice plant tended to increase as the particles were finer, and great difference was found at heading stage, but at harvesting stage little difference was found for all the plots. In the field experiment in the soil of the Jeonbug series more phosphorus was absorbed by rice plant in the plots treated with the composite fused phosphate of higher content of 28 to 48 mesh particles. In the pot experiment the amount of phosphorus absorbed by rice plant was highest in the plots treated with the composite fused phosphate of 53.35% of particles larger than 48 mesh and 46.6% of particles smaller than 48 mesh. In the pot experiment in the Yesan series the amount of absorbed phophorus was highest in the plots treated with the fused phosphate of 47.75% of particles larger than 48 mesh and 50. 216% of particles smaller than 48 mesh. 5. A reverse relationship was found between the absorbed phosphorus and silica. In the pot experiment in the soils of both the Jeonbug and Yesan series the amount of phosphorus absorbed by rice plant increased as the particles were finer, while the amount of absorbed silica tended to decrease.

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Statistic Model by Soil Physico-Chemical Properties for Prediction of Ginseng Root Yield (토양이화학성(土壤理化學性)을 이용(利用)한 인삼근(人蔘根) 수량예측(收量豫測)의 통계적(統計的) 모형(模型))

  • Lee, Jong-Chul;Lee, Il-Ho;Hahn, Weon-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.371-374
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    • 1984
  • This study was conducted to establish the statistic model by use the soil physico-chemical properties for prediction of ginseng root yield. Twenty seven farmer's red ginseng fields from the ginseng growing area were chosen for this study. Root yield of 6-year old ginseng was $1.85{\pm}0.54Kg$ per $3.3m^2$, and it showed positive correlation between yield and porosity, content of clay, clay and silt, organic matter, cation exchange capacity of the field soils, respectively, but showed a negative correlation with available phosphate. Prediction of root yield was possible with equation combined with porosity($X_1$), content of clay($X_2$), clay and silt($X_3$), available phosphate($X_4$), CEC($X_5$), the equation is $Y=-1.175+0.033X_1-0.04X_2+0.012X_3-0.001X_4+0.171X_5$. Standard partial regression coefficients were 0.3799 in CEC, 0.1550 in content of clay, 0.0890 in porosity, 0.0599 in content of clay silt, and -0.0138 in available phosphate.

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Comparison of the Surface Chemical Properties of Plastic Film House, Upland, and Orchard Soils in Gyeongbuk Province

  • Park, Sang-Jo;Park, Jun-Hong;Kim, Chan-Yong;Seo, Young-Jin;Kwon, Oh-Heun;Won, Jong-Gun;Lee, Suk-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study were to evaluate the soil fertility about plastic film house, upland, and orchard in Gyeongbuk Province, Korea. The surface chemical properties of soil samples were investigated every 4 year from 2000 year at upland, 2001 year at orchard, and 2002 year at plastic film house. During 12 year's monitoring, mean soil pH was increased by 0.7 and 0.8 pH unit from pH 5.7 in upland and orchard, respectively, 0.5 pH unit from pH 6.5 in plastic film house. About 50% of all the field samples occupied within the recommended pH range (pH 6-7). Although soil organic matter (SOM) was gradually increased by about $10g\;kg^{-1}$ for 12 years, 40% of orchard, 49% of plastic film house, and 77% of upland soil samples were still below the 3% SOM. The mean concentration of available phosphate for 12 years in upland, orchard, and plastic film house were 530, 600, and $760mg\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. The relative frequencies exceeding the recommended available phosphate range ($300-550mg\;kg^{-1}$) were 43%, 53%, and 66% at upland, orchard, and plastic film house soils, respectively. $NH_4OAc$ exchangeable $K^+$ of upland, orchard, and plastic film house in the last soil test were 0.8, 0.9, and $1.6cmol_c\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. The relative frequencies above the recommended K level were 56% and 70% of orchard and plastic film house soil samples, respectively. The levels of crop nutrients except exchangeable Ca and Mg in upland soil were tended to increase gradually in the three fields. Exchangeable Mg, EC, available phosphate, organic matter and soil pH could be used as principle components to differentiate the chemical properties of three land fields. This analysis revealed that the soil fertility was affected by cropping method and field management, although additional research is needed to assess the importance of management on soil chemical properties and many fields indicate an opportunity for improvement in fertilizer management.

Soil Chemical Properties and Plant Mineral Contents in Plastic Film House in Southern Part of Korea (남부지방(南部地方) 시설재배지(施設栽培地) 토양의 화학성(化學性)과 작물의 양분함량(養分含量))

  • Ha, Ho-Sung;Yang, Min-Sug;Lee, Hyub;Lee, Yong-Bok;Sohn, Bo-Kyoon;Kang, Ui-Gum
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.272-279
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    • 1997
  • Chemical properties of soils and mineral contents in plants grown at seventy one regions located in southern part of Korea were surveyed to obtain the basic information for sustainable management of plastic film house soils. The averaged soil chemical properties showed optimum levels in pH, organic matter, available boron, manganese, zinc contents, whereas available phosphate and exchangeable rations were highly accumulated. Available phosphate showed highly positive correlation with continuous cropping period. The contents of phosphate, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the top soils were ranged from 912(Pusan)~1.796mg (Masan) ; $1.52(Pusan){\sim}2.93cmol^+$(Sunchon) ; $7.44(Masan){\sim}18.58cmol^+$(Changweon) ; $2.82(Changnyong){\sim}6.24cmol^+/kg$(Changweon), respectively. There were high levels of phosphorus and potassium in the leaves of plastic film house plants of pepper, cucumber, pimento, chrysanthemum, and carnation. And calcium and magnesium were more than two fold high in fruiting vegetables than flowering plants showing antagonistic utilization against potassium.

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Differences in Soybean and Barley Yields by Broadcast and Band Application of Phosphorus on a Newly Reclaimed Hilly Land (신개간지(新開墾地) 사질토(砂質土)에서의 콩, 보리에 대한 인산(燐酸) 전면살포(全面撒布)와 파조시용(播條施用)의 효과)

  • Park, Yang-Ho;Ryu, In-Soo;Kim, Young-Oo;Huh, Beom-Lyang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.172-177
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    • 1982
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the broadcast and band applications of phosphate fertilizer and the application amounts of fertilizer during the soybean-barley cropping periods from 1976 to 1979 on the Sam-gag sand loam of a newly reclaimed hilly land. 1. The broadcast application was superior to band in view of yields for both soybean and barley. The yield was the highest in the broadcast application with the amount 38 kg $P_2O_5$ per 10a of fused phosphate which was calculated from soil testing at the first crop period and thereafter additional 6 kg at every crop period. 2. According to the quadratic relationship between yield and the available phosphate in soil, the maximum soybean Yield, 322 kg per 10a obtained at 220 ppm of available phosphate under broadcast and 259 kg per 10a at 200ppm under band. 3. By broadcast application of phosphorus, root weight was higher and horizontal root expansion was much better than by band application.

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Granulation Characteristics of Mono-granular NPK(10-0-30) Fertilizer Incorporated with Rock-Phosphate Powder and its Effects on Tobacco Plant (인광석분말을 증량제로 사용한 연초(煙草)재배용 복합비료(10-0-30)의 조립(造粒)특성 및 비효)

  • Lee, Yun-Hwan;Jeong, Hun-Chae;Kim, Yong-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.290-295
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    • 2002
  • Fertilizer granulation test was carried out by a small pan granulator. A premixture composed of SOP 60%, urea 22% and RP powder 18% was rolled in the pan granulator while 10% phosphoric acid solution(binder) was sprayed on the rolling powder bed. Granules were developed very fast along with a little amount of binder. Hardness, brittle ratio in water and hygroscopicity of granules were improved enough to evaluate physical properties of the fertilizer. Growth responses of tobacco plant to the fertilizer were investigated at seedling and flowering stage by pot experiment under plastic film roof. Seedlings showed poor growth at nursery pot cell. In virgin soil with deficient available phosphate tobacco plant showed poor growth until budding and flowering stage but good growth in tillage soil with high cumulative phosphate.

Electricity Production from Fe[III]-reducing Bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens in Microbial Fuel Cell (미생물 연료전지에서 Fe[III] 환원 미생물 Geobacter sulfurreducens를 이용한 전기 생산)

  • Lee, Yu-Jin;Oh, You-Kwan;Kim, Mi-Sun
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.498-504
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    • 2008
  • Metal-reducing bacterium, Geobacter sulfurreducens is available for mediator-less microbial fuel cell (MFC) because it has biological nanowires(pili) which transfer electrons to outside the cell. In this study, in the anode chamber of the MFC system using G. sulfurreducens, the concentrations of NaCl, sodium phosphate and sodium bicarbonate as electrolytes were mainly optimized for the generation of electricity from acetate. 0.4%(w/v) NaClO and 0.5M $H_2SO_4$ could be utilized for the sterilization of acrylic plates and proton exchange membrane (major construction materials of the MFC reactor), respectively. When NaCl concentration in anode phosphate buffer increased from 5 to 50 mM, power density increased from 6 to $20\;mW/m^2$. However, with increasing sodium phosphate buffer concentration from 5 to 50 mM, power density significantly decreased from 18 to $1\;mW/m^2$. Twenty-four mM sodium bicarbonate did not affect electricity generation as well as pH under 50 mM phosphate buffer condition. Optimized anode chamber of MFC using G. sulfurreducens generated relatively high power density ($20\;mW/m^2$) with the maximum coulombic efficiency (41.3%).