• Title/Summary/Keyword: Attraction Power

검색결과 83건 처리시간 0.023초

인공 신경회로망을 이용한 전자비례 감압밸브의 솔레노이드 형상 최적화 (Optimization of Design Parameters of a EPPR Valve Solenoid using Artificial Neural Network)

  • 윤주호;웬민냣;이현수;윤장원;김당주;이동원;안경관
    • 드라이브 ㆍ 컨트롤
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2016
  • Unlike the commonly used On/Off solenoid, constant attraction force which is independent of plunger displacement is a considerably important characteristic to proportional solenoid of the EPPR Valve. Attraction force uniformity is mainly affected by the internal shape design parameters. Due to a number of shape design parameters, the optimal parameter values are very complex and time consuming to find by trial and error method. Much research has been conducted or are still in progress to find the optimal parameter values by applying various optimization techniques like Genetic Algorithm, Evolution Strategy, Simulated Annealing, or the Taguchi method. In this paper, the design parameters which have primary effects on the attraction force uniformity and the average attraction force are decided by main effects analysis of Design of Experiments. Optimal parameter values are derived using finite-element analysis and a neural network model.

과학관에서의 사용자 참여 행동과 상호작용적 경험 (Participatory Behaviors and Interactive Experiences at a Science Museum)

  • 조명은;김미정
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2016
  • In allowing visitors to manipulate objects or models with their hands, science museums can become informal education institutions. However, little research has been conducted analyzing the specific interactions of visitors at museums and the effects that specific characteristics of interactive exhibit have on visitors. This research classified exhibits according to the three characteristics: the presentation of concepts, interaction with exhibits and concept levels. Further, relationships among engagement behaviors, visitors'attraction to exhibits, and the holding power of exhibits were analyzed. Using the three characteristics, 55 exhibits were classified into five styles. The results suggest that intriguing content and novel interfaces, maximizing information on science and technology, should be developed for the educational purpose of encouraging visitors to engage in active learning with interactive exhibits. The results of this study provide useful data that planners, designers, and instructors of science museums can use to maximize visitors' participatory learning and interactions.

미디어 노출이 성형 행동에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Media on Taking Plastic Surgery)

  • 윤종희;성수광;진기남
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of media on plastic surgery experiment. Firstly this study try to find the relationship between exposure to media and other intervening factors(e.g., body image, self-esteem, fashion attitude). The data collected for this study was gathered through questionnaire survey with 443 female students in Seoul. The results are as follows: Using ANOVA, we found that those prefer the magazine over TV or Internet had positive body image, higher self-esteem, and positive fashion attitude(e.g., personality/self-expression, fashion leadership, sexual attraction). Using regression analysis, we found that the we found that the factors influence plastic surgery behavior are the exposure to magazine and the factors influence plastic surgery planning are the clothing attitude (especially fashion leading power, sexual attraction).

Education as a Soft Power Resource to Promotion of Immigration and Assimilation in Japan

  • Rothman, Steven B.
    • 분석과 대안
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2018
  • The concept of soft power presents both theoretical and practical difficulties for researchers and policy makers. This essay examines the practical use of soft power and argues that soft power resources in education are important for attracting individuals to migrate between countries and assimilate to the new language and culture of the new location. Japan's attempts to utilize soft power resources in its educational system have provided mixed results dependent on the target population. Japan has successfully attracted individuals into fields related to higher education much more so than skilled labor programs. This essay discusses the importance of educational soft power resources in Japanese strategy to increase educated working population that is assimilated to Japanese language and culture. After reviewing the literature on soft power in Asia, and Japanese cultural integration policies, the essay examines three cases of Japanese educational soft power - the JET Programme, the caregiver-training program, and internationalization of university programs. In addition, the essay shows that Japan is more successful attracting higher educated individuals seeking higher paying employment rather than skilled labor through these programs.

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초전도 베어링 특성 계산 (A Calculation of Superconductor Bearing Characteristics)

  • 윤희중;한영희;한상철;정년호;김경진;박병삼;오제명;성태현
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.141-143
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    • 2004
  • For designing a flywheel system using superconductor, it is necessary to understand the basic characteristics of the classical superconductor bearing. It is difficult to expect the characteristics of superconductor bearings using models that have been introduced up to now. In the "Frozen image" concept, the farce between the permanent magnet and the superconductor can be divided into two forces between permanent magnet and two imaginary magnets in the superconductor; one represents attraction farce and the other represents a repulsion force. We calculated the characteristics of two superconductor bearings, such as an axial, the radial stiffness and the levitation force. This calculation method was very helpful to expect the characteristics of the superconductor bearings. Using this model, we established the optimum condition for the superconductor bearing.r bearing.

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The Vehicle and Driver of China's Cultural Diplomacy: Global Vision Vs. Localised Practice

  • Liu, Xin
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.130-151
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    • 2018
  • China's cultural diplomacy is mostly understood as an endeavour to build and project soft power, which draws on three sources of 'culture, political values and foreign policy' according to Nye. This paper focuses on the debates about the vehicle and agents of China's cultural diplomacy. It starts with a theoretical discussion of the competing views in the Chinese context, and develops an argument that the vehicle of China's cultural diplomacy tries to project soft power on two wheels of culture and political values, to serve the purpose of reshaping China's image away from being the 'cultural other' and 'ideological other' respectively. However, the state-led approach to driving this vehicle is generating some side effects with its sponsorship, censorship and presence in the driver's seat. Then the paper analyses the inherent tensions existing in practice both between the two sources of building soft power and between the two means of doing so, attraction and persuasion, with empirical evidence through a comparative case study of the Confucius Institutes in the US and South Korea. The finding shows that China's attempt at reshaping its image as an Eastern cultural contestant is often disrupted by its authoritarian political values, and the state-led persuasion is often reducing China's cultural attraction. Following this, the paper finishes with some recommendations regarding evolving the cultural diplomacy approach from a vertical one that is government-centred to a horizontal one that is network-based with multiple agents, and localising its practice by engaging the target audiences as stakeholders.

Quantum-behaved Electromagnetism-like Mechanism Algorithm for Economic Load Dispatch of Power System

  • Zhisheng, Zhang;Wenjie, Gong;Xiaoyan, Duan
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.1415-1421
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a new algorithm called Quantum-behaved Electromagnetism-like Mechanism Algorithm which is used to solve economic load dispatch of power system. Electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm simulates attraction and repulsion mechanism for particles in the electromagnetic field. Every solution is a charged particle, and it move to optimum solution according to certain criteria. Quantum-behaved electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm merges quantum computing theory with electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm. Superposition characteristic of quantum methodology can make a single particle present several states, and the characteristic potentially increases population diversity. Probability representation of quantum methodology is to make particle state be presented according to a certain probability. And the quantum rotation gates are used to realize update operation of particles. The algorithm is tested for 13-generator system and 40-generator system, which validates it can effectively solve economic load dispatch problem. Through performance comparison, it is obvious the solution is superior to other optimization algorithm.

Application of a Robust Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Synthesis on a Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter Power Supply for an Electric Vehicle Propulsion System

  • Allaoua, Boumediene;Laoufi, Abdellah
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2011
  • The development of electric vehicle power electronics system control, composed of DC-AC inverters and DC-DC converters, attract much research interest in the modern industry. A DC-AC inverter supplies the high-power motor torques of the propulsion system and utility loads of electric vehicles, whereas a DC-DC converter supplies the conventional low-power and low-voltage loads. However, the need for high-power bidirectional DC-DC converters in future electric vehicles has led to the development of many new topologies of DC-DC converters. The nonlinear control of power converters is an active research area in the field of power electronics. This paper focuses on the use of the fuzzy sliding mode strategy as a control strategy for buck-boost DC-DC converter power supplies in electric vehicles. The proposed fuzzy controller specifies changes in control signals based on the surface and knowledge on surface changes to satisfy the sliding mode stability and attraction conditions. The performance of the proposed fuzzy sliding controller is compared to that of the classical sliding mode controller. The satisfactory simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed control law, which reduces the chattering phenomenon. Moreover, the obtained results prove the robustness of the proposed control law against variations in load resistance and input voltage in the studied converter.

복합자석형 자기부상차량의 제어특성 개선 (A Noble Control Scheme of Hybrid Magnet Levitation Train)

  • 권병일
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1991년도 하계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.127-130
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    • 1991
  • A magnetic levitation system with hybrid magnets, which is composed of permanent magnets and electromagnets, consumes less power than the conventional attraction type system. A parallel complementary controller on the lift controller is proposed to reduce the sensitivity for parameter variation and force disturbance. Simulation and experiment show that the lift system has robustness to force disturbance.

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애니메이션의 매혹성에 대한 고찰 (A Study on the Fascination of Animation)

  • 이윤희
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권15호
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2009
  • 애니메이션은 움직임의 환영을 통해 환상을 추구하는 독특하고 강력한 매체이다. 특별한 이해관계가 없으면서도 고도로 주의가 이끌려 몰입된 상태를 매혹이라고 정의할 때, 애니메이션은 확실히 매혹적이다. 애니메이션이 가지는 매혹의 힘은 그 환영이 마치 현실처럼 설득력이 있다는 데에서 시작된다. 애니메이션은 신기한 움직임과 아름다운 이미지 등 시각적 센세이션을 통해 일단 관객의 시선을 사로잡고, 이렇게 집중시킨 관객의 관심을 애니메이션을 통해서만 표현이 가능한 환상적 내러티브를 통해 유지시킨다. 이성적으로 명백히 불가능한 이야기가 시각적으로 완벽한 신빙성을 가지고 제시될 때, 관객은 그 환상에 매혹된다. 우리의 애니메이션에 대한 매혹은 지각과 이성이 단기적으로나마 불일치될 만큼 설득력 있는 환상이 존재한다는 데에 대한 감탄이자 찬사다. 환상과 애니메이션은 서로 불가분의 관계로 엮여 현실과 비현실의 경계선에서 매혹을 만들어내고 있는 것이다.

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