• Title/Summary/Keyword: Atmospheric conditions

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Wintertime Extreme Storm Waves in the East Sea: Estimation of Extreme Storm Waves and Wave-Structure Interaction Study in the Fushiki Port, Toyama Bay (동해의 동계 극한 폭풍파랑: 토야마만 후시키항의 극한 폭풍파랑 추산 및 파랑 · 구조물 상호작용 연구)

  • Lee, Han Soo;Komaguchi, Tomoaki;Yamamoto, Atsushi;Hara, Masanori
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.335-347
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    • 2013
  • In February 2008, high storm waves due to a developed atmospheric low pressure system propagating from the west off Hokkaido, Japan, to the south and southwest throughout the East Sea (ES) caused extensive damages along the central coast of Japan and along the east coast of Korea. This study consists of two parts. In the first part, we estimate extreme storm wave characteristics in the Toyama Bay where heavy coastal damages occurred, using a non-hydrostatic meteorological model and a spectral wave model by considering the extreme conditions for two factors for wind wave growth, such as wind intensity and duration. The estimated extreme significant wave height and corresponding wave period were 6.78 m and 18.28 sec, respectively, at the Fushiki Toyama. In the second part, we perform numerical experiments on wave-structure interaction in the Fushiki Port, Toyama Bay, where the long North-Breakwater was heavily damaged by the storm waves in February 2008. The experiments are conducted using a non-linear shallow-water equation model with adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) and wet-dry scheme. The estimated extreme storm waves of 6.78 m and 18.28 sec are used for incident wave profile. The results show that the Fushiki Port would be overtopped and flooded by extreme storm waves if the North-Breakwater does not function properly after being damaged. Also the storm waves would overtop seawalls and sidewalls of the Manyou Pier behind the North-Breakwater. The results also depict that refined meshes by AMR method with wet-dry scheme applied capture the coastline and coastal structure well while keeping the computational load efficiently.

Estimation of Uranium Particle Concentration in the Korean Peninsula Caused by North Korea's Uranium Enrichment Facility (북한 우라늄 농축시설로 인한 한반도에서의 공기중 우라늄 입자 농도 예측)

  • Kwak, Sung-Woo;Kang, Han-Byeol;Shin, Jung-Ki;Lee, Junghyun
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2014
  • North Korea's uranium enrichment facility is a matter of international concern. It is of particular alarming to South Korea with regard to the security and safety of the country. This situation requires continuous monitoring of the DPRK and emergency preparedness on the part of the ROK. To assess the detectability of an undeclared uranium enrichment plant in North Korea, uranium concentrations in the air at both a short and a long distance from the enrichment facility were estimated. $UF_6$ source terms were determined by using existing information on North Korean facility and data from the operation experience of enrichment plants from other countries. Using the calculated source terms, two atmospheric dispersion models (Gaussian Plume Model and HYSPLIT models) and meteorological data were used to estimate the uranium particle concentrations from the Yongbyon enrichment facility. A maximum uranium concentration and its location are dependent upon the meteorological conditions and the height of the UF6 release point. This study showed that the maximum uranium concentration around the enrichment facility was about $1.0{\times}10^{-7}g{\cdot}m^{-3}$. The location of the maximum concentration was within about 0.4 km of the facility. It has been assumed that the uranium sample of about a few micrograms (${\mu}g$) could be obtained; and that few micrograms of uranium can be easily measured with current measurement instruments. On the contrary, a uranium concentration at a distance of more than 100 kilometers from the enrichment facility was estimated to be about $1.0{\times}10^{-13}{\sim}1.0{\times}10^{-15}g{\cdot}m^{-3}$, which is less than back-ground level. Therefore, based on the results of our paper, an air sample taken within the vicinity of the Yongbyon enrichment facility could be used to determine as to whether or not North Korea is carrying out an undeclared nuclear program. However, the air samples taken at a longer distance of a few hundred kilometers would prove difficult in detecting a clandestine nuclear activities.

Effects of $^{60}Co-gamma$ Radiation on Ricebran Oil (미강유에 대한 코발트 60-감마선의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Deok-Bong;Suck, Han-Gyun;Yoo, Young-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1973
  • The accumulation of peroxides, acid values, and carbonyl values during irradiation and post-irradiation storage of the ricebran oil has been studied. The rice bran oils were irradiated two doses of 2 and 7 megarads (300 rads/sec) at $23^{\circ}C$ atmospheric circumstance. The acid values, peroxide values and carbonyl values were measured at regular intervals of one week during the storage at $5^{\circ}C$ and $25^{\circ}C$. 1) During the storage, the acid values of the irradiated rice bran oils increased or decreased insignificantly regardless of the addition of antioxidants and storage temperature. 2) The peroxide values were not increased continuously but increased zigzag. The result was indicated that the composition and decomposition of peroxides occurred continuously throughout the storage. 3) As the peroxide values increased, carbonyl values decreased and changed quite differently, but, especially in 7th week, they were constant or insignificant. 4) Dibutylhydroxytoluene is more effective than caffeic acid in retarding the formation of peroxides during irradiation of rice bran oils and post-irradiation storage. The effect of antioxidant is more efficient at 2 megarads than at 7 megarads irradiation. When we store the rice bran oil, the addition of antioxidants of post-irradiation is more desirable than that of preirradiation. 5) In spite of changing conditions such as storage temperature and addition of antioxidants, the peroxide values of rice bran oils irradiated at 2 megarads were always greater than those at 7 megarads during the storage. Peroxide values of samples at high temperature $(25^{\circ}C)$ storage increased as twice as those of low temperature $(5^{\circ}C)$ storage samples. At low temperature, peroxide values in the first week increased twice during the period of 8th weeks storage, but those did from three to four times at higher temperature in the same period Therefore, the low temperature storage is recommandable too.

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Variations of Temperature and Salinity in Kugum Suro Channel (거금수로 해역의 수온과 염분의 변동)

  • CHOO Hyo-Sang;LEE Gyu-Hyong;YOON Yang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.252-263
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    • 1997
  • Temperature and salinity were observed in Kugum Suro Channel in February, April, August and October 1993. Temperature ranged from $7.0^{\circ}C\;to\;25.0^{\circ}C$ throughout the year and its variation was about $18^{\circ}C$. The maximum temperature difference between surface and bottom was less than $0.75^{\circ}C$ for a year, which meant that the temperature stratification in Kugum Suro Channel was considerably week. Salinity had also a small variation range of less than $0.5\%_{\circ}$. Salinity varied from $34.0\%_{\circ}$ in April to $30.0\%_{\circ}$ in August and its fluctuation patterns were quite similar to the seasonal variations of the precipitation and the duration of sunshine observed at Kohung Weather station. Seasonal variation of sea water density in T-S diagram showed that the water mass in Kugum Suro Channel could be largely affected by regional atmospheric conditions. Temperature increased in ebb tide and decreased in flood tide, but salinity decreased in ebb tide and increased in flood tide for a day. The period of fluctuations in temperature and salinity measured for 25 hours was nearly coincident with the semi-diurnal tide which was predominant in that region. Stratification parameters computed in Kugum Suro Channel areas were less than $4.0J/m^3$ the year round, which indicated that vortical mixing from the bottom boundary caused by tidal current played an important role in deciding the stratification regime in Kugum Suro Channel. In estimating the equation which defines stratification and mixing effects in the observed areas, the tidal mixing term ranged from $4.7J/M^3\;to\;14.1J/m^3$ was greater than any other terms like solar radiation, river discharge and wind mixing.

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Synthesis of Fe­Garnet for tile Immobilization of High Level Radioactive Waste (고준위 방사성폐기물의 고정화를 위한 Fe­석류석 합성 연구)

  • ;;;Yudintsev, S. V.
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.307-320
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    • 2003
  • Garnet has been considered as a possible matrix for the immobilization of radioactive actinides. It is expected that Fe­based garnet be able to have the high substitution ability of actinide elements because ionic radius of Fe in tetrahedral site is larger than that of Si of Si­based garnet. Accordingly, we synthesized Fe­garnet with the batch composition of $Ca_{2,5}$C $e_{0.5}$Z $r_2$F $e_3$ $O_{12}$ and $Ca_2$CeZrFeF $e_3$ $O_{12}$ and studied their phase relations and properties. Mixed samples were fabricated in pellet forms under the pressure of 400 kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ and were sintered in the temperature range of 1100∼140$0^{\circ}C$ in atmospheric conditions. Phase identification and chemical composition of synthesized samples were analyzed by XRD and SEM/EDS. In results, where the compounds were sintered at 130$0^{\circ}C$, we optimally obtained Fe­garnets as the main phase, even though some minor phases like perovskite were included. The compositions of Fe­garnets synthesized from the batch compositions of $Ca_{2,5}$C $e_{0.5}$Z $r_2$F $e_3$ $O_{12}$ and $Ca_2$CeZrFeF $e_3$ $O_{12}$, are $Ca_{2.5­3.2}$C $e_{0.3­0.7}$Z $r_{1.8­2.8}$F $e_{1.9­3.2}$ $O_{12}$ and $Ca_{2.2­2.5}$C $e_{0.8­1.0}$Z $r_{1.3­1.6}$ F $e_{0.4­.07}$ F $e_{3­3.2}$ $O_{12}$, respectively. Ca contents were exceeded and Ce contents were exceeded or depleted in 8­coodinated site, comparing to the initial batch composition. These results were caused by the compensation of the difference of ionic radius between Ca and Ce.

Evaluation of Internal Phosphorus Loading through the Dynamic Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen in a Shallow Reservoir (수심이 얕은 저수지에서 용존산소 동적 모니터링을 통한 인 내부부하 평가)

  • Park, Hyungseok;Choi, Sunhwa;Chung, Sewoong;Ji, Hyunseo;Oh, Jungkuk;Jun, Hangbae
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.553-562
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    • 2017
  • In these days, agricultural reservoirs are considered as a useful resource for recreational purposes, tour and cultural amenity for vicinity communities as well as irrigation water supply. However, many of the agricultural reservoirs are showing a eutrophic or hyper-eutrophic state and high level of organic contamination. In particular, about 44.7% of the aged agricultural reservoirs that constructed before 1945 exceed the water quality criteria for irrigational water use. In addition to external loading, internal nutrient loading from bottom sediment may play an important role in the nutrient budget of the aged reservoirs. The objectives of this study were to characterize variations of thermal structure of a shallow M reservoir (mean depth 1.7 m) and examine the potential of internal nutrient loading by continuous monitoring of vertical water temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration profiles in 2015 and 2016. The effect of internal loading on the total loading of the reservoir was evaluated by mass balance analysis. Results showed that a weak thermal stratification and a strong DO stratification were developed in the shallow M Reservoir. And, dynamic temporal variation in DO was observed at the bottom of the reservoir. Persistent hypoxic conditions (DO concentrations less than 2 mg/L) were established for 87 days and 98 days in 2015 and 2016, respectively, during the no-rainy summer periods. The DO concentrations intermittently increased during several events of atmospheric temperature drop and rainfall. According to the mass balance analysis, the amount of internal $PO_4-P$ loading from sediment to the overlying water were 37.9% and 39.7% of total loading during no-rainy season in 2015 and 2016, respectively on August when algae growth is enhanced with increasing water temperature. Consequently, supply of DO to the lower layer of the reservoir could be effective countermeasure to reduce nutrient release under the condition of persistent DO depletion in the bottom of the reservoir.

Analysis Corrosion Products Formed on the Great Buddha Image of Kotokuin Temple in Kamakura (고덕원 국보 동조아미타여래좌상의 표면에 생성한 부식생성물의 해석)

  • Matsuda Shiro;Aoki Shigeo;Kang, Dai-il
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.17
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    • pp.161-182
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    • 1996
  • In natural atmosphere, copper and copper alloy have been used to make buddha statues and ornaments of historic buildings since the abovementioned metals have corrosion resistance in some extent, and the patinaformed on the surface of the metals has provided the people aesthetic satisfaction with its beauty. But in atmosphere polluted by $SO_x$and $NO_x$, the patina layer does not work as a protective film, and it allows damages of the metal. Since 1992, Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties(TNRICP)has conducted studies on the influence of atmospheric pollution on metal cultural property held under open air. The Great Buddha Image which is located in Kamakura about 50km west from Tokyo, has been selected as one of the objects to study because it is made by copper alloy and it has stood exposed in the air for about a few hundreds years. Furthermore it is also the reason to study on it that there are many cultural properties in the surroundings of it. We have analysed the components and the structure of the corrosion products formed on the surface of the Buddha, have carried out exposure tests using the alloy samples which have simulated the components of the Great Image, and have observed climated and polluted air in order to discuss the relation between corrosion of metals in open air and conditions of the atmosphere. In this paper, the authors have described the components and the structure of the corrosion product formed on the surface of the Great Image by means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The conclusions are as follows. (1) Sulfate patina composed mainly with brochantite were detected on the all sides of the Image and the amount of the patina is found more on the back of the Image facing to north. (2) Antlerite were detected on the back and a park of the left side facing to west, and formation of it was considered to have close relation with malignant atmosphere. (3) A big amount of chloride patina which mainly composed of atacamite were observed on the front facing to south. (4) Carbonate patina mainly composed of malachite were detected on the area where brochantite was often detected as well. It suggested that malachite had been transformed into brochantite by deteriorated atmosphere. (5) On the all sides of the Image, patina were observed together with copper oxides mainly composed of cuprous oxide. It showed that the surface layer of the Image consists of two layers : inner layer of oxide and outer layer of patina. (6) Corrosion products of lead which was a component of copperalloy were detected on the all sides : the main lead product found on the front was chlorophosphate whereas the one on the back was sulfate.

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Preliminary Study on Electron Paramagnetic Resonance(EPR) Signal Properties of Mobile Phone Components for Dose Estimation in Radiation Accident (방사선사고시 피폭선량평가를 위한 휴대전화 부품의 전자상자성공명(EPR) 특성에 대한 예비 연구)

  • Park, Byeong Ryong;Ha, Wi-Ho;Park, Sunhoo;Lee, Jin Kyeong;Lee, Seung-Sook
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2015
  • We have investigated the EPR signal properties in 12 components of two mobile phones (LCD, OLED) using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer in this study.EPR measurements were performed at normal atmospheric conditions using Bruker EXEXSYS-II E500 spectrometer with X-band bridge, and samples were irradiated by $^{137}Cs$ gamma-ray source. To identify the presence of radiation-induced signal (RIS), the EPR spectra of each sample were measured unirradiated and irradiated at 50 Gy. Then, dose-response curve and signal intensity variating by time after irradiation were measured. As a result, the signal intensity increased after irradiation in all samples except the USIM plastic and IC chip. Among the samples, cover glass(CG), lens, light guide plate(LGP) and diffusion sheet have shown fine linearity ($R^2$ > 0.99). Especially, the LGP had ideal characteristics for dosimetry because there were no signal in 0 Gy and high rate of increase in RIS. However, this sample showed weakness in fading. Signal intensity of LGP and Diffusion Sheet decreased by 50% within 72 hours after irradiation, while signals of Cover Glass and Lens were stably preserved during the short period of time. In order to apply rapidly EPR dosimetry using mobile phone components in large-scale radiation accidents, further studies on signal differences for same components of the different mobile phone, fading, pretreatment of samples and processing of background signal are needed. However, it will be possible to do dosimetry by dose-additive method or comparative method using unirradiated same product in small-scale accident.

Red Pepper (Capsicum annum) Drying Using Flat-Plate Solar Collectors (평판집열기(平板集熱機)를 이용(利用)한 고추 건조(乾燥)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Dong-Man;Kim, Man-Soo;Chang, Kyu-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 1979
  • Two types of fiat-plate collector were designed and constructed for utilizing the solar energy as heating source of red pepper drying. It was performed to investigate the basic factors on using the collectors and the drying effect on various types of red pepper, and the results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The optimum tilted angles of the collector in Daejeon area were ${\phi}-15^{\circ}$ in summer season and ${\phi}+15^{\circ}$ in winter season when it was adjusted two times per a year: 2. In the conditions during experiment period, average atmospheric temperature and relative humidity were $25.6^{\circ}C$ and 52.6%, respectively, and $42.0^{\circ}C$, 74.2% in the control chamber. The temperature in the drying chamber connected to the water heater was the highest but relative humidity in the chamber connected to the air heater was the lowest among the chambers. 3. The drying velocity of whole red pepper in the chamber connected to the water heater was the fastest as 2.3 times as compared to the whole type on the mat drying followed by air heater and control in decreasing order. The horizontally cut red pepper in the chamber connected to the water heater was dried exceedingly fast among twelve plots. 4. The content of capsaicine as pungent principle and of capsanthine as red pigment in the red pepper were reduced during drying but there were no differences significantly on the drying method, and it could not affect much on the quality of dried product.

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Fabrication and Filtering Test of Nanoparticle-Stabilized Emulsion to be Suitable for Enhanced Oil Recovery (석유증진회수에 적합한 나노 에멀젼의 제조 및 필터링 시험 분석)

  • Son, Han Am;Lee, Keun Ju;Cho, Jang Woo;Im, Kyung Chul;Kim, Jin Woong;Kim, Hyun Tae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2013
  • Researches on the oil recovery enhancement using the nanotechnology has recently been studied in the United States. The previous researches has focused mainly on the flow characteristics of nanoparticles in porous media, and the stability of the nano-emulsion itself. However, the analysis did not deal with the size effects between a nano-emulsion and the pore size which has an important role when nano-emulsion flows in the porous media. In this research, nano-based emulsion was fabricated which is able to be applied for the enhanced oil recovery techniques and its characteristics was analyzed. In addition, in order to identify the characteristics of nano-emulsions flowing through the porous media, the size effect was analysed by filtering test. According to the results, when the emulsion was fabricated, SCA(Silane Coupling Agent) or PVA(Poly Vinyl Alcohol) are added to improve the stability of emulsion. As the ratio of the decane to water increased, the viscosity of emulsion and the droplet size also increased. For the filtering test at the atmospheric conditions, the droplet did not go through the filter; only the separated water from the emulsion was able to be filtered. This phenomenon occurred because the droplet was not able to overcome the capillary pressure. At the filtering test by suction pressure, most of the emulsion was filtered over the filter size of $60{\mu}m$. However, the ratio of filtration was rapidly degraded at less than $45{\mu}m$ filters. This is caused due to deformation and destruction of the droplet by strong shear stress when passing through the pore. The results from the study on the basic characteristic of nano-emulsion and filtering test will be expected to play as the important role for the fabrication of the stable nano-emulsion or the research on the recovery of residual oil in porous media.