• Title/Summary/Keyword: Area planning

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A Study on the Changes of Facility Guidelines and Improvement of Architectural Planning on the Wards in the Public District General Hospitals (지역거점 공공병원 병동부의 시설기준 변화와 건축계획 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kiyon;Choi, Kwangseok
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to suggest the improvement of the architectural planning of public hospitals by analyzing the contents of the architectural planning and the trend of the recent ward planning. Methods: The study method was the drawing analysis of the wards in the public hospitals where facilities were improved including the ward-related literature survey. The scope of the study was the general wards. Results: As a result of the study, the area composition of the ward area, the number of beds per nursing unit, the floorplan types, and the unit space planning which is included the room composition, the room size, the bed clearance areas, and the improvements of the nursing space were suggested. Implications: The result of this research would be useful as a reference to design nurse area in the wards.

A study on the Analysis of Rural New Town Planning and Guidelines for Improvement Measures of Planning Process -The Case of Jang-seong Rural New Town and Hwa-soon Rural New Town in Chean Nam Provincial Area- (농촌 뉴타운 조성분석 및 개선 방안에 관한 연구 -전남 장성 뉴타운과 화순 뉴타운 계획을 중심으로-)

  • Oh, Byung-Tae;Choi, Chan-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to extract improvement measures in rural new town planning by selecting two similar new towns; Jang-seong rural new town and Hwa-soon rural new town in terms of size of town and population. To carry out this study, field survey is implemented and research articles and papers are examined. Based on this study, four major issues are drawned as follows ; Firstly, the location of rural new town is the most important criteria for the new town project to be successful and sustainable village. Site of Jang-seong rural new town which is chosen arbitrarily by local county is located unsuitable area. Secondly, compulsory facilities are dismissed in land use planning because of guidelines of the rural new town are not applied. Thirdly, the size of community centers are too big for 200 households to manage, and it can be a financial burden to inhabitants. Fourthly, rural new town project is building urban districts in rural area rather than constructing rural village, so the method of rural new town planning should be reconsidered. The central government has to supervise the rural new town project throughly by put it in more systematic approach.

Path Planning for Search and Surveillance of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (다중 무인 항공기 이용 감시 및 탐색 경로 계획 생성)

  • Sanha Lee;Wonmo Chung;Myunggun Kim;Sang-Pill Lee;Choong-Hee Lee;Shingu Kim;Hungsun Son
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents an optimal path planning strategy for aerial searching and surveying of a user-designated area using multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The method is designed to deal with a single unseparated polygonal area, regardless of polygonal convexity. By defining the search area into a set of grids, the algorithm enables UAVs to completely search without leaving unsearched space. The presented strategy consists of two main algorithmic steps: cellular decomposition and path planning stages. The cellular decomposition method divides the area to designate a conflict-free subsearch-space to an individual UAV, while accounting the assigned flight velocity, take-off and landing positions. Then, the path planning strategy forms paths based on every point located in end of each grid row. The first waypoint is chosen as the closest point from the vehicle-starting position, and it recursively updates the nearest endpoint set to generate the shortest path. The path planning policy produces four path candidates by alternating the starting point (left or right edge), and the travel direction (vertical or horizontal). The optimal-selection policy is enforced to maximize the search efficiency, which is time dependent; the policy imposes the total path-length and turning number criteria per candidate. The results demonstrate that the proposed cellular decomposition method improves the search-time efficiency. In addition, the candidate selection enhances the algorithmic efficacy toward further mission time-duration reduction. The method shows robustness against both convex and non-convex shaped search area.

A Study on the Planning for Access Area in the Multifamily Housing Based on the Analysis of European Examples (I) - Classification from the Typological Point of View and Normative Guide for Planning - (공동주택의 코어계획기법에 대한 연구 -유럽의 사례를 중심으로(I) - 유형학적으로 접근한 코어의 분류와 그에 따른 규범적 계획기법 -)

  • 전남일
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2003
  • The planning of access area, so called "core" plays an important role of planning for multifamily housing, especially multistory housing. For all possibility of various planning and design, this area has been mostly planned and designed in uniformity. And only few attempts have so far been made in studying core, on the contrary to the unit plan or plotplan. It is keenly needed to develop various skills of planning and design in this sector. The purpose of this study is to find out the usable elements of planning and design, those are correspondent to normative targets. For this end, most possible core types are classified in to three categories: circulation types in the housing block, axis types to the entrance of housing units and number of accessed housing units. And then, sizable developments for norm of core have been effectuating in view of function, relationships both with housing unit and block. Based on this classification of types and listed norm, several European examples are analyzed and evaluated by merits and demerits of their respective core types. In addition to this analysis, some adequate planning conditions, positive vs. negative types of core, and detailed planning elements are prepared with regard to the norm of core. It is noteworthy that a variety of possible core planning cases are available by means of combination of lower categories in the classified core types. It is expected that this study will render service for some helpful planning and design guide in the practice

Deterministic Optimal Simulation of Spatial Growth Form for Urbanized Area Using CA Model and Simplified WSM-AHP Techniques (CA기법과 WSM-AHP 간편법을 이용한 도시확산의 결정론적 최적 모의)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to analyze the sensitivity of WSM(weighted scenario method)-AHP method according to variation of nonlinear exponent for accessibility criteria, which are used to make urbanization potential maps with the optimal weighting value for multiple criteria in grid-based GIS technique. Besides this study tried to develop WSM-AHP2 which is simplified by using rank of the potential value for each scenario. The two methods were applied to the test area, Suwon city located south area of Seoul, with time series land-use maps of 1986 and 1996. The evaluation system of urbanization potential have 7 criteria including 6 accessibility criteria. The results of WSM-AHP2, the optimal weighting values and their corresponding potential maps, have almost similar with those of WSM-AHP. In the application of CA(cellular automata) model for expansion of urbanized area using the three potential maps by WSM-AHP, WSM-AHP2, and specialists's AHP evaluation, it also showed that the accuracy of simulation for actual urban area is the highest in the potential map of WSM-AHP, followed by WSM-AHP2 and specialists's AHP evaluation. From the results of this study, WSM-AHP and simplified WSM-AHP2 will be used to generate the optimal potential maps for land-use planning in urban fringe area.

A Basic Study on the Planning Standard of Space Size for Public Library - Focus on the result of the consulting support project for construction of public library - (공공도서관 공간규모계획기준에 관한 기초적 연구 - 공공도서관건립 컨설팅지원사업 결과를 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Hung-Kwon;Lim, Che-Zinn;Lim, Ho-Kyun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 2012
  • In this era of information, the public library takes a important role in the local community. In several years, public libraries have been proliferated in our society. However, there have not been specific planning standards of space size for construction of public library. The situation has lead the local governments to the need of consulting for the construction and management of library in search of appropriate guideline. The research paper focuses on the result of consulting support project for construction and management of public library. It examines total 11 libraries which were consulted from 2009 to 2011. It examines the configurational differences between the first scheme from the local government and the final scheme after the consulting, and the percentages of gross areas of each parts of library, reference and reading area, office area, education and cultural area, and public common use area. The analysis concludes that reference and reading area increased by 6.4% from 34.1% to 40.5%, and public common use area reduced by 6.1% from 30.2% to 24.1%, which represents a certain tendency of the configuration ratio of the each parts. Thus, the paper could be a starting point of establishing planning standard of space size for public library.

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A Study on New Village Planning in the Farming Zone of Saemangeum Reclaimed Area (새만금간척지 신농촌마을 계획수립연구)

  • Shim, Hwan-Hwi;Choi, Soo-Myung;Cho, Joong-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2011
  • Based on the critical review of previous new village planning proposals in Saemangeum Farming Zone, this study tried to derive rational and realistic planning/design criteria for new villages firstly through home-and-abroad case studies analysis, interview works on farmers in two villages located in the existing reclaimed farming areas and influential zone analysis from neighborhood villages in old land. By applying these criteria(population structure, farming size, maximum distance between farmland and home, village site size, number of new villages planned) on Saemangeum Farming Zone, basic new village planning framework was proposed finally.

Application of Augmented Reality based Urban Planning Support System for Effective District Unit Planning (효율적 지구단위계획 수립을 위한 증강현실 기반 도시계획지원시스템 적용 연구)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Kuk;Kim, Chul-Joo;Kim, Chang-Seok;So, Jin-Kwang
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2012
  • This paper is aimed at offering preliminary data that improve the effectiveness of district unit planning, which has adopted to make comfortable environment of national land, to prevent urban sprawl rural area and to perform systematic maintenance of the existing urban area, by case study analysis about the applied possibility of GIS-based augmented reality. To do this, we developed the augmented reality based urban planning support system and checked the parts that can be applied of augmented reality techniques in the process of district units planning. And we analysed about merits and demerits of augmented reality techniques through comparative analysis, which is about form, arrangement, use, and height of building, building coverage ratio, floor area ratio and landscape planning in the case study area, the Yeosu district(located in Seongnam).

A Study on the Architectural Planning of traditional herbal medicine distribution supporting facilities (한약재유통지원시설의 건축계획에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Joa-Sup;Oh, Jong-Hee;Kang, Won-Pil
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2008
  • This study is the architectural planning of 5 distribution supporting facilities for traditional herbal medicine cultivated in the rural areas. The main function of the facility consists of storage, pre-treatment/processing, loading/unloading and the assistant function consists of inspection, office, exhibition/sale, technical equipment etc. The planning shows the modular plan and the section plan of the storage space reflecting the shape and size of storage container, the action radius of carrier and the possibilities of space lease. The total floor area of the storage is 3,192$m^2$ consisting of 27 space. The total floor area of the pre-treatment/processing is 1,488$m^2$ consisting of 7 space. The total floor area of the loading/unloading is 329$m^2$ consisting of 4 space. The total floor area of each facility storage is 8,284$m^2$ including of public space 2,170$m^2$. Also this planning shows the preliminary design, "fundamental model design" for 5 rural government BTL project. Therefore, this result of planning will be the guidelines of the RFP(Request For Proposal) for the private sector company interested in this BTL project.

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