• Title/Summary/Keyword: Area Boundary

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Establishing the Managerial Boundary of the Baekdu-daegan: An Approach by Watershed Expanding Process (백두대간 관리범위 설정에 관한 연구: 유역확장방식에 의한 접근)

  • Kwon, Taeho;Choi, Song-Hyun;Yoo, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.106-118
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    • 2002
  • In recent years, synthetic and systematic management with conservation-oriented strategy for Baekdu-daegan, which is the greatest chine as well as the major ecological axis of the Korean Peninsula, is being required to cope adequately with the various kinds of developmental urge. For this, spatially definite zoning for the managerial area on Baekdu-daegan has to be completed first. This study is to take into consideration the traditional concepts of stream and watershed as well as the actual disturbance on Daegan area, and to propose the process for reasonably establishing the managerial boundary adjacent to the Ridges. The case site with topographically diverse characteristics was selected, and the analyses on watershed, road network and land use were carried out using the digital maps and Landsat TM images. Based on these analyses results, the managerial boundaries as alternatives from the Ridges were produced by watershed expansion process, and used for tracing the changes of road occupancy rate and the areal ratio of various land use types to the relevant watersheds to search out the adequate managerial boundary. The results show that watershed expansion process could be effective tool for establishing the managerial boundary, and the fourth expanded watershed would be included for the adequate managerial boundary of the case site.

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Characteristics of Subsurface Distributions of the Seoguipo Formation in Cheju Island (제주도 서귀포층의 지하분포상태)

  • Koh, Gi-Won;Yoon, Seon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 1997.11a
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    • pp.97-142
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    • 1997
  • The Seoguipo Formation occurs only in a small exposure along the coast of the Seoguipo City, but in the subsurface, underlies tile western part of the Bugcheon-Pyoseon Line in the northeastern part of tile island. The Bugcheon-Pyoseon Line is presumed to be a facies boundary that reflects tile distribution of hyaloclastites resulted from submarine volcanic activity. The Seoguipo Formation is distributed in the subsurface along the part which is lower than 400m in average altitude, and occurs at El. -5.76∼-46.63m in tile southern area, El. -41.89∼-57.97m in the western area, El. -13.15∼-50.59m in the northern area. Therefore, the southern area was uplifted after the deposition of the Seoguipo Formation. In the subsurface, the vertical depth of the volcanic rocks of the Cheju Volcanic Edifice is El. -40.6m in the southern area, El. -111.3m in the western area, El. -81.5m in the northern area and El. -134.7m in the eastern area. The unconsolidated U Formation, which is, overlying the basement and about 70∼250m thickness underlies the whole island. There is a positive correlation between tile groundwater level and the depth of the subsurface distribution of the Seoguipo Formation. Consequently, it is conformed that the subsurface distribution of the Seoguipo Formation plays important role for controlling the characteristics of the reservoir of tile groundwater in Cheju Island.

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Study on the Space Composition Characteristics in the Urban Complex Building (도심복합시설의 공간용도구성 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-Hee;Chae, Chang-U
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2010
  • The city means not only a geographical area as a role of the spatial boundary, but also a socio-economic place to communicate with each area. It requires various functions to get the income and economic-activities. But city has a limitation of a available land to provide the required functions and a sufficient space to supply the urban activity. Therefore, the development trend of city has not been to spread to the horizontal area any more and considered the vertical area. In addition, various functions put into a massive building because many people want to solve the daily requirements without spending time and cost in outer area. In this paper, it aimed at classifying the mixed-use building into function, circulation, relation according to the public and private space and the building shape to provide the design information such as land area, functional complex, accessibility, etc.. The classification of the mixed-use buildings is divided into four areas. The data are collected with foreign countries in Japan, Europe and US. Results of the study are as follows; First, the commercial function is mainly centered with other functions. Second, after studied the development scale, accessibility, building form, the commercial and residential area overwhelmly share at the total area.

A Robust Continuous Object Tracking Protocol Using Chained Selective Wakeup Strategy in Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크에서 연결된 선택적 활성화 기법을 사용하는 강건한 연속 객체 추적 프로토콜)

  • Hong, Hyungseop;Kim, Sang-Ha
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38B no.1
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2013
  • In wireless sensor networks, the selective wakeup scheme is one of the energy saving mechanisms, that is used for an object detecting or tracking. Recently, many protocols are proposed using the selective wakeup scheme for the continuous objects tracking such as forest fires and poison gas. They predict the future shape of continuous objects and activate only sensors in the predicted boundary area of the objects. It works correctly in a uniformly deployed wireless sensor networks. However, it cannot be directly applied to a randomly deployed sensor networks with voids. When the predicted area is in the void area, the activation message cannot reach and the predicted area cannot be activated at the right time. It leads to many detection errors for continuous object. Moreover, if a sensor is once foiled in a activation control then the next activation control might be continuously failed. The detection errors can be result in serious harm to people. In this paper, we propose a chaining selective wakeup scheme for robust continuous object tracking in wireless sensor networks. In our protocol, we collect the information of a void area during the network configuration time; if the next boundary area is in the void area, we activate the chained area surrounding the void area with activation control message.

Preliminary Study for Tidal Flat Detection in Yeongjong-do according to Tide Level using Landsat Images (Landsat 위성을 이용한 조위에 따른 영종도 갯벌의 면적 탐지에 관한 선행 연구)

  • Lee, Seulki;Kim, Gyuyeon;Lee, Changwook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.639-645
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    • 2016
  • Yeongjong-do is seventh largest island in the west coast of Korea which is 4.8 km away in the direction of south-west from Incheon. The mudflat area around the Yeongjong-do has variable dimension according to tide level. In addition, Yeongjong-do is important area with high environmental value as wintering sites for migratory birds. The mudflat of Yeongjong-do is also meaningful region because it is used as place of education and tourist attraction. But, there are increasing concerns about preservation of mudflat area caused by artificial development such as land reclamation project and Incheon airport construction. In this paper, mudflat area was detected using Landsat 7 ETM+ images that United States Geological Survey (USGS) is providing the data in 16 days period. The false color composite was made from band 7, 5, and 3 that could dividing boundary between water and land for the purpose of appearance of boundary line in mudflat region. This area was calculated using results of classification based on false color composite images and was digitized through repetitive algorithm during research of period. Therefore, the change of northeastern area in Yeongjong-do was detected according to tide level during 16 years from 2000 to 2015 on the basis of providing period at tide station. This paper will expect as indicator for range of area in same tide level prior to the start of the research for preservation of mudflat. It will be also scientific grounds about change of mudflat area caused by artificial development.

Studies on Geology and Mineral Resources of the Okchŏn Belts -Geological Structure of the Areas between Pyŏngchang, Yŏngwŏl and Jechŏn- (옥천대(沃川帶)의 지질(地質) 및 광물자원(鑛物資源)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -평창(平昌)~영월(寧越)~제천지역(堤川地域)의 지질구조(地質構造)-)

  • Kim, Ok Joon;Park, Pong Soon;Min, Kyung Duck
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 1985
  • The geological structures and some of the stratigraphy in the area studied are being thought to be ambiguous and controvertible. The present study intended to clarify these ambiguities by correct interpretation of the geological structures and lithostratigraphy of the area concerned. The so-called "Sambangsan formation", which was designated as an unknown age by the Taebaksan Geological Investigation Corps (1962) and as the mid Cambrian age by T. Kobayashi (1966) and I.S. Kim (1983), has been determined by the present study as the $Hongj{\breve{o}}m$ series of Carbo-Permian age resting unconformably on the Cambro-Ordovician limestone formations. This determination was supported by conodont study concurrently carried out by I.S.Kim. The so-called "Daehari formation", which was renamed by the later study group after the original "Sambangsan formation" distributed in the area from southwest of Sambangsan toward southwest to $Juch{\breve{o}}n$, possesses more or less the same lithlogy as "Sambangsan formation" of the old designation in the eastern of the area, but different lithology in the western localities where Sadong formation, the basal sandstone member of the Kobangsan formation and the green shale member of the Nokam formation are cropped out. The narrow belt of the complex mixture of the $Py{\breve{o}}ngan$ group in-between limestone formations extending over 16km with a width of 500m to 1000m was formed by the faults: the northern boundary with the limestone formations is a fault contact all the way through entire area and the southern boundary is either fault contact in most of the area and unconformity in some other area. The $Hongj{\breve{o}}m$ formation on the Mt. Sambangsan shows rather steeply dipping nearly isoclinal folds which plunges $10^{\circ}$ to $20^{\circ}$ southward. There are also field evidences that the limestone formations distributed in both north and south of the Hongjom formation (erstwhile "Sambangsan formation") along the Sambangsan ridge are the same formations and show the same folding as the $Hongj{\breve{o}}m$ formation. Therefore, these limestone formations should be rezoned in the light of the new structural interpretation although they were differently designated in the previous studies as $Py{\breve{o}}ngchang$ and $Y{\breve{o}}ngw{\breve{o}}l$-type of the Joson Group. The structures developed in the area mostly faults, which acted as one of the guides for the new interpretation of the geology and structure of the area are described and shown on the geologic map.

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A Study on Improvement Measures for the Adjustment Fee Calculation System in the Cadastral Resurvey Project -A Focus on Appeal Cases in Icheon City- (지적재조사 사업 조정금 제도 개선 방안에 관한 연구 -이천시 이의신청 사례분석을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Yun-soo;Choi, won-jun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to present improvement measures for the compensation assessment system and practices by analyzing the current status and case studies of objections related to compensation assessments in cadastral resurvey projects. Cadastral resurvey projects are conducted to align the cadastral records with the actual conditions of the land, thereby resolving disputes in areas with cadastral discrepancies. Although there is a system to adjust compensation based on land area changes, these projects are often delayed due to objections raised by landowners and other interested parties. The study analyzed essential data, including parcels with area increases or decreases, to grasp the characteristics of cadastral resurvey zones and predict the direction of future projects. The objections that caused the most significant delays were categorized into boundary adjustments, area changes, and compensation assessments, with the majority relating to compensation. Compensation assessments are conducted based on area changes per parcel, responding to objections, administrative appeals, and subsequent litigation as necessary. This study proposes measures to reduce disputes and objections regarding compensation assessments. Before conducting cadastral survey measurements, community briefings should be held to address boundary settings and compensation evaluations, allowing landowners to express opinions and thus minimize conflicts. Regulations should be established to allow preliminary compensation assessments at the pre-boundary confirmation stage, and legal provisions should specify the methods and content of objections more clearly. Furthermore, to address delays caused by personnel changes among officials handling cadastral resurvey operations and to promptly resolve resident complaints, standards and manuals for the compensation assessment process are essential. Detailed guidelines or manuals should be developed to ensure reliability, objectivity, and fairness in compensation assessments. Through a detailed analysis of objections in cadastral resurvey projects, this study proposes new legal provisions, transparency in the selection of evaluation agencies, a formal procedure for reviewing landowners' opinions, and improvements in compensation evaluations conducted prior to final boundary determination.

The Role of the Sedimentary Deposits (silt line) from Rivers Flowing into the Sea in the Yellow Sea Maritime Boundary (강의 퇴적물과 황해 경계획정 적용가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Hee-Cheol
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2009
  • The demarcation of Maritime Boundary is directly related to the expansion of jurisdiction and the securing of resources. Resource diplomacies of the three countries Korea, China and Japan represent a major task for the national administrations : to secure resources as well as to stablize and sustain resources for future national economies. At the sea area around Korea as well, countries are fiercely competing to secure resources and to expand jurisdiction. This is evidenced by the fact that various principles and logics which are beneficial to each own country are presented through international precedents, agreement between countries and the theories of the international law scholars. They say that the conclusion of demarcation of maritime boundary for the Yellow Sea would be easy from the point that there is no dispute related to island dominion in the waters of the Korean Peninsula especially the Yellow Sea, but still we need to have a strategic approach to this issue from the point that the factors used for claiming maritime boundaries may expand the waters of a country over much. For example, the continental shelf boundary in consideration of the distribution of sedimentary deposits in the Yellow Sea which is being raised by China began from the hypothesis that the inflow of sedimentary deposits to the Yellow Sea through the rivers of China represents absolute majority, but the results of the latest studies raised questions on the hypothesis. Especially, the studies done by Martin and Yang revealed that the inflow of sedimentary deposits to the Yellow Sea from the Yellow River is approximately less than 1% of total sedimentary deposits in the Yellow Sea, and also the result of analysis on the causes and counter policy measures on the environment of Bohai, China supports the reliability of the results of such studies. From a legal aspect, the sedimentary deposits of rivers which are claimed by China represent extremely weak ground for the claim for the title of the continental shelf. The siltline claimed by China seems to be based on the Article 76-4-(a)(i) of UNCLOS. This is, however, not the definition on the title of the continental shelf but it is only a technical formula to utilize in a case where a country desires to expand the continental shelf to over 200 nautical miles. Scientific and Technical Guidelines of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf also confirm this point through the Article 2.1.2 of the Guideline. The only case in which sedimentary deposits of rivers were referred to as concrete demarcation of maritime boundary was in the which was concluded in 1986 between India and Myanmar at the Andaman Sea. In the said case, India acknowledged the boundary up to the isobath of 200m which Myanmar claimed based on the sedimentary deposits of the Irrawaddy River. It has limits as a case for acknowledging the sedimentary deposits, however, because in fact India's acknowledgment was made in exchange for the condition that Myanmar gave up the dominion of two islands which they had been claiming from India up until that time.

Multiple Albedo Variation Caused by the Shadow Effect of Urban Building and Its Impacts on the Urban Surface Heat Budget (도심 건축물 그림자효과에 의한 다중 반사도 변화와 도시지표면 열수지에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Soon-Hwan;Ahn, Ji-Suk;Kim, Sang-Woo;Kim, Hae-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.738-748
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    • 2010
  • In order to clarify the impact of variation of albedo on the atmospheric boundary layer caused by the density of building in urban areas, both satellite data analysis and numerical experiments were carried out. Utilized satellite data were multi-spectral visible data detected by the Korea Multi- Purpose Satellite -2 (KOMSAT-2), and the numerical models for the estimation of surface heat budget are Albedo Calculation Model (ACM) and Oregon State University Planetary Boundary Layer model (OSUPBL). In satellite data analysis, the estimated albedo in densely populated building area is lower than other regions by 17% at the maximum due to the shadow effect of skyscraper buildings. The surface temperature reached $43.5^{\circ}C$ in the highly dense and tall building area and $37.4^{\circ}C$ in the coarse density area of low buildings, respectively. However, the low albedo in densely integrated building area is not directly related to the increase of surface air temperature since the mechanical turbulence induced by the roughness of buildings is more critical in its impact than the decrease of albedo.