• Title/Summary/Keyword: Architecture design

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Review and Discussion on Policy and Legal System for River Environments Management in Korea (국가 하천환경관리 체계의 검토와 고찰)

  • Chun, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.431-444
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to review the guidelines being used by law and national policy concerned on river environments management and suggest the applicability of newly developed river environment assessment system. In the current legal system, the national river environment management system is insufficient in securing an independent status in the legal institutional system which is separated to the Ministry of Land, Transport and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Environment. And the river environment assessment system of the national standard, which is a core matter, has not been established yet. In particular, there is a lack of integrated approach between the upper and lower plan or related plans on water resources, water quality, river environment and aquatic ecosystem management. In addition, the consistency and effectiveness as the process of planning and design according to the current status and comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the river environment were not secured either. To integrate national river environment management system and improve efficiency, I proposed the establishment of hierarchy and connection between national river plans, and the adoption and application of developed assessment system based on characteristics of river environment in Korea. Finally, I proposed the separated application with dividing the developed assessment system including the naturalness of river environment and suitability of water friendly activity into both assessment method for management plan of water resources of river basins & basic river plan respectively.

A Study on the Method for Ecological Restoration on Abandoned Concrete-paved Road - Focused on the Experimental Construction Site in Young Dong Province of GyungBu Express Highway(227.24~229.04km) - (콘크리트 폐도의 생태복원 방안 모색에 관한 연구 - 경부선 영동군 황간지역 시험시공지를 중심으로(경부고속도로 227.24~229.04km 지점) -)

  • Kim, Nam Choon;Ann, Phil Gun;No, Su Dae;Kim, Do Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2012
  • The unmanaged abandoned concrete roads are vulnerable toward the issues on soil and water pollution, which requires flexible managing method such as eco-corridor after the process of ecological restoration. Among various alternations of abandoned concrete-paved roads, ecological restoration technique may be the most suitable method in sites including high quality of natural environment. Therefore, as in Young dong province, GyungBu express highway (227.24~229.04km), which is near to Hwang-gan IC, the survey to measure its effect of soil under the paving and water pollution by abandoned concrete roads was discussed. Then, the restoration method of plantings of landscape trees and hydro-seeding methods of artificial soil media was appraised through consecutive monitoring. The soil adequacy analysis shows lower percentage of heavy metal substance in each depth level compared to standard limit stated by the Ministry of Environment, along with low concerns raised after the analysis on heavy metal content of the spilled water on the concrete roads. Meanwhile, Korean Weigela (Weigela subsessilis L.H. Baily) was found to be withered in small-scale landscape trees planting sites. Among the seeding plants. the family of leguminosae, Silene armeria, Dendranthema boreale, Caryopteris incana and Aster yomena show good establishment results. Overall studies on planting of small and large landscape trees, planting method of container plants, planting method of ground cover plants, and germination and development trend of seeding plants of the experimental restoration site on abandoned concrete roads are revealing specific trends in the way landscape woody plants establishment and growth. Finally, this study suggests further studies and survey on varied plant restoration methods on abandoned concrete-roads for developed design guidelines of their methods.

An Efficient Disk Sharing Technique supporting Single Disk I/O Space in Linux Cluster Systems (리눅스 클러스터 시스템에서 단일 디스크 입출력 공간을 지원하는 효율적 디스크 공유 기법)

  • 김태호;이종우;이재원;김성동;채진석
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.635-645
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    • 2003
  • One of very important features that are necessarily supported by clustered parallel computer systems is a single I/O system image in which users can access both the local and remote I/O resources transparently. In this paper, we propose an efficient disk sharing technique supporting a single disk I/O system image architecture. The design separates the I/O subsystem of a cluster into the file system and a set of virtual hard disk drivers. The virtual hard disk driver deals with a hard disk in the remote node as a local hard disk. All services provided by it are performed in the device driver level without any modification of file systems. Users can, therefore, access all the disks in the cluster regardless of their locations. Our virtual hard disk driver is implemented under the linux, and also tested in a linux cluster system. We find by experiments that it can successfully support a single disk I/O space, and at the same time it shows better performance than NFS. We are sure that this paper can be a guideline for single I/O space of other devices to be easily constructed.

Design of a Real Estate Knowledge Information System Based on Semantic Search (시맨틱 검색 기반의 부동산 지식 정보시스템 설계)

  • Cho, Jae-Hyung;Kang, Moo-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2011
  • The apartment' share of the housing has steadily increased and property assets have been valued in importance as the one of asset value. Information retrieval system using internet is particularly active in the real estate market. However, user satisfaction on real estate information system is not very high, and there is a lack of research on real estate retrieval to increasing efficiency until now. This study presents a new knowledge information system developed to consider region-related factor and individual-related factor in the real estate market. In addition it enables a real estate knowledge system to search various preferential requirements for buyers such as school district, living convenience, easy maintenance as well as price. We made a survey of the search condition preference of experts on 30 real estate agents and then analyzed the result using AHP methodology. Furthermore, this research is to build apartment ontology using semantic web technologies to standardize various terminologies of apartment information and to show how it can be used to help buyers find apartments of the interest. After designing architecture of a real estate knowledge information system, this system is applied to the Busan real estate market to estimate the solutions of retrieval through Multi-Attribute Decision Making(MADM). Based on the results of the analysis, we endowed the buyer and expert's selected factors with weights in the system. Evaluation results indicate that this new system is to raise not only the value satisfaction of user, but also make it possible to effectively search and analyze the real estate through entropy analysis of MADM. This new system is to raise not only the value satisfaction of buyer's real estate, but also make it possible to effectively search and analyze the related real estate, consequently saving the searching cost of the buyers.

ASIC Design of Lifting Processor for Motion JPEG2000 (Motion JPEG2000을 위한 리프팅 프로세서의 ASIC 설계)

  • Seo Young-Ho;Kim Dong-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.5C
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    • pp.344-354
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we proposed a new lifting architecture for JPEG2000 and implemented to ASIC. We proposed a new cell to execute unit calculation of lifting using the property of lifting which is the repetitious arithmetic with same structure, and then recomposed the whole lifting by expanding it. After the operational sequence of lifting arithmetic was analyzed in detail and the causality was imposed for implementation to hardware, the unit cell was optimized. A new lifting kernel was organized by expanding simply the unit cell, and a lifting processor was implemented for Motion JPEG2000 using it. The implemented lifting kernel can accommodate the tile size of $1024{\times}1024$, and support both lossy compression using the (9,7) filter and lossless compression using (5,3) filter. Also, it has the same output rate as input rate, and can continuously output the wavelet coefficients of 4 types(LL, LH, HL, HH) at the same time. The implemented lifting processor completed a course of ASIC using $0.35{\mu}m$ CMOS library of SAMSUNG. It occupied about 90,000 gates, and stably operated in about 150MHz though difference from the used macro cell for the multiplier. Finally, the improved operated in about 150MHz though difference from the used macro cell for the multiplier. Finally, the performance can be identified in comparison with the previous researches and commercial IPs.

A Study on the Competitive Strategy of Department Store for Sustainable Development (지속가능한 성장을 위한 백화점의 경쟁전략에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Chang-Beom;Park, Chul-Ju;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Since Korean distribution market was opened, the domestic environment in department stores has been changed by the pattern of consumption and consumer need based on income classes. As multilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) accelerates opening markets, the scale of circulating capital has become bigger. Large-scale commercial facilities have developed quickly as a form of a large shopping center, thus, the matter of choice and securing market area became an important valuable in this trend. Moreover, multi-complex space has been proposed as the goal of successful business with promoting the public benefit. Research design, data, and methodology - This research studied consumer behavior using data about the life style and sales of consumers, not statistical data or survey as previous studies. This research tried to find the differentiation in complex cultural space with consumption behavior of department store. Results - As the structure of society and culture was getting diverse and complex, economic growth and development with such diversity and complexity improved consumers' quality of life. The changes of consumer life style are quite natural like human instinct. Department stores have activated retail business with the products of accumulated technology. Moreover, they have created the space of consumption and culture. Because of these social and environmental changes, department stores are being developed as Multi-functional spaces as well as sale places considering the strategies of department and the changes of consumers' purchasing behaviors. Conclusions - Urban culture complex is a landmark standing for the culture era of 21st century. It has provided an opportunity for consumers to enjoy culture, and has been an important factor to improve company images. Based on these roles and needs, expectancy effects are related with consumer preference and space preference, and the attitude toward companies. Moreover, the expectancy effects from those relationships are getting bigger and bigger. We should respect nature, a characteristic of Korean architecture, maintain visual continuity that harmonies with nature in the development of the complex space of the domestic department stores, and should take significance in the development of the complex cultural space in the direction of feeling the hierarchy of the space to obtain the visual pleasure with the artificial structure.

Traits of Water Level Control by Sluice Gates and Halophyte Community Formation in Saemangeum (새만금 배수갑문 수위조절 특성과 염생식물 군락지 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Sin, Myoung-Ho;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2010
  • In order to examine the traits of sluice gate water control, halophyte community formation and their inter-relations in Saemangeum, both water level condition and halophyte community formation were analyzed periodically and spatially on the topographic map with Surfer, Saemageum Spatial Analysis System, and related field reports. The traits of water level condition are that average water level in the growing period of halophytes was similar to annual average water level, annual low level and high level appeared in the growing period, and water level was usually maintained within a range of -1.0m~0.5m above mean sea level, but it has changed more frequently year by year. Routine water level control, natural disaster prevention, construction, and civil appeal took major percentages of the reasons for sluice gate's opening and shutting. Since 2007, not only the overall control frequency of sluice gate but also its control frequency for construction and natural disaster prevention have increased outstandingly. Halophyte community had formed at a rate of 1,209ha/year in the 4,315 ha land in 2008, 6.3 times larger than in 2005, and 2,382 ha above around 1.0m was estimated to be artificially vegetated, 89.1 % of the 2,673ha-size sown area. High water level was found to be a more possible determinant than average water level or low water level in halophyte community formation and it was thought to be secondary factors whether tillage was conducted or/and whether surface sealing formed.

Environment as an Indicator in the Buddhist Art of Asia (아시아 불교미술에서 지표로서의 환경)

  • Lee, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 2008
  • Buddhism and Buddhist art originated in India, but when they were introduced to different countries, they created an international environment. Buddhism was introduced as cultural package, with written texts, visual images, rituals, and the organization of monasteries. Buddhist art originated in India during the reign of King Asoka and then was developed under the political, intellectual, artistic, religious, social and natural environments of the regions. The stupa and the chaitya halls create monastic environment. The natural environment of the trade routes and caravans in the Central Asian deserts preserved brilliant-colored murals and helped spread tram India to China. When Buddhism and Buddhist art were introduced to China, Korea, and Japan, Buddhism became a part of government institution and social organization. Gigantic statues were carved in caves in mountains for political purposes. The Chinese transformed the stupa into a square pillar and created pagodas with tiled roofs in tower forms. Koreans not only transmitted the Buddhist art from China to Japan, but it also changed it with originality in the iconography of the pensive bodhisattva images and in the architecture of Seoggulam. The official ideology of Neo Confucian philosophy brought the rise of Chan Buddhism. Zen monasteries in Japan created unique environments by establishing the Zen Buddhist garden. to prompt believers to meditate. An important development in Buddhist art is the Esoteric Buddhist art in China and Tibet. This category belongs to the intellectual, religious as well as artistic environments. The Tibetan deities with consorts in their embrace symbolize the union of the god and the devotees. Buddhist art created a unique environment that was spread out to many nations and changed greatly over time.

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Efficiency Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction according to Local Eco-friendly Housing Development Planned Element Using DEA Models (DEA모형을 이용한 지역별 친환경주택단지계획 요소에 따른 온실가스 감축 효율성 분석)

  • Hong, Ha-Yeon;Lee, Joo-Hyung
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2013
  • This study which are recognized that the lack of empirical research about the efficiency of the elements of environmentally friendly housing development planned presented housing design elements and policies to revitalize for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by analyzing the effectiveness of reduction of greenhouse gas output. In addition, it used various models of DEA which are accepted until now effective technique to evaluate the performance of the organization. In conclusion, there are effective 5 regionals which are Seoul, Incheon, Ulsan, South Chungcheong Province, South Gyeongsang Province. other regionals was analyzed to be inefficient. The conclusion from this study are as follows: First, in case of 11 regionals which are analyzed to be inefficient, they have to difference plan elements to make up. So each region should establish strategy to complement vulnerability. Second, not only internal architectural factors but institutional, and external environmental factors also affect the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. And weighted scores also were moderately high. But levels of weighted scores still less than the ratio of Good quality housing. So it can be determined that evaluation of individual architecture still considered important. It need to pay more attention to the operating system and the external environmental factors.

Abnormal Response Analysis of a Cable-Stayed Bridge using Gradual Bilinear Method (Gradual Bilinear Method를 이용한 사장교의 케이블 손상응답 해석)

  • Kim, Byeong-Cheol;Park, Ki-Tae;Kim, Tae-Heon;Hwang, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.60-71
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    • 2014
  • Cable-stayed bridge, which is one of the representative long-spanned bridge, needs prompt maintenances when a stay cable is damaged because it may cause structural failure of the entire bridge. Many researches are being conducted to develop abnormal behavior detection algorithms for the purpose of shortening the reaction time after the occurrence of structural damage. To improve the accuracy of the damage detection algorithm, ample observation data from various kinds of damage responses is needed. However, it is difficult to measure an abnormal response by damaging an existing bridge, numerical simulation can be an effective alternative. In most previous studies, which simulate the damage responses of a cable-stayed bridge, the damages has been considered as a load variation without regard to its stiffness variation. The analyses of using these simplification could not calculate exact responses of damaged structure, though it may reserve a sufficient accuracy for the purpose of bridge design. This study suggests Gradual Bilinear Method (GBM) which simulate the damage responses of cable-stayed bridge considering the stiffness and mass variation, and develops an analysis program. The developed program is verified from the responses of a simple model. The responses of a existing cable-stayed bridge model are analyzed with respect to the fracture delay time and damage ratio. The results of this study can be used to develop and verify the highly accurate abnormal behavior detection algorithm for safety management of architecture/large structures.