• Title/Summary/Keyword: Apartment residents

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Resident's Usage and needs for the improvement of Community Facilities in Public Rental Apartments (임대주택 커뮤니티시설의 거주자 이용현황 및 개선 요구)

  • Hwang, Yeon-Sook;Yoon, Young-Sun;Son, Yeo-Rym;Chang, A-Ri
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays, public rental apartments' community facilities emphasize only their quantity aspect without considering residents' characteristics, leading their installation regulations to be based on only the number of households, which is problematic. As a result, in many cases, residents, after moving in, alter the facility usage or remodel the facilities for their use. Hereby, this study conducted focus group interviews with public rental apartments' residents as to find out space conditions of and improvement demands for the community facilities. Two public rental apartment complexes in Seoul and Gyeongi-do which were built after 2007 were selected for this study. As for the survey method, workshop panel was employed. Four people in each age class of infants, children, adolescents, adults, and seniors were formed into one group, and a total of 40 people in 10 groups were surveyed. The survey was continuously conducted from February to March in 2009. The study findings can be summarized as follows. 1) Among community facilities, there were more satisfactory outdoor facilities than satisfactory indoor facilities. Residents expressed satisfaction with the facilities linked with natural environment. The causes of unsatisfactory facilities were mostly poor management. 2) The facilities demanded by the residents included ones relevant to study, exercise, and hobbies. As public rental apartments are resided mostly by low-income families, study and hobby activities bring them cost problems. Therefore, it is needed that the apartment complexes support diverse such activities 3) As for facilities demanded for usage alteration, a residents' meeting room accounted for the most popular opinions. As it was used only once a week, its usage was very low. It should be opened to the residents and allowed to be used in various ways. 4) As for demands of changing spatial characteristics, outdoor exercise facilities accounted for the most opinions. Although they were installed in most cases, they were damaged and poorly managed, therefore being in need of improvement in operation and management. In order to maximally utilize public rental apartments' community facilities, facility planning in consideration of various age groups from residents' viewpoint and sustainable systematic management are required.

A Study on the Current Situation of Using Community Facilities and Its Proper Size in Apartment (아파트 단지 내 커뮤니티 시설의 이용실태 및 적정규모에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Sei-Kwan;Kim, Won-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the awareness of apartment residents on their using tendency of community facilities established in apartment complex in order to verify a role that such facilities play in making contributions to lives of apartment dwellers and to analyze their using tendency of the facilities and subsequent problems. The study produced the important findings as follows. First, the level of exchange among residents and their satisfaction were raised high in the apartment complex that offered substantial community facilities. Second, in regard to physical aspect, community activities among dwellers were brisk in the apartment complex where community facilities were organically connected. Third, fitness center, shower room and golf course were excessive in terms of space provided while the space alloted for G.X room, a place used exclusively for class, was insufficient. Fourth, the analysis of using tendency and preference level showed that fitness center, shower room and G.X room were the required facilities. The rooms for using PCs and watching DVDs and the singing room were found to be unnecessary because such facilities were low in the effectiveness when the operating cost was considered.

A Comparative Study on the Cross-Ventilation Effect by the Floor Plan Type of Apartment House during Summer (아파트 평면형에 따른 여름철 맞통풍 효과 비교)

  • Kim, Jeong-Min;Choi, Yoon-Jung
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to make clear the cross-ventilation effect by floor plan type in apartment house during summer. The questionnaire survey was carried out during the 26th of August the 4th of September 2004. The respondents were 174 residents living in two subject apartment estates. One subject estate (we call A estate) was consisted apartment houses having cross-ventilation floor plan. The other subject estate (we cail B estate) was constructed apartment houses having ordinary floor plan. The field measurements of indoor thermal elements reflecting natural cooling effect by cross-ventilation were carried out at A house in A estate and at B house in B estate. The measurements in two subject houses were taken on simultaneously the 27th of August. The residents living in A apartment estate planed cross-ventilation type show positive responses on thermal sensation and airflow sensation. The averages indoor temperature and air velocity in the A house were 0.9 C lower and 0.29 m/s higher than the B house. Therefore, it was found that indoor thermal environment during summer in the house having cross-ventilation floor plan maintained more comfortable than the house having ordinary floor plan by natural cooling effect of cross-ventilation.

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A Study on the Cognitive Maps of the Elderly Living in Apartment Area (고령인구의 거주지 인지도 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Soonjung;Jeong, Dawoon;Oh, Yeinn
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to figure out the cognitive characteristics of the elderly living in apartment complex in order to construct basic data for the design of sustainable and age friendly apartment area. Methods: Cognitive map was used to identify and analyze the elderly residents' status of residential environment cognitions. The elderly living in Gongreung-dong apartment was randomly interviewed outdoor area and requested to draw cognitive maps on their living environment. 26 valid cognitive maps collected were analyzed, classified into two different types: Line type and Dot type. The average age, cognitive distance, length of residence, number of elements in the map(complexity) were then compared by Line and Dot type, as well as by gender. Correlations among variables also were analysed. Results: Males showed a tendency to draw dot types, which means they are place-centered, and females drew line types more than males, which means they are way-centered. The average cognitive distance of male group was greater than that of female group. As the age went up, the number of perceived place and the cognitive distance decreased. Oder people tended to draw line types rather than dot types. As the cognitive distance was longer, the perceived place and the number of lines increased. Implications: The age was more related to the recognition of the residential environment. The younger the residents were, the more they recognized the elements. The points that were represented by dots in the cognitive maps are places for memories for the individuals. Creating more memorable spaces will affect the cognition of residents on living environment. It is better to improve the cognitive environments before cognitive abilities of residents decrease.

Ambient Levels of CO and PM10 at Low- and High-floor Apartments in Industrial Complexes (산업단지 내 저층과 고층 아파트의 외기 중 호흡성분진과 일산화탄소 수준)

  • Jo, Wan-Kuen;Lee, Joon-Yeob
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.719-725
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    • 2006
  • Since low-floor apartments ate vertically closer to patting lots and roadways, it is hypothesized that residents in low-floor apartments may be exposed to elevated ambient levels of motet vehicle emissions compared to residents in high-floor apartments. The present study examined this hypothesis by measuring two motor vehicle source-related pollutants(CO and PM10) in ambient air of high-rise apartment buildings within the boundary of industrial complexes according to atmospheric stability The ambient air concentrations of CO and PM10 were higher for low-floor apartments than for high-floor apartments, regardless of atmospheric stability, The median concentration ratio of the low-floor air to high-floor alt ranged from 1.3 to 2.0, depending upon atmospheric stabilities, seasons and compounds. Moreover, the CO and PM10 concentrations were significantly higher in the winter and in the summer, regardless of the Hoot height. Atmospheric stability also was suggested to be important for the residents' exposure of high-rise apartment buildings to both CO and PM10. The median ratios of surface inversion air to non-surface inversion air ranged from 1.2 to 1.7 and from 1.0 to 1.6 lot PM10 and CO, respectively, depending upon seasons. Conclusively, these parameters(apartment floor height, season, and atmospheric stability) should be considered when evaluating the exposure of residents, living in high-rise apartment buildings, to CO and PM10. Meanwhile, the median PMl0 outdoor concentrations were close to or higher than the Korean annual standards for PM10, and the maximum PM10 concentrations substantially exceeded the Korean PM10 standard, thus suggesting the need for a management strategy for ambient PM 10. Neither the median nor the maximum outdoor CO concentrations, however, were higher than the Korean CO standard.

A Study on Residents' Satisfaction Degree of Differentiated Elements in Outdoor Space of Apartment Housing (아파트 옥외공간 차별화 요소에 대한 주민 만족도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 서주환;김도경;최성숙;김대환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this research is to help outdoor space planning reflected real needs of apartment residents in the differentiation elements of outdoor space, by using USC trade-off game in three apartment complexes in Seoul. This game method was used to evaluate their preference, reliability of preference degree, satisfaction degree, requirement elements such as improvement, sacrifice, maintenance of present condition, and payment possibility for improving and maintaining present condition, in addition to their preference and payment possibility of differentiation of outdoor space in the apartment complex in the future. From the statical analysis, we found the following results: 1. Reliability of preference degree was valid, inasmuch as the first elements they preferred were the almost same as the last things. 2. Elements of preference were pedestrian ways, pedestrian security facilities, various athletic facilities, and variety and high-class facilities in a play ground. 3. Satisfaction degree of differentiation elements of outdoor space was low not only in total complexes but also in each complex. As a result of analysis, these elements were not satisfied with residents. 4. Most of the differentiation elements of outdoor space in three apartment complexes, except planting traditional trees, were required to improve and maintain present condition. The cost to improve and maintain these elements able to pay by them was about 2.18 million won. Through this result, these elements were not options but prerequisites for planning outdoor space in apartment complexes. 5. In the future preference elements of differentiation of outdoor space in apartment complexes were pedestrian and jogging ways, places with water, various athletic places and facilities, multi-function resting places, green spaces in experiences, pedestrian security facilities, various athletic facilities, variety and high-class facilities in a play ground, and payment possibility for these elements was about 3.20 million won.

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A Study on the Design Characteristic about Public Space of Privately-built Apartment Housing after the Enforcement of Price Deregulation - Focused on the high rise apartment in Daegu - (분양자율화 이후 민영아파트 주동 공용공간의 디자인 특징 - 대구광역시 고층.초고층아파트를 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Hee-Sook;Lee, Sang-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the design characteristic about the public space of privately-built apartment housing after the enforcement of price deregulation in Daegu. The public space of the multi-family housing is monotonous and closed according to the position of an elevator and a stair hall by the 1990's. However, the housing has been gentrified since 2000 because of demands of residents and purpose for selling in lots. Thus, the recognition of the apartments has changed and this change has led to extend the living territory and magnify the role of the public space where help interact with neighbors. This study is based on the survey of thirty nine apartment complex. Also, by using an analysis derived from a precedent study, design elements in approach and interior space of apartment residents are comprehended. The characteristic of the porch is researched and divided according to a roof of porch, form as the door, material of roof, wall, the ceiling and floor. Interior space is analyzed by several elements; forms of core, forms, materials and lights of ceiling, materials of walls and floors, existence and nonexistence of windows, and extra interior components etc. As a result of the study, After the enforcement of price deregulation, the public space of apartments has had improved quality in materials and design and the community center for residents such as waiting rooms and spots facilities has appeared. However, the traffic line of interior space has been very intricate. Also, sports facilities and waiting areas are limited to some apartments.

A study on the effectiveness of Senior living environmental improvement through remodeling of old apartment complex (노후 임대아파트단지 리모델링을 통한 노인거주환경개선효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Soonjung;Kang, Hyojin;Oh, Ga Young;Kim, Seok Jun
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Korean society has already entered an aged society but there aren't many evidence-based studies on the elderly-friendly design elements in the apartment environment, which is the main residential type in Korea. The main purpose of this study is to verify the necessity and expandability of the outdoor environment design in the public rental apartment complex through the evaluation of the effectiveness and satisfaction of SMG(Seoul Metropolitan Government) Cognitive Health Design Project in GR 1 apartment complex. Methods: The research subjects were GR 1-complex as experimental group and the nearby Wolgye Deer 1-complex as control group, both public rental apartment and located in Seoul. As a research method, the survey was conducted before and after the implementation of SMG project for residents of the apartment. A total of 200 preliminary surveys and 203 post surveys were conducted. Results: As a result of this study, residents' accidents related safety have decreased, and both the frequency of use and satisfaction of most facilities have increased. It is noteworthy that the increase in cognitive items in the post-survey. Also, 74.5% of the residents evaluated that the complex was better to live after the project was implement. Implications: The fact that the preliminary surveys were not conducted for the same person is considered as the limitation of the study, but it is meaningful in that it systematically assesses the effectiveness of the project on the cognitive health of the outdoor residential environment towards age-friendly city.

A Study on Characteristics of the Scenes to Visual-Perceptual of Apartment Complex - Focused on The main node Area in Urban district of The city of Cheon-an (공동주택(共同住宅)의 시지각적(視知覺的) 경관특성(景觀特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 천안지역(天安地域) 도심(都心) 주요(主要) 결절부(結節部) 시점(視點)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Yang Dae-Nam;Lee Gwang-Young
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2006
  • Apartment houses, the representative type of urban housing, are becoming an important element in Korea urban landscape. In this regard, this study aims to consider landscape in view of city residents reflecting human's visual perceptual characteristic, and in line with this, the urban landscape of apartment houses viewed from the urban center main intersections has been embodied according to the physical components of the intersections, which was followed by preference survey of the city residents, and then based on this, the visual-perceptual characteristics were examined. The findings are as follows: 1. The findings gained from the average of the landscape types indicate that the city residents are more satisfied when the shielding by surrounding buildings is minimized, view securing is relatively good, the whole complex is clearly observed because of its proximity to the visual point, and the view of the complex is well recognized from the focus point. 2. The examination concerning the preferred factors positively evaluated in terms of architectural planning shows that when the complex view is changeable sophisticated, makes the residents feel comfortable with its stable, open plan, and it's in harmony with surroundings, such housing attracts the city residents. 3. In terms of architectural planning factors, it turned out that the complex is more preferred when the visibility of the complex and the scale of surrounding green space are in good condition, and such elements of the complex as the sky line, the overall shape, the elevation, variation of the shape and height are harmonious with one another.

The revitalization methods for the cyber community to consolidate the communities in apartment complexes;focused on the contents of their web sites (아파트 단지 내 공동체 강화를 위한 사이버 커뮤니티 활성화 방안;웹사이트상의 컨텐츠 현황과 이용실태를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Young-Ae;Kang, Soon-Joo
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.185-189
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    • 2006
  • attention to the elevation of the Quality of living, various ways to revitalize the community spirit are found including reforming hardhearted neighborhoods and overcoming the dreariness of city. With the development of the internet and the spread(dissemination) of "digital home", the communities in cyber space are especially active since we are living in an information-oriented society. To consolidate the communities in apartment complexes, this study tries to find revitalization methods of the cyber community by analyzing the contents of the web sites, understanding the cyber community. The cyber contents that are provided come from three main companies that develop the internet apartments. These are compared and analyzed. The related cyber communities("cafe") are also analyzed. The results are as follows. 1)Though they have some differences on details, the content provided from internet companies can be categorized as introduction to the apartment complex, personal service, community, club and internet shopping. 2)The contents on the cyber community made by the residents are mostly for clubs and chatting since they are made for communication between residents. 3)To revitalize the cyber community, the content that gets more attention from the residents needs to be subdivided into groups.

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