• Title/Summary/Keyword: Apartment Complex Characteristics

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A Case Study of Layout Plan and Use of Indoor Community Spaces in Rental Apartment Complexes (사례분석을 통한 임대아파트 실내 커뮤니티공간의 배치 및 이용실태)

  • Hwang, Yeon-Sook;Byun, Hea-Ryung;Lee, Song-Hyun;Eo, Sung-Sin
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data needed for planning apartment community spaces in order to vitalize rental apartments. Indoor community spaces of 12 rental apartments in Seoul and Kyunggi were examined. The results are as follows. First, the layout types of indoor community spaces in rental apartment complexes were found out to be mostly the building type planned in the piloties of the apartment, or the singular type placed in a singular building. Depending on the layout type, the spaces were mostly concentrated at the outskirt of the complex or the in-between space of the main building, thus lowering their recognition. Thereby, they were not satisfactory for utilization of the spaces and association of residents. Second, Indoor community space legal establishment standard and square measure did not reflect resident's feature except elderly spaces, and there was problem in activation of space. Third, as for the spatial planning of indoor community space, although each space was categorized by the users' age, the furniture and appliance planning considering users was not satisfactory. The area calculation by the type of space did not reflect the users' characteristics, thus causing problems in using the facilities. Fourth, as for the management and programs of the indoor community space, spaces were managed after categorized by the major user classes such as children, seniors, and adolescents. Depending on eagerness of program managers of each apartment complex, the level of program management varied. The survey results showed that, in most cases, almost no programs were used or merely basic management and programs were being provided.

Energy Consumption Characteristics and Policy Directions According to Apartment Complex Type in Incheon Metropolitan City (초고층과 일반 아파트 단지의 에너지 소비 특성과 정책방향 연구 - 인천지역 아파트 단지의 전기 및 가스 사용량을 중심으로)

  • Rhee, Bum-Hun;Chang, Dong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.285-290
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to compare the energy consumption characteristics of high-rise and general apartments and propose policy implications in Incheon City where high-rise apartments are planned. The method of analysis is to select the cases, to conduct field survey, drawing review, analysis of Electric Architectural administration Information System. The study derived the current status of energy consumption in high-rise and general apartment complexes located in the same region, Yeonsu-gu Incheon City, and performed comparative analysis on their characteristics. First, electrical energy in the high-rise apartment complexes was consumed excessively, by 1.63 to 2.5 times more than that of the general apartment complexes. Second, the gas energy usage in the high-rise apartment complexes was higher than that of the general complexes, by 1.09 to 1.2 times. Third, the energy consumption per unit area in the high-rises was also higher, by 1.042 to 1.3 times. As individual elements such as incomes, living standards, and life patterns of the residents affect energy consumption, the high-rise apartment complex consumed more energy per unit area than the general apartment complex did. However, this study did not consider the elements of energy expenditure and satisfaction level, which are the limitations of this research.

A Study on the Awareness of the Middle Aged for the Digital home System and Well-being Apartment Design Elements (디지털홈 시스템과 웰빙아파트 계획요소에 대한 중년층 의식 연구)

  • Cho, Sung-Heui;Lee, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2007
  • This study examined the awareness of the middle aged about the digital home system and well-being apartment design elements in order to suggest the design guidelines for planning of the elderly housing environment. By literature review, the concept and characteristics of the digital home system and well-being Apartment design elements were summarized the degree of satisfaction and preference of middle aged for these characteristics were investigated and analyzed. For this study, a questionnaire survey of 156 housewives living in apartment complex of Busan was carried out. The results of this study are as follows: The middle aged were generally short of recognition for digital skill and service, and also they showed positive evaluations to a few useful items of digital home system. These items belong under safety security system and interior environment control system and provided for convenient & comfortable life. Accordingly, satisfied digital home system can apply basic design element for housing for elderly. Whereas, the middle-aged were not satisfied with housework help system and cultural life system because items of these systems were not various and complicate to us. So, for the improvement of not satisfied digital home system, we needed development of digital contents and marketing & management for high accessibility and easy useability. The middle aged will concern about health & environment friendly continuously and become to stay long in their housing as the characteristics of elderly. So, It is necessary to be considered well-being apartment design elements of health & environment friendly very actively and lastingly in elderly housing environment design. Also, the awareness of middle aged for digital home system and well-being apartment design elements varied according to the background characteristics. This suggests housing environment for elderly life is considered differently as various background characteristics of middle aged.

A Study on Interior Design Trend Analysis of Medium-Large size Apartment after year 2000 (2000년 이후 중대형 아파트의 실내디자인 트렌드 분석 연구)

  • Park, Ji-Min;Yoon, Chung-Sook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.155-158
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    • 2008
  • Today, apartment is the primary housing type in Korea. In the past, there were many apartment floor plans in the same design way. There have been changes to complex and luxury plans in these days because people want to fit their own needs and wants to the plans. The primary purpose of this study is to analyze interior design trend of medium-large size apartment after year 2000. For that, this study used 7 different construction companies, 13 apartment complexes and 30 unit plan cases which were on sale from April 2007 to April 2008 in Seoul and the Metropolitan area. The results of analysis are as follows: First, most cases had 4LDK and 2bathroom with a dress-room. Second, characteristics of the interior design showed that the variety finish materials used in the units. For wall finish materials, wallpapers were used in mostly regardless in different areas. For floor finish materials, stone and tile were used in similar ratio in the entrance area whereas wood floor mostly was used in living room and kitchen areas. This study shows some significant characteristics of today's apartment even it has some limitations because of small amount of survey cases. More detailed and deeper study will be done continuously.

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An Investigation on Determinants of Apartment Price in Ilsan Area (일산지역의 공동주택 평당매매 가격결정 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Han-Sub;Yoo, Seon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to find out the factors affecting the apartment price given three sets of variables such as characteristics of apartment building, apartment site, and location. Data of 1,579 housing units in 224 apartment complex sites in Ilsan city were selected from the housing information of four public and private housing sources in 2006. The first set of variables for physical features include housing size (pyoung), preferring-floor, building orientation, heating system and structure of entrance. The second set of variables for building were number of housing units, built year and rank of construction company. The third set of variables for location were distance from number of school, the subway station, distance of department store and park. For the analysis, the hedonic price model, which was one of the methods to estimate social convenience, was used along with the SPSS statistical program and regression analysis. The results are as follows, Firstly, in the structural characteristic variables, it was analyzed that all of the variables except facing affected the apartment price. Secondly, In the site characteristic variables, unusually all of the variables were not affected the apartment price in Ilsan city. Finally, the locational characteristic variables number of school, the subway station, distance of department store and park affected the apartment price. In case of Ilsan city, educational facilities was likely to positively contribute to the price of apartment.

Effects of Types and Locational Characteristics of Urban Parks on the Apartment Price (도시공원의 유형 및 입지적 특성이 공동주택가격에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Go Eun;Choi, Yeol
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.927-936
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    • 2016
  • This research aims to analyze the effect of different types of urban parks and their locational characteristics on the apartment price in the entire metropolitan area of Busan, Korea. Although an urban park is an environmental good that influences the surroundings in many ways, most of the previous studies have underestimated its impact on the value of the surrounding area. This research focuses on the economic value of urban parks by understanding their relationship with the value of the apartments in the surrounding area with its significance in their physical and objective characteristics. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the different typological characteristics of urban parks in the analysis. In summary of the result, the number of levels (stories) and units of the apartment complex, ranking of the contractor, age of a park and accessibility to sub-central are positively related to the price of apartment units. On the other hand, the total area of apartment complex, the age of apartments, the distance to the nearest park and accessibility to civic-central or regional district are negatively related to the price of apartment units. Having a plan for constructing a park is also positively related to the price. For the typological characters of a park, neighborhood park, small-sized park, and sports park are positively related to the price, while children's park is negatively related to the price of apartment units. Considering that the price increases as the distance to the nearest park decreases, people prefer to live near the benefits that urban parks provide. In order to maximize the value and benefits that parks provide, it is necessary to approach them creatively.

A Study on the Color of Apartment Building Outer Wall Effecting in Streetscape -Focused on Highrize Housing Complex in Gwangju- (고층집합주택 외벽 색채가 가로경관에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -광주광역시 고층정합주택단지를 중심으로-)

  • Park Sung-Jin;Ha Ju-A;Lee Cheong-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2004
  • This study examined the effect of the main color of apartment building as background color on the preference for residential streetscape in the relation with surrounding environment of streetscape with its focus on the color of apartment building outer wall. To research a visual evaluation structure, this study aimed to understand its characteristics through quantitative assay and to provide more scientific and specific data about improvement direction. The results suggested that the current brightness and chroma of main color of apartment building was high and low respectively which was advisable. On the other hand, in the color, when the components of the whole streetscape included buildings or soundproofing walls, a streetscape image needed to be improved though the color scheme of 4-distance color difference.

Energy Consumption Characteristics and Evaluation of Thermal Insulation Performance in Accordance with Built Year of Apartment Complex (공동주택의 준공연도에 따른 단열성능 평가 및 에너지소비 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Doo Sung;Lee, Myung Eun;Chun, Hung Chan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2014
  • Studies have shown that the thermal performance of buildings changes depending on the year of construction completion. It leads to increased energy consumption of buildings and significant financial burden on users. Thus, this study has calculated the thermal insulation performance of 86 apartments quantitatively, using temperature difference ratio and sensible heat flux. Also, energy consumption characteristics depending on the year of construction completion and thermal insulation performance were analyzed by comparatively analyzing the results of insulation performance evaluation and heating costs. The analysis results are as follows. As for thermal insulation performance, it was around 70% lower in the apartments completed before 1985, compared to apartments completed after 2010. As for heating costs, the apartments with the highest heating cost incurred 1.5 higher heating cost than the apartment with the lowest heating cost. In terms of the insulation performance evaluation, the difference was 2.5-fold.

A Study on Layout Characteristics of Subsidiary Welfare Facilities at Apartment Complexes in New Towns - Focused on Apartment Complexes in Second Phase New Towns - (신도시 공동주택 부대복리시설의 배치특성에 관한 연구 - 제 2기 신도시 아파트를 중심으로 -)

  • Moon, Ja-Young;Jung, Yu-Ri;Hwang, Yeon-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2017
  • Subsidiary welfare facilities in an apartment complex are one of the most important factors for consumers when they buy an apartment due to an increase of consumers' consciousness level, increase of leisure time, and increase of cultural life. This study aims to analyze layout types and characteristics of subsidiary welfare facilities at the apartment complexes in the second phase new towns, investigate the current situation and find out the improvement direction. For this purpose, this author investigated three "second phase new towns" which were designated as a new town at similar time, and selected a total of 15 apartment complexes by selecting 5 complexes in each of the three new towns. Literature survey, case visit, photo shoot, user observation survey were used as study methods. The results of the study are as follows. First, it was found that a mixed type was the most common type of plane layout types in the subsidiary welfare facilities. This type improves accessibility and equity of the residents as the facilities are appropriately placed based on the functions and the user characteristics. Second, it can be considered that a distributed type for senior citizen centers and daycare centers may give independence to specific users, but it may give a sense of alienation to the elderly. Moreover, it does not have enough community so that it is necessary to make proper supplementation. Third, there were two lay out types. The first one is that the subsidiary welfare facilities are placed with step difference and the second one is that they are placed in sunken places using the underground space. Fourth, all layout types of outdoor facilities are distributed types, and it is considered that measurements for a proper balance of accessibility and equity are required.

A Study on the Actual Condition of Playground According to the Characteristics of Outdoor Space in Apartment Housing (아파트 외부 공간 특성에 따른 어린이놀이터 이용실태에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2009
  • The importance of playground, which is a central place in the outdoor space scheme for apartment and in children's outdoor activity, is increasing. The stature and availability in playground may be varied according to connection between playground and outdoor space and to characteristics of outdoor space. The purpose of this study is to arrange basic data in guidelines of a planning for supporting children's development and for activating its use in the apartment housing. This study conducted the field survey and questionnaire research after selecting 4-case apartment complexes based on the relevant preceding research. The survey results are as follows. Children were recognizing and preferring the playground as the central space in outdoor play activity. Mothers were preferring outdoor space adjacent to playground. There were the most responses with saying that a mother takes to play with a child. Children responded that the use of playground and the rides are the outdoor activity that they do the most. And, it was surveyed that there is difference in dweller's using playground by apartment complex according to characteristics of a planning for outdoor space. Given being connected with square with segregation of pedestrian and vehicle and with the resting space, the availability in playground was the highest. The availability in playground, which has high connection with diversely outdoor space elements while having good accessibility to the apartment building, was surveyed to be high. Playground had high preference in case of being connected with waterfront and resting space, rather than green zone. Diverse environmental artifacts and decorative fence may become a visually stimulus source that can activate the use of playground.

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