• Title/Summary/Keyword: Apartment Complex Characteristics

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Improvement Plan for Artificial Ground Landscaping of Underground Parking Lot in Apartment Complex (공동주택단지 인공지반 식재환경 개선방안)

  • Kang, Myung Soo;Moon, Seog Gi;Kim, Nam Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2014
  • Most planting grounds have converted to the artificial ground of the upper part of underground parking lot in apartment complex recently by increasing utilization of underground parking area. This study has examined the composition of each ground and planting status. The study presents problems of planting plans in artificial ground landscaping in apartment complex. This study has conducted reference and field research. It has researched green space planning, planting characteristics and measures condition of soil depth in 3 regions surveyed. The results are listed below. First, hybrid ground has the highest percentage and natural soils has the lowest percentage in the composition of green space in apartment complex. Artificial green space is composed of a number of small-scale grounds. Second, The study has found that planting characteristics don't reflect soil properties. On the other hand, planting deep rooting big arbors has a high proportion in artificial Ground. Third, the study has figured out 98% of fit in minimum soil depth for growth. Fourth, planters and landscaping stones are constructed in case of small green space. On the other hand, mounding is constructed in case of large green space. However in case of mounding types it has low fit, so it needs to improve this problem.

The Planning of Design Guideline for New-Hanok-Style Public Buildings: Focusing on the Welfare Facilities in Apartment Complex (신한옥형 공공건축물 단지형 디자인가이드라인의 계획 방향: 공동주택단지 내 부대복리시설을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Eun Kil;Kim, Young Hoon;Kim, Won Cheon;Park, Joon Young
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to set the direction of development of the design guideline of the New-Hanok-Style public building in apartment complex and to use it as basic data for future architecture plans. The existing Hanok architecture standards and guidelines were analyzed and the characteristics of New-Hanok-Style Public Building in apartment complex were applied. The planning direction of the design guideline was derived. First, although the criteria and guidelines related to the Hanok produced and distributed were classified differently according to the purpose of production, the details and contents were similar. Second, the general planning criteria items were divided into layout, external space plan, building plan, and performance plan. Third, the elements of 'creative inheritance of traditional architecture' and 'modern building technology', which are the characteristics of New-Hanok-Style Public Building, were applied. In addition, we analyzed elementary welfare facility guidelines and applied elements such as layout type and zoning setting. Fourth, a special planning standard for applying the building system required for the New-Hanok-Style Public Building in apartment complex was added. In the future, it is expected to revitalize New-Hanok-Style Public Building containing the unique identity(genetic factor; DNA) of the nation by developing and disseminating relevant building standards, design guidelines, and maintenance manuals.

A Study on the Chronological Characteristics of the Strategy for House Marketing in terms of the Apartment Advertisements in Busan.Kyungnam area - focused on Busanilbo newspaper advertisements from 1970's to 1990's - (부산.경남지역 아파트 분양광고에 나타난 주택판매 전략의 연도별 특성에 관한 연구 - 1970년대부터 1990년대까지 부산일보 분양광고를 중심으로 -)

  • 최임주
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the chronological characteristics of the strategy for the house marketing in terms of the apartment lots for sale advertisements appeared to be from 1970's to 1990's in Busan·Kyungnam area. For the analysis of the newspaper advertisement, a new residence environmental indication is introduced to this research as referring to the existing research data. With this indication, therefore, this study is to examine what contents of the advertisements are. Moreover, as analyzing how frequently the advertisements have been inserted in the newspaper, it shows the characteristics which the construction industry has planned for sale of apartment in lots. The results are as follows; First, the frequency of the appearance in the newspaper about each unit and block in an apartment complex has been on the decrease. On the other hand, the importance about the surrounding area has been on the increase during the period. It shows that consumer require more about the surrounding area issues than each unit itself. Second, in the case of the outdoor space in the apartment complex, the frequency of the appearance in the newspaper has been kept a certain levels during the period. It is clear that the consumers have been concerned about the outdoor space throughout the period. Third, the most important issue is the qualify of site location, such as the benefits of the traffic, the levels of the education environment, the natural environment of the apartment complex and so forth. The frequency of the appearance in the newspaper has been kept increasing since 1970's in the advertisement. It clearly shows that this issue has been standardized for purchasing a house.

A Study on Characteristics of the Scenes to Visual-Perceptual of Apartment Complex - Focused on The main node Area in Urban district of The city of Cheon-an (공동주택(共同住宅)의 시지각적(視知覺的) 경관특성(景觀特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 천안지역(天安地域) 도심(都心) 주요(主要) 결절부(結節部) 시점(視點)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Yang Dae-Nam;Lee Gwang-Young
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2006
  • Apartment houses, the representative type of urban housing, are becoming an important element in Korea urban landscape. In this regard, this study aims to consider landscape in view of city residents reflecting human's visual perceptual characteristic, and in line with this, the urban landscape of apartment houses viewed from the urban center main intersections has been embodied according to the physical components of the intersections, which was followed by preference survey of the city residents, and then based on this, the visual-perceptual characteristics were examined. The findings are as follows: 1. The findings gained from the average of the landscape types indicate that the city residents are more satisfied when the shielding by surrounding buildings is minimized, view securing is relatively good, the whole complex is clearly observed because of its proximity to the visual point, and the view of the complex is well recognized from the focus point. 2. The examination concerning the preferred factors positively evaluated in terms of architectural planning shows that when the complex view is changeable sophisticated, makes the residents feel comfortable with its stable, open plan, and it's in harmony with surroundings, such housing attracts the city residents. 3. In terms of architectural planning factors, it turned out that the complex is more preferred when the visibility of the complex and the scale of surrounding green space are in good condition, and such elements of the complex as the sky line, the overall shape, the elevation, variation of the shape and height are harmonious with one another.

A Study on the Components and Preferences of Street View - With external road at apartment house complex - (가로경관 형성요소의 선호도에 관한 연구 - 공동주택단지 외부도로를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Mu-Oh;Park, Hyang-Yong;Lee, Bong-Soo;Cho, Yong-Joon;Lee, Cheong-Woong
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.233-238
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    • 2004
  • This study extracted and analyzed physical components of street view with external streets at large-scaled apartment house complex of Sangmu Housing Site Development District in Gwangju, examined factors affecting the image of street view and visual perceptional characteristics by image, analyzed relationship between components of street view and visual preferences of image and aimed to provide basic materials needed for making external street view at apartment house complex of high Qualify.

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Complementary measures for Environmental Performance Evaluation Index of External Space of Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design for Apartment Complex - Focused on the Respect of Response to Climate Change - (공동주택 녹색건축인증기준의 외부공간 환경성능 평가지표 보완방안 - 기후변화 대응 측면을 중심으로 -)

  • Ye, Tae-Gon;Kim, Kwang-Hyun;Kwon, Young-Sang
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2018
  • An apartment complex is a building use with great potential to contribute to solving problems related to urban ecological environment and climate change. The first goal of this study is to grasp the current situation of application and limitations of the ecological area rate, which is a representative evaluation index used to evaluate the environmental performance of the external space of an apartment complex in Green Standard for Energy and Environmental Design (G-SEED). The second goal is to propose a prototype of the evaluation index for evaluating greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction performance in order to supplement the evaluation index for the environmental performance of the external space in terms of response to climate change. We analyzed 43 cases of apartment complexes certified according to G-SEED, which was enforced since July 1, 2010, and found application characteristics of each space type and the limitations of ecological area rate. We analyzed overseas green building certification systems such as LEED and BREEAM that derived implications for supplementing the limitations of ecological area rate, which is focused on the evaluation of soil and water circulation function, and set up a development direction of complementary measures. Through analysis of previous studies, relevant regulations and standards, and technical documents of the manufacturer, the heat island mitigation performance of the pavement and roof surfaces of the apartment complex and the carbon uptake performance of the trees in the apartment complex was selected as parameters to yield the GHG reduction performance of the external space of the apartment complex. Finally, a quantitative evaluation method for each parameter and a prototype of the evaluation index for the GHG reduction performance were proposed. As a result of applying the prototype to an apartment complex case, the possibility of adoption and applicability as an evaluation index of G-SEED were proved.

Influence of Pressure Reducing Valves on Flow Characteristics of the Water Supply System for an Apartment Complex (공동주택단지 급수계통의 유량특성에 미치는 감압밸브의 영향)

  • Kim, Tae Jin;Cha, Dong Jin
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2012
  • Pressure distribution in the water supply system of an apartment complex consisting of 12 buildings and 635 units in total have been investigated numerically. The complex incorporates two zone booster pump system, and around a half of units have pressure reducing valves (PRVs) in them. Calculated hydrostatic pressure without the water flow were compared with their designed and measured counterparts, and they agreed quite well with each other. Then, the pressure and volumetric water flow rate at all units were analyzed, indicating that there are noticeable differences in pressure and flow rate in one unit to another, although the aforementioned minimization technologies of pressure deviation were employed. In order to further reduce the difference in the water flow rate, it is suggested that all the units in the complex have PRVs installed in their water supply system. The effect of setting pressure of the PRVs on the non-uniformity of the flow in each unit and on the reduction of total water supply for the apartment complex have been studied. With the same PRV setting pressure of 3.952 bar (or the gauge pressure of $3.0kg_f/cm^2$), it has been estimated that the suggested system improves the non-uniformity (the coefficient of variation) of the flow rate of apartment complex over the current system, from 8.02% to 6.66%, and reduces the total water supply, from $0.02804m^3/s$ to $0.02766m^3/s$.

Flow Characteristics of a Water Supply System with Booster Pumps for an Apartment Complex (공동주택단지에 설치된 부스터펌프 급수설비계통의 유동 특성)

  • Oh, Yang-Gyun;Jeong, Jae-Bong;Park, Mi-Ra;Cha, Dong-Jin
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2008
  • Water flow characteristics of an apartment complex consisting of 12 buildings and 635 units in total have been investigated numerically. The complex incorporates two zone booster pump water supply system, and some units have pressure reducing valves in them. Input data to a commercial code Flowmaster7 include survey results on the water usage for the last three years, dimension of the water supply system and its operation condition, etc. Calculated static pressures at the inlet of all units are compared with their design and measured counterparts, and they agree quite well with each other. Then, the pressure distributions and volumetric flow rates at all 635 units are estimated. Flow balancing is also attempted by varying the ratio of angle valve of each unit to improve the non-uniformity of flows.

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Establishment of the Social Environment to Active Communities in Apartment Housing (공동주택 커뮤니티활성화를 위한 사회적 환경 구축)

  • Park, Kyoung-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a social environment to active communities in apartment housing, on the basis of the residents' different social environments of two apartment complexes having their own respective community spaces. A questionnaire was responded by 434 housewives residing in the two apartment complexes which have their own respective space usage and programs in the community spaces larger than is legally specified. The questionnaire comprised items such as neighborhood consciousness, social intercourse, needs of community program diversity. The frequency analysis, the t-test, ANOVA, chi-square analysis were used for the comparison of characteristics of the two apartment complexes. The results of the social environment are as follows. The neighborhood consciousness, social intercourse of residents, and their attitude for participation in the common activities differed according to the residents' socio-demographic characteristics (age, education, number of family, average household income), complex distinctions (presence of clubs, community spaces, and community programs), and the attitude of constructors to foster it. Residents' participation rate and their participation intention showed positive correlation.

The Study on the Statistical Characteristics of Road Traffic Noise in Apartment Complex (국내 단지도로에서 도로교통소음에 대한 통계학적 특성연구 -도로교통 소음원이 수음점에 미치는 수평.수직 음원 분포특성 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Il-Hyoung;Chang, Soon-Woong;Kang, Sung-Won;Kim, Seog-Ku;Ko, Jung-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1179-1187
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    • 2007
  • This paper represents the statistical characteristics of sources and receptors for road traffic noise in apartment complex. Also we suggested that the site-specific characteristics of vertical and horizontal distributions in the complex apartment have been derived using a different analysis for evaluating levels of Leq1h by the apartment floor at a given distance from a road in terms of the flow rate, the mean speed of the traffic, and the percentage of the type vehicles in the day and night periods. As a result, the contribution orders of traffic quantity by the type of vehicles showed as followed: light vehicle>medium vehicle>heavy vehicle>motorcycle. Especially, the mixing ratio of entering the road on the heavy vehicle in the daytime was two times higher than that of in the night. The speed in all types of vehicle is in the range of 41 and 81 km/hr and noise level was not significantly different in day and night-time. The sources of road traffic noise had different variations and uncertainties using a random variable and probability distribution. The sound distribution to receptors by the apartment floor showed S curve between 1st floor and $15^{th}$ floor With the normality test, the normal distributions using Anderson-Darling Test followed $1^{st},\;3^{th},\;13^{th}$ and $15^{th}$, floor in the daytime and all floors except $7^{th}$ floor in the night (p>0.05). And also, the value of the pearson correlation coefficient (r) obtained in this study have significantly different at the range of floor. In conclusion, the results suggested that the distribution characteristics of levels of $Leq_{1h}$ on the sources and receptors of road traffic noise in apartment complex must be improved and developed on the guideline of regulation of road traffic noise.