• 제목/요약/키워드: Anecdotes

검색결과 28건 처리시간 0.02초


  • Lee, Sang-Gone
    • 호남수학학술지
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.541-558
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    • 2009
  • Anecdotes can produce an emotional and simple response that decreases stress and anxiety in a classroom. The use of anecdotes in building concepts of statistics can support an effective way of teaching and learning statistics. Particularly, we demonstrate several anecdotes including pictures as the medium of image that are designed to motivate statistical ideas by placing them at the beginning of a lecture and by appealing to prospective teachers weighed down. Our purpose is that under the constructivist view, prospective teachers have an opportunity effectively to teach statistical concepts using humorous anecdotes and to experience significant beliefs on identifying some frequent misconceptions in statistics. At this procedure, the anecdotal teaching practice is concerned with describing and evaluating many humorous anecdotes we have found useful in teaching introductory statistics. We hope that this paper can be helpful to prospective teachers who will teach students such topics as descriptive statistics, sampling, and hypothesis testing.

『속몽구분주(續蒙求分註)』의 분주(分註) 방식 시고(試考) (A Study on the way of annotation in 『Sok-Mong-Gu Bun-Ju』(續蒙求分註))

  • 이연순
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제48호
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    • pp.147-167
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    • 2012
  • 본고는 미암 유희춘이 유배지에서 저술한 "속몽구분주(續蒙求分註)"에 대해 "몽구(蒙求)"와 차이를 가지는 분주(分註) 방식을 시험적으로 고찰하여 그 학술서로서 성격을 규명하고자 하였다. 이에 먼저 "속몽구분주"와 "몽구"의 본문 구성에 차이가 있는 점을 들어, "몽구"가 각 편마다 인용출처를 제시하고 인물 일화 중심으로 본문을 구성하였다면, "속몽구분주"는 인용출처를 맨 앞에 한꺼번에 제시하고 본문에서 일화 소개와 함께 분주의 방식을 취하였음을 밝혔다. 이어서 "속몽구분주"의 분주 방식을 자세히 살펴, "속몽구분주"가 네 가지의 분주법(分註法), 곧 소유이궁원(?流而窮源), 분원이지류(汾源而至流), 누사이일의(累事而一意), 이동이호발(異同而互發)에 따라 분주한 방식에 대해 각기 해당하는 예를 들며 살펴보았다. 이로써 "속몽구분주"가 경사자집(經史子集)의 여러 서책을 출처로 하였으되, 특히 주자의 평과 그 당대 학맥에 속하는 인물들의 언급을 많이 참고하였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리하여 "속몽구분주"가 주자학에 철저한 학술서이자 유서(類書)로서 학자들이 이용하기에 편리하게 이루어진 저술임을 밝혔다.

공자 고사의 시각화 - 기기도(欹器圖) 연구 (The Tilting Vessels: Visualizing Anecdotes from the Life of Confucius)

  • 송희경
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제62호
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    • pp.263-289
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    • 2016
  • 춘추전국시대에 활동한 공자는 수많은 어록을 남기면서 제자를 양성한 교육자이며 한중일 지식인의 존경을 받아 온 대표적인 성현이다. 공자의 행적 및 제자와 경험한 재미있는 에피소드는 그림과 조각 등으로 다양하게 시각화되었다. 특히 공자와 그의 제자 자로가 노나라 환공의 묘에서 기기(?器)를 발견하고 중용의 원리를 터득하여 '좌우명(座右銘)'으로 삼았다는 일화는 조선 왕실을 비롯한 문인들에게 꾸준히 사랑을 받으며 그림으로 표현되었다. 이 일화를 담은 기기도는 그릇만 표현한 정물화와, 공자가 기기를 관찰하는 사건을 그린 인물화로 분류된다. 전자는 백성을 공평하게 다스리고 행동거지를 바로하기 위한 중용의 척도로, 후자는 공자의 일생을 표현한 성적도에 포함되어 교육용 시각물로 활용되었다. 그러나 공자가 기기를 관찰하는 장면은 단독 장르로 독립하거나 인물화 병풍에 수록되었다. 공자의 다른 일화가 도(道)의 계보를 시각화 한 화첩에 포함된 반면, 공자가 기기를 관찰하는 장면은 풍류와 서화 골동 감상을 즐기는 문인들을 그려 모은 병풍에 포함된 것이다. 이렇듯 기기도는 공자의 일화를 그린 인물화의 기능과 상징성을 여러 각도로 알려주는 그림이라 할 수 있다. 기기도의 형식을 분류하고, 시대와 목적에 따라 변화하는 조형성을 분석하여 공자의 일화를 그린 그림들의 다양한 면모를 규명하고자 하는 이 글을 통해 옛 성현의 이야기를 재현하는 방법과 감상 코드에 따른 표현상의 차이가 파악될 것이다.

초등학교 과학과 자유탐구 활동에서 교사와 학생이 겪는 어려움 분석 (Analysis of Elementary Teachers' and Students' Views about Difficulties on Open Science Inquiry Activities)

  • 신현화;김효남
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.262-276
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the elementary teachers' views and students' views about the difficulties in teaching and learning on open inquiry activities of elementary school science. Semi-structured interviews were conducted individually with three elementary teachers who have serviced more than three years, and with twenty four elementary students attending schools located in Cheongju City. And their anecdotes were collected and analyzed. The interview questions were developed through Seidman's steps to acquire the reliability in the interview data. From the interviews and anecdotes, we found that elementary teachers' views about the difficulties of teaching open inquiry activities: the difficulties of teaching in finding inquiry problem and planning inquiry, the difficulties of managing group activities, the difficulties of managing class hours for inquiry, the lack of the students' inquiry abilities, and problems on students' affective characteristics. And the students have the views about the difficulties in doing open inquiry activities: the difficulties of finding inquiry problem and planning inquiry, being unaccustomed to write reports, the troubles with investigating, problems on affective characteristics, the difficulties of joining in a group, and the lack of inquiry abilities. The teachers give suggestions for effective application of the open inquiry activities: first, the teachers must encourage students' emotion and will in doing open inquiry activities, second, there must be the steady inquiry teaching and learning in ordinary elementary science classes. Based on the results, this study suggested that elementary teachers should concern specially about students' being unaccustomed to write reports and the troubles in doing scientific investigation.

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Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation: An Empirical Reflection

  • Mago, Stephen
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper is to carry out an empirical analysis of the link that exists between microfinance and poverty alleviation. The analysis is driven by literature searches on empirical works done by different researchers in different contexts. Qualitative research methodology was adopted, following a desktop approach. An empirical literature review took a centre stage in this investigation. An analysis of empirical works shows that microfinance enhances poverty alleviation despite the challenges such as the Indian Andhra Pradesh crisis. The paper is limited to a review of empirical sources of literature. A field survey, supported by an econometric analysis would have helped to generate robust results. This paper attempts to bring together the empirical works that were done in different contexts to shed light on the important relationship between microfinance and poverty. Many research works on microfinance depend upon personal anecdotes, thus this present paper attempts to compile the scattered empirical findings on microfinance and poverty alleviation.

Indirect Edification through Trans-Eurasian Travelogues: Focus on the Episodes of Carpets in the Journeys of Different Religions

  • Jin Han JEONG
    • Acta Via Serica
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2023
  • Carpets are a useful tool for highlighting the cultural uniqueness of a region because their characteristic usage often reveals distinctive natural features of the place or the unique cultural identity of a group. Investigating anecdotes and associated patterns found in three medieval trans-Eurasian travelogues, this paper focuses on observations made by the Chinese Buddhist monk, Faxian, the Sunni pilgrim and scholar, Ibn Battuta, and Marco Polo, the Venetian merchant examining their thoughts, observations, and perspectives on carpet-related customs in their experienced contexts. In particular, this manuscript touches on the controversies, impacts, and narratives associated with carpet practices observed in each travel writer's context respectively, concluding that each traveler shows several things in common rather than showing different patterns depending on the characteristics of their religion. Overall, they observed the uses of carpets according to their jobs and travel purposes and appropriately detailed related episodes if the intended purpose and context matched the uses.

시조 <삼동에 베옷 입고>의 문헌 전승 양상 연구 (A study about literary traditional aspects of Korean verse, 'In hemp clothes in winter')

  • 김명순
    • 한국시조학회지:시조학논총
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    • 제24집
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    • pp.47-85
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    • 2006
  • 시조 <삼동에 베옷 입고>는 30여 종의 가집에 수록되어 있고 10여 종이 넘는 문집류 문헌에 시조 원문 한역시, 작가, 창작 배경 둥에 관한 기록이 들어있다. 오랫동안 조식의 작품으로 알려져 온 이 시조의 작가가 김응정이라는 주장이 제기었으나 일부 학술논저와 대부분의 교양도서 및 학습참고서류에서는 조식의 작품으로 다루고 있다. 특히 작가 시비가 논의되고 있다는 이유로 교과서에서 삭제되었다. 가집류의 대다수에 이 시조의 작가가 조식으로 표기되어 있고 일부에 양응정으로 나오지만 이를 객관적 자료로 삼기는 어렵다. 문집류 문헌에는 길재(吉再) 김인후(金鱗厚), 이몽규(李夢奎), 김응정(金應鼎), 김령(金玲) 등이 작가로 나오는데, 저마다 해당 인물의 생애와 창작 배경 등을 제시하며 서로 다른 주장을 내세우고 있어서 혼란스럽다. 가집류의 경우는 원작자 김응정이 양응정으로 잘못 기록되고. 행적과 명성이 (삼동에 베옷 입고)의 내용과 배경에 가까운 조식으로 바뀌어 전승된 것이라 할 수 있다. 문집류 문헌의 경우는 대상 인물의 생애와 행적, 일화와 명성, 시문 창작, 시대 배경과 역사적 사건 등이 (삼동에 베옷 입고)의 내용 및 배경과 쉽게 결부될 수 있었기 때문에 그 행적이나 일화가 전승되면서 이 시조의 작가로 알려지게 되었을 가능성이 크다. 특히 이 시조의 작가로 내세워진 인물의 가문의 후손, 향리 후배, 학파나 정파의 후진 등이 선조나 선배의 절의를 드러내기 위해 집안이나 향리, 학파 등에 전승되던 (삼동에 베옷 입고) 창작설을 특정 기록으로 정리하였다고 할 수 있다. 결국 관련된 문헌자료를 광범위하게 검토한 결과 이 시조는 김응정이 명종의 승하시에 지었다는 사실을 구체적 자료를 통해 확인할 수 있었다. 아울러 (삼동에 베옷 입고)의 원문 표기 창작 배경 어휘 풀이 등에 대해 종합적으로 살펴보았다. 시조 (삼동에 베옷 입고)와 관련된 다양한 문헌자료의 전승은 해당 시조 뿐 아니라 시조문학의 수용과 전승양상을 보여주는 자료로서의 중요한 의미를 갖는다고 할 수 있다

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초등 예비교사들이 과학 수업에서 겪는 어려움 (Pre-service Elementary Teachers Difficulties in Science Lessons)

  • 윤혜경
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to get an implication on teacher education program, by exploring the difficulties pre-service elementary teachers have with their science lessons. 37 pre-service teachers were requested to write an anecdote about their science lessons during their 4 week practicum. By analyzing these anecdotes, the difficulties were grouped into several categories by the researcher, and then reconfirmed by the pre-service teachers themselves. The result showed that there were far more difficulties with practical work (cases: 48), than with content knowledge teaching (cases: 17). Among practical work related difficulties, the most frequent cases were: 1) when they have unexpected result different from scientific theory (cases: 10), 2) when they teach process skill and usage of lab equipments (cases: 8), and 3) when they do not have enough preparation for practical work (cases: 7). Unlike the result of preceding research on secondary pre-service teachers, there was no affective aspect problems. These difficulties also can be divided into 'problems' and 'dilemmas'. Whereas 'problems' can be settled by removing obstacles, 'dilemmas', a conflict-filled situation, require choices between competing values or aims. The use of scientific language, the decision on the level and amount of knowledge they teach, and disposal of unexpected experiment results caused such dilemmas in science lessons. The research results imply practical work should be more strengthened in the elementary teacher education program. And both teacher educators and pre-service teachers need to understand that practical teaching is a complex enterprise accompanying some 'dilemmas'. The role of science teachers as managers of dilemmas could be considered.

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자연을 통한 자연친화적 활동 프로그램이 유아의 태도에 미치는 효과 (The effects of environment-friendly activities through nature to attitude of children)

  • 김연진;김은지
    • 산업융합연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate how environment-friendly activities through nature affects attitude of children. 5-6 years old children were targeted for study from March to December, 2014. Rapid changes of modern society made increase of female workers and their participation rates in economic activity which results children to play more time with artificial toys and media. There are 3 stages to investigate effects. $1^{st}$ stage is to know about woods by visiting woods and experience environment-friendly activity. $2^{nd}$ stage is to experience woods with 5 senses not only in real woods but also in classroom. Lastly $3^{rd}$ stage is to make art work with natural object and make woods in classroom. Changes of hildren's attitude and view toward to the nature were recorded and analyzed by anecdotes perpetual inventory and environment-friendly attitude examination. By analysis of infant gives you the opportunity to encounter nature, often in conjunction with ongoing enjoys nature-friendly program in the classroom to play with toys, rather than a complete natural objects gradually formalized when presenting a natural, concentrated than the previous game this time is enhanced and creativity through nature through the promotion doeeojim and attitude to nature is also eco-friendly activities byeonhwadoem program showed that the impact on the attitude of the infant.

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Examining Hegemony, Ideology, and Class in Mani Ratnam's Raavanan (2010)

  • Ilaiya Barathi Panneerselvam;Adrian Lee Yuen Beng
    • 수완나부미
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.181-203
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    • 2023
  • Cultures often adopt the good versus evil dichotomy within their narratives of religious texts, aural anecdotes, and cultural mythologies. The Ramayana narrates a divine story that transcends time of the battle between the forces of good and evil, between Prince Rama and Ravana. Numerously adapted through time, the Ramayana is today told through moving visuals and has been adapted by Mani Ratnam through Raavanan (2010). Raavanan is adapted to the premise of hero versus villain using the good versus evil premise as Dev Prakash (Rama) searches to rescue his wife Raagini (Sita), who is abducted by Veeraiya (Ravana). The film, however, departs from the Ramayana as Raavanan is told through the perspective of Veeraiya. In the film, Veeraiya is portrayed as a flawed anti-hero who battles against injustice instead of being the antagonist. He seeks revenge for his sister and stands up against the oppression of his tribe. In this battle, he questions ideological understandings of justice and morality that have been conventionally interpellated within society. This paper discusses how Mani Ratnam, through the film Raavanan, contests hegemony, ideology, and class differences within modern cinema and society alongside the more significant question surrounding India's sociocultural conditions.