• Title/Summary/Keyword: And Location Environments

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Mechanism of RFID Authentication for u-Vehicle (u-Vehicle 환경에 적합한 RFID 인증 메커니즘)

  • Rhee, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Do-Hyeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2008
  • The concept of u-Vehicle is a technological model that people try to build the ubiquitous world in the car which moves, by using the RFID technology as well as the telematics service based on the location. RFID is weak on the point of information security because RFID has possibility for being abused such as chasing, counterfeiting, and invading personal privacy. RFID's tags use a weak cryptographic algorithm. This paper presents the vulnerabilities of information security under u-Vehicle environments. To solve that, we propose a mechanism enhancing RFID tag's security but with low cost by reducing the number of mutual authentication stages and using the hash function.

A Modified Residual-based Extended Kalman Filter to Improve the Performance of WiFi RSSI-based Indoor Positioning (와이파이 수신신호세기를 사용하는 실내위치추정의 성능 향상을 위한 수정된 잔차 기반 확장 칼만 필터)

  • Cho, Seong Yun
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.684-690
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a modified residual-based EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) for performance improvement of indoor positioning using WiFi RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) measurement. Radio signal strength in indoor environments may have irregular attenuation characteristics due to obstacles such as walls, furniture, etc. Therefore, the performance of the RSSI-based positioning with the conventional trilateration method or Kalman filter is insufficient to provide location-based accurate information services. In order to enhance the performance of indoor positioning, in this paper, error analysis of the distance calculated by using the WiFi RSSI measurement is performed based on the radio propagation model. Then, an IARM (Irregularly Attenuated RSSI Measurement) error is defined. Also, it shows that the IARM error is included in the residual of the positioning filter. The IARM error is always positive. So, it is presented that the IARM error can be estimated by taking the absolute value of the residual. Consequently, accurate positioning can be achieved based on the IEM (IARM Error Mitigated) EKF with the residual modified by using the estimated IARM error. The performance of the presented IEM EKF is verified experimentally.

Spatial Operation Allocation Scheme over Common Query Regions for Distributed Spatial Data Stream Processing (분산 공간 데이터 스트림 처리에서 질의 영역의 겹침을 고려한 공간 연산 배치 기법)

  • Chung, Weon-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2713-2719
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    • 2012
  • According to increasing of various location-based services, distributed data stream processing techniques have been widely studied to provide high scalability and availability. In previous researches, in order to balance the load of distributed nodes, the geographic characteristics of spatial data stream are not considered. For this reason, distributed operations for adjacent spatial regions increases the overall system load. We propose a operation allocation scheme considering the characteristics of spatial operations to effectively processing spatial data stream in distributed computing environments. The proposed method presents the efficient share maximizing approach that preferentially distributes spatial operations sharing the common query regions to the same node in order to separate the adjacent spatial operations on overlapped regions.

Estimation of Cable Tension Force by ARX Model-Based Virtual Sensing (ARX모델기반 가상센싱을 통한 사장교 케이블의 장력 추정)

  • Choi, Gahee;Shin, Soobong
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2017
  • Sometimes, it is impossible to install a sensor on a certain location of a structure due to the size of a structure or poor surrounding environments. Even if possible, sensors can be frequently malfunctioned or improperly operated due to lack of adequate maintenance. These kind of problems are solved by the virtual sensing methods in various engineering fields. Virtual sensing technology is a technology that can measure data even though there is no physical sensor. It is expected that this technology can be also applied to the construction field effectively. In this study, a virtual sensing technology based on ARX model is proposed. An ARX model is defined by using the simulated data through a structural analysis rather than by actually measured data. The ARX-based virtual sensing model can be applied to estimate unmeasured response using a transfer function that defines the relationship between two point data. In this study, a simulation and experimental study were carried out to examine the proposed virtual sensing method with a laboratory test on a cable-stayed model bridge. Acceleration measured at a girder is transformed to estimate a cable tension through the ARX model-based virtual sensing.

A Study on the Visual Characteristics of the Landscape of Darangyi-paddy in Garchon, Namhae (남해 가천마을 다랑이논 경관의 시각적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Youn, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Chang-Hun;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2010
  • Darangyi paddy in Namhae Gachon village provides natural beauty with its distinct location. Darangyi is a traditional Korean landscape, shaping a circular form to serve continuous cultivation. Despite the paddy's landscape, it is difficult to preserve its natural scenery due to many factors such as inadequate visual analysis. Under the belief that there is a necessity to preserve Darangyi paddy, the research in visual features of the paddy began to illustrate the relevance between its viewpoint and landscape objects. First, we researched typical view structures. When considering the visual features, Darangyi paddy landscape objects has a viewpoint from the horizontality to its below, which its center area is about $-5^{\circ}{\sim}-30^{\circ}$. From the analyzed data, the scenary of Darangyi paddy, which most people agree its decency, is formed in a visually decent location. The above type of measure of visual structure in Darangyi paddy is expected to be applied in maintenance of foothold of views in the future. Second, the surrounding elements play important parts to form the whole landscape of Gachon Darangyi paddy. Although Darangyi paddy is the principal part of the scenary, the landscape analysis showed a high relevance with the paddy's identity, forest around the paddy, sky, ocean, settlements, and the roads in terms of visual perception. It was affirmed that those elements around the paddy play important parts in structuring and providing the beauty of the whole landscape. Various viewy objects are seen obvious especially in a long distance, and the splendid scenary proved that those viewy objects are in indispensable location. In order to preserve the paddy, it seems necessary to consider the surrounding envrionment of Darangyi paddy, not just the paddy's sole landscape form. Third, Darangyi paddy has a distinct seasonal characteristics. According to the survey analysis, the full heading time in spring and time when people can take a picture against the sun light proved magnificence of Darangyi paddy. Thus, it would be ideal to maintain Darangyi paddy by securing the sunlight condition with decent landscape view and the views from its surrounding environments or researching the ways to principally maintain the surrounding environments.

Radio location algorithm in microcellular wide-band CDMA environment (마이크로 셀룰라 Wide-band CDMA 환경에서의 위치 추정 알고리즘)

  • Chang, Jin-Weon;Han, Il;Sung, Dan-Keun;Shin, Bung-Chul;Hong, Een-Kee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.2052-2063
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    • 1998
  • Various full-scale radio location systems have been developed since ground-based radio navigation systems appeared during World War II, and more recently global positioning systems (GPS) have been widely used as a representative location system. In addition, radio location systems based on cellular systems are intensively being studied as cellular services become more and more popular. However, these studies have been focused mainly on macrocellular systems of which based stations are mutually synchronized. There has been no study about systems of which based stations are asynchronous. In this paper, we proposed two radio location algorithms in microcellular CDMA systems of which base stations are asychronous. The one is to estimate the position of a personal station at the center of rectangular shaped area which approximates the realistic common area. The other, as a method based on road map, is to first find candidate positions, the centers of roads pseudo-range-distant from the base station which the personal station belongs to and then is to estimate the position by monitoring the pilot signal strengths of neighboring base stations. We compare these two algorithms with three wide-spread algorithms through computer simulations and investigate interference effect on measuring pseudo ranges. The proposed algorithms require no recursive calculations and yield smaller position error than the existing algorithms because of less affection of non-line-of-signt propagation in microcellular environments.

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Management Guidelines on the Large Old Trees as the Natural Monuments in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province through the Analysis of the Growing Environment (생육환경 분석을 통한 서울·인천·경기지역 천연기념물 노거수의 관리방안)

  • Lee, Seung Je
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to formulate management guidelines for Natural monumental old trees in Korea through survey of tree vigor and analysis of growing environments. A total of 20 old trees designated as natural monuments in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province were surveyed. The biological characteristics were surveyed with 4 items of species, ages and height of trees. The surrounding environments were surveyed with 2 items of location types and surroundings. The root conditions were surveyed with 2 items of denudation and molding depth. The health conditions were surveyed with 5 items of withering rate, cavity size, bark breakaway rate, damages by blight and insects, and growing tips. The soil conditions were surveyed with 6 items of PH, organic contents, valid phosphoric acid, transposal cations(K, Ca) and soil compaction. On the basis of outcomes of these research items, mutual relations among locations, growings and soil conditions of old trees were analyzed by carring out cross tabulation, correlation, and simple and multiple regression. Management guidelines were presented searching the factors effecting on the health of the monumental old trees. On the biological characteristics, the old trees designated as natural monuments were Pinus bungeana(4 trees), Juniperus chinensis(3 trees), Ginkgo biloba(3 trees), Poncirus trifoliata(2 trees). Actinidia arguta, Wisteria floribunda, Thuja orientalis, Quercus mongolica, Sophora japonica, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Zelkova serrata, and Pinus densiflora. The tree height ranged from 4.2 to 39.2m, and root collar rounds ranged from 1.01 to 15.2m. On the surrounding environments, The location types ; Gardens(4), historical sites(5), residental sections(3) open agricultural fields(3), mountain hills(3), and near ocean beaches(1) and stream site(1). The surroundings ; 75% denudation of roots, molded more than 10cm except 4 trees(25%). On the health conditions, 1)Withering rate ; Ginkgo biloba(20%) in Yongmoon temple, (5%) in Saki-ri, kanwha-gun, and others had no withering rate. 2) Cavity size ; all subject had $5{\sim}100cm^3$ of cavity. 3) Bark breakaway rate ; Pinus bungeana in Soosong-dong, in the shrine of Confucius, in Samchung-dong, especially high rate of cavity(5~50%) in Seoul area and in Saki-ri, Kangwha-gun were high 45% brakeaway rate. 4) Damages by blight and insects was slight due to managements. 5Growing tips ; In cases of Juniperus chinensis in Changdeok palace and SunnogDang, seoul, growing tips were 1/2, presumably cause by air pollution, and in cases of Fraxinus rhynchophylla in Paju city and Pinus densiflora in BacksaDorip-ri, Icheon city, growing tips were fine, presumably because there were no moldings. On the Soil conditions, Soil pH ranged from 5.2 to 8.3, organic matter contents from 12% to 56%, phosphorus contents from 104 to 618ppm, soil compaction ranged from 7 to 28mm( among them, Denudation was severe with 21~28mm soil compactions in cases of Pinus bungeana in Soosong -dong, Thuja orientalis in Samchung -dong, Ginkgo biloba in the shrine of Confucius and in Yongmoon temple.) Results of cross tabulation, correlation, and regression analysis showed that molding depth was the most serious factor to deteriorate the tree vigor and cambium conductivity. In addition, soil acidity, organic matter contents, disease and insect damages and cambial detachment were also related to the tree vigor. Additional research of these relationships will be needed to conduct more detailed studies. Based on the relationships between the tree vigor and growing environments, it is considered that old trees should be managed to give them more growing spaces and less abuses. Also, molded soils should be removed and further soil-molding around the tree collar should be prohibited. For the construction of systematic management and removal of harmful factors, appropriative management according to spices, persistent monitering of damaged cases and construction of management system through the accumulation of data on the relationships of soil conditions are required.

A 2D / 3D Map Modeling of Indoor Environment (실내환경에서의 2 차원/ 3 차원 Map Modeling 제작기법)

  • Jo, Sang-Woo;Park, Jin-Woo;Kwon, Yong-Moo;Ahn, Sang-Chul
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.355-361
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    • 2006
  • In large scale environments like airport, museum, large warehouse and department store, autonomous mobile robots will play an important role in security and surveillance tasks. Robotic security guards will give the surveyed information of large scale environments and communicate with human operator with that kind of data such as if there is an object or not and a window is open. Both for visualization of information and as human machine interface for remote control, a 3D model can give much more useful information than the typical 2D maps used in many robotic applications today. It is easier to understandable and makes user feel like being in a location of robot so that user could interact with robot more naturally in a remote circumstance and see structures such as windows and doors that cannot be seen in a 2D model. In this paper we present our simple and easy to use method to obtain a 3D textured model. For expression of reality, we need to integrate the 3D models and real scenes. Most of other cases of 3D modeling method consist of two data acquisition devices. One for getting a 3D model and another for obtaining realistic textures. In this case, the former device would be 2D laser range-finder and the latter device would be common camera. Our algorithm consists of building a measurement-based 2D metric map which is acquired by laser range-finder, texture acquisition/stitching and texture-mapping to corresponding 3D model. The algorithm is implemented with laser sensor for obtaining 2D/3D metric map and two cameras for gathering texture. Our geometric 3D model consists of planes that model the floor and walls. The geometry of the planes is extracted from the 2D metric map data. Textures for the floor and walls are generated from the images captured by two 1394 cameras which have wide Field of View angle. Image stitching and image cutting process is used to generate textured images for corresponding with a 3D model. The algorithm is applied to 2 cases which are corridor and space that has the four wall like room of building. The generated 3D map model of indoor environment is shown with VRML format and can be viewed in a web browser with a VRML plug-in. The proposed algorithm can be applied to 3D model-based remote surveillance system through WWW.

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Collaborative 3D Design Workspace for Geographically Distributed Designers - With the Emphasis on Augmented Reality Based Interaction Techniques Supporting Shared Manipulation and Telepresence - (지리적으로 분산된 디자이너들을 위한 3D 디자인 협업 환경 - 공유 조작과 원격 실재감을 지원하는 증강현실 기반 인터랙션 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • SaKong Kyung;Nam Tek-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2006
  • Collaboration has become essential in the product design process due to internationalized and specialized business environments. This study presents a real-time collaborative 3D design workspace for distributed designers, focusing on the development and the evaluation of new interaction techniques supporting nonverbal communication such as awareness of participants, shared manipulation and tele-presence. Requirements were identified in terms of shared objects, shared workspaces and awareness through literature reviews and an observational study. An Augmented Reality based collaborative design workspace was developed, in which two main interaction techniques, Turn-table and Virtual Shadow, were incorporated to support shared manipulation and tele-presence. Turn-table provides intuitive shared manipulation of 3D models and physical cues for awareness of remote participants. Virtual shadow supports natural and continuous awareness of location, gestures and pointing of partners. A lab-based evaluation was conducted and the results showed that interaction techniques effectively supported awareness of general pointing and facilitated discussion in 3D model reviews. The workspace and the interaction techniques can facilitate more natural communication and increase the efficiency of collaboration on virtual 3D models between distributed participants (designer-designer, engineer, or modeler) in collaborative design environments.

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XML Web Services for Learning ContentsBased on a Pedagogical Design Model (교수법적 설계 모델링에 기반한 학습 컨텐츠의 XML 웹 서비스 구축)

  • Shin, Haeng-Ja;Park, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1131-1144
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we investigate a problem with an e-learning system for e-business environments and introduce the solving method of the problem. To be more accurate, existing Web-hosted and ASP (Application Service Provider)-oriented service model is difficult to cooperate and integrate among the different kinds of systems. So we have produced sharable and reusable learning object, they have extracted a principle from pedagogical designs for units of reuse. We call LIO (Learning Item Object). This modeling makes use of a constructing for XML Web Services. So to speak, units of reuse from pedagogical designs are test tutorial, resource, case example, simulation, problem, test, discovery and discussion and then map introduction, fact, try, quiz, test, link-more, tell-more LIO learning object. These typed LIOs are stored in metadata along with the information for a content location. Each one of LIOs is designed with components and exposed in an interface for XML Web services. These services are module applications, which are used a standard SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and locate any computer over Internet and publish, find and bind to services. This guarantees the interoperation and integration of the different kinds of systems. As a result, the problem of e-learning systems for e-business environments was resolved and then the power of understanding about learning objects based on pedagogical design was increased for learner and instruction designers. And organizations of education hope for particular decreased costs in constructing e-learning systems.

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