• Title/Summary/Keyword: Amount of solar radiation

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Projection of Future Snowfall by Using Climate Change Scenarios (기후변화 시나리오를 이용한 미래의 강설량 예측)

  • Joh, Hyung-Kyung;Kim, Saet-Byul;Cheong, Hyuk;Shin, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.188-202
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    • 2011
  • Due to emissions of greenhouse gases caused by increased use of fossil fuels, the climate change has been detected and this phenomenon would affect even larger changes in temperature and precipitation of South Korea. Especially, the increase of temperature by climate change can affect the amount and pattern of snowfall. Accordingly, we tried to predict future snowfall and the snowfall pattern changes by using the downscaled GCM (general circulation model) scenarios. Causes of snow varies greatly, but the information provided by GCM are maximum / minimum temperature, rainfall, solar radiation. In this study, the possibility of snow was focused on correlation between minimum temperatures and future precipitation. First, we collected the newest fresh snow depth offered by KMA (Korea meteorological administration), then we estimate the temperature of snow falling conditions. These estimated temperature conditions were distributed spatially and regionally by IDW (Inverse Distance Weight) interpolation. Finally, the distributed temperature conditions (or boundaries) were applied to GCM, and the future snowfall was predicted. The results showed a wide range of variation for each scenario. Our models predict that snowfall will decrease in the study region. This may be caused by global warming. Temperature rise caused by global warming highlights the effectiveness of these mechanisms that concerned with the temporal and spatial changes in snow, and would affect the spring water resources.

A Calculation Method of in vivo Energy Consumption in Estimation of Harvesting Date for High Potato Solids (고 고형분함량 감자의 수확시기 예측모형을 위한 식물체내 에너지 소모량 추정)

  • Jung, Jae-Youn;Suh, Sang-Gon
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.284-291
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    • 2010
  • A simulation modeling for predicting the harvesting date with high potato solids consists of development of mathematical models. The mathematical model on potato growth and its development should be obtained by using agricultural elements which analyze relations of solar radiation quantity, temperature, photon quantity, carbon dioxide exchange rate, water stress and loss, relative humidity, light intensity, and wind etc. But more reliable way to predict harvesting date against climatic change employs in vivo energy consumption for growth and induction shape in a slight environmental adaptation. Therefore, to calculate in vivo energy loss, we take a concept of estimate of the amount of basal metabolism in each tuber on the basis of $Wm={\int}^m_tf(x)dt$ and $Tp=\frac{Tm{\cdot}Wm^{Tp}}{Wm^{Tm}}$. In the validation experiments, results of measuring solid accumulation of potato harvested at simulated date agreed fairly well with the actual measured values in each regional field during the growth period of 2005-2009. The calculation method could be used to predict an appropriate harvesting date for a production of high potato solids according to weather conditions.

Optimum Management of Greenhouse Environment by the Shading Coat and Two-fluid Fogging System in Summer Season (차광제와 이류체 포그시스템을 이용한 고온기 시설내 환경관리)

  • Kim, Sung Eun;Lee, Jae Eun;Lee, Sang Don;Kim, Hak Sun;Chun, Hee;Jeong, Woo Ri;Lee, Moon Haeng;Kim, Young Shik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 2015
  • This research was conducted to establish efficient methods to overcome high temperature and low humidity with light selective shading agent and two-fluid fogging system in greenhouses in hot season. There were four experimental treatments; not treated (Non), fogging by two-fluid fogging system (Fog), spraying onto the greenhouse surface with shading coating agent (Coat), and using fogging and coating together (F&C). The amount of solar radiation entered into the greenhouses was higher in Non, and then Fog, Coat, and F&C in descending order. Fog was more efficient to lower the air temperature and also raise relative humidity than Coat treatment. The crop temperature was about $6^{\circ}C$ higher in Control than the other treatments. F&C revealed as the most efficient method to control the environment inside the greenhouse, but fogging system seemed to be more economic. In stand-alone greenhouses spraying coating agent may be the appropriate choice because of their structural limitations, mainly eave height.

Effects of Plant Spacing on Light Environment, Yield and Quality of Burley Tobacco (Burley종의 재식거잡가 광환경, 수량 및 품종에 미치는 영향)

  • 배성국;임해건
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.212-217
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    • 1981
  • The evaluate the effect of plant spacing on cured leaf of burley tobacco, the row spacings divided to 90, 105, 120cm and hill spacings to 30, 35, 40cm within each row. Growth amount per plant increased with thinner row and wider hill spacing in the same planting density. Relative light intensity increased with thinner row spacing in cutters and leaf and showed the positive correlation with quality. When the planting density was equal, the wider hill spacings, the more effective in utillization of solar radiation. The more plants per l0a were, the greater yield was obtained, and in the case of 3,200 plants per 10a (the most dense planting plot) was 267kg. But, quality, total-alkaloid and total-nitrogen content decreased with dense planting. Value per 10a was highest in the plots of 90 $\times$ 40cm and $105{\times}40cm$. In conclusion the optimum density level was 2,400 to 2,700 plants per 10a and spacing of tobacco either in 105 $\times$ 35 cm or 105 $\times$ 40cm seems to be most appropriate.

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Effects of Cultural Practices on Ripening Characteristics of Japonica and Tongil Type in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) (수도재배법의 차이가 Japonica 및 Tongil 형 품종의 등숙특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 권규칠;박성규
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.298-308
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to get infirmation for the breeding varieties and developing the cultural methods with representative 32 cultivars which were diffused from 1900 to 1982 and two cultural methods which were old one i.e., low dressing and late planting and modern one i.e., medium dressing and early planting. Duration of transplanting between cultural practices were 15 days but the duration of heading date were 5days. Panicle projecting duration was 5-10 days in all cultivars, especially, it is 5 days in early maturing varieties, 6-7 days in medium maturing varieties and 7-10 days in late maturing varieties. Periods from transplanting date to effective ripening date were 99.8 days in low dressing and late planting method, 106.2 days in modern one but the periods from heading date to effective ripening date were 31.4 days in low dressing and late planting method, 30.2 days in modern one. Ripening speed was very active from 5 to 10 days after heading and the daily increase of 1000 grain weight was from 847.8mg to 1130mg in that time and it slightly increased from 5 to 35 days after heading in Japonica varieties but increased after heading and suddenly decreased at 30 days after heading in Indica/Japonica varieties. Meteorological factors (temperature and amount of solar radiation) were positively correlated with the ripening speed but negatively correlated with the period of physiological and effentive ripening.

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Studies on Varietal Resistance to Sheath Blight Disease in Rice III. Variation of Varietal Resistance by Inoculating Different Fungus Isolates (벼 품종의 잎집무늬마름병 저항성연구 III. 접종균주에 따른 품종저항성의 변이)

  • Kwang-Ho Kim
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.309-314
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to get information for the breeding varieties and developing the cultural methods with representative 32 cultivars which were diffused from 1900 to 1982 and two cultural methods which were old one i.e., low dressing and late planting and modern one i.e., medium dressing and early planting. Duration of transplanting between cultural practices were 15 days but the duration of heading date were 5 days. Panicle projecting duration was 5-10 days in all cultivars, especially, it is 5 days in early maturing varieties, 6-7 days in medium maturing varieties and 7-10 days in late maturing varieties. Periods from transplanting date to effective ripening date were 99.8 days in low dressing and late planting method, 106.2 days in modern one but the periods from heading date to effective ripening date were 31.4 days in low dressing and late planting method, 30.2 days in modern one. Ripening speed was very active from 5 to 10 days after heading and the daily increase of 1000 grain weight was from 847.8mg to 1130mg in that time and it slightly increased from 5 to 35 days after heading in japonica varieties but increased after heading and suddenly decreased at 30 days after heading in Indica/Japonica varieties. Meteorological factors (temperature and amount of solar radiation) were positively correlated with the ripening speed but negatively correlated with the period of physiological and effective ripening.

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Desirable Particle Size Distribution of Perlite for Tomato Bag Culture (토마토 자루재배 충진용 펄라이트의 적정 입도분포)

  • Sim Sang-Youn;Lee Su-Yeon;Lee Sang-Woo;Seo Myeong-Whoon;Lim Jae-Wook;Kim Soon-Jae;Kim Young-Shik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2006
  • The physical properties of seven perlites different in particle size distribution were investigated to develop perlite bag culture in Korea. Particle sizes of 1.0-2.8mm and larger than 2.8 mm were rather evenly distributed in S-1 (1.2-5 mm), S-2 (0.15-5 mm) and S-5 (parat No.1). Larger particles were less in S-3 (1-3 mm), S-4 (Parat No.2), S-6 (OTAVI) and S-7 (Agroperl B-3). S-4, S-6 and S-7 contained lots of particles less than 1 mm in size. Total porosity was similar among substrates with the value of $59{\sim}62%$. Container capacity was between 35-40% regardless of substrates except in S-2 with 27.7%. Water content, which was about 60% at 0 kPa, was decreased sharply at 4.90 kPa regardless of substrates, which meant the easily available water was plenty in any kind of perlite tested. Substrates, S-1, S-2 and S-3 with different particle size distribution, were investigated to evaluate for perlite bag culture. Six tomatoes (Licopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rokkusanmaru) were planted in a perlite bag of 40 liters with the dimension of 120cm in length and 34cm in width. The amount of nutrient solution supplied and its drainage dependent on daily integrated radiation didn't show any regular trend during the growth. Roots in the bag were distributed evenly in S-1 and S-2 than in S-3. Plant grown in S-1 showed the highest total and marketable yield of 8,628 and 7,759 kg/10a, respectively. The number of small size fruits and malformed fruits were more in S-3. Consequently, S-1 with the particle size distribution of 1.2-5 mm is suggested as desirable substrate for perlite bag culture.

The Related Research with the Land Cover State and Temperature in the Outer Space of the Super-High-Rise Building (초고층 건축물 외부공간의 토지 피복 상태와 온도와의 관계 연구)

  • Han, Bong-Ho;Kim, Hong-Soon;Jung, Tae-Jun;Hong, Suk-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.751-762
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    • 2010
  • In order to understand the influence that the plant cover condition of the high-rise building outer space causes to the temperature change, we selected 12 high-rise building constructed in Seoul City. The land cover type of the outside was classified into six type(outer road, paved surface, shrub/grassland, single-layer tree planting-site, multi-layer planting-site, and waterscape facilities) and the temperature was measured at the representative point for each type in order to analyze the land cover temperature differential for each type of the high-rise building outer space. The study area showing the temperature tendency to be similar based upon one way analysis of variance after selecting the central part of the outer road for a control and measuring a temperature in order to consider the neighboring environmental difference of the dozen building was classified into 4 groups. As to the one-way layout result of variance analysis with the land cover type of the classified group and outer space temperature, the single-layer tree planting-site, waterscape facilities, and multi-layer planting-site belonged mainly to the low temperature section. The shrub/grassland, paved surface, and outer road belonged to the high temperature region. The temperature difference between low temperature region and high temperature region is about $1.06{\sim}6.17^{\circ}C$. However, the temperature in the Outer Space of the Super-High-Rise Building was variously appeared by the influence such as the cramped of the created planting-site and waterscape facilities area, the increase of amount of solar radiation and the reduction of reflection amount of light due to building etc.. Thus, the composition all produced the area of the green quantity required for each space and water space in advance. It was determined that there were the minimum area displaying an effect and the necessity to it secures the green quantity.

Effect of Mixture Media of Red Clay and Peatmoss on Quality and Drainage Solution in Hydroponics of Solanum lycopersicum 'Mascara' (황토와 피트모스 혼합배지가 수경재배 토마토 'Mascara'의 품질과 배액에 미치는 영향)

  • Na, Taek Sang;Choi, Kyong Ju;Yoon, Bong Gi;Cho, Myoung Soo;Kim, Hee Gon;Kim, Hyo Joong;Son, Dong Mo;Yoo, Yong Kweon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to examine the effects of coir, peatmoss, and red clay (20%) + peatmoss (80%) media on quality and drainage solution in hydroponics of Solanum lycopersicum 'Mascara'. The tomato seedlings were planted in media on 29 April, and supplied with Yamazaki's tomato solution of EC $2.0dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ and pH 6.5. Tomato fruits were harvested from 13 June to 24 August. Drainage amount decresed when solar radiation and air temperature were high. However, drainage amount were not different among coir, peatmoss, and red clay + peatmoss media. The EC of drainage in red clay + peatmoss medium was higher than that in other media during the cultivation period. Also, soild state and available moisture content was more in red clay + peatmoss mediun than in coir or peatmoss media. The soluble solids of tomato fruits increased by 10~17% at $5.5^{\circ}Brix$ in red clay+peatmoss medium compared with $5.0{\sim}4.7^{\circ}Brix$ in coir or peatmoss media. Also, the acidity of fruits was the highest to 0.66% in red clay + peatmoss medium than the others. The total yield of fruits in red clay + peatmoss medium increased significantly by 9.1% at 8,428 kg than at 7,725 kg in peatmoss medium, and ratio of marketable yield was higher than the other media. Therefore, red clay (20%) + peat moss (80%) medium is recommend for growth and quality of fruits in hydroponics of Solanum lycopersicum 'Mascara'.

A Study on the Differences in Breeding Call of Cicadas in Urban and Forest Areas (도시와 산림지역 매미과 번식울음 차이 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-Jae;Ki, Kyong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.698-708
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in the breeding call characteristics of cicada species found in urban and forest areas in the central region of Korea by examining the interspecific effects and environmental factors affecting the breeding calls and breeding call patterns. The selected research sites were Gyungnam Apartment in Bangbae-dong, Seoul for the urban area and Chiak Mountain National Park in Wonju for the forest area. The research method for both sites was to record cicada breeding calls for 24 hours with a recorder installed at the site and analyze the results. Data from the Korea Meteorological Administration were used for environmental factors. The research period was from June 19, 2017 to September 30, 2017. As a result of the study, there were differences in the emergence of species between the two research sites: while Platypleura kaempferi, Hyalessa fuscata, Meimuna opalifera, Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata, and Suisha coreana were observed at both sites, Cryptotympana atrata was observed in the urban area and Leptosemia takanonis in the forest area only. The emergence periods of cicadas at the two sites were also different. The activities of P. kaempferi and L. takanonis were noticeable in the forest area. In the urban area, however, L. takanonis was not observed and the duration of activity of P. kaempferi was short. In the urban area, C. atrata appeared and sang for a long period; H. fuscata, M. opalifera, and G. nigrofuscata appeared earlier than in the forest area. S. coreana appeared earlier in the forest area than in the urban area. According to the daily call cycle analysis, even cospecific cicada showed a wide variation in their daily cycle depending on the region and the interspecific effects between different cicadas, and the environmental differences between the urban and forest areas affected the calls of cicadas. The results of correlation analysis between each cicada breeding calls and environmental factors of each site showed positive correlation with average temperature of most cicadas except P. kaempferi and C. atrata. The same species of each site showed positive correlations with more diverse weather factors such as solar irradiance. Logistic regression analysis showed that cicadas with overlapping calling times had significant effects on each other's breeding calls. C. atrata, which appeared only in the urban area, had a positive effect on the calling frequency of H. fuscata, M. opalifera, and G. nigrofuscata, which called in the same period. Additionally, L. takanonis, which appeared only in the forest area, and P. kaempferi had a positive effect on each other, and M. opalifera had a positive effect on the calling frequency of H. fuscata and G. nigrofuscata in the forest area. For the environmental factors, the calling frequency of cicadas was affected by the average temperatures of the urban and forest areas, and cicadas that appeared in the forest area were also affected by the amount of solar radiation. According to the results of statistical analysis, urban cicadas with similar activity periods are influenced by species, especially with respect to urban dominant species, C. atrata. Forest cicadas were influenced by species, mainly M. opalifera, which is a forest dominant species. The results of the meteorological impact analysis were similar to those of the correlation analysis, and were influenced mainly by the temperature, and the influence of the insolation was more increased in the forests.