• Title/Summary/Keyword: Amount of solar radiation

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A Study on Optimum of Performance Objectives of Passive House with Load Reduction elements (천공상태에 따른 박막 BIPV 창호의 온도 및 발전특성 실측연구)

  • Kim, Bit-Na;Yoon, Jong-Ho;Shin, U-Cheu
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2012.03a
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2012
  • This research on building Integrated Photovoltaic System replacing windows and doors with amorphous silicon thin film PV windows and doors installing same exact mount on Mock-up. The windows and doors should be installed in different angle and bearing so that we can analyse the amount of electricity from them. The objective of the research is to evaluate and investigate the relationship between factors(intensity of solar radiation, PV window surface temporature, incidence angle, and sky conditions) that affects performance of PV window and performance. The range and method of this research is to establish mornitoring system and analysis the date from the mornitoring system to evaluate the performance of PV windows that has thin film of solar battery. We should evaluate the insolation according to the position of PV window, output, and surface temperature according to months and seasons so that we can figure out the relationship between these. And we should investigate the relationship between performance and efficiency according to incidence angle and sky condition so that we can figure out the correlation between factors and performance.

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Demonstration of system to combat desertification using renewable energy (신재생에너지를 이용한 사막화 방지 시스템 실증 (몽골))

  • Kim, Man-Il;Lee, Seung-Hun;Whang, Jung-Hun;Cho, Woon-Sic;Park, Moon-Hee
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 2009
  • Generally, wind or solar power system is operated as a stand-alone power system, the efficiency of which could be higher by designing wind-solar combined system considering average wind speed and solar radiation of the desert region, Mongolia. This system is designed to generate electricity for power users and pumps the ground water for irrigation using deep well pump. The ground water can be used for farming or forestation where there is no or little irrigation system. In connection with this study, a renewable energy park, Green Eco Energy Park, was developed at about 50km east of Ulaanbaatar. 3 sets of 10kW wind power generator and 70 kW of solar power module were installed there. The electricity generated from the system is used to on-site office building and deep well pump for ground water pumping. A 10kW stand-alone solar pumping system, which has no rechargeable battery system, is installed to pump the ground water with the amount of generated power. The ground water is stored in 3 artificial ponds and then it is used for raising nursery tree and farming. The purpose of this study is to provide a possible energy solution to desert regions where there is no or little power system. The system also supply power to ground water pump, and the water can be used for farming and forestation, which will also be a solution of preventing desertification or spreading of desert area.

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A Study on the Monthly Characteristics of Solar UV Radiation in Gosan, Jeju (제주도 고산지역 자외선복사의 월변화 특성과 원인 고찰)

  • Kim, Young-Ah;Choi, Wookap
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 2017
  • The monthly-mean irradiance of ultra violet (UV)-B and UV-A observed from 2005 to 2014 and 2012 to 2014, respectively, at noon in Gosan, Jeju, South Korea are analyzed. We compare cloudiness, total ozone, visibility, and relative humidity with an emphasis on the four months from May to August (MJJA), which shows the largest UV radiation. While the incoming UV-B radiation at the top of the atmosphere in Gosan is the largest in June due to the small solar zenith angle, the observed surface UV-B shows an unexpected smaller value in June than those in May, July or August. In June, the meteorological conditions affecting Gosan are completely dominated by cloudiness and thus, frequent overcast seems to determine the minimum UV-B. Another important UV-determining factor is the total ozone, which exhibits a monotonic decrease during MJJA without agreeing to the characteristic feature of UV. The ratio of UV-B to UV-A is not generally influenced by cloudiness. Thus, the ratio is a useful indicator of atmospheric turbidity showing larger values for increasing visibility, except in June. A simple model has been used to estimate surface UV by using the observed ozone and visibility in the cloudless condition. The result shows that UV has the lowest value in June with small variation during MJJA. Model estimation also shows that the different characteristic features observed in July between surface UV-B and UV-A is the result of less absorption of UV-B by ozone than that of UV-A by a smaller amount of total ozone.

Distribution of Midday Air Temperature and the Solar Irradiance Over Sloping Surfaces under Cloudless Condition (맑은 날 한낮의 사면 기온분포와 일사 수광량 간 관계)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2013
  • Automated weather stations were installed at 9 locations with, three different elevations, (i.e., 50m, 100m, and 300m a.s.l.) with different slope and aspect in a small watershed ($50km^2$ area). Air temperature at 1500 LST and solar radiation accumulated for 1100-1500 LST were collected from January to December 2012. Topography of the study area was defined by a $30{\times}30$ m digital elevation model (DEM) grid. Accumulated solar irradiance was calculated for each location with the spatially averaged slope and aspect of surrounding circles with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 grid cell radii, respectively. The 1500 LST air temperature from clear sky conditions with zero cloud amount was regressed to the 1100-1500 LST solar irradiance at 9 locations. We found the highest coefficient of determination ($r^2$ = 0.544) at 25 grid cell radius and the temperature variation in this study was explained by Y = 0.8309X + 0.0438, where Y is 1500 LST temperature (in $^{\circ}C$) and X is 1100-1500 LST accumulated solar irradiance (in $MJ/m^2$).

Interpretation on the Epidemic Outbreak of Rice Blast Disease in Korea, 1978. (1978년도 도열병 대발생의 요인분석)

  • Eun-Woong Lee;Sun-Zik Park
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1979
  • In order to investigate the causes of epidemic out break of rice blast disease in 1978, investigations were undertaken in respect of climatic conditions, variety, cultural practice and plant pathology. During 1978, especially in August at heading time, it was higher temperature and humidity, higher frequency and amount of rainfall, lower amount of sunshine and solar radiation than less blast infested years. Nitrogen content in rice plant was higher than previous years. Acreage increase of semi-dwarf varieties brought about a result of proportional increase of new blast races which are able to infect the semi-dwarf varieties. It was concluded that those conditions mentioned above might have caused the result of severe neck blast disease in rice varieties in Korea, 1978.

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Photosynthesis and Formation of UV-absorbing Substances in Antarctic Macroalgae Under Different Levels of UV-B Radiation (중파자외선에 대한 남극산 해조류의 광합성 및 자외선 흡수물질 형성 반응)

  • 한태준;박병직;한영석;강성호;이상훈
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2002
  • Effects of artificial and solar W-B radiation on five rhodophytes (Curdiea racovitzae, Gigaytina skottsbergii, Mazzaella obovata, Myriogramme manginii, Palmaria decipiens) from Antarctica have been investigated using PAM fluorescence in laboratory and in the field. Laboratory studies showed that there were significant differences in the UV sensitivity between different species, and that the differences appeared to be correlated with the depth of collection of the specimens. It was apparent from the observations that the samples such as M. manginii and P. decipiens collected from 20-30 m depths were move sensitive to W-B radiation compared with those collected from shallower depths, The present study confirmed that an acclimation to the surrounding light regime could be an important factor to determine the UV-sensitivity of a species or individuals and that PAM measurements are rapid and non-destructive methods to evaluate UV influences. From field studies on M. manginii and P. decipiens it was observed that both plants exhibited changes in the effective quantum yield, with the minimum values nt noon followed by n recovery in the evening. Photoinhibition occurred in these species could therefore be accounted for by so- called dynamic photoinhibition. It seems likely that this protective mechanism may contribute to survival of the species in shallow water where they may encounter intense solar radiation. The presence or absence of the W- B component under solar radiation differently affected the photosynthetic recovery process, and the rate of recovery was much stoney in UV- present than in W- absent conditions. Functional role of W- B appears to delay the recovery of photosynthesis in the studied macroalgae. Differential sensitivity to UV-B recognised between M. manginii and P. decipiens seemed to correspond well with the amount of UV-absorbing substances (UVAS) contained in the respective species. Higher tolerance to solar radiation by the latter species may be due to the higher amount of UVAS. There were variations of UVAS concentrations in algal thalli depending on the season and depth of collection.

The Fluid Flow and Heat Storage Performance in Thermal Storage Bed using Gravel (자갈축열층의 공기유동 및 축열성능)

  • Lee, Jong Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2014
  • Fossil energy is needed for a whole year greenhouse cropping due to climate in South Korea. Because the most of the fossil energy resources is imported, it is necessary to develop technology to be able to reduce the energy cost in order to manage greenhouse profitably. The greenhouse commonly consume less amount of energy as compared to other industrial sectors. Replacement of fossil fuel with solar thermal storage, therefore, can be an economical as well as environmentally sustainable option for greenhouse heating. The fluid flow, heat storage and radiation characteristic of the gravel bed model were analyzed to provide basic data for design of the experimental solar heated greenhouse with underground thermal storage using gravel. The air flow velocity in the gravel storage bed was proven to be affected from the capacity of circulation fan and the circulation method and the positive pressure method was proven to be the best among the different air circulation methods. The initial air temperature of the thermal storage bed of 1.2 m $wide{\times}9$ m $long{\times}0.9$ m deep was $10^{\circ}C$. After the thermal storage bed is heated by air of the mean temperature $4^{\circ}C$ during 9 hours, the temperature has increased about $20.3^{\circ}C$ and the storage of heat was about 33,000 kcal. The important factors should be taken into consideration for design of the solar heated greenhouse with underground thermal storage using gravel are insulation of rock storage, amount of storing heat, inflow rate and direction of inlet and outlet duct.

A Study of the Thermal Characteristics of Flooring Materials, Wood, Rock, Aluminum through Observation of its Radiant Environment in the Summer (하절기 복사환경 관측을 통한 석재, 목재, 알루미늄 바닥재의 열특성 평가)

  • Choi, Dong-Ho;Lee, Bu-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the experiment of the measuring of four different types of flooring materials' thermal characteristics was conducted and examined during the summer. The experimental materials were arranged on the existing slab of the roof, and then its thermal characteristics were examined from the point of view of thermal radiation analysis. The aim of this study is ultimately to draw the fundamental data for improvements in a building's thermal function and reduce the urban heat island phenomena through optimizing the thermal characteristics of the surface covering materials of a building. The results from this study are as follows; 1) Each experimental material's albedo was calculated as 0.83 on the aluminum panel, 0.40 on the rock block, 0.37 on the wood deck and 0.21 on the concrete. It shows that the concrete material, which has the lowest short wave reflective rate, absorbed the most radiation energy and the aluminium panel has absorbed the lowest radiation energy. 2) From the each experimental object's value of the long wave radiation, the concrete material measured the highest, at $628W/m^2$, and the aluminium panel measured the lowest at $412W/m^2$. Therefore, it verifies that the experimental objects' own radiation rate determines the amount of the long wave radiation. 3) The degree of energy absorbency of a building's surface covering materials is greatly influenced by its own albedo and radiation rate, Therefore, it needs to be considered for the improvements in a building's thermal function and reducing the urban heat island phenomena. 4) According to the evaluation result of the each experimental object's overall heat transmission screening function on the roof of a building, the wooden deck is proven to be an excellent material for excluding the outside temperature differences effectively with its characteristic of low heat capacity and conduction. Also its surface temperature on the roof slab and the temperature difference during the day were both measured at low.

An Energy Budget Algorithm for a Snowpack-Snowmelt Calculation (스노우팩-융설 계산을 위한 에너지수지 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hoon;Ko, Kyung-Seok
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2011
  • Understanding snowmelt movement to the watershed is crucial for both climate change and hydrological studies because the snowmelt is a significant component of groundwater and surface runoff in temperature area. In this work, a new energy balance budget algorithm has been developed for melting snow from a snowpack at the Central Sierra Snow Laboratory (CSSL) in California, US. Using two sets of experiments, artificial rain-on-snow experiments and observations of diel variations, carried out in the winter of 2002 and 2003, we investigate how to calculate the amount of snowmelt from the snowpack using radiation energy and air temperature. To address the effect of air temperature, we calculate the integrated daily solar radiation energy input, and the integrated discharge of snowmelt under the snowpack and the energy required to generate such an amount of meltwater. The difference between the two is the excess (or deficit) energy input and we compare this energy to the average daily temperature. The resulting empirical relationship is used to calculate the instantaneous snowmelt rate in the model used by Lee et al. (2008a; 2010), in addition to the net-short radiation. If for a given 10 minute interval, the energy obtained by the melt calculation is negative, then no melt is generated. The input energy from the sun is considered to be used to increase the temperature of the snowpack. Positive energy is used for melting snow for the 10-minute interval. Using this energy budget algorithm, we optimize the intrinsic permeability of the snowpack for the two sets of experiments using one-dimensional water percolation model, which are $52.5{\times}10^{-10}m^2$ and $75{\times}10^{-10}m^2$ for the artificial rain-on-snow experiments and observations of diel variation, respectively.

Effect of Difference in Irrigation Amount on Growth and Yield of Tomato Plant in Long-term Cultivation of Hydroponics (장기 수경재배에서 급액량의 차이가 토마토 생육과 수량 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Gyeong Lee;Lim, Mi Young;Kim, So Hui;Rho, Mi Young
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.444-451
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    • 2022
  • Recently, long-term cultivation is becoming more common with the increase in tomato hydroponics. In hydroponics, it is very important to supply an appropriate nutrient solution considering the nutrient and moisture requirements of crops, in terms of productivity, resource use, and environmental conservation. Since seasonal environmental changes appear severely in long-term cultivation, it is so critical to manage irrigation control considering these changes. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the effect of irrigation volume on growth and yield in tomato long-term cultivation using coir substrate. The irrigation volume was adjusted at 4 levels (high, medium high, medium low and low) by different irrigation frequency. Irrigation scheduling (frequency) was controlled based on solar radiation which measured by radiation sensor installed outside the greenhouse and performed whenever accumulated solar radiation energy reached set value. Set value of integrated solar radiation was changed by the growing season. The results revealed that the higher irrigation volume caused the higher drainage rate, which could prevent the EC of drainage from rising excessively. As the cultivation period elapsed, the EC of the drainage increased. And the lower irrigation volume supplied, the more the increase in EC of the drainage. Plant length was shorter in the low irrigation volume treatment compared to the other treatments. But irrigation volume did not affect the number of nodes and fruit clusters. The number of fruit settings was not significantly affected by the irrigation volume in general, but high irrigation volume significantly decreased fruit setting and yield of the 12-15th cluster developed during low temperature period. Blossom-end rot occurred early with a high incidence rate in the low irrigation volume treatment group. The highest weight fruits was obtained from the high irrigation treatment group, while the medium high treatment group had the highest total yield. As a result of the experiment, it could be confirmed the effect of irrigation amount on the nutrient and moisture stabilization in the root zone and yield, in addition to the importance of proper irrigation control when cultivating tomato plants hydroponically using coir substrate. Therefore, it is necessary to continue the research on this topic, as it is judged that the precise irrigation control algorithm based on root zone-information applied to the integrated environmental control system, will contribute to the improvement of crop productivity as well as the development of hydroponics control techniques.