• 제목/요약/키워드: Aldosterone

검색결과 195건 처리시간 0.027초

Evaluation of effect over time after oral administration of telmisartan for chronic kidney disease in cats

  • Han, Donghyun;Lee, Dong-Guk;Jung, Dong-In
    • Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.86-91
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    • 2018
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers, such as telmisartan, are considered effective in the treatment of hypertension and proteinuria due to chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats. It selectively blocks the $AT_1$ receptor and does not affect the $AT_2$ receptor, thus effectively blocking the activity of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system. This study aims to compare over time the changes in various indicators, including systemic hypertension and proteinuria, before and after the administration of telmisartan in cats with CKD. Decrease in blood pressure (BP) (p<0.001) and urine protein to creatinine (UP/C) ratio (p<0.001) were found to be statistically significant over time after the administration of telmisartan. BP and the UP/C ratio were $160{\pm} 22.2$ and $0.50{\pm}0.647$ before telmisartan administration (Day 0), $150{\pm}21.0$ and $0.27{\pm}0.487$ on the 30th day (Day 30), $150{\pm}17.0$ and $0.25{\pm}0.376$ on the 60th day (Day 60), and $140{\pm}17.8$ and $0.15{\pm}0.233$ on the 90th day (Day 90) after administration, respectively. BP and UP/C were statistically significantly lower in cats with CKD over time at each time point from Day 0 to Day 90 at 30 day intervals. Especially after 90 days of telmisartan administration, the improvement of BP and UP/C were estimated to be about 20 mmHg and 0.35, respectively. In conclusion, the oral administration of telmisartan to cats with CKD is effective in improving BP and proteinuria, which has a positive effect on long-term survival in cats with CKD.

Maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation induces metabolic syndrome in adult offspring

  • Koo, Soohyeon;Kim, Mina;Cho, Hyun Min;Kim, Inkyeom
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.160-172
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    • 2021
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Nutritional status and food intake during pregnancy and lactation can affect fetal programming. In the current metabolic syndrome epidemic, high-fructose diets have been strongly implicated. This study investigated the effect of maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation on the development of metabolic syndrome in adult offspring. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Drinking water with or without 20% fructose was administered to female C57BL/6J mice over the course of their pregnancy and lactation periods. After weaning, pups ate regular chow. Accu-Chek Performa was used to measure glucose levels, and a tail-cuff method was used to examine systolic blood pressure. Animals were sacrificed at 7 months, their livers were excised, and sections were stained with Oil Red O and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Kidneys were collected for gene expression analysis using quantitative real-time Polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Adult offspring exposed to maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation presented with heavier body weights, fattier livers, and broader areas under the curve in glucose tolerance test values than control offspring. Serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol and systolic blood pressure in the maternal high-fructose group were higher than that in controls. However, there were no significant differences in mRNA expressions of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system genes and sodium transporter genes. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that maternal high-fructose intake during pregnancy and lactation induces metabolic syndrome with hyperglycemia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia in adult offspring.

Hypoadrenocorticism in a 1-Year-Old Korean Shorthair Cat

  • Jung, Hansol;Jeong, Yunho;Kim, Yoonhwan;Choi, Sooyoung;Park, Inchul;Ahn, Jin-Ok
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.144-148
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    • 2022
  • A one-year-old spayed female Korean Shorthair cat presented to Kangwon National University Veterinary Hospital with vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite, and polyuria that lasted for more than two weeks. The body condition score, blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature were abnormally low, and the physical examination findings were consistent with moderate dehydration. Hematological and biochemical tests demonstrated mild azotemia and a low Na:K ratio. Additional abdominal ultrasound imaging revealed reduced size of both adrenal glands. The adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test showed decreased post-ACTH cortisol and aldosterone levels and increased endogenous ACTH levels, confirming a diagnosis of primary hypoadrenocorticism. The cat was treated with subcutaneous injections of desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP) and oral prednisolone supplementation, and subsequent electrolyte analysis showed a normal Na:K ratio. Clinical symptoms were also improved in response to treatment. Hypoadrenocorticism in cats is a very rare disease, but it should not be excluded as a potential diagnosis in favor of kidney diseases or other conditions, especially when the Na:K ratio is low. In addition, the prognosis for the disease and the response to DOCP treatment should be further evaluated in cats.

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit and Combination with Losartan Attenuate the Elevation of Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Rats Induced by Angiotensin II

  • Tomi Hendrayana;Klaudia Yoana;I Ketut Adnyana;Elin Yulinah Sukandar
    • 대한약침학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.298-306
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: Cucumis sativus L. (C. sativus) is vegetable commonly used for managing blood pressure and often consumed in combination with standard antihypertensive therapy, despite lack of scientific evidence supporting their use. Combination of herbs and standard medication could have positive or negative effects. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the antihypertensive activity of C. sativus and the combined effect with losartan in the hypertensive rat model induced by angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system that, upon binding to its receptor, constricts blood vessels leading to elevation of blood pressure. Methods: In an antihypertensive study, rats received C. sativus orally at doses of 9, 18, 27, and 36 mg/kg (full dose); while in a combination study, animals received losartan 2.25 mg/kg combined by either with C. sativus 9 or 18 mg/kg. The standards group received losartan 2.25 mg/kg or 4.5 mg/kg (full dose). Results: Blood pressure was measured using the tail-cuff method. C. sativus significantly attenuated angiotensin II-induced hypertension as observed in groups receiving C. sativus at 9, 18, 27, and 36 mg/kg at 30 minutes after induction showed the average change (Δ) of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) with respect to time zero were 28.8/18.3, 24.8/15.8, 22.8/15.5, and 11.5/9.0 mmHg, respectively. Whereas the average change (Δ) of SBP and DBP in the rats receiving the combination of half doses of C. sativus and losartan were 8.8/9.0 mmHg, respectively. These diminished effects were better than a full dose of C. sativus and comparable with a full dose of losartan (6.5/7.8 mmHg). Conclusion: The present findings indicate that C. sativus dose-dependently blocks blood pressure elevation induced by angiotensin II. The combination of half dose of C. sativus and losartan has an additive effect in lowering blood pressure.

Ruptured triple hormone-secreting adrenal cortical carcinoma with hyperaldosteronism, hypercortisolism, and elevated normetanephrine: a case report

  • Sin Yung Woo;Seongji Park;Kun Young Kwon;Dong-Mee Lim;Keun-Young Park;Jong-Dai Kim
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.306-311
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    • 2024
  • We report a case of a ruptured triple hormone-secreting adrenal mass with hyperaldosteronism, hypercortisolism, and elevated normetanephrine levels, diagnosed as adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) by histology. A 53-year-old male patient who initially presented with abdominal pain was referred to our hospital for angiocoagulation of an adrenal mass rupture. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a heterogeneous 19×11×15 cm right adrenal mass with invasion into the right lobe of the liver, inferior vena cava, retrocaval lymph nodes, and aortocaval lymph nodes. Angiocoagulation was performed. Laboratory evaluation revealed excess cortisol via a positive 1-mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test, primary hyperaldosteronism via a positive saline infusion test, and plasma normetanephrine levels three times higher than normal. An adrenal mass biopsy was performed for pathological confirmation to commence palliative chemotherapy because surgical management was not deemed appropriate considering the extent of the tumor. Pathological examination revealed stage T4N1M1 ACC. The patient started the first cycle of adjuvant mitotane therapy along with adjuvant treatment with doxorubicin, cisplatin, and etoposide, and was discharged. Clinical cases of dual cortisol- and aldosterone-secreting ACCs or ACCs presenting as pheochromocytomas have occasionally been reported; however, both are rare. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, a triple hormone-secreting ACC has not yet been reported. Here, we report a rare case and its management. This case report underscores the necessity of performing comprehensive clinical and biochemical hormone evaluations in patients with adrenal masses because ACC can present with multiple hormone elevations.

Corticosterone에 의해 유도된 인간의 신경모세포종 SH-SY5Y 세포 증식 억제를 완화시키는 맥문동 열수 추출물의 효과에 관한 연구 (Attenuation of the Corticosterone-induced Antiproliferative Effect on Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells Using Hot-water Extract from Liriope muscari)

  • 이종규;김상보;서용배;김군도
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.517-523
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    • 2018
  • 만성적 스트레스가 있는 상황에서, 과잉 생산된 cortisol은 glucocorticoid receptor (GR)를 활성화시킴으로써 해마(hippocampus)에 있는 신경 세포에 손상을 줄 수 있다. Cortisol을 생성하지 못하는 동물들의 경우, corticosterone이 스트레스 호르몬의 역할을 하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 한편, 인간의 경우, corticosterone은 aldosterone의 전구물질 이거나 cortisol과 비슷한 특성을 가지는 하나의 glucocorticoid로만 여겨져 왔다. 최근 인간을 대상으로 cortisol과 dexamethasone과 같은 합성 glucocorticoid의 기능에 관한 연구가 많이 이루어져 왔으나, corticosterone의 정확한 기능에 대하여 많이 알려져 있지 않다. 본 연구에서 corticosterone을 여러 농도로 SH-SY5Y 세포에 처리한 후 24시간과 48시간 때 viability를 조사한 결과, 높은 농도($500{\mu}M$$1,000{\mu}M$)에서 SH-SY5Y 세포의 성장 억제가 관찰된 반면, 낮은 농도($100{\mu}M$)에선 그 효과가 나타나지 않았다. 맥문동, 오미자, 복신 열수 추출물에 대한 세포 독성을 실시한 결과, 세 시료 모두 농도가 높아질수록 높은 세포 독성을 보였다. 한편, $500{\mu}g/ml$의 맥문동은 corticosterone에 의해 유도된 세포 성장 억제를 완화시켜 세포 성장을 회복시키는 효과를 보였다. 마지막으로, 맥문동 $500{\mu}g/ml$에 오미자와 복신의 농도를 달리하여 제조한 여러 혼합물의 시너지 효과를 알아본 결과, 대부분 혼합물이 약간의 효과를 보이긴 했으나, 음성 대조군 수준만큼 회복되지는 않았다.

황연해독탕(黃連解毒湯)과 온청음(溫淸飮)이 고혈압(高血壓) 및 고지혈증(高脂血症)에 미치는 영향(影響) (A Experimental Study on the Effect of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum on Hyperlipidemia & Hypertension)

  • 김은선;박치상;박창국
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 1999
  • The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum on essential hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Rats were orally administered for 30days with Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum and the blood was withdrawn at 10, 20 and 30days after an oral administration. The heart rate, tail blood pressure, plasma renin activity, plasma level of aldosterone. catecholamine, sodium and angiotensin II were measured after an oral administration of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum in spontaneously hypertensive rat(SHR). In addition, serum levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol. LDL-cholesterol and total lipid were measured cholesterol-fed rats. The results were summarized as follows ; 1. A significant decrease of tail blood pressure was shown at 10, 20 and 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum treatment in SHRs. compared with saline. 2. Heart rate was significantly decreased at 30days in SHRs after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 20, 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment in SHRs. compared with the effects of saline group. 3, A significant decrease of plasma aldosterone level was elicited at 10, 20days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment in SHRs, compared with the effects of saline group, 4. Plasma renin activity was significantly decreased at 10days after Onchung-Eum treatment compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 5. Plasma norepinephrine level was significantly decreased at 20 and 30clays after Onchung-Eum treatment in SHRs, compared with the effects of saline group. 6. A significant decrease of plasma epinephrine level was induced at 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 10, 20 and 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 7. Plasma sodium level was. significantly decreased at 20days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 8. Plasma angiotensin II level was significantly decreased at 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in SHRs. 9. A significant decrease of body weight was observed at 20 and 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 10, 20 and 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment. compared with the effects of saline group in hyperlipidemia rats. 10. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum showed a significantly decreasing effect at 30days on serum total cholesterol level in hyperlipidemia rats, compared with the saline treatment. 11. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum saw 20 and 30days respectively on serum triglyceride level in the saline treatment. 12. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum decreased on serum HDL-cholesterol level significantly, compared with the saline treatment in hyperlipidemia rats. 13. A significant decrease of serum LDL-cholesterol was observed at 10 and 30days after Hwangryeonheadock-Tang treatment and at 30days after Onchung-Eum treatment, compared with the effects of saline group in hyperlipidemia rats. 14. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang had a significantly decreasing effect at 10, 20 and 30days on serum total lipid level, compared with the saline treatment in hyperlipidemia rats. 15. Hwangryeonheadock-Tang elicited a significantly decreasing effect on weight of kidneys, spleen and testes respectively and Onchung-Eum induced on weight of liver and spleen respectively in hyperlipidemia rats, compared with saline treatment. These Findings suggest a possible anti-hypertensive and anti-hyperlipidemic effect of Hwangryeonheadock-Tang and Onchung-Eum.

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신동맥내 투여한 Angiotensin II가 신장기능 및 Renin 분비에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Unilateral Renal Arterial Infusion of Angiotensin II on Renal Function and Renin Secretion in Unanesthetized Rabbit)

  • 김종훈;강남부;김영진;김선희;조경우
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.363-375
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    • 1989
  • It has been well known that peripheral infusion of angiotensin II results in an increase of blood pressure, and an elevation of aldosterone secretion, and an inhibition of renin relase. However, the direct effect of angiotensin II on renal function has not been clearly established. In the present study, to investigate the effect of angiotensin II on renal function and renin release, angiotensin II (0.3, 3 and 10 ng/kg/min) was infused into a unilateral renal artery of the unanesthetized rabbit and changes in renal function and active and inactive renin secretion rate (ARSR, IRSR) were measured. In addition, to determine the relationship between the renal effect of angiotensin II and adenosine, the angiotensin II effect was evaluated in the presence of simultaneously infused 8-phenyltheophylline (8-PT, 30 nmole/min), adenosine A 1 receptor antagonist. Angiotensin II infusion at dose less than 10 ng/kg/min decreased urine flow, clearances of para-amino-hippuric acid and creatinine, and urinary excretion of electrolytes in dose-dependent manner. The changes in urine flow and sodium excretion were significantly correlated with the change in renal hemodynamics. Infusion of angiotensin II at 10 ng/kg/min also decreased ARSR, but it has no significant effect on IRSR. The change in ARSR was inversely correlated with the change in IRSR. The plasma concentration of catecholamine was not altered by an intarenal infusion of angiotensin II. In the presence of 8-PT in the infusate, the effect of angiotensin II on renal function was significantly attenuated, but that on renin secretion was not modified. These results suggest that the reduction in urine flow and Na excretion during intrarenal infusion of angiotensin II was not due to direct inhibitions of renal tubular transport systems, but to alterations of renal hemodynamics which may partly be mediated by the adenosine receptor.

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육미지황탕 효능의 동의보감과 실험연구결과의 비교고찰 -한의학과 중의학을 중심으로- (The Comparative Effects of Yugmijihwangtang in Donguibogam and Experiment Research Results -Focusing on the Korean Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine-)

  • 한유창;김명동;이선동
    • 대한한의학방제학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.223-251
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : A lot of experiment results of Yugmijihwangtang(YM) are reported in various kinds of journals. Many of them report on the new effects that are not recorded in the traditional medical texts. So it is necessary to take it into consideration that newly reported effects could be of help to clinical practice, because this process of comparison of Donguibogam and scientific experiment results will have basis to lead into the evidence based medicine. Methods : We compared the effects of in Donguibogam and the experiment results of YM. Results : The effects of YM in Donguibogam are to replenish essence and marrow, and to treat red wen, fatigue, treat hypouresis, urinary sediment, urinary urgency, hematuria, hydrocephalus, speech and movement retardation, yin-deficiency, diabetes mellitus, nonalcoholic fatty liver, melanoma, disability to see near and far sight, tinnitus, hearing loss, alopecia, angiogenesis, cough, cough at night, trachyphonia, and, infantile convulsion. The experiment results of YM since 2000 in both Korea and China are to inhibit atopic dermatitis, renal interstitial fibrosis, anti-oxidant, emphysema, stress, glomerulosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy, chronic glomerulonephritis, hemorrhage, plantar sweating, dermal aging, kidney aging, bone loss, breast cancer, pathological myocardial cell, primary liver cancer, thrombosis, osteoporosis, intrauterine growth retardation, chronic renal failure, IgA nepropathy, slow cerebral development, and hippocampal tissue lesions on the one hand, and to help bone formation, renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system, cerebral recovery, cognitive function and expression, osteoblast proliferation and differentiation, learning and memory, cold-tolerance and oxygen deficit-tolerance and anti-fatigue, endometrial formation, humoral and cell-mediated immunity, immune regulation effect, Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovary Axis, and spermatogenesis, on the other hand. Conclusion : When we compared the effects of YM with the experiment results of YM, there existed a considerable gap between them. So, from now on, it is expected that a great effort and consideration are needed to solve these gaps from an academic and clinical point of view.

대시호탕가미방(大柴胡湯加味方)이 고혈압(高血壓) 및 고지혈증(高脂血症)에 미치는 영향(影響) (A Experimental Study on the Effect of Kami-Daesihotang on Hyperlipidemia & Hypertension)

  • 박치상;박창국;한승동;박순달
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.159-184
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    • 1998
  • The aim of the study was the experiment of the effect that Kami-Daesihotang had on the essential hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Rats were orally administered with Kami-Daesihotang for 30days and the constituent of the plasma and serum were analysed at the 10th, 20th and 30th day from the first day of experiment, respectively. The heart rate, blood pressure, plasma renin activity, plasma level of aldosterone, catecholamine, sodium and angiotensin II were measured after an oral administration of Kami-Daesihotang in SHR. In addition, serum levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and total lipid were measured with cholesterol-fed rats. The results were summarized as following ; 1. Single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang & double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang remarkably decreased the blood pressure in SHR. 2. Double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang were recognized as having the effect on the decreased of the pulse rate in SHR. 3. Plasma renin activity was significantly decreasd in SHR after single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang & double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang treatment. 4. Double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang considerably reduced the plasma angiotensin level in SHR. 5. Noticeable decreased of plasma norepinephrine level was showed in SHR, after single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang & double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang treatment. 6. Single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang & double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang noticeable reduced body weight in hyperlipidemia rats which had fed with 1% cholesterol. 7. Single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang & double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang had a significantly decreasing effect on serum total cholesterol in hyperlipidemia rats which had fed with 1% cholesterol. 8. Serum triglyceride level was importantly decreased in hyperlipidemia rats which had fed with 1% cholesterol, after single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang & double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang treatment. 9. Remarkable decreased of serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level was found in hyperlipidemia rats which had fed with 1% cholesterol, after single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang & double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang treatment. 10. Double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang was showed a significantly decreasing effect on serum total lipid level in hyperlipidemia rats which had fed with 1% cholesterol. 11. Single-dosage Kami-Daesihotang noticeably reduced organ weight of liver, kidney, spleen and testis in hyperlipidemia rats which had fed with 1% cholesterol. Double-dosage Kami-Daesihotang significantly decreased organ weight of liver, kidney and spleen in hyperlipidemia rats. These Findings suggest a possible anti-hypertensive and hyperlipidemic effect of Kami-Daesihotang.

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