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The Effect of Au Addition on the Hardening Mechanism in Ag-20wt% Pd-20wt% Cu (Ag-20wt% Pd-20wt% Cu 3원합금(元合金) 및 Au첨가합금(添加合金)의 시효경화특성(時效硬化特性))

  • Park, M.H.;Bae, B.J.;Lee, H.S.;Lee, K.D.
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 1997
  • The Ag-Pd-Cu alloys containing a small amount of Au is commonly used for dental purposes, because this alloy is cheaper than Au-base alloys for clinical use. However, the most important characteristic of this alloy is age-hardenability, which is not exhibited by other Ag-base dental alloys. The specimens used were Ag-20Pd-20Cu ternary alloy and Au addition alloy. These alloys were melted and casted by induction electic furace and centrifugal casting machine in Ar atmoshpere. These specimens were solution treated for 2hr at 800C and were then quenched into iced water, and aged at 350550C Age-hardening characteristics of the small Au-containing Ag-pPd-Cu dental alloys were investigated by means of hardness testing, X-ray diffraction and electron microscope observations, electrical resistance, differential scanning calorimetric, emergy dispersed spectra and electron probe microanalysis. Principal results are as follows : Hardening occured in two stages, I. e., stage I in low temperature and stage II in high temperature regions, during continuous aging. The case of hardening in stage I was due to the formation of the Llo type face centered tetragonal PdCu-ordered phase in the grain interior and hardening in stage I was affedted by the Cu concentration. In stage II, decomposition of the α solid solution to a PdCu ordered phase(L1o type) and an Agrich α2 phase occurred and a discontiunous precipitation occurred at the grain boundary. Form the electron microscope study, it was concluded that the cause of age-hardening in this alloy is the precipitation of the PdCu ordered phase, which has AuCu I type face-centered tetragonal structure. Precipitation procedure was αα+α2+PdCuα1+α2+PdCu at Pd/Cu = 1 Ag-Pd-Cu alloy is more effective dental alloy as ageing treatment and is suitable to isothermal ageing at 450C.

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  • Choi, Nam-Ki;Jeong, Byung-Cho;Yang, Kyu-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.304-312
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the sedative effects of four kinds of medication for management in the uncooperative 64 children aged from 18 to 92 months(ASA class I) and weighting between 10 and 32 kg. They were given randomly a dose of chloral hydrate 75mg/kg and hydroxyzine 25mg orally(group 1), midazolam 0.1mg/kg intramuscularly and N2O(group 2), group 1 with additional N2O(group 3) and group 1 with additional midazolam 0.5cc intranasally(group 4), respectively. According to rating scale, sleep, crying, movement and overall behavior were checked for evaluation of the clinical sedative effects. They were restraind with Pediwrap and were monitored by pulse oximeter for safety during treatment period. The results were as follows : 1. In the evaluation of sleep, rating scale of chloral hydrate and hydroyzine combination group was superior to midazolam and N2O combination group(p<0.001), but there was no significant difference between chloral hydrate, hydroxyzine and N2O combination group and chloral hydrate, hydroxyzine and midazolam combination group. 2. In the evaluation of crying, movement and overall behavior, there were significant differences between chloral hydrate and hydroxyzine combination group and midazolam and N2O combination group(p<0.05), but no significant difference between chloral hydrate, hydroxyzine and N2O combination group and chloral hydrate, hydroxyzine and midazolam combination group. 3. In the evaluation of overall behavior, the mean score of chloral hydrate and hydroyzine combination group was 2.94, midazolam and N2O combination group 2.07, chloral hydrate, hydroxyzine and N2O combination group 2.47 and chloral hydrate, hydroxyzine and midazolam combination group 2.24, respectively. 4. Evidence of adverse effect was not detected or reported during and/or after dental treatment.

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Ethnosientific Approach of Health Practice in Korea (한국인의 건강관행에 대한 민속과학적 접근)

  • 김귀분;최연희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.396-417
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    • 1991
  • In order that nursing care an essential quality of nursing practice be acceptable and satisfying, it is necessary that client's culture be respected and that nursing practice be appropriate to that culture. Since cultural elements are an important influence on health practices and life patterns related to medical treatment, recovery from and prevention of disease, nurses need to have an understanding and knowledge of social and cultural phenomena to aid in the planning of nursing interventions. To understand the health practices surrounding health and illness, the health beliefs and practices of both folk and professional healing systems should be ascertained. Cultural data are required to provide care of high quality to clients and to reduce possible conflict between the client and the nurse. It is nursing's goal to provide clients from various cultures with quality nursing care which is satisfying and valuable. The problem addressed by this study was to identify Korean health practices which would contribute to the planning of professional caring practice with the culture : ultimately this study was intended to make a contribution to the development of the science of nursing. The concrete objectives of this study were ; 1) to identify Korean health practices, 2) to interpret the identitial health practices through traditional cultural thought, and 3) to compare the Korean health practices with those of other cultures. The investigator used the ethnosceintific approach outlined by spradly in a qualitative study. To discover ancestral wisdom and knowledge related to traditional health practeces, the subjects of this study were selected from residents of a small rural mountain village in south west Korea, a place considered to be maintaining and transmitting the traditional culture in a relatively well -preserved state because of being isolated from the modern world. The number of subjects was 18, aged 71 to 89. Research data were collected from January 8 to March 31, 1990. Five categories of health practices were identified : “Manage one's own mind”, “Moderation in all thing”, “Live in accord with nature”, “Live in mutuality with others”, and “Live to the best of one's ability”. Values derived from these ways of thinking from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism help fashion a traditional way of life, examplified by the saying “Benifience to all”. Korean thought and philosophy is influenced primerily by Confucianism, Confucian principles of ethics, embedded deeply in the peoples' minds, form the idea that “heaven and human being are intimately united” based on concept that “heaven is, so to speak, reason”. Twoe Gae's theory of existential subjectivity develops the concept of self which is the basis of the spirit of reverence in modern Confucian philosophy. The human md is granted from heaven out of the idea of matter, and what control the mind is the spirit of reverence. Hence the idea of “The primacy of the mind" and provided that one should control one's own mind. The precepts of duty to parents, respect for elders and worship of ancestors, and moderation in all behavior put a restraint on life which directed that one live earnestly according to Nature's laws with their neighbors. Not only Confucianism, but also Buddism and Taoism have had an important effect upon these patterns of ideas. When compared with western culture, Korean health practices tend to be more inclusive, abstract and intuitive while westerner health practices found to be mere concrete, practical and personal. Values and beliefs based and pragmatism and existentialism infuence western civilization, Ethical values may be founded on utilitarianism, which considers what is good for the persons in their circumstances as the basis of conduct and takes a serious view of their practical lives including human aspirations rather than an absolute truth. These philosophical and ethical ideas are foundations for health practices related to active, practical and progressive attitudes. This study should be enable nursing not only to understand clients as reflections of the traditional culture when planning nursing practice, but to dovelop health education corresponding to cultural requiments for the purpose of protection against disease and improvement of health, and thus promote sound health practice. Eventually it is hoped that through these processes quality nursing care as the central idea of the science of nursing will be achieved.

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A Study on Health Statue of the Elderly in Rural Community according to Drinking Pattern (일부 농촌지역 노인의 음주양상에 따른 건강상태)

  • Baek, Dal-Hyun;Hwang, Byung-Deog;Moon, Hyo-Jung;Yoon, Hee-Jung;Lee, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.263-273
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the trend of health statue of the elderly living in rural area according to drinking patterns. Methods: This study was conducted with 2,421 elderly people (male 1,273 and female 1,148) residing in the selected 25 villages, with exclusion of a few elderly people who were in hospital, out for a long time or had an unknown address. This study were carried out, face-to-face interviews with the subjects were made from January to March 2002. Results: The investigation of drinking state showed that for male subjects, drinkers accounted for 48.8%, nondrinkers 35.1% and abstainers from drinking 16.1%, whereas for female subjects, drinkers accounted 15.3%, nondrinkers 80.2% and abstainers from drinking 4.5%. The health status was analyzed according to drinking pattern. For elderly men, abstainers from drinking showed worse health state than nondrinkers and drinkers. Elderly women showed the same result. It is widely known that drinking are the important causes of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is needed to provide the elderly with education on control of preventable health risk factors and effect of living state on health, in order to prevent aggravation of health level of the elder population aged 65 and over. This will also help them promote their health. It will be desirable that for the elderly, the objective will focus on health promotion rather than treatment of diseases. Conclusions: Carry out health plan for rural communities and health maintenance programs and health promotion of the elderly in those communities shall be developed. In addition, preventive education and health examination shall be conducted more frequently with the elderly who drink but are still healthy.

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The Effect of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy(CIMT) With Cognitive-Perceptual Training on Upper Extremity Function of Stroke Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment (경도 인지손상을 가진 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 기능에 미치는 강제유도운동치료(CIMT)와 인지-지각 훈련의 병행 효과)

  • Kim, Hun-Ju;Shin, Joong-Il;Kam, Kyung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.5684-5691
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to examine effects of constraint-induced movement therapy(CIMT) and/or cognitive-perceptual training(CPT) on the change of hand function in cerebrovascular accident(CVA) patients and to evaluate the change in the amount and quality of use of the affected upper extremity in performing daily living tasks. The subjects of study were 10 patients who had been under rehabilitation for more than three months after CVA onset. They were all determined as mild cognition impairment according to NCSE or MVPT test. For CIMT group, to restrict the movement of the unaffected hand the subjects had been worn modified resting arm-splint in daytime for 4 weeks. For CIMT+CPT group, the subjects were performed CPT with CIMT and control group had been under conventional occupational therapy for the same period. CIMT+CPT group showed significant improvement in simulated feeding, lifting large light objects, and lifting large heavy objects of Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test. CIMT group also showed significant improvement compared with control group. The mean changes of the amount of use(AOU) of the affected arm had a statistically significant difference among groups (p<.05). While CIMT+CPT group had the biggest change in the quality of movement(QOM) of upper extremity of the affected side, CTL group showed the smallest change. Both CIMT and CIMT+CPT groups had statistically significant difference in the change in the quality of movement in upper extremity of affected side with CTL group(p<.05), but there was not significant difference between CIMT group and CIMT+CPT group. CIMT performed to the patients of stroke, with mild impairment in cognitive perceptual abilities showed the improvement in hand movement and AOU and QOM of upper extremity in the affected side and the combination of CIMT with CPT showed synergic effects.

Effect of Intravenous Administration of Tramadol on the Minimum Alveolar Concentration of Isoflurane in Dogs (개에서 트라마돌의 정맥투여가 아이소플루란의 최소폐포농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Seok, Seong-Hoon;Park, Se-Jin;Lee, Seung-Yong;Jin, So-Young;Kim, Young-Ki;Hwang, Jae-Min;Lee, Hee-Chun;Yeon, Seong-Chan
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.308-312
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    • 2015
  • This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of tramadol hydrochloride on the minimum alveolar concentration of isoflurane (MACISO) in dogs. Six healthy, female German shepherd dogs (aged 1-2 years) were used in this study. Anesthesia was induced by mask induction and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Mechanical ventilation maintained the end-tidal CO2 partial pressure (PETCO2) from 35 to 45 mmHg throughout the study. A baseline MACISO (MACISOB) was determined starting 45 minutes after induction of anesthesia by clamping a pedal digit until gross purposeful movement was detected. After MACISOB determination, dogs received a tramadol loading dose of 3 mg/kg followed by a continuous rate infusion (CRI) of 2.6 mg/kg/h. The determination of MACISO after administration of tramadol (MACISOT) began 20 min after the start of the CRI. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate were recorded continuously and arterial blood samples for blood gas analysis were collected at the end of the equilibration period. Mean ± SD values for the MACISOB and MACISOT were 1.33±0.04 and 1.23±0.04, respectively. The MACISOB decreased significantly by 7.5±0.2 (P < 0.05) after administration of tramadol. The mean heart rate and arterial blood pressure of six dogs were not changed significantly after tramadol administration. The blood gas levels remained constant during the study. In conclusion, tramadol could significantly reduce MACISO without depression of cardiorespiratory function. Thus, the use of tramadol on inhalation anesthesia with isoflurane in dogs can improve the stability of anesthesia and the quality of recovery.

Severe Pneumonia Caused by 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus in Children and Corticosteroid Treatment (소아에서 2009 신종 인플루엔자 A (H1N1) 중증 폐렴과 스테로이드 치료)

  • Sohn, Yu Rak;Kim, Jong Hee;Ma, Sang Hyuk;Lee, Kyung Yil;Kang, Jin Han
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2011
  • Purpose : The effect of corticosteroid on severe pneumonia caused by 2009 pandemic influenza (H1N1) A virus is controversial. This study was aimed to present the effects of early, short-term corticosteroid treatment for severe pneumonia with this virus infection. Methods : A retrospective analysis was performed on severe pneumonia patients (37 patients) who had severe respiratory distress at presentation requiring oxygen therapy and received intravenous methylprednisolone (MP, 8-10 mg/kg, divided in 4 doses/day for 2-3 days) with oseltamivir. The clinical and laboratory characteristics of the patients were evaluated through the medical records and chest radiographic findings. Results : The mean age and male-to-female ratio of the patients were 6.5±2.9 years of age, and 3.4:1 (male 29 patients), respectively. The 5-9 aged group was predominant among the age groups (25 patients, 67.6%). Duration of fever prior to admission was 1.4±0.6 days and dyspnea developed within 24 h after beginning of respiratory symptoms in all patients. All patients were previously healthy and received oseltamivir within 48 h. Thirteen patients (35.1%) developed dyspnea during oseltamivir treatment. Following MP infusion, all 37 patients including 13 progressive pneumonia patients during oseltamivir treatment showed an immediate halt in the progression of pneumonic infiltration with rapid clinical improvement. There were no side-effects following steroid use. Conclusion : For severe pneumonia patients, early corticosteroid treatment halted clinical exacerbation, and possibly prevented progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome. Further controlled clinical studies are needed for the role of corticosteroids and antivirals on severely affected patients with influenza virus infections.

Effect of Processing Methods on the Saponin Contents of Panax ginseng Leaf-Tea (고려인삼엽차의 제조방법에 따른 사포닌 성분의 함량 및 조성)

  • 장현기
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2003
  • Panax ginseng leaf tea was developed for the functional benefit of health, preference and convenience. The leaves of 4-year-old ginseng were selected in July and August. The ginseng leaf was treated by three methods : heat processed tea(HPT), aged tea(AGT) and hot-air dried tea(DRT). The contents and compositions of their crude saponin of ginseng leaves were measured. 1. The content of crude saponin of HPT was the higher than other treatments. The content of HPT was 18.72∼18.82%, ACT 18.24∼18.29% and DRT 17.02∼17.17%. 2. The harvest time and treatment methods were not affect the composition of ginsenoside in ginseng leaf tea. The ginsenoside-Re was shown the highest value as 1.97∼2.15. And ginsenoside-Rd was 1.48∼1.79, -Rg1 1.33∼1.58 and -Rb, -Rb2, -Rc in the order. 3. The content of protopanaxadiol(PD) and protopanaxatriol(PT) was shown that DRT was 1.11∼1.13, HPT 1.09~l.12 and AGT 0.92∼1.02. The content of PD and PT were shown similar result at any harvest time. 4. The contents of crude saponin extracted by hot-water at 5 min was the higher ratios in HPT and harvested in July than other treatments. The content of crude saponin of ginseng leaf harvested in July was 15.88% and HPT was 16.88%. The order of contents of ginsenoside were -Re, -Rd, -Rg1, -Rb1, -Rb2, and - Rc. The extraction ratio of crude saponin extracted by the circulated extraction method in 8 hours and 5 min extraction were 81.74∼84.38%. And HPT of ginseng leaf harvested in July was the highest value 84.3% but the extraction ratio of ginsenoside was 78.00~88.13%. But the extraction ratio of ginsenoside was similar trend in all treatments.

Analysis of the types of eating behavior affecting the nutrition of preschool children: using the Dietary Behavior Test (DBT) and the Nutrition Quotient (NQ) (유아의 영양상태에 영향을 미치는 식행동 유형 분석 : 어린이 식행동 검사 (DBT)와 어린이 영양지수 (NQ) 활용)

  • Sim, Hyeon Mi;Han, Youngshin;Lee, Kyung A
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.604-617
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: To investigate the effect of eating behavior on nutritional status according to temperament type. Methods: One thousand one hundred three preschool children aged 2 to 6 years in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do from April to June 2018 were surveyed about their eating behavior and nutritional status using DBT (Dietary Behavior Test) and NQ (Nutrition Quotient) which are proven tests. The dietary behaviors of the children were classified into four categories: approach avoidance, sensory sensitivity, hyperactivity, and irregularity. NQ scores were divided into five categories: balance, diversity, moderation, regularity, and practice. Results: The mean of the children's age was 3.42 ± 1.4 (596 boys and 507 girls). The percentage distribution of the NQ grade was as follows: 5.5% (highest), 12.5% (high), 47.1% (medium), 22.2% (low), and 12.6% (lowest). The risk group of approach avoidance and sensory sensitivity had significantly (p < 0.001) lower scores than the normal group in balance factor (51.9 ± 12.0 vs. 57.8 ± 15.9 in approach avoidance type, 52.6 ± 17.6 vs. 57.7 ± 15.9 in sensory sensitivity type) and diversity factor (32.5 ± 24.4 vs. 50.1 ± 22.4 in approach avoidance type, and 32.5 ± 24.0 vs. 50.7 ± 22.2 in sensory sensitivity type). The scores of the hyperactivity risk group were significantly lower in moderation factor (78.2 ± 12.1 vs. 81.2 ± 11.9), and those of the irregular risk group were significantly lower in variety (35.9 ± 24.5 vs. 48.8 ± 23.2), regularity (57.6 ± 37.1 vs. 66.1 ± 17.6), and practice (57.1 ± 19.4 vs. 65.1 ± 22.5) factors than the normal group (p < 0.001). Especially, the risk group of approach avoidance and sensitivity type had significantly (p < 0.001) lower intakes of whole grain, fruit, bean and bean products, vegetables, and Kimchi. Conclusion: This present study suggested that the eating behavior based on temperament of demanding preschool children affected food choice resulting in food consumption diversity of children. Therefore, it is important to provide customized nutrition education programs based on temperament type.

Effect of High Calcium Diet on the Zinc and Copper Balance in Korean Female Adolescents (청소년기 여자에서 고칼슘 섭취가 아연과 구리 평형에 미치는 영향)

  • 최보영;남혜경;황용주;김선희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.894-899
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    • 2001
  • Intakes and excretions of zinc and copper were determined for 8 female adolescents (aged 16.4±0.5 y; body mass index 20.4±1.3kg/m2; body fat 33.3±2.5%; bone mineral density of lumbar spine in L2-L4; 0.96±0.08g/cm2) when they consumed diets basal and high in calcium for 6 days each. All subjects consumed a basal Ca diet containing 800 mg, Korean RDA level of the subjects, and a high Ca diet containing 1200mg, RDA plus 2 SDs of calcium intake. The diets provided 58% of energy intake as carbohydrate, 25% as fat, and 17% as protein. Food, urine and fecal samples were collected during the last 3 days of each feeding period and were assayed. Mean daily intakes on the basal and high calcium diets, respectively, were 6.57 and 6.37 mg for zinc and 910 and 812 μgfor copper. Fecal excretion of copper and zinc in relation to intake was significantly greater on the high calcium than on the basal calcium diet. Hence, apparent absorption rate was significantly lowered from 98.7% on the basal calcium diet to 97.9% on the high calcium diet for zinc from 66.3% to 56.4% for copper, respectively. Urinary loss of copper was not detectable but that of zinc was 0.38mg on the basal diet and 0.47mg on the high calcium diet. Copper retention was 899±105μg/day on the basal calcium diet and 792±20.8μg/day on the high calcium diet, and zinc retention was 3.95±0.91mg/day and 3.11±0.89mg/day. Thus, copper and zinc retention was significantly decreased on the high calcium diet (p<0.05). Summarizing the results, apparent absorption and retention of zinc and copper were significantly decreased by calcium supplementation. Therefore, it is suggested that interactions among minerals should be considered in determining RDA.

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