• Title/Summary/Keyword: Affective Demand

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Who concedes seat to the old and the weak in subway? And Why?: Focused on inductive factors and inhibitory factors (지하철에서 누가, 왜 자리를 양보하는가?: 양보유발요인과 억제요인을 중심으로)

  • Sang Chin Choi;Ka Yeul Park;Young Mi Sohn;Jangju Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.43-66
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    • 2003
  • This study was to investigate two main purposes; The first was to explore the factors which have an effect on conceding seats to the old or the weak in subway(concessive action). The second was to examine the influence that the psychological burden and the responsibility had on concessive action and it's gender differences. The results of study 1 showed that affective empathy, morality, and negative-state relief were important inductive factors, while 3 factors were revealed as important inhibitory factors for the concessive action; psychological burden, repulsion for coercive demand for conceding seats and vagueness of concession situation. In study 2, We could find the fact that the psychological burden and the responsibility had a main effect on the concessive action. The more participants felt the psychological burden, they were likely to evaluate that the tendency to concessive action would be decreased. And the more participants felt the responsibility, they were inclined to evaluate that concessive action would be increased. Secondly, the interaction effect was also revealed: On the situation that the psychological burden was high and responsibility was low, participants judged that people tended not to concede seats. Finally, We were able to identify gender differences. Specifically, Judging the tendency to concessive action, women were more responsive to the psychological burden than men.

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A Study on Constituents of the New Apprenticeship Concept for the Promotion of Industrial Growth Potential (산업 성장잠재력 제고를 위한 신도제제도의 개념 요소에 대한 연구)

  • Yin, Zi Long;Rho, Tae Chun;Choi, Won Sik
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the areas and their constitute elements of new apprenticeship through the expert of vocational education to improve the growth potential in the field of industry. Through the three times Delphi research process final composing areas and elements(total 6 areas and 41 sub-elements) of new apprenticeship were extracted. Followings are specific study results of 41 sub-elements for the 6 areas. In area A(Technology Skill aspect) total nine sub-elements were deducted as follows. Technology skill's field appling ability, new technology skill's acquisition, quality assurance ability, research development ability, material management using ability, problem solving ability, core technology skill understanding ability, idea's imagery expressing ability, creative design ability. In area B(Institutional aspect) total five sub-elements were deducted as follows. Flexible human material support, precise division of works, objective result assessment, institutionalization of responsibilities and liabilities between teacher and student, institutionalization of duty invention reward. In area C(Affective aspect) total eight sub-elements were deducted as follows. Manners and cooperation between teacher & student and peer, values for job, basic attitude for technology, job ethic sense, respect of other organization, active action to organization change, attitude of technology successor, service mind. In area D(Self-improvement aspect) total nine sub-elements were deducted as follows. Self evaluation and reflection, cultivate of organization understanding, career planning and developing ability, sound philosophy of life, communication ability, decision making ability, prepare of individual competence enhance system, self-control ability improvement, reaction of unexpected situation. In area E(Knowledge aspect) total four sub-elements were deducted as follows. Basic knowledge of relevant area, knowledge of new technology & preceding technology, fusion and relocation of knowledge, practical knowledge. In area F(Environmental aspect) total six sub-elements were deducted as follows. Awareness of business environment, understanding of education and practice environment, understanding of apprenticeship's business demand, connectivity of region community, adapt ability of labor market's change, awareness of society environment change.