• 제목/요약/키워드: Administrative Works

검색결과 117건 처리시간 0.028초

서울시 주민자치센터의 시설 형태와 특성에 관한 연구 - 저층 고밀도 지역의 사례 중심 - (A Research on Community Center Facility Types and the Characteristics in Seoul - Focused on the Areas of Low-rise and High-density -)

  • 이미숙;서귀숙
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2009
  • Community centers have been public facilities for the welfare and conveniences for the residents since 1999. Currently, the numbers of community centers meet the demands in quantity, but they do not satisfy the quality service needs for the improved life style of residents and the activation of local community. Therefore, the purposes of this research are to find out the current status, types and characters of facilities for the quality improvement of community centers. As the research methods, 'home pages of community centers', 'gujung backseo' were used, and '40 case studies' were completed. Case studies were done by observation and research on the actual conditions. The case works were done between July- September in 2008. Followings are the results of the study; 1. Area measurements of the community centers are being increased since 2000. 2. Complex facility types of community centers are mainly public administrative facilities (community center)+public administrative facilities of mixed type. 3. There are three architectural types of community centers: horizontal type, vertical type, mixed type. 4. There are three classified entrance types for the community centers. 5. There are twelve classified facility types for the community centers. Community centers are usually mixed with diverse facilities, especially welfare facilities and cultural facilities. Proper community center types which contain the functional characters and varieties of facilities should be developed, and these active centers should be used conveniently by residents, thus, further study is required in this regard.


  • Dong-bum Kim;Jin-Won Kim;Ju-Hyung Kim;Jae-Jun Kim
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 4th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management Organized by the University of New South Wales
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    • pp.561-566
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    • 2011
  • In general, the early stage of urban renewal such as preparing a master plan and processing administrative works including planning permission are conducted by local governments in Korea. The local governments need to review the status of projects that are undergone in other local governments' territories. However, no integrated information system to manage information to this end at the level of nation exists in Korea. If the system would be developed, it may support central government to obtain information on required resources at the national level. In addition, local governments can gain guidance on the process and recognize potential problematic situations from others experience. The system should include functions to collect data on project summary, cost and schedule of projects according to local governments. The expected effects from using the information system are as following. First, information generated from project practice become more credible on account of management at the national level. Because the authorized party such as system administrative agents of governments are responsible for collecting and managing data. Second, the unified information system with no regard to the place where projects progresses reduces the efforts for accumulating reference data for aiding local governments decision making by providing appropriate information timely. Also, enhanced information accessibility for stakeholders make the project process clear. Finally, oversight management is enforced with visualization technology adopted in the system, presenting master plan and mass model including information on usage by floors and progressing information graphically. Ultimately, potential challenges can be anticipated by considering records accumulated from other local governments' projects. This paper presents concept, functionalities, and architecture of information system enabling to manage data from individual projects and aggregate those for oversight management for local and central governments. As a part of systems analysis, general requirements of briefing system for governments and necessary data fields to this end are identified.

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「지방기록물관리기관」의 기능과 역할 (Functions and Roles of Local Public Archives)

  • 지수걸
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제3호
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    • pp.3-32
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, local public archives is referred to the public archives of provincial governments and metropolitan city governments as defined in the public Records Management Act. Under the Act, as professional archives, the local public archives preserves records designated as permanent preservation which the local government and its sub-agencies created or received to conduct public business. The Act also allows local public archives to establish an appropriate basic plan to manage its holdings as well as to oversight its sub-agencies. The Act stipulates that the local public archives are to be established in all provinces and metropolitan cities. The local public archives shall preserve archival heritage safely and utilize use of the recorded information as defined in the Article one of the Act. The local archives shall respect the principle of provenance. It is expected that the local archives shall strengthen local archival promotion campaigns which necessarily reflect unique local circumstances. However, as the Act just recommended the establishment of local public archives not to force as a mandatory procedure, it resulted in a flow of some confusions and misinterpretations. Despite the act was proclaimed two years ago, the local public archives are not yet established, not to mention that no preparatory works are on the way. To establish the local public archives effectively which meet local residents needs and demands, provincial governments and metropolitan city governments should proceed a well-prepared preparatory works plan considering the steps to transform them into the local public archives when they establish agency records centers. The first step in this process is to reach at a common consensus on the functions and roles of the local public archives which accommodates local residents needs and demands. Secondly, by analyzing the functions of archives to be established, an estimation of needed human resources, facilities, equipments, organization, budget appropriation, and local rules should be performed. Otherwise, the establishment of decent local archives is a far remote future. One of the methods to proceed this project systematically is to establish a local research institute for the local archives and cultural studies which would be put under the local university authority while consulting with local governments, local civil organizations, local historical and cultural societies. It is very undesirable to stress too much upon administrative efficiency when concerned parties discuss the functions and roles of the local public archives. They must keep in mind that when the functions to collect and use historically valuable records are active then administrative efficiency can be raised as well as accountability. Collecting and arranging historically valuable records is a short-cut way to promote accountability and develop local political culture. The local public archives is a valuable community historical center and an effective medium to facilitate historical speaking and writing among local people, something more than a simple public archives. Then our campaign for the establishment of local public archives can be a meaningful political cultural movement.

중소기업 활성화를 위한 경영전략으로써의 디자인 매니지먼트 (Design Management as a Working Resource for the Activation of Small business)

  • 이수봉;홍철순
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.153-167
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구는 국내 중소기업이 디자인을 경영레벨에서 전략적으로 활용하는데 필요한 디자인 매니지먼트 시스템의 구성과 도입 프로세스의 연구에 그 목적을 두었다. 연구의 범위는 소비재를 생산하는 국내 중소제조업의 디자인 매니지먼트에 관한 제 문제로 국한시켰다. 그리고 연군방법은 중소기업의 경영특성 및 경영환경과 관련시켜 디자인 개발의 필요성과 디자인 매니지먼트 도입의 필요성에 대한 고찰과 중소기업의 디자인 활용실태를 파악한 후 디자인 매니지먼트의 현황 및 해결과제에 대해 논의하였다. 마지막으로 국내 중소기업에 바람직한 것으로 사려되는 디자인 매니지먼트의 시스템을 사내에 정착시키기 위한 프로세스에 대해 제시하였다. 연구 결과로서 다음과 같은 사실을 알 수 있었다. (1) 중소기업은 경영적 특성을 살리고 경쟁력을 유지하기 위해서 디자인개발의 활용이 요구된다. (2) 중소기업의 제품차별화 전략이나 틈새시장 전략에 디자인은 신속하게 대응 할 수 있는 수단이 된다. (3) 중소기업이 디자인을 경영레벨에서 활용할 경우, 기업 커뮤니케이션.기업조직.사업 및 마케팅 둥 측면에서 효과적이다. (4) 국내 중소기업 대다수는 디자인 조직.인력.환경 등 모든 디자인 활동이 취약하여, 디자인 매니지먼트 시스템의 도입 및 구축이 요구된다. (5) 국내 중소기업이 디자인 매니지먼트 시스템을 구축하기 위해서 경영자의 디자인 중요성에 대한 재인식과 강력한 관심이 선행되어야 한다. 연구의 최종 결론으로서는 국내 중소기업이 디자인 조직 및 인력을 베이스로 한 디자인 매니지먼트 시스템을 구축하는 프로세스를 제시하였으나, 실증적으로 검증하는데 까지 연구하지는 못하였다.

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행정박물의 근대문화유산적 가치와 보존방향 (The Modern Cultural Heritage Value and Conservation of Documentary Art Records)

  • 강대일
    • 보존과학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2010
  • 행정박물이란 공공업무의 활동을 반영하는 유형적 증거물로서 역사적 상징적 문화적 예술적 가치를 지니는 영구기록물이며, 공공기관의 업무수행과 관련하여 생산 및 활용한 형상기록물로 행정적 문화적 예술적 가치가 높은 기록물이다. "공공기록물 관리에 관한 법률"에서는 행정박물을 기록물관리 범위에 처음으로 편입시키고 있으며, 기록물관리법령 제3조에서는 행정박물의 보존 및 관리체계를 법제화하고 있다. 행정박물의 관리는 형태 재질별 분류만으로는 기록으로서 행정박물의 특성을 반영하기 어렵다. 행정박물은 일반적인 기록물과 비교해 다양한 연유에서 수집되기 때문에 행정박물에 대한 기초적인 재질 조사와 적합한 보존 및 관리 방식이 필요하다. 행정박물은 문화재로서 아직 그 수요량이 많지 않으나, 국민 의식수준 향상 및 알 권리를 위한 행정박물의 공개 가능성이 증가되고 있으며, 향후 역사 및 문화의 해석을 위해 보존 활용 가능하며 근대문화유산으로서의 가치를 가질 수 있다. 우선적으로 행정박물의 보존적인 측면에서 열화를 방지하기 위해서는 각 유물별 손상등급을 부분적으로 분류, 관리하여 상태를 점검할 수 있는 표준조사카드를 만들어야 한다. 또한, 다양한 재질의 행정박물에 대한 관리 및 운영 방안을 체계적으로 확립하고 행정박물을 보존적인 측면에서 연구할 수 있는 전문 인력을 육성하여 종합적이고 선진화된 행정박물의 보존 복원 및 활용이 이루어져야 한다.

공공기록물의 수집·이관과 아키비스트의 역할 (The Collection and Transfer of Public Records and the Role of the Archivist)

  • 이원규
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제2호
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    • pp.3-48
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    • 2000
  • The collection and transfer of records is a very basic stage in the whole process of records and archives management. However they are regarded as an non-professional art of work in records management that are performed easily by everyone. Therefore they have been treated not properly in the scholarly discussion of archival sciences in Korea. The collection and transfer of records play an active role in the making of effective administrative system, in accumulating and sharing the knowledge and informations of political, economical, social and cultural values. On the basis of proper collection and transfer of records our democracy can operate regularly and our daily experiences can be preserved as historical resources. For the optimal-functioned collection and transfer of public records the archivists for this task must have a comprehensive understanding of whole process of records management and possess suitable professional skills. Moreover there are many sorts of preliminary works needed for this task, as follows: an accurate defining of administrative organizations and their tasks, thorough understanding of records management institutions on their own competence and ability, and the establishment of technical standards for their tasks. Additionally the archivists are able not only to consider the present informational and evidential values of the records, but also the historical values. It can be said that the collection and transfer of records is a "synthesis of records management skills" exerted by an archivist. According to the newly established law of public records management, the collection and transfer of public records must be registered at first electronically. Through this procedure the whole contents of produced and transmitted records, which are to be transferred, can be reported in detail. By means of this report the archival institutions and the archivists can trace back the each items of records(archives) and the result of their arrangement to identify a certain object. There are also new storage strategies employed to increase the whole sum of stored informations, i. e. records and archives, in spite of reducing the storage costs. It will be achieved by differentiations of the preservation methods for each sorts of records by the criteria of storage-period, -place, and -method. Many supplementary methods are also prepared to help the collection of important records(archives) in a complete structure and form. To let this new concept and system of collection and transfer of records operate properly, a number of professional archivists should be posted in the needed places throughout the whole administrative body. Their training must be also updated for the newly defined task of collection and transfer of records.

평창 동계올림픽을 대비한 적정 제설제 비축량 추정 (Estimates on appropriate storage for deicing materials for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games)

  • 김진국;양충헌
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2016
  • OBJECTIVES : The objective of this study is to estimate the appropriate storage required for deicing materials in Gangwon-do for successful snow removal operations during the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. The final estimates of the deicing chemicals can be used by public agencies to aid decision making. METHODS : First, the database that exists in the road snow-removal management system (RSMS) of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, South Korea was used to determine historical characteristics of snow removal experiences in Gangwon-do. The database includes historical information, including regional and road weather data and number of snow-removal works. Second, both the maximum and the actual amount of storages used for deicing materials in the past three years were analyzed. Lastly, the final estimates of the deicing materials were evaluated using an additional equation. It considers frequency of salt spray application, total administrative road length estimated by road agencies, and number of days required for snow removal works in Gangwon-do. Consequently, the results show that significant differences were not observed between the final estimates and the maximum amount used during the past three years. RESULTS : The final estimates of the deicing materials are almost similar to the maximum amount used during the past three years in Gangwon-do. CONCLUSIONS : The study shows that the estimates of deicing chemicals can be useful when decision making is required for the snow-removal policy.

포도재배 농업인의 근골격계 증상 관련 인간공학적 위험요인 (Ergonomic risk factors related to musculoskeletal symptoms in the vineyard workers)

  • 이용호;이재훈;이경숙;김경란;이수진
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.122-132
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to present the basic materials of a developmental counterplan by assessing prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and characteristics of work-related ergonomic risk factors. The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms of 64 vineyard workers was investigated by using a self-reported questionnaire. And the vineyard workers' tasks were also collected and analyzed during 9-month period by observing and videotaping methods to identify the ergonomic risk factors. The prevalence rate of musculoskeletal symptoms of female(84.4%) was much higher than that of male(62.5%) and a total prevalence rate was 73.4%. There was no different prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms between age over 60 years and under 60 years. The prevalence rates of musculoskeletal complaints for each body part were 48.4%, 42.2%, and 35.9% for the wrist, legs/knee, and shoulder, respectively. In postural risk analysis, 7 works(REBA score) represented the high risk tasks such as delivering harvest boxed(12), picking cluster(11) and so on. The main works(exposure score) were orderly ranked as picking cluster(1590), pruning branch(388), and cluster thinning(327). The risk factors of vineyard work were identified as follows: shoulder flexion(${\geq}45^{\circ}$), wrist Flex./Ext.(${\geq}15^{\circ}$), hand force(power/pinch-grip), and prolonged standing(${\geq}4hr$). The engineering solutions including an improvement of hand tools, working process, and working environment should be applied to the high risky tasks in order to resolve the ergonomic problems. The administrative solutions such as improving a distribution of resting time, an exercise cure, an early recognition of symptoms and rehabilitation might be another solution for reducing musculoskeletal symptoms in vineyard workers.

학생 수행평가를 위한 종합평가 시스템 구현에 관한 연구 (A Study for Implement of Generalize Valuation System for A Performance Assessment)

  • 이진관;장혜숙;이종찬;박기홍
    • 융합보안논문지
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2006
  • 네트워크의 발달은 전통적인 교육이 가지고 있는 한계점을 보완해 주는 웹 기반 교육(WBI : Web Based Instruction)이라는 교육 분야를 창출하였고 지금 이 순간에도 웹 기반 교육에 대한 연구가 활발하게 이루어지면서 다양한 모양의 학습 모형이 제시되며 구현되고 있다. 웹 기반 교육에서의 평가는 기존의 객관식 위주의 채점평가가 그대로 적용이 되고 있는 상황이고 학생의 실제적인 수행을 검사하고 판단하는 수행평가(Performance Assessment)에 대해서는 상당수 구현이 되어 가고 있는 반면에 실제로 점수를 부여하고 행정적으로 처리를 하는 선생님의 입장에서 구현이 되어진 수행평가 프로그램은 없는 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 학생들의 편의를 위해서 널리 보급되어 있는 인터넷을 이용한 수행평가 방법이외에 실질적인 행정업무를 처리하는 선생님의 입장에서 보다 편리하게 수행평가를 수행할 수 있도록 수행평가 프로그램을 구현하였다.

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정부기관내 조경식 설치에 따른 법리와 법제에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Principles of Law for the Establishment of the Landscape Architectural Organization within the Government Office)

  • 신익순
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1999
  • There is no official landscape architectural organization in the current government organization in Korea. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the landscape architectural organization which will carry out the works of the special landscape architectural interest and create the new services with other interested government offices. The contents of the study are as follows; 1. A legal basis for the establishment of the landscape architectural organization is the demand for the introduction of the landscape architectural organization which has 5 types(urban planning, architecture, land register, land surveying, civil work) of the special groups to official organization by changing the 1 article of the Official Appointment Regulations. 2. Theories of law of equality for everyone(the Constitution of Korea : §11(1)), the rights of having pleasant residential life(the Constitution of Korea : §35(3)) and the national duty of employment increase(the Constitution of Korea : §32(1)) are reviewed to provide the legal reason of establishing the landscape architectural organization. 3. With the addition of new landscape architectural organization, it could expand the areas of landscape architects by adding of new landscape architectural subjects into official examinations for government employees. Also it is necessary to exempt the test for those who have licenses and to give additional points in evaluation their works at the end of year to the people who have licenses. 4. The reasons for the creation of new landscape architectural organization into the present official organization are acquired from the derivation of 23 present regulations referring to the landscape architects, the existence of the landscape architectural administrative departments belonging to the Metropolis of Seoul, and the favorable result of the questionnaire on the establishment of the new organization. Hereafter the lawyers should be cooperated with landscape architects to initiate the related principles of law, and it is necessary to analyze each text of the related laws in detail to establish the landscape architectural organization by means of the joint studies.

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