• Title/Summary/Keyword: Addition factor adaptation

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Dynamic Probabilistic Caching Algorithm with Content Priorities for Content-Centric Networks

  • Sirichotedumrong, Warit;Kumwilaisak, Wuttipong;Tarnoi, Saran;Thatphitthukkul, Nattanun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.695-706
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a caching algorithm that offers better reconstructed data quality to the requesters than a probabilistic caching scheme while maintaining comparable network performance. It decides whether an incoming data packet must be cached based on the dynamic caching probability, which is adjusted according to the priorities of content carried by the data packet, the uncertainty of content popularities, and the records of cache events in the router. The adaptation of caching probability depends on the priorities of content, the multiplication factor adaptation, and the addition factor adaptation. The multiplication factor adaptation is computed from an instantaneous cache-hit ratio, whereas the addition factor adaptation relies on a multiplication factor, popularities of requested contents, a cache-hit ratio, and a cache-miss ratio. We evaluate the performance of the caching algorithm by comparing it with previous caching schemes in network simulation. The simulation results indicate that our proposed caching algorithm surpasses previous schemes in terms of data quality and is comparable in terms of network performance.

The Effects of MMORPG User's Stress Coping Strategies on Continued Use Intention Through Self-Control and Behavioral Adaptation (MMORPG 이용자의 스트레스 대처전략이 자기통제감과 행동적 적응을 통해 지속적인 게임 이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyeon;Kim, Han-Ku
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 2020
  • Purpose Despite the continued rise in the popularity of mobile MMORPGs, the previous studies mainly focused on negative results of playing MMORPG such as violence and game addiction. In addition, previous studies that verified game play motives were not enough to explain user's fundamental motives for MMORPG play. To verify the positive role of playing MMORPG, this study focused on stress coping strategies on continued play MMORPG, and divided factors into two dimensions: escapism and coping with system. The purpose of this study is to comprehensively identify the discriminatory effects of each factor on users' self-control, and the effect of self-constrol and behavioral adapatation on continued use intention for MMORPG. Design/methodology/approach This study was designed to examine the structural relationships among MMORPG users' escapism, system coping, self-control, behavioral adaptation and continued use intention for MMORPG. Findings The results from this study are as follow. First, the participants' effect-based escapism had a positive impact on self-control, whereas cause-based escapism had a negative impact on self-control. Next, proactive coping and reactive coping for system problem had a positive impact on self-control. In addition, Self-control had a positive impact on behavioral adaptation and continued use intention for MMORPG. Lastly, the behavioral adaptation to MMORPG had a positive impact continued use intention. The results of our study can suggest the positive effects of coping strategy on users' self-control and behavioral adaptation by applying the theory of both escapism and coping with system. Based on our results, game companies should develop contents that can gratify users' coping motives and enhance self-control and behavioral adaptation.

Influences of Parents' Neglect, National Identity and Self-resilience of Multicultural Adolescents on School Adaptation (다문화 청소년의 부모 방임, 국가 정체성, 자아탄력성이 학교 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Hun Ha;Jung, Yu Jin;Nam, Kyung ah
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the influences of parental neglect, national identity, and self-resiliency of multicultural adolescents on school adaptation. Methods: Participants are multicultural adolescents in the 4th year (2014) of the multicultural adolescents panel survey. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, ANOVA, pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis using SPSS 22.0 program. Results: Self-resiliency was the most influential factor on school adaptation of multicultural adolescents, followed by parental neglect, and national identity, mother's Korean reading ability, multicultural adolescents' speaking ability, city size, mother's education, and mother's speaking ability. Conclusion: Multicultural families who had an experience of parental neglect should be selected and those parents need to be educated about the appropriate parenting method to improve the school adaptation of multicultural adolescents. In addition, the school adaptation improvement program should be developed and provided to strengthen the national identity and self-resiliency of multicultural adolescents.

Characteristics of Academic-, Social-, Emotional-, and Career Adaptation to College Life among Clustered Freshmen Using DEU-GRIT: A Focus on D University (DEU-GRIT을 활용한 군집화된 대학 신입생의 대학 생활 적응(학업, 사회, 정서 및 진로 적응) 특성 분석 연구: D 대학을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jung-Hee;Kang, Chang-Wan;Park, Ae-Young;Ko, Mi-Na;Kang, Jung-Im;Shin, Ji-Young;Choi, Seo-Hyun;Lee, Jin-Hyun;Ham, Su-Min;Kim, Boseong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2020
  • This study is aimed at analyzing the characteristics of adaptation to college life among freshmen of D University by utilizing the DEU-GRIT test. To achieve this, we examined differences in level of college life adaptation according to gender and major, and explored the characteristics of college life adaptation among college freshmen who were clustered based on their level of academic, social, emotional, and career adaptation, which is an important factor in adaptation to college life. Moreover, based on the DEU-GRIT test standards, we also explored the characteristics of their college life adaptation by sorting out low level groups of freshmen with difficulties adapting. The results demonstrated that male students had a higher level of emotional adaptation than female students, and that science and technology majors had higher levels of academic and emotional adaptation than students in the humanities and society majors. Furthermore, a cluster analysis based on 4 factor levels of college life adaptation showed that cluster 1 had a high level of adaptability to all factors, but cluster 3 had a low level of adaptability to all factors. Moreover, while cluster 2 showed a high level of emotional adaptation, cluster 4 showed a low level of emotional adaptation. On the other hand, a lower-standard group of DEU-GRIT tests showed that the level of academic adaptation and social adaptation was higher among female students than among male students. However, the overall level of college life, academic, and emotional adaptation were higher among science and technology students than among those majoring in humanities and social studies. In addition, a cluster analysis based on the level of 4 factors of college life adaptation of lower-standard groups showed that cluster 1 of the lower-standard groups had a high level of emotional adaptation, while cluster 2 of the lower-standard groups had a low level of emotional and career adaptation and a high level of academic and social adaptation. Also, cluster 3 of the lower-standard groups was found to have low levels of all factors, and cluster 4 of the lower-standard groups showed low levels of social and emotional adaptation and high levels of academic and career adaptation. This indicates that, in terms of social and emotional adaptation among freshmen, participation in psychological counseling programs tailored according to gender is necessary and, regarding the major, relative emotional intervention is required due to the high and low expectations of job prospects. In conclusion, the emotional and social adaptation to college life among the lower-level groups is likely to serve as a protective factor for college life adaptation, suggesting that specific intervention should be contemplated.

Nrf2 in TIME: The Emerging Role of Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-Related Factor 2 in the Tumor Immune Microenvironment

  • Jialin Feng;Oliver J. Read;Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.142-152
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    • 2023
  • Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) mediates the cellular antioxidant response, allowing adaptation and survival under conditions of oxidative, electrophilic and inflammatory stress, and has a role in metabolism, inflammation and immunity. Activation of Nrf2 provides broad and long-lasting cytoprotection, and is often hijacked by cancer cells, allowing their survival under unfavorable conditions. Moreover, Nrf2 activation in established human tumors is associated with resistance to chemo-, radio-, and immunotherapies. In addition to cancer cells, Nrf2 activation can also occur in tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) and facilitate an anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive tumor immune microenvironment (TIME). Several cancer cell-derived metabolites, such as itaconate, L-kynurenine, lactic acid and hyaluronic acid, play an important role in modulating the TIME and tumor-TAMs crosstalk, and have been shown to activate Nrf2. The effects of Nrf2 in TIME are context-depended, and involve multiple mechanisms, including suppression of proinflammatory cytokines, increased expression of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1), macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and kynureninase, accelerated catabolism of cytotoxic labile heme, and facilitating the metabolic adaptation of TAMs. This understanding presents both challenges and opportunities for strategic targeting of Nrf2 in cancer.

Validation of Korean Version of the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale (한국판 사회적 외모불안 척도(Korean Version of the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale, K-SAAS) 타당화)

  • Minji Lee;Mirihae Kim;Jung-Ho Kim
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • Objective : To translate and adapt the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale into Korean and validate the Korean version of the social appearance anxiety scale, which measures the fear and anxiety about being negatively evaluated by others based on one's overall appearance, including body shape. Methods : For item translation and adaptation, six bilingual translators participated in the process of forward-adaptation and back-adaptation. Data were collected from undergraduate students. The sample size is 105 for Study 1 and 212 for Study 2. Classical item discrimination and difficulty analyses, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and reliability analysis were performed. Results : A unidimensional structure was found with a high internal consistency (Cronbach's α=0.95) and a high test-retest reliability (r=0.918). In addition, the concurrent validity was examined by correlations of the scale and several other scales measuring constructs related to social appearance anxiety. Conclusion : K-SAAS appears to be a reliable and valid scale for screening and assessing social appearance anxiety.

Methodology for Environmental Adaptation Vehicle Horn Improvements (주변 환경 순응형 자동차 경적 소음 개선 방법)

  • Kim, In Su;Yang, Choong Heon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2015
  • PURPOSES : While driving, drivers are usually limited in communicating with others except for using the horn. Excessive use of the horn may cause noise pollution, quarrels between drivers and pedestrians, damage, etc. This study developed a methodology for environmental adaptation and improvements of vehicle horns. METHODS: In this study, we performed a literature review of previous studies and related technologies regarding the overuse and damage of the horn. The proposed methodology employed the paired comparison method, as well as the semantic differential method. These methods can consider various vehicle horns, such as the Sport Utility Vehicle(SUV) Horn, Van Horn, and Buzzer. In addition, we conducted a factor analysis in order to provide a direction for improvement of future horns. This research provides a means of complimenting existing intellectual property related to vehicle horns. RESULTS: As a result, the most preferred of the selected horns were the Buzzer at 86.7%. In addition, based on the factor analysis, the horns could be classified into pleasantness and comfort factors. The results indicate a positive reaction for various vehicle horns. The horn type and size of the process control have been properly developed considering the position of the vehicle and the surrounding noise measurements. CONCLUSIONS : Based on the proposed methodology, public and private sectors can use fundamental data for reasonable traffic-noise control policies.

Effect of Self-Efficacy, Self-Elasticity, Major Satisfaction of Some Students Majoring in Dental Hygiene on Campus Life Adaptation (일부 치위생과 학생의 자아효능감, 자아탄력성, 학과만족도가 대학생활 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Hyun-Kyung;Choi, Mi-Sook;Cho, Woo-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects that the self-efficacy, self-elasticity, and major satisfaction of students majoring in dental hygiene would have on the adaptation to the campus life. Methods: The total 396 students were surveyed who majored in dental hygiene in universities located at Gyeongbuk and Gyeongnam from October 15, 2013 to October 30. The collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS 17.0 program, along with the One-Way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multi-regression analysis. Results: The 'aptitude and interest' were found to be greatest factor among the motive for application among the factors of self-efficacy, self-elasticity, and major satisfaction of students, depending on general characteristics. The results of correlation analysis showed that the self-elasticity had a correlation of 0.741 and the adaptation to the study had a correlation of 0.420 in the self-efficacy, while the individual emotional adaptation, adaptation to university environment, and adaptation to the study had a correlation as high as over 0.4 in the self-elasticity(p<0.05). In addition, it was found that the adaptation to the campus life increased proportionally to the self-elasticity and major satisfaction(p<0.05). Conclusions: To increase the campus life adaptation of students majoring in dental hygiene, it is considered necessary to explore the measures that can improve the self-elasticity and overall major satisfaction.

Conflict with Mothers-in-law Self-efficacy Blame and Adaptation (고부갈등에 있어서 자기통제력 탓 및 적응과의 관계)

  • 서병숙
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 1993
  • Based on the Double ABCX model of family stress and adaptation this study was to investi-gate the intercorrelations among and the relative magnitutide of variables associated with diffe-rent levels of adaptation to conflict with mothers-in-law reported by daughter-in-law. Frequency of conflict was selected as a stressor(aA) Resource factor(bB) in this study was self-efficacy. Four types of blame(self-behavior self-character other people and impersonal world blame) were selected as perception factors(cC). The adaptation factors(xX) were the level of daughter-in-law's psychological well-being and marital adjustment. Data for this research were questionnaire responses from 151 daughters-in-law who lived in Seoul. The results of correlational analyses indicated that most variables were significantly correlated with each other. In addition results of the path analysis on daughter-in-law's psychological well-being indicated that higher scores on the psychological well-being were significantly associa-ted with(a) greater self-behavior blame for the conflict and (b) less ascription of blame to the impersonal world. Frequency of conflict influenced psychological well-being indirectly th-rough self-behavior blame and impersonal blame both of which were also found to mediate the effect of self-efficacy on the level of psychological well-being. However although all indepen-dent variables were significantly correlated with marital adjustment no variables had direct effects on marital adjustment.

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The Effects of Self-Leadership, Humanity, and Resilience of Nursing Students on College Life Adaptation (간호대학생의 셀프리더십, 인성, 회복탄력성이 대학생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Bang, Sul-Yeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.409-418
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of nursing students' self-leadership, humanity, and resilience on college life adaptation. The subjects of this study were 190 freshmen from the Department of Nursing in C city. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-tset, ANOVA, pearson correlation, and multiple regression. As a result, the factors that have a significant influence on the college life adaptation were self-leadership, personality, resilience, school life satisfaction, and the number of friends. Humanity was the most influential factor(β=.659, p<.001) in college life adaptation, followed by self-leadership(β=.274, p=.001), and number of friends(β=.258, p=.003). The explanatory power of the model was 51.2%(F=40.72, p<.001). In addition, there was a high positive correlation between self-leadership, humanity, resilience and college life adaptation. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a program that can help college life adaptation by improving the personality and self-leadership of freshmen in nursing.