• Title/Summary/Keyword: Acoustic Signal

검색결과 1,391건 처리시간 0.025초

Study and Experimentation on Detection of Nicks inside of Porcelain with Acoustic Emission

  • Jin, Wei;Li, Fen
    • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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    • 제9권12호
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    • pp.1572-1579
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    • 2006
  • An usual acoustic emission(AE) event has two widely characterized parameters in time domain, peak amplitude and event duration. But noise in AE measuring may disturb the signals with its parameters and aggrandize the signal incertitude. Experiment activity of detection of the nick inside of porcelain with AE was made and study on AE signal processing with statistic be presented in this paper in order to pick-up information expected from the signal with noise. Effort is concentrated on developing a novel arithmetic to improve extraction of the characteristic from stochastic signal and to enhance the voracity of detection. The main purpose discussed in this paper is to treat with signals on amplitudes with statistic mutuality and power density spectrum in frequency domain, and farther more to select samples for neural networks training by means of least-squares algorithm between real measuring signal and deterministic signals under laboratory condition. By seeking optimization with the algorithm, the parameters representing characteristic of the porcelain object are selected, while the stochastic interfere be weakened, then study for detection on neural networks is developed based on processing above.

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Acoustic Emission(AE)을 이용한 복합재료 구조물의 비파괴 특성 연구 (A study on the non-destructive characteristics of the composite structures using the Acoustic Emission)

  • 이창훈;최진호;권진회;변준형;유연호
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.139-142
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    • 2004
  • As fiber reinforced composite materials are widely used in aircraft, space structures and robot arms, the study on the non-destructive testing methods of the composite materials has become an important research area for improving their reliability and safety. In this paper, the AE signal analyzer with the resonance circuit to extract the specified frequency of the acoustic emission signal were designed and fabricated. The noise levels of the fabricated AE signal analyzer by the disturbance such as impact or mechanical vibration had a very small value comparable to those of the conventional AE signal analyzer. Also, the crack detection capabilities of the fabricated AE signal analyzer under the static and dynamic tensile test were evaluated and compared with the conventional AE signal analyzer.

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Hopper type WDM을 이용한 단일모드 FBG(Fiber Bragg Grating)음향센서 트랜스듀서 개발연구 (A Study on The transducer of acoustic sensor to be Single-mode FBG using Hopper Type WDM be in the Making)

  • 김경복
    • 전자공학회논문지
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    • 제51권10호
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    • pp.256-263
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    • 2014
  • 최근 국내에서 개발된 광섬유 격자소자(FBG: Fiber Bragg Grating)를 이용하여, 3종의 Hopper type WDM FBG Acoustic Transducer를 설계 및 제작 하였다. 제작된 3종류의 Hopper type WDM FBG Acoustic Transducer는 기존의 광섬유 센서가 지니고 있는 우수한 장점들을 지니고 있을 뿐만 아니라, sensor arm 구성이 간단하여 실용화에 큰 장점을 지니고 있다. 제작된 3종류의 Hopper type WDM FBG Acoustic Transducer 는 주파수 특성이 10 Hz~18 kHz 대역에서 음파 검출이 가능하였고, 트랜스듀서의 최적 공진 조건을 이용하여 최대 8.6 m 거리까지 신호 검출이 가능하였다. 특히, 기존의 음향 센서를 대신하여 전기적 잡음이 많고, 열악한 환경에서 저 주파수 신호 검출에 실용화를 기대할 수 있고, 센서 어레이(array)시스템 구성을 통하여 고감도 및 다중점 음파 검출 시스템으로 발전될 수 있다.

음향신호 기반 터널 돌발상황 검지시스템 (Acoustic Signal-Based Tunnel Incident Detection System)

  • 장진환
    • 한국ITS학회 논문지
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.112-125
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구에서는 음향신호 처리기반 터널 돌발상황 탐지시스템을 개발하고 평가하였다. 개발 시스템은 알고리즘, 음향신호 수집기, 서버시스템 세 가지 구성 요소로 구성된다. 비음수 텐서 분해와 은닉 마코프 모델을 이용하여 돌발상황음(충돌, 스키드)을 검출한다. 개발시스템 성능은 제한된 환경과 실제 운영환경에서 평가되었다. 그 결과, 제한된 환경 평가에서 거리별로 80~95%의 검지성능을 보였고, 실제 운영환경에서는 94% 검지성능을 보였다. 기존의 터널 돌발상황 검지기술인 영상 및 루프검지기 기반 시스템 성능과 비교한 결과, 본 개발 기술의 장점은 신속한 검지시간(2초 이내)인 것으로 나타났다.

음향신호분석 기술을 적용한 한국가요의 시대별 선호도 분석 (An Analysis of Preference for Korean Pop Music By Applying Acoustic Signal Analysis Techniques)

  • 조동욱;김봉현
    • 정보처리학회논문지D
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    • 제19D권3호
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2012
  • 최근 들어 K-POP의 인기가 국내 뿐 아니라 외국에서도 선풍적인 인기를 모으고 있다. 이 이유는 한 곡에서 똑같은 멜로디의 반복이 70여번까지 행해지는 등 귀에 박힐 듯이 반복되는 후크송이라는데 특징이 있다. 여기에 군무 등 시각적 요소 등이 가미되면서 인기를 끌고 있다. 본 논문에서는 60년대부터 K-POP에 이르기까지 우리나라 가요의 시대별 선호이유를 음향 신호 분석기술을 적용하여 분석하는 방법을 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 각 시대별로 유행했던 여자 가수들의 가요를 중심으로 음향 신호 분석을 통해 한국가요의 선호도가 어찌 변해 왔는지를 규명하는 실험을 행하고자 한다. 음향신호분석 기술을 적용하여 실험을 행한 결과 한국가요의 선호도에 대한 과학적 규명 및 이를 시대별로 구분 짓는 작업이 가능했으며 기존에 한국 가요의 선호 이유에 대한 주관적, 통계적 자료를 음향 신호 분석의 정량적 잣대로 객관화, 수치화를 행할 수 있었다.

Acoustic Echo Canceller using Adaptive IIR Filters with Prewhitening Method and Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm

  • Cho, Ju Pil;Hwng, Tae Jin;Baik, Heung Ki
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • 제16권2E호
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 1997
  • The future teleconferencing systems will need an appropriate system which controls properly the acoustic echo for the convenient communication. The conventional acoustic echo cancellation algorithms involve large adaptive filters identifying the impulse response of the echo path. The use of adaptive IIR filters appears to be a reasonable way to reduce computational complexity. Effective cancellation of acoustic echo presented in teleconferencing system requires that adaptive filters have a rapid convergence speed. One of the main problems of acoustic echo cancellation techniques is that the convergence properties degrade for an highly correlated signal input such as speech signals. By the way, the introduction of linear prediction filers onto the structure of the acoustic echo cancellation represents one approach to decorrelate the speech signal. And variable step-size LMS algorithm improves the convergence speed through a little increasing of computational complexity. In this paper, we applied these two methods to the acoustic echo canceller(AEC) and showed that these methods have better performances than the conventional AEC.

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와이어 인발가공에 있어서 음향방출 발생 특성 (Acoustic Emission Monitoring Fine Wire Drawing Process)

  • 이완규
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 1996
  • From a manufacturing standpoint it would be desirable to monitor the degradation of drawing die, that is essential for the maintenance of die quality, the evaluation of product integrity and the reducing scrap. Acoustic emission is powerful method in monitoring fine wire drawing process, especially in detecting the die fracture at early stage. Experiments also suggested that acoustic emission sigals contained valuable information regarding the stage of a drawing process such as the surface appearance of products and the condition of lubrication. These informations are AE monitoring techniques a possible tool in monitoring the drawing process operation. In order to approach this, this paper discusses the nature of acoustic emission signal presented which illustrate the effects of wire and die material, lubricants, and drawing speed on the generation and the mean voltage level of acoustic emission signal. From these experimental, results, we understanded controlling factors of acoustic emission generation.

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음향방출 계측에 의한 터빈 제어밸브 내부누설 평가연구 (Study on Evaluation of Internal Leak of Turbine Control Valve in Power Plant Using Acoustic Emission Signal Measurement)

  • 이상국
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제12권5호
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to verify availability of the acoustic emission in-situ monitoring method to the internal leak and operating conditions of the turbine major valves relating to safety for turbine operating and prevention of turbine trouble at nuclear power plants. In this study, acoustic emission tests are performed when the pressurized electro-hydraulic control oil flowed through turbine electro-hydraulic controller oil check valve and turbine power/trip fluid solenoid valve in the condition of actual turbine operating. The acoustic emission method was applied to the valves at the site, and the background noise was measured far the abnormal plant condition. To judge for the leak existence ell the object valves, voltage analysis and frequency analysis of acoustic signal emitted from infernal leak in the valve operating condition are performed. It was conformed that acoustic emission method could monitor for valve internal leak to high sensitivity.

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음향방출기법을 이용한 열교환기 누설 검출 시스템 개발 (Development of Leak Detection System of Heat Exchanger using Acoustic Emission Technique)

  • 이민래;이준현
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회논문집A
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, acoustic omission technique(AE) has been applied to detect leak for heat exchanger by analyzing the characteristics of signal obtained from leak. It was confirmed that the characteristics of the signal generated by the turbulence of gas in the heat exchanger is narrow band signal having between 130-250KHz. Generally, the amplitude of leak signal is increased as the leak size increasing, but showed no significant change at frequency characteristic. Leak source location can be found by searching for the point of highest signal amplitude by comparing wi th several fired sensors.

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초음파 주사 현미경의 분해능 향상을 위한 중첩된 펄스에코 신호의 분리 기법(디컨볼루션과 웨이브렛 변환의 혼합기법) (Separation of Superimposed Pulse-Echo Signal for Improvement of Resolution of Scanning Acoustic Microscope -Deconvolution Technique Combined with Wavelet Transform-)

  • 장경영;장효성;박병일
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제17권7호
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2000
  • Scanning Acoustic Microscope (SAM) is used as an important nondestructive test tool in semiconductor reliability evaluation and failure analysis. However, inspections of chip attach adhesive interface fer thin chip has proven difficulty as the reflected signals from the chip top and bottom are superimposed. In this paper, in order to overcome this difficulty, a new signal processing method based on the deconvolution technique combined with the wavelet transform is proposed. The wavelet transform complements a disability of deconvolution technique of which performance largely decreases when the waveform of target signal is not identical to that of reference signal. Performances of the proposed method are demonstrated by through computer simulations using model signal and experiments for the fabricated semiconductor samples, and satisfactory results are obtained.

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