• Title/Summary/Keyword: Academic Journals

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Analysis of Research Trends in Home Economics Education by Language Network Analysis: Focused on the KCI Journals (2000-2019) (언어 네트워크 분석에 기반 한 가정과교육 연구 동향 분석: 2000-2019년 KCI 등재지를 중심으로)

  • Gham, Kyoung Won;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.179-197
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the trends in home economics education research using the language network analysis method, focusing on papers published in the KCI list for 20 years from 2000 to 2019. A total of 501 home economics education papers analyzed through word cloud, centrality analysis, and topic modeling using NetMiner 4.4, and the results are as follows. First, the number of papers in home economics education published in the KCI listing increased gradually to 186 in the 2000s and 315 in the 2010s. The academic journals in which home economics education papers were published have been diversified to 16 in the 2000s and 22 in the 2010s. 60% of all papers were published in the 'Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association', and since 2018, the number of papers published in the 'Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction' has increased dramatically. Second, in the 2000s and 2010s, home economics education studies published in KCI were categorized into home economics education content analysis, home economics educational program development & application, curriculum analysis, perception survey & direction exploration. In the 2000s, 'Home Economics Teacher' appeared as the main keyword, and a lot of perception survey & direction exploration were conducted. Relatively, the influence of 'development' increased in the 2010s, and many studies were conducted to analyze home economics education contents and develop and apply home economics programs. This study has significance in that it analyzed the research trend of HEE by expanding the analysis target and analysis period of the existing studies.

The Analysis of Exercise Therapy in Nursing Research (운동중재에 관한 국내 간호학 논문 분석)

  • 전점이
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.319-330
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    • 2000
  • This study is aimed at analyzing the trend of research on the use of exercise in nursing research, through suggesting directions for future research and implementation of the various exercise therapies. Research studies were taken from dissertations and theses selected from the Academic Society Journals of nursing science, Journals from universities, medical and nursing schools, research institutes in various universities, the Central Journal of Medicine, and the New Medical Journal. The research published between 1970 and 1997 in Korea were analyzed, 51 research were selected. The research are analyzed according to: published time, source of the research, research design, subjects, sample size, dependant variables, exercise therapy, and effect of exercise therapy. The results were as follows: 1. Research on exercise therapy increased rapidly in the 1990's. At this time, 88.2% of research was published. 2. Research areas included: 54.9% non- degree research, 27.5% Doctoral theses, and 17.6% Master's theses. 3. The experimental design included: 66.7% non- equivalent control group pre-test/ post-test design and 29.4% one group pre-test/post- test design. 4. Out of the Subjects: 52.9% were patients with various health problems, and 47.1% were healthy individuals. 5. Sample size included: 52.9% with above 31 subjects, 11.8% with 11~15 and 26~30. 6. Exercise therapy was analyzed by type, intensity, frequency, duration, and period. 1) The Types: Aerobic exercise at 60.8% was the most common, active exercise for muscle strengthening and building made up 21.6%. 2) Exercise with 40~65% intensity comprised 25.5%, 70~85% with 7.8%, and no description of the intensity was 66.7%. 3) Frequency of 3~5 per week was the most common at 78.4%. 4) Duration: 15~60 minutes was the most common length of time at 76.5%. 5) Periods: More than 5 weeks at 82.3% were the most common in their categories. 7. Dependant variables: Psychological response was measured as a dependant variable in 92.2%, Cardio-pulmonary function 88.2%, Body Composition was 86.3%, Physical Response was 60.8%, Lipid Metabolism was 58.8%, Physical Strength was 49.0%, Glucose Metabolism was 25.5%, Activities of Daily Living was 17.6% and others added to be 3.9%. 8. The effect of Exercise Therapy was categorized into 'positive', 'partially positive', and 'no effect' according to dependant variables: Having a positive effect - Glucose Metabolism (93.3%), Physical Response (85.0%), Activities of Daily Living (81.8%), Psychological Response (71.6%), Lipid Metabolism (67.6%), Cardio- pulmonary Function (63.6%), Physical Strength (68.1%), and Body Composition (56.4%). The following suggestions can be made on the above findings: 1. Research findings on Exercise Therapy as a Nursing Intervention need to be described by their elements of type, intensity, frequency, duration and period. 2. Toproperly study the positive effects of Exercise Therapy, there needs to be ⑴ appropriate research design, ⑵ selection criteria for the subjects ⑶ contents of exercise prescription to individuals or groups ⑷ measurement criterion for the dependent variables. 3. Meta-analysis on exercise therapy also needs to be done to analyze and integrate the various results.

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The Review on the Study of Osteoporosis in Korean Medicine Journals (골다공증의 국내 연구 동향에 대한 고찰 - 한의 학술 논문 검색을 중심으로-)

  • Seo, Min-Su;Kim, Hyun-Chul;Choo, Won-Jung;Jeong, Sang-Yun;Kim, Se-Jeong;Choi, Jeong-Uk;Choi, Yo-Seob;Yoo, Yung-Ki
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The present study examines the domestic trend of Osteoporosis studies in Korea. Method : We reviewed oriental medicine papers published in last ten years (2003-2012). Korean literature search was used for domestic Internet search portal. 'Naver specialized information retrieval', 'Korea Traditional Knowledge Portal', 'Korea Medical Information Portal (OASIS)',' Scientific and Technological Information Integration Services (NDSL)',' Academic Research Information Service (RISS)'as the primary destination of the search were. Since 2003 until 2012, the thesis o'f osteoporosis'and found 92 papers with the search term '(golwi)' to the search terms found in 3 papers Korean medical target of on going research trends in osteoporosis about investigated. Results : 1. We researched 95 papers in 15 journals and patterns of study were as follows : experimental studies were 79(83%), clinical studies were 12(13%), reviewed studies were 3(3%) and etc. were 1(1%). 2. The experimental studies(79) were divided into papers on efficiency testing of herbal medications(67) and herbal acupuncture(12). 3. The clinical studies(12) showed that research has been carried out in the fields of follow up surveys for the herbal medication efficiency testing, basic research, case report, the relativity of osteoporosis to age and sex, and the perception about osteoporosis and korean medicine treatment. 4. The reviewed studies showed that research has been carried out in the fields of osteoporosis about acient literature and domestic studies about herbal medication of osteoporosis. Conclusion : Reviewing the domestic trend of Osteoporosis studies and examining the strong and weak points of those treatments are essential for the future studies. It is anticipated that this review benefits the future in-depth study on the treatments for osteoporosis in Korean medicine.

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Systematic Review on School Adjustment of Students with Disabilities in a Special Class of the Elementary School - Focused on KCI Journals - (초등특수학급 아동의 학교적응에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰 -국내 등재지 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Yu Jin;Kim, Jung Ran
    • 재활복지
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.165-186
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study is intended to analysis on students adjustment of students with disabilities in a special class of the elementary school focused on KCI journals through a systematic review. This study was searched from papers published from Jan, 2004 to May, 2014 using KISS, DBPIA, RISS, Google databases. The key words were "inclusive education, special class, inclusive class, student with disabilities, school adjustment, school life, school adjustment scale, elementary school". Results of data analysis were follows; 1. A total of 35 papers were analyzed. Except for 6 papers published in 2004~2007, 29 papers were published after 2008.; 2. The participant of study subject was total 141. Students with intellectual disability were 61.7%. Students with learning disabilities were 17.0%.; 3. The assessment domain of study was analyzed total 51 data.; academic achievement and task performance (25.4%), class attitude and participatory behavior(23.5%), problem behavior(21.5%). The Study in student with intellectual disability was 10 assessment domains.; 4. The method of assessment was total 41.; the use of operational definition(56.1%), the development of test (17.1%), and the use of assessment tool(14.6%).

A Study on the Altmetrics of the Papers of Library and Information Science Researchers Published in International Journals (국제 학술지에 발표된 문헌정보학 연구자 논문의 알트메트릭스에 관한 연구)

  • Jane Cho
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.143-162
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    • 2022
  • Altmetrics is an alternative impact evaluation index that evaluates the social interest in the research performance of individuals or institutions in universities, research institutions, and research fund support institutions. This study empirically analyzed what kind of attention a papers of domestic library and information science researchers published in an international academic journal was receiving in the international community using Altmetric explorer. As a result of the analysis, 230 papers were tracked. The average Altmetric Attention Score (AAS) was 6.63, but there were 2 papers that received overwhelming attention (over 170 points) as they were mentioned in news report and Twitter. Second, there was a tendency for high AAS to appear in cases where a domestic researcher participated as a co-author and the main author belonged to an overseas institution, and in the case where the research funds were supported by foreign government agencies. In addition to the field of the library information science or information system, the papers classified as the field of public health service and education showed high AAS, and it was confirmed that these papers were published in the journals of various fields such as life science. Finally, it was confirmed that there was a weak correlation of r =0.25 between the AAS and the number of citations of the analyzed paper, but a strong correlation of r =0.68 between the number of Mendeley readers and the number of citations.

A New Approach to Automatic Keyword Generation Using Inverse Vector Space Model (키워드 자동 생성에 대한 새로운 접근법: 역 벡터공간모델을 이용한 키워드 할당 방법)

  • Cho, Won-Chin;Rho, Sang-Kyu;Yun, Ji-Young Agnes;Park, Jin-Soo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.103-122
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    • 2011
  • Recently, numerous documents have been made available electronically. Internet search engines and digital libraries commonly return query results containing hundreds or even thousands of documents. In this situation, it is virtually impossible for users to examine complete documents to determine whether they might be useful for them. For this reason, some on-line documents are accompanied by a list of keywords specified by the authors in an effort to guide the users by facilitating the filtering process. In this way, a set of keywords is often considered a condensed version of the whole document and therefore plays an important role for document retrieval, Web page retrieval, document clustering, summarization, text mining, and so on. Since many academic journals ask the authors to provide a list of five or six keywords on the first page of an article, keywords are most familiar in the context of journal articles. However, many other types of documents could not benefit from the use of keywords, including Web pages, email messages, news reports, magazine articles, and business papers. Although the potential benefit is large, the implementation itself is the obstacle; manually assigning keywords to all documents is a daunting task, or even impractical in that it is extremely tedious and time-consuming requiring a certain level of domain knowledge. Therefore, it is highly desirable to automate the keyword generation process. There are mainly two approaches to achieving this aim: keyword assignment approach and keyword extraction approach. Both approaches use machine learning methods and require, for training purposes, a set of documents with keywords already attached. In the former approach, there is a given set of vocabulary, and the aim is to match them to the texts. In other words, the keywords assignment approach seeks to select the words from a controlled vocabulary that best describes a document. Although this approach is domain dependent and is not easy to transfer and expand, it can generate implicit keywords that do not appear in a document. On the other hand, in the latter approach, the aim is to extract keywords with respect to their relevance in the text without prior vocabulary. In this approach, automatic keyword generation is treated as a classification task, and keywords are commonly extracted based on supervised learning techniques. Thus, keyword extraction algorithms classify candidate keywords in a document into positive or negative examples. Several systems such as Extractor and Kea were developed using keyword extraction approach. Most indicative words in a document are selected as keywords for that document and as a result, keywords extraction is limited to terms that appear in the document. Therefore, keywords extraction cannot generate implicit keywords that are not included in a document. According to the experiment results of Turney, about 64% to 90% of keywords assigned by the authors can be found in the full text of an article. Inversely, it also means that 10% to 36% of the keywords assigned by the authors do not appear in the article, which cannot be generated through keyword extraction algorithms. Our preliminary experiment result also shows that 37% of keywords assigned by the authors are not included in the full text. This is the reason why we have decided to adopt the keyword assignment approach. In this paper, we propose a new approach for automatic keyword assignment namely IVSM(Inverse Vector Space Model). The model is based on a vector space model. which is a conventional information retrieval model that represents documents and queries by vectors in a multidimensional space. IVSM generates an appropriate keyword set for a specific document by measuring the distance between the document and the keyword sets. The keyword assignment process of IVSM is as follows: (1) calculating the vector length of each keyword set based on each keyword weight; (2) preprocessing and parsing a target document that does not have keywords; (3) calculating the vector length of the target document based on the term frequency; (4) measuring the cosine similarity between each keyword set and the target document; and (5) generating keywords that have high similarity scores. Two keyword generation systems were implemented applying IVSM: IVSM system for Web-based community service and stand-alone IVSM system. Firstly, the IVSM system is implemented in a community service for sharing knowledge and opinions on current trends such as fashion, movies, social problems, and health information. The stand-alone IVSM system is dedicated to generating keywords for academic papers, and, indeed, it has been tested through a number of academic papers including those published by the Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, the Korea Research Academy of Distribution Information, the Korea Logistics Society, the Korea Logistics Research Association, and the Korea Port Economic Association. We measured the performance of IVSM by the number of matches between the IVSM-generated keywords and the author-assigned keywords. According to our experiment, the precisions of IVSM applied to Web-based community service and academic journals were 0.75 and 0.71, respectively. The performance of both systems is much better than that of baseline systems that generate keywords based on simple probability. Also, IVSM shows comparable performance to Extractor that is a representative system of keyword extraction approach developed by Turney. As electronic documents increase, we expect that IVSM proposed in this paper can be applied to many electronic documents in Web-based community and digital library.

Why Your Manuscripts Were Rejected or Required a Major Revision: An Analysis of Asia Pacific Journal if Information Systems (MIS 논문의 '게재 불가' 및 '수정 후 재심사' 사유: Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems 심사소견서 분석)

  • Lee, Choong-C.;Yun, Hae-Jung;Hwang, Seong-Hoon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2009
  • As the common saying attests, a publish-or-perish world, publishing is absolutely critical for academic researchers' successful careers. It is the most objectively-accepted academic performance criteria and the most viable way to attain public and academic recognition. Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems(APJIS) has been recognized as the most influential domestic journal in Korean MIS field since July, 1991. Therefore, publishing in APJIS means your research is original, valid, and contributive. While most researchers learn how to publish an article in APJIS through a repetitive review process, thereby improving their chance of the' accepted' through their personal trial and error experiences, such valuable lessons and know-how tend to be kept personally and rarely shared. However, useful insights into research and publication skills could be also gained from sharing others' errors, neglect, and misjudgments which are equally critical in improving researchers' knowledge in the field (Murthy and Wiggins, 2002). For this reason, other academic disciplines make systematic efforts to examine the paper review process of major journals and share the findings from these studies with the rest of the research community members (Beyer et al., 1995; Cummings et al, 1985; Daft, 1995; Jauch and Wall, 1989; Murthy and Wiggins, 2002). Recognizing the urgent need to provide such type of information to MIS research community in Korea, we have chosen the most influential academic journal, APJIS with an intention to share the answer to the following research question: "What are the common problems found in the manuscripts either 'rejected' or 'required a major revision' by APJIS reviewers?" This study analyzes the review results of manuscripts submitted to APJIS (from January, 2006 to October, 2008), particularly those that were 'rejected' or required a 'major revision' at the first round. Based on Daft's(1995) study, twelve most-likelihood problems were defined and used to analyze the reviews. The twelve criteria for classification, or "twelve problems", are as follows: No theory, Concepts and operationalization not in alignment, Insufficient definition--theory, Insufficient rationale--design, Macrostructure--organization and flow, Amateur style and tone, Inadequate research design, Not relevant to the field, Overengineering, Conclusions not in alignment, Cutting up the data, and Poor editorial practice. Upon the approval of the editorial board of APJIS, the total 252 reviews, including 11 cases of 2005 and 241 cases from July, 2006 to October, 2008, were received without any information about manuscripts, authors, or reviewers. Eleven cases of 2005 were used in the pilot test because the data of 2005 were not in complete enumeration, and the 241 reviews (113 cases of 'rejection' and 128 ones of 'major revision') of 2006, 2007, and 2008 were examined in this study. Our findings show that insufficient rationale-design(20.25%), no theory(18.45%), and insufficient definition--theory(15.69%) were the three leading reasons of 'rejection' and 'major revision.' Between these two results, the former followed the same order of three major reasons as an overall analysis (insufficient rationale-design, no theory, and insufficient definition-theory), but the latter followed the order of insufficient rationale--design, insufficient definition--theory, and no theory. Using Daft's three major skills-- 'theory skills', 'design skills', and 'communication skills'-- twelve criteria were reclassified into 'theory problems', 'design problems', and 'communication problems' to derive more practical implications of our findings. Our findings show that 'theory problems' occupied 43.48%, 'design problems' were 30.86%, and 'communication problems' were 25.86%. In general, the APJIS reviewers weigh each of these three problem areas almost equally. Comparing to other disciplines like management field shown in Daft's study, the portion of 'design problems' and 'communication problems' are much higher in manuscripts submitted to the APJIS than in those of Administrative Science Quarterly and Academy of Management Journal even though 'theory problems' are the most predominant in both disciplines.

A Study on Policy Researchers' Requirements for Policy Information Providing Service (정책정보제공서비스에 대한 정책연구자 요구분석에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Younghee;Sim, Jae-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.137-168
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    • 2014
  • This study proposed to seek the future development direction of policy information service in Korea by identifying users' needs for policy information and analyzing policy information users' behavior. For this purpose, we analyzed policy information users' needs and behavior through survey and interview methods, and the results are as follows. First, the most common purpose of policy information use was figuring out policy trends, and the Internet was the most common search method used in investigating policy information. Second, electronic resources showed a high rate of use, but the domestic material utilization ratio was higher, and the U.S. resources usage of overseas data was the highest. Third, users most often used materials produced within the last 2-5 years, and Web DB (journals, academic articles, etc.) and reports were the most used material types. Fourth, in the survey of opinion about methods for improving policy information utilization efficiency, cooperation between government agencies' libraries, cooperation between agencies producing the policy information resources, and the overall national collection of policy information were rated the highest.

A Study on the Attributes of Menu Choice and Customer Satisfaction in Korean Restaurants -Centering on foreign tourists- (한식당 이용특성에 따른 메뉴 선택 속성이 고객만족에 미치는 영향 -외국인 관광객을 대상으로-)

  • Shin, Seung-Mee;Yoo, Hyang-Ju;Joung, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.4229-4236
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    • 2014
  • This study discusses the customer satisfaction as a result of the attributes of menu choice that can meet the needs of foreign visitors. Furthermore, it discusses the possibility that Korean food can be recognized internationally and the research data be available in advance for the people who are going to visit Korea. This study is based on documentary records and empirical studies to analyze and appreciate the effects of customer satisfaction in restaurants that foreigners usually visit. The documentary records are rooted in the related books, papers published in domestic and international associations, academic journals, and various periodicals. According to this research, the attributes of the menu choice in relation to the differences in their purposes has a meaningful influence on the customer satisfaction, so the menu choice of foreign tourists drives their gratification of Korean food. In short, the explanations and ingredients list about items in Korean restaurants need to be improved and explained to increase the number of potential foreign tourists.

A Study on Ontology Based Knowledge Representation Method with the Alzheimer Disease Related Articles (알츠하이머 관련 논문을 대상으로 하는 온톨로지 기반 지식 표현 방법 연구)

  • Lee, Jaeho;Kim, Younhee;Shin, Hyunkyung;Song, Kibong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 2014
  • In the medical field, for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, building knowledge base has received a lot of attention. The most important thing to build a knowledge base is representing the knowledge accurately. In this paper we suggest a knowledge representation method using Ontology technique with the datasets obtained from the domestic papers on Alzheimer disease that has received a lot of attention recently in the medical field. The suggested Ontology for Alzheimer disease defines all the possible classes: lexical information from journals such as 'author' and 'publisher' research subjects extracted from 'title', 'abstract', 'keywords', and 'results'. It also included various semantic relationships between classes through the Ontology properties. Inference can be supported since our Ontology adopts hierarchical tree structure for the classes and transitional characteristics of the properties. Therefore, semantic representation based query is allowed as well as simple keyword query, which enables inference based knowledge query using an Ontology query language 'SPARQL'.