• 제목/요약/키워드: ASTA color value

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Quality Characteristics of Red Pepper Cultivars according to Cultivation Years and Regions (고추품종별 재배년도와 재배지역에 따른 품질 특성)

  • Hwang, In Guk;Yoo, Seon Mi;Lee, Junsoo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.817-825
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to investigate the amounts of capsaicinoid and free sugar, as well as ASTA color values in three pepper cultivars grown in different regions of Korea. Pepper cultivars from ten different regions of Korea were collected in 2011 and 2012. The capsaicinoid contents of the three cultivars, Urigun, Bugang, and Muhanjilju, varied in the range of 52.53~362, 15.35~126.40, and 3.41~50.86 mg/100 g, respectively, depending on their cultivation region. Among the three cultivars, Urigun had the highest average capsaicinoid content, followed by Bugang and Muhanjilju. The free sugar contents of Urigun, Bugang, and Muhanjilju varied in the range of 18.29~35.54, 16.91~32.83, and 18.63~33.21%, respectively, depending on the region. Average free sugar contents did not vary significantly among the cultivars grown in different regions as well as in different years. The ASTA color values of Urigun, Bugang, and Muhanjilju varied in the range of 57.17~132.61, 66.23~139.49, and 85.43~133.26, respectively. ASTA color values of the three cultivars grown in 2012 were significantly higher than those grown in 2011. Variations in the amounts of capsaicinoids, free sugar contents, and ASTA color values observed in this study can be attributed to the intrinsic genetic characteristics of each cultivar or alternatively to the environmental conditions. We assume that the quantity of capsaicinoid is affected more by the genotype than the cultivation region, whereas the reverse holds for the variations in free sugar quantity and ASTA color values.

Relationship between Physicochemical and Sensorial Properties of Red Pepper Powder under Different Storage Conditions (저장 고춧가루의 색 관련 이화학적 특성과 관능적 특성과의 관계)

  • Sung, Misun;Kang, Hye Jeong;Kim, Yoonsook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.1423-1430
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    • 2012
  • The present study investigated the relationship between physical conditions and sensory properties of red pepper powder stored at different temperatures ($-20^{\circ}C$, $0^{\circ}C$, $20^{\circ}C$) and in different wrap materials (linear low density polyethylene, LLDPE; aluminum/linear low density polyethylene, Al/LLDPE). Red pepper powders with initial moisture contents of $17.35{\pm}0.32$% were not affected by the packaging material or storage temperature. Hunter a values of red pepper powder decreased while Hunter b values increased as storage temperature increased. There were no significant differences according to packaging materials. The American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) color value ($60.85{\pm}0.13$) significantly decreased with increasing temperature from $-20^{\circ}C$ to $20^{\circ}C$ ($21.70{\pm}0.06$ to $56.03{\pm}0.24$). The ASTA color value of samples packed with LLDPE ($21.70{\pm}0.06$) decreased more compared to samples packed with other materials. Further, capsanthin contents ($13.74{\pm}0.02$ mg/100 g) significantly decreased with increasing temperature from $-20^{\circ}C$ ($0.25{\pm}0.01$ to $0.28{\pm}0.01$ mg/100 g) to $20^{\circ}C$ ($0.13{\pm}0.01$ to $0.25{\pm}0.01$ mg/100 g). In the sensory evaluation of red pepper powder, overall acceptability was influenced by redness, yellowness, and pungency color. All physicochemical and sensory properties of red pepper powder were compared. Hunter a values, ASTA color values, and capsanthin contents were significantly associated with sensory preferences. In particular, ASTA color value showed a close relationship with color preference for red pepper (R2=0.922). Thus, we suggest that the preference for red pepper powder can be determined based on instrumental measurements of Hunter a values, ASTA color values, and capsanthin contents.

Characteristics of Color and Pungency in the Red pepper for Kimchi (김치제조용 고춧가루의 색도 및 매운맛 특성)

  • Ku, Kyung-Hyung;Kim, Na-Young;Park, Jae-Bok;Park, Wan-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to investigate characteristics of the red peppers for Kimchi preparation. Four cultivars of Korean red pepper with different color value, ten brands of commercial red pepper powder produced at different areas and paprika with imported from Spain were collected. These sample were analyzed for proximate composition, color, capsaicinoid and sensory evaluation, etc. Proximate composition was moisture of 12.6-17.13%, ash of 5.11-8.93%, crude lipid of 7.68-12.81% and crude protein of 11.35-16.72%. Free sugar content showed two-times among samples, the lowest sample was 11.35%(Shintaein), whereas the highest sample was 21.06% (Koisan). Capsaicinoid content of cultivars showed the highest value Dabok with 75.49 mg% and the lowest value Gusung with 18.77 mg%. American Spice Trade Association(ASTA) value, it was indicated redness of red pepper, showed very wide range of values with 47.3-144.7. Correlation coefficient($R^2$) of ASTA value and $a^* $was 0.87, while $R^2$ of 0.05 between of ASTA value and capsaicinoid contents. In sensory attributes, Dongbang(0.87 mg%) and Gusung(0.43 mg%) were not significantly different, while Dabok(1.74 mg%) was significantly different from other smaples in lag time, overall intensity and duration. The difference threshold of hot taste and ASTA value was over 1.0 mg%(capsaicinod content), 70(ASTA value), respectively.

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Non-destructive quality prediction of domestic, commercial red pepper powder using hyperspectral imaging

  • Sang Seop Kim;Ji-Young Choi;Jeong Ho Lim;Jeong-Seok Cho
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.224-234
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    • 2023
  • We analyzed the major quality characteristics of red pepper powders from various regions and predicted these characteristics nondestructively using shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology. We conducted partial least squares regression analysis on 70% (n=71) of the acquired hyperspectral data of the red pepper powders to examine the major quality characteristics. Rc2 values of ≥0.8 were obtained for the ASTA color value (0.9263) and capsaicinoid content (0.8310). The developed quality prediction model was validated using the remaining 30% (n=35) of the hyperspectral data; the highest accuracy was achieved for the ASTA color value (Rp2=0.8488), and similar validity levels were achieved for the capsaicinoid and moisture contents. To increase the accuracy of the quality prediction model, we conducted spectrum preprocessing using SNV, MSC, SG-1, and SG-2, and the model's accuracy was verified. The results indicated that the accuracy of the model was most significantly improved by the MSC method, and the prediction accuracy for the ASTA color value was the highest for all the spectrum preprocessing methods. Our findings suggest that the quality characteristics of red pepper powders, even powders that do not conform to specific variables such as particle size and moisture content, can be predicted via HSI.

A Study on the Standardization of Kimchi for the Children -The Proper Red Pepper Powder for Children대s Kimchi- (어린이 김치 표준화에 대한 연구 -어린이 김치에 적합한 고추가루-)

  • 송영옥;빈성미;문정원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.893-898
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    • 1996
  • This study is a continuous work for the standardization of children's kimchi preparation. In order to find out the proper red pepper powder for children's kimchi, four kinds of red pepper powder(A, B, C, D) sold in Kyungsang province were used as samples. The proximate composition, color value, capsaicinoids concentration and sugar content in four kinds of the red pepper powder were determined, and sensory evaluation of kimchi Prepared with those was carried out for different fermentation times. Moisture contents of red pepper powder A, B, C and D were in the range of 11.59~13.48%. Lipid and ash contents of samples were in the range of 7.59~8.39% and 4.34~7.45%, respectively. In comparision of color values measured by a Hunter colorimeter, red pepper powder A showed the highest value for a and b values. Also A showed the brightest color as measured in ASTA color and L value. Capsaicin concentration of D and dihydrocapsaicin concentration of C were found to be the highest among the sanlples. The capsaicin equivalent was in tile order of D>C>A>B. The content of total sugar was in the order of B>A>D>C. In the sensory evaluation of children's kimchi prepared with four kinds of red pepper powder, the color and total acceptability of kimchi prepared with A were found to be the best. The results of sensory evaluation between kimchi prepared with A and school supplied kimchi showed that the former was better. And the composition of A red pepper powder was as follows: capsaicin equivalent 24.l5mg%, total sugar content 15.79% and ASTA color value 178.2.

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Prediction of Chemical Compositions for On-line Quality Measurement of Red Pepper Powder Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS)

  • Lee, Sun-Mee;Kim, Su-Na;Park, Jae-Bok;Hwang, In-Kyeong
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.280-285
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    • 2005
  • Applicability of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) was examined for quality control of red pepper powder in milling factories. Prediction of chemical composition was performed using modified partial least square (MPLS) techniques. Analysis of total 51 and 21 red pepper powder samples by conventional methods for calibration and validation, respectively, revealed standard error of prediction (SEP) and correlation coefficient ($R^2$) of moisture content, ASTA color value, capsaicinoid content, and total sugar content were 0.55 and 0.90, 8.58 and 0.96, 31.60 and 0.65, and 1.82 and 0.86, respectively; SEP and $R^2$ were low and high, respectively, except for capsaicinoid content. The results indicate, with slight improvement, on-line quality measurement of red pepper powder with NIRS could be applied in red pepper milling factories.

Comparison of the Quality of Hot Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) Grown under Organic and Conventional Conditions (유기 및 관행재배 고추의 품질특성 비교)

  • Lee, You-Seok;Moon, Jae-Hak;Oh, Bong-Yun;Nam, Seung-Hee;Lee, Sun-Kyung;Lee, Jin-Woo;Jung, Kyung-Ju;Kang, Jeong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.645-656
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the product quality and function properties of hot pepper (green and red) fruits cultivated by organic and conventional agricultural practices. Organic and conventional hot peppers were analyzed their product quality with respect to pH, soluble solid, hardness, and color values. The soluble solid contents of organic hot peppers were 2.6~10% higher but their hardness was slightly lower than those of conventional hot peppers. Hot peppers were further analyzed their functional properties on chlorophyll contents, ASTA (American Spice Trade Association) value, total phenolics, and SEM ultrastructure. In case of green pepper, organic hot pepper showed higher (-)a value and the significantly (p<0.001) higher amounts of chlorophyll a and b than conventional hot pepper. Interestingly, organic red hot pepper showed higher (+)a value than that of conventional one. The ASTA value of organic red hot pepper was 28% higher than that of conventional one. Regardless of the fruits color, total phenolics content of organic hot peppers was more enriched than those of conventional ones. These results suggest that organic hot peppers exhibited more excellent color quality and functional properties than conventional hot peppers regardless of fruit color.

The Stability of Color and Antioxidant Compounds in Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) Powder During the Drying and Storing Process

  • Park, Jae-Hee;Kim, Chang-Soon
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2007
  • The objectives of this study were to examine changes in the color and antioxidant compounds of paprika powder under various conditions, as well as to establish the suitable conditions for drying and storage. Paprika was dried using the following methods: freeze-drying, vacuum drying, far infrared-ray drying, and hot-air drying. Measurements of the moisture content, color pigments, and antioxidant compounds (total carotenoids, capsanthin, ascorbic acid, and total polyphenols) were completed during 120 days of storage at 4 and $30^{\circ}C$. We found that drying methods, storage temperatures, and packaging materials affected the American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) and Hunter color values, as well as the antioxidant content of paprika powder. There was a high correlation (r=0.87, p<0.01) between the ASTA color and the $a^*/b^*$ value. The loss of red color was closely related to the reduction of moisture content (r=0.81, p<0.01) during storage. Drying paprika with a low temperature in the absence of air resulted in better retention of the carotenoids and ascorbic acid. Also, as the retention of the carotenoids and ascorbic acid increased, the stability of the red pigment increased. Freeze-drying was found to be the most suitable drying method for the stability of the antioxidant compounds and red pigment.

Quality Characteristics by Particle Size of Red Pepper Powders for Pepper Paste and Kimchi (고추장 및 김치용 고춧가루의 입도별 품질 특성)

  • Oh, Seung-Hee;Hwang, In-Guk;Kim, Hyun-Young;Hwang, Cho-Rong;Park, Soo-Min;Hwang, Young;Yoo, Seon-Mi;Kim, Haeng-Ran;Kim, Hae-Young;Lee, Jun-Soo;Jeong, Heon-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.725-730
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    • 2011
  • This study evaluated the quality characteristic of red pepper powders of Hanbando and Cheongyang cultivars by particle size. Two types of powder samples for pepper paste and Kimchi were prepared, and capsaicinoid contents, Hunter Lab color values, and ASTA values by particle size distribution were investigated. Particle size distribution was normal in the pepper paste powder; however, an abnormal distribution was shown for the Kimchi powder. In addition, the greatest particle sizes were $300{\sim}425\;{\mu}m$ in the pepper paste powder. In accordance with smaller particle size, redness (a-value), ASTA values, and capsaicinoid contents increased. Redness (a-value) by particle size was in the range of 15.13~31.34, and ASTA values were in the range of 53.35~96.87. Capsaicinoid contents by particle size were in the range of 1.90~6.05 mg/100 g for Hanbando and 156.65~235.10 mg/100 g for Cheongyang.

A Study on the Quality of Commercial Red Pepper Powder (시판 고춧가루의 품질 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 황성연;안영훈;신길만
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.418-422
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    • 2001
  • Physicochemical qualities of the different commercial red pepper powder purchased in the market were investigated. In proximate composition of red pepper powder, crude protein contents were not much different from 10.10% to 10.91% but sample Ds crude lipid was the lowest as 8.28% and Cs was the highest as 11.43%. The pH values of red pepper powder were not significantly different. The value of L, a and b of sample C were 46.667, 22.738 and 19.941 respectively but it showed lower ASTA color than sample A and had same tendency with capsanthin. The highest content of capsaicin was sample D as 59.93mg 1100g and sample B was the lowest as 25.87mg/100g. Water activity of the sample A, B, C and D were 0.584, 0.676, 0.526 and 0.568 respectively. Sample A, C and D showed safety against microorganisms but sample B was susceptible to the mold.

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