• Title/Summary/Keyword: AGV scheduling

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A Comparative Study of Dynamic Dispatching Rule for Machine and AGV of Flexible Manufacturing System (유연생산시스템의 기계와 AGV의 동적 작업배정규칙 비교연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2009
  • We suggest and evaluate a dynamic scheduling rule of machines and material handling systems for on-line operation in job shop type Flexible Manufacturing System. Alternating status should be able to take operation scheduling procedures and without delay in dynamic industrial environments effectively. The interaction(SPT-NS, SPT-QSNS, SPT-NUJ, EDD-NS, EDD-QSNS, EDD-NUJ, CR-NS, CR-QSNS, CR-NUJ) between machine operation scheduling and AGV dispatching rule were also studied in this research. The performance evaluation which was obtained from DSS compares the performance of Flow time, and Empty to loaded travel ratio. It is Compared with the best rules & two system.

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A Dynamic Dispatching Algorithm for Operation of Automated Guided Vehicles and Machines in CIM Systems (CIM 시스템에서 기계가공과 AGV 의 운영을 위한 동적 작업배정 알고리듬)

  • Kim, Jung-Wook;Rhee, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.85-101
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    • 1995
  • Automated Guided Vehicles(AGVs) are widely used in computer integrated manufacturing(CIM) systems for material handling purposes. Although automated guided vehicles provide higher levels of flexibility and computer integrability, the installations are limited in number and one of the critical reasons lies in the complexity involved in the operation. The main objective of this research is to alleviate this problem by proposing efficient integrated operational control methods for AGV-based CIM systems. Particularly, this research is concerned with the mixed problem of dispatching automated guided vehicles and scheduling machines operation. The proposed dynamic heuristic algorithm uses various priority schemes and relevant information concerning the load of the system, the status of queues, and the position of AGVs in the scheduling process. The scheduling decision process is hierarchical in the sense that different decision criteria are applied sequentially to identify the most appropriate part to be served. This algorithm consists of two sections, the section of part selection by AGVs for the next service whenever an AGV completes the current assignment, and the section of part selection by machines for next service whenever a machine completes the current operation. The proposed algorithm has been compared with other scheduling schemes using the performance measure of mean flow-time and mean tardiness. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm can reduce the mean flow-time and mean tardiness significantly.

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Dispatching rule of automated guided vehicle to minimize makespan under jobshop condtion (Jobshop환경에서 총처리시간을 최소화하기 위한 AGV의 할당규칙)

  • Choi, Jung-Sang;Kang, In-Seon;Park, Chan-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.24 no.62
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2001
  • This research is concerned with jobshop scheduling problem for an advanced manufacturing system like flexible manufacturing which consists of two machine centers and a single automated guided vehicle(AGV). The objective is to develop and evaluate heuristic scheduling procedures that minimize makespan to be included travel time of AGV. A new heuristic algorithm is proposed and illustrates the proposed algorithm. The heuristic algorithm is implemented for various cases by SLAM II. The results show that the proposed algorithm provides better solutions in reduction ratio and frequency than the previous algorithm.

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Operation control algorithm for an automated manufacturing system with travel of AGV (자동화생산시스템에서 AGV의 운송시간을 고려한 작업제어기법)

  • 최정상;고낙용
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.20 no.43
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    • pp.287-297
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    • 1997
  • This research is concerned with operation control problem for an automated manufacturing system which consists of two machine centers and a single automatic guided vehicle. The objective is to develop and evaluate heuristic scheduling procedures that minimize maximum completion time to be included travel time of AGV. A new heuristic algorithm is proposed and a numerical example illustrates the proposed algorithm. The heuristic algorithm is implemented for various cases by SLAM II. The results show that the proposed algorithm provides better solutions than the previous algorithms.

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Inter-loop Stocker Automated Material Handling Systems (Inter-loop Stocker 자동 물류시스템)

  • Jo, Min-Ho
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 1997
  • Less researches on AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle) path configurations have been conducted so far while more studies have been placed in determining AGV guide path directions and pick-up/drop-off station locations, and routing/dispatching/scheduling strategies. In practice plenty of concerns fall in preventing deadlock and simplifying AGV system control through an appropriate AGV path configuration. In order to meet those requirements, a new AGV path configuration, inter-loop stocker type is introduced here. The stocker serves as relaying material between loops as well as stocking material. Automated material handling systems using AGVs play an important role in semiconductor industry including TFT LCD and memory/non-memory chip. A practical example of implementing the inter-loop stocker concept successfully in the TFT LCD fab is presented in this paper.

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A Study on a Congestion-free Design of AGV System (무혼잡 무인 운반 차량 시스템의 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yun-Sun;Park, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.559-580
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    • 1997
  • It is essential to construct on efficient material flow system for the successful introduction of automated manufacturing systems. Automated Guided Vehicle System(AGVS) ploys a significant role more and more in modern manufacturing environments, because of the flexibility and the precision they offer. However, as the size and the complexity of systems increase, the problems of dispatching, routing and scheduling of AGVs became complicated due to their independent and asynchronous demands. In this paper, we review relevant papers, and provide a new and more efficient method for partitioning the AGV system by introducing the concept of Central Path. This method named Central Path design has advantages, since each partitioned workstation group is served by one AGV and the material handling between groups is performed by special AGV that is used for the Central Path. Therefore the congestion problems never occur. Furthermore Central Path Design has a high flexibility for alteration and extension of system. Finally, we demonstrate its efficiency using simulation.

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a hybrid approach for jobshop scheduling with lot-streaming

  • Kim, In-Su;Seo, Yun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Quality Management Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.491-497
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    • 2007
  • The planning and scheduling is considered as an important function because it influence to the overall performance of production in manufacturing system for supporting global objectives. In this paper, propose the hybrid approach to solve the problem which considered alternative resources and sequences, a sequence-dependent setups and transportation times. The objective of this problem is minimize the makespan with AGV traveling time. A iterative two heuristic algorithm(PSO, SA) is proposed to obtain the sequence of operations and CPLEX package is used to obtain the optimal sub-lot sizes(OLS) when the sequence of operations and greedy-based AGV dispatching rules are fixed or given. we show that performance of iterative two heuristic algorithms and simple numerical experiment.

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A New Dynamic Routing Algorithm for Multiple AGV Systems : Nonstop Preferential Detour Algorithm (다중무인운반차 시스템의 새로운 동적경로계획 알고리즘 : 비정지우선 우회 알고리즘)

  • Sin, Seong-Yeong;Jo, Gwang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 2002
  • We present a new dynamic routing scheme for multiple autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) systems. There have been so many results concerned with scheduling and routing of multiple AGV systems; however, most of them are only applicable to systems with a small number of AGVs under a low degree of concurrency. With an increased number of AGVs in recent applications, these AGV systems are faced with another problem that has never been occurred in a system with a small number AGVs. This is the stop propagation problem. That is, if a leading AGV stops then all the following AGVs must stop to avoid any collision. In order to resolve this problem, we propose a nonstop preferential detour (NPD) algorithm which is a new dynamic routing scheme employing an election algorithm. For real time computation, we introduce two stage control scheme and propose a new path searching scheme, k-via shortest path scheme for an efficient dynamic routing algorithm. Finally, the proposed new dynamic routing scheme is illustrated by an example.

Automated guided vehicle routing for the fixed-interval deliveries of a flexible manufacturing system (일정한 납기구간을 갖는 유연생산시스템에서의 AGV 경로에 관한 연구)

  • 최현선;유융석;노인규
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 2003
  • Modem automated manufacturing processes employ automated guided vehicles(AGVs) for material handling, which serve several machining centers(MCs) in a factory. Optimal scheduling of AGVs can significantly help to increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process by minimizing the idle time of MCs waiting for the raw materials. In this paper, we will analyse the requirements for an optimal schedule and then provide a mathematical framework for an efficient schedule of material delivery by an AGV. With this model, the optimal number of MCs to be utilized will also be determined. Finally, the material delivery schedule employing multiple journeys to the MCs by the AGV will be carried out. Through rigorous analysis and simulation experiments, we shall show that such a delivery strategy will optimize the overall performance.

Supervisory controller design technique for multiple-AGV systems (다수 무인운반차 시스템을 위한 관리제어기 설계 기법)

  • Lee, J. H.;Choi, M. H.;Lee, B.H.;Kim, J. D.;Park, H.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 1993
  • A supervisory controller design technique for multiple-AGV systems is presented in this paper. The guidepath is represented in the form of a network, and its modifications are easily tested. The network has two-layered structure, where the path sets between each two nodes are made in advance using the K-shortest path algorithm. Occupation times for all links are stored in link-occupation table, and are updated after the dispatching time. Dispatching and scheduling for each AGV are optimized in terms of minimum-time objectives. In all times, the paths are guaranteed to be conflict-free and deadlock-free. The simplicity and flexibility on this control scheme make the supervisory suitable for real applications.

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