• Title/Summary/Keyword: AGV scheduling

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Dynamic Routing and Scheduling of Multiple AGV System (다중 무인운반차량 시스템에서의 동적 라우팅과 스케줄링)

  • 이상훈
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Simulation Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 1999
  • 무인 운반차량 시스템 (AGV System) 의 이용도가 날로 증가함에 따라 시스템의 최적화 및 운영 방법에 관한 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 AGV System에서 사용하는 Routing 및 Scheduling 정책들을 연구하고 이를 개선할 수 있는 새로운 방안을 모색한 후, 컴퓨터 모델링 기법을 이용한 보다 객관적인 시뮬레이션을 수행하여 최적의 AGV System과 그에 적합한 운영 정책을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 크게 AGV Routing 과 Scheduling에 관한 연구로 나누어진다. AGV Routing은 AGV의 이동경로를 설정하는 것으로서 충돌 방지 (Collision Avoidance)와 최단경로 탐색 (Minimal Cost Path Find) 이라는 두 개의 주요 알고리즘으로 이루어진다. AGV Scheduling 은 장비의 공정시간과 AGV의 Loading/Unloading, Charging 시간으로 인해 불규칙한 Event 가 일어났을 경우 AGV 각각의 Jop을 알맞게 선정해주는 정책을 말하며 일반적으로 AGV Selection Rule, Charging Rule이 여기에 속한다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 알고리즘들이 반영된 AGV System을 컴퓨터 모델로 구축하여, 기존 시스템에서 사용되고 있는 여러 운영 정책들의 문제점들을 분석하였으며, Multiple AGV System을 최적화 시키는 운영 정책이 보다 객관적으로 제시되었다.

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Dynamic Routing and Scheduling of Multiple AGV System (다중 무인운반차량 시스템에서의 동적 라우팅과 스케줄링)

  • 전동훈
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 1999
  • The study of the optimization of operating policy of AGV system, which is used in many factory automation environments has been proceeded by many researchers. The major operating policy of AGV system consists of routing and scheduling policy. AGV routing is composed with collision avoidance and minimal cost path find algorithm. To allocate jobs to the AGV system, AGV scheduling has to include AGV selection rules, parking rules, and recharging rules. Also in these rules, the key time parameters such as processing time of the device, loading/unloading time and charging time should be considered. In this research, we compare and analyze several operating policies of multiple loop-multiple AGV system by making a computer model and simulating it to present an appropriate operating policy.

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Smart AGV based on Object Recognition and Task Scheduling (객체인식과 작업 스케줄링 기반 스마트 AGV)

  • Lee, Se-Hoon;Bak, Tae-Yeong;Choi, Kyu-Hyun;So, Won-Bin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2019.07a
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    • pp.251-252
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    • 2019
  • 본 논문에서는 기존의 AGV보다 높은 안전성과 Task Scheduling을 바탕으로 한 효율적인 AGV를 제안하였다. AGV는 객체인식 알고리즘인 YOLO로 다른 AGV를 인식하여 자동으로 피난처로 들어간다. 또한 마커인식 알고리즘인 ar_markers를 이용하여 그 위치가 적재소인지 생산 공정인지를 판단하여 각 마커마다 멈추고 피난처에 해당하는 Marker가 인식되고 다른 AGV가 인식되면 피난처로 들어가는 동작을 한다. 이 모든 로그는 Mobius를 이용해 Spring기반의 웹 홈페이지로 확인할 수 있으며, 작업스케줄 명령 또한 웹 홈페이지에서 내리게 된다. 위 작업스케줄은 외판원, 벨만-포드 알고리즘을 적용한 뒤 강화학습알고리즘 중 하나인 DQN을 이용해 최적 값을 도출해 내고 그 값을 DB에 저장해 AGV가 움직일 수 있도록 한다. 본 논문에서는 YOLO와 Marker 그리고 웹을 사용하는 AGV가 기존의 AGV에 비해 더욱 가볍고 큰 시설이 필요하지 않다는 점에서 우수함을 보인다.

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Development a scheduling model for AGV dispatching of automated container terminals (자동화 컨테이너 터미널의 AGV 배차 스케줄링 모형 개발)

  • Jae-Yeong Shin;Ji-Yong Kwon;Su-Bin Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.59-60
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    • 2023
  • The automation of container terminals is an important factor that determines port competitiveness, and global advanced ports tend to strengthen their competitiveness through container terminal automation. The operational efficiency of the AGV, which is an essential transport equipment of the automated terminal, can improve the productivity of the automated terminal. The operation of AGVs in automated container terminals differs from that of conventional container terminals, as it is based on an automated system in which AGVs travel along designated paths and operate according to assigned tasks, requiring consideration of factors such as workload, congestion, and collisions. To prevent such problems and improve the efficiency of AGV operations, a more sophisticated model is necessary. Thus, this paper proposes an AGV scheduling model that takes into account the AGV travel path and task assignment within the terminal The model prevent the problem of deadlock and. various cases are generated by changing AGV algebra and number of tasks to create AGV driving situations and evaluate the proposed algorithm through algorithm and optimization analysis.

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Agent-based control systemfordistributed control of AGVs (AGV의 분산제어를 위한 에이전트 기반의 제어시스템)

  • O, Seung-Jin;Jeong, Mu-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.1117-1123
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    • 2005
  • This paper deals with a new automated guided vehicle (AGV) control system for distributed control. Proposed AGV control system adapts the multi-agent technology. The system is composed of two types of controller: routing and order. The order controller is in charge of assignment of orders to AGVs. Through the bidding-based negotiation with routing controllers, the order controller assigns a new order to the proper AGV. The order controller announces order information to the routing controllers. Then the routing controllers generate a routing schedule for the order and make a bid according to the routing schedule. If the routing schedule conflicts with other AGV's one, the routing controller makes an alternative through negotiation with other routing controllers. The order controller finally evaluates bids and selects one. Each controller consists of a set of agents: negotiation agent, decision making agent and communication agent. We focus on the agent architecture and negotiation-based AGV scheduling algorithm. Proposed system is validated through an exemplary scenario.

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On-line Scheduling Analysis for Job-Shop Type FMS

  • Lee, Jeong Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.24 no.64
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents a job-shop type flexible manufacturing system(FMS) scheduling problem and examines the effects of scheduling rules on the performance of FMS. Several machine and AGV scheduling rules are tested against the mean flow-time criterion. In this paper, I compare the rules under various experimental conditions by using an FMS simulation model. One of the objectives of this study is to discuss how the simulation-based scheduling problem can be operated. The other is to measure sensitivity of the rules to changes at inter arrival time, queue capacity, breakdown rates for machines and AGV, and AGV speed. Therefore, the results of simulation experiments were considered on FMS design and operating stages. A comprehensive bibliograph? is also presented in the paper.

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Production Scheduling for a Flexible Manufacturing Cell

  • 최정상
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.03a
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    • pp.209-213
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    • 1998
  • This study considers flowshop scheduling problem related to flexible maufacturing cell in which consists of two machining centers, robots for loading/unloading, and an automated guided vehicle(AGV) for material handling between two machining centers. Because no machinng center has buffer storage for work in process, a machining center can not release a finished job until the empty AGV is available at that machining center. While the AGV cannot tranfer an unfinished job to a machining center until the machining center empty. In this paper, an new heuristic algorithm is given to find the sequence that minimize their makespan.

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A Study on Machine and AGV Dispatching in Flexible Manufacturing Systems (유연생산 시스템에서 기계와 무인 운반차의 할당규칙에 관한 연구)

  • 박성현;노인규
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.20 no.43
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 1997
  • This study is concerned with the scheduling problems in flexible manufacturing systems(FMSs). The scheduling problem in FMSs is a complex one when the number of machines and jobs are increased. Thus, a heuristic method is recommended in order to gain near-optimal solutions in a practically acceptable time. The purpose of this study is to develope a machine and AGV dispatching algorithm. The proposed dispatching algorithm is a on-line scheduling algorithm considering the due date of parts and the status of the system in the scheduling process. In the new machine and AGV dispatching algorithm, a job priority is determined by LPT/LQS rules considering job tardiness. The proposed heuristic dispatching algorithm is evaluated by comparison with the existing dispatching rules such as LPT/LQS, SPT/LQS, EDD/LQS and MOD/LQS. The new dispatching algorithm is predominant to existing dispatching rules in 100 cases out of 100 for the mean tardiness and 89 cases out of 100 for the number of tardy jobs.

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Reinforcement Learning based AGV Scheduling (강화학습 기반의 AGV 스케줄링)

  • Lee, Se-Hoon;Kim, Jea-Seung;Yeom, Dae-Hoon;Mun, Hwan-Bok;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2018.07a
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    • pp.23-24
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    • 2018
  • 스마트 팩토리의 핵심 요소 중 하나인 AGV를 운용하기 위해서 스케줄링은 간과할 수 없는 문제이다. 기존의 정적인 휴리스틱 방식은 실시간으로 운용되는 스마트 팩토리에 다소 부적합한 면이 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 스케줄링에 관한 문제를 해결하고자 SLAM 기반의 자율주행 AGV를 운용 할 수 있는 3D 가상 환경을 설계하고 해당 환경에서 강화학습을 기반으로 한 스케줄링을 구현해 실시간으로 변화하는 공장에 적합한 동적인 스케줄링을 설계하였다.

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A AGV time-oriented Job Dispatching Methodology for Preventing the Tardiness (납기지연시간 단축을 위해 AGV 시간을 고려한 작업할당 방법)

  • Kim, Geun-Hyung;Ko, Hyo-Heon;Baek, Jun-Geol
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2011
  • Customers are generally requiring a variety of products, earlier due date, and lower price. A manufacturing process needs the efficient scheduling to meet those customer's requirements. This study proposes the novel algorithm named MJA(Minimum Job completion time and AGV time) that increases the performance of machines and AGV(Automated Guided Vehicles) in many kinds of job types. MJA optimizes the bottleneck of machines and efficiency of AGV with considering two types of dispatching at the same time. Suggested algorithm was compared with existing heuristic methods by several simulations, it performed better for reducing the time of tardiness.