• 제목/요약/키워드: ACI

검색결과 956건 처리시간 0.026초

Effect of spiral spacing on axial compressive behavior of square reinforced concrete filled steel tube (RCFST) columns

  • Qiao, Qiyun;Zhang, Wenwen;Mou, Ben;Cao, Wanlin
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.559-573
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    • 2019
  • Spiral spacing effect on axial compressive behavior of reinforced concrete filled steel tube (RCFST) stub column is experimentally investigated in this paper. A total of twenty specimens including sixteen square RCFST columns and four benchmarked conventional square concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns are fabricated and tested. Test variables include spiral spacing (spiral ratio) and concrete strength. The failure modes, load versus displacement curves, compressive rigidity, axial compressive strength, and ductility of the specimens are obtained and analyzed. Especially, the effect of spiral spacing on axial compressive strength and ductility is investigated and discussed in detail. Test results show that heavily arranged spirals considerably increase the ultimate compressive strength but lightly arranged spirals have no obvious effect on the ultimate strength. In practical design, the effect of spirals on RCFST column strength should be considered only when spirals are heavily arranged. Spiral spacing has a considerable effect on increasing the post-peak ductility of RCFST columns. Decreasing of the spiral spacing considerably increases the post-peak ductility of the RCFSTs. When the concrete strength increases, ultimate strength increases but the ductility decreases, due to the brittleness of the higher strength concrete. Arranging spirals, even with a rather small amount of spirals, is an economical and easy solution for improving the ductility of RCFST columns with high-strength concrete. Ultimate compressive strengths of the columns are calculated according to the codes EC4 (2004), GB 50936 (2014), AIJ (2008), and ACI 318 (2014). The ultimate strength of RCFST stub columns can be most precisely evaluated using standard GB 50936 (2014) considering the effect of spiral confinement on core concrete.

Experimental behavior of VHSC encased composite stub column under compression and end moment

  • Huang, Zhenyu;Huang, Xinxiong;Li, Weiwen;Mei, Liu;Liew, J.Y. Richard
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2019
  • This paper investigates the structural behavior of very high strength concrete encased steel composite columns via combined experimental and analytical study. The experimental programme examines stub composite columns under pure compression and eccentric compression. The experimental results show that the high strength encased concrete composite column exhibits brittle post peak behavior and low ductility but has acceptable compressive resistance. The high strength concrete encased composite column subjected to early spalling and initial flexural cracking due to its brittle nature that may degrade the stiffness and ultimate resistance. The analytical study compares the current code methods (ACI 318, Eurocode 4, AISC 360 and Chinese JGJ 138) in predicting the compressive resistance of the high strength concrete encased composite columns to verify the accuracy. The plastic design resistance may not be fully achieved. A database including the concrete encased composite column under concentered and eccentric compression is established to verify the predictions using the proposed elastic, elastoplastic and plastic methods. Image-oriented intelligent recognition tool-based fiber element method is programmed to predict the load resistances. It is found that the plastic method can give an accurate prediction of the load resistance for the encased composite column using normal strength concrete (20-60 MPa) while the elastoplastic method provides reasonably conservative predictions for the encased composite column using high strength concrete (60-120 MPa).

전단보강재의 정착성능을 고려한 슬래브-기둥 내부접합부의 뚫림전단강도 (Punching Shear Strength of Slab-Column Interior Connection Considering Anchorage Performance of Shear Reinforcements)

  • 정형석;최현기;정주홍
    • 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2022
  • 플랫 플레이트는 매우 경제적인 구조시스템으로서 고층건물과 아파트, 지하 주차장등에 널리 쓰인다. 하지만 기둥-슬래브 접합부가 뚫림전단에 취약하기 때문에 건물의 연쇄붕괴로 이어질 수 있는 단점이 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 뚫림전단강도 증가, 연성능력 향상, 시공성면에서 뛰어난 나선형 철근 전단 보강재가 제안되었으며, 실험을 통해 나선형 철근 전단보강재의 강도를 평가하였다. 현행 기준은 전단보강된 슬래브-기둥 접합부의 뚫림전단강도를 정확하게 예측하지 못하고 있다. 그 이유는 전단보강재가 설치되는 슬래브의 두께가 얇을경우 정착길이가 확보되지 못하여 전단보강재가 항복강도에 이르기 전에 파괴가 일어나기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 유한요소해석 프로그램 LUSAS ver14.3을 이용하여 나선형 전단보강재의 보강성능에 영향을 미치는 변수를 분석하여 강도보정계수를 도출하였다. 또한 CEB-FIP 데이터뱅크에 수록된 실험체의 회귀분석을 통해 전단보강된 슬래브-기둥 접합부의 뚫림전단강도 산정식을 제안하였다.

Shake-table tests on moment-resisting frames by introducing engineered cementitious composite in plastic hinge length

  • Khan, Fasih A.;Khan, Sajjad W.;Shahzada, Khan;Ahmad, Naveed;Rizwan, Muhammad;Fahim, Muhammad;Rashid, Muhammad
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents experimental studies on reinforced concrete moment resisting frames that have engineered cementitious composite (ECC) in plastic hinge length (PHL) of beam/column members and beam-column joints. A two-story frame structure reduced by a 1:3 scale was further tested through a shake-table (seismic simulator) using multiple levels of simulated earthquake motions. One model conformed to all the ACI-318 requirements for IMRF, whereas the second model used lower-strength concrete in the beam/column members outside PHL. The acceleration time history of the 1994 Northridge earthquake was selected and scaled to multiple levels for shake-table testing. This study reports the observed damage mechanism, lateral strength-displacement capacity curve, and the computed response parameters for each model. The tests verified that nonlinearity remained confined to beam/column ends, i.e., member joint interface. Calculated response modification factors were 11.6 and 9.6 for the code-conforming and concrete strength deficient models. Results show that the RC-ECC frame's performance in design-based and maximum considered earthquakes; without exceeding maximum permissible drift under design-base earthquake motions and not triggering any unstable mode of damage/failure under maximum considered earthquakes. This research also indicates that the introduction of ECC in PHL of the beam/column members' detailing may be relaxed for the IMRF structures.

Performance-based reliability assessment of RC shear walls using stochastic FE analysis

  • Nosoudi, Arina;Dabbagh, Hooshang;Yazdani, Azad
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제80권6호
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    • pp.645-655
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    • 2021
  • Performance-based reliability analysis is a practical approach to investigate the seismic performance and stochastic nonlinear response of structures considering a random process. This is significant due to the uncertainties involved in every aspect of the analysis. Therefore, the present study aims to evaluate the performance-based reliability within a stochastic finite element (FE) framework for reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls that are considered as one of the most essential elements of structures. To accomplish this purpose, deterministic FE analyses are conducted for both squat and slender shear walls to validate numerical models through experimental results. The presented numerical analysis is performed by using the ABAQUS FE program. Afterwards, a random-effects investigation is carried out to consider the influence of different random variables on the lateral load-top displacement behavior of RC members. Using these results and through utilizing the Monte-Carlo simulation method, stochastic nonlinear analyses are also performed to generate random FE models based on input parameters and their probabilistic distributions. In order to evaluate the reliability of RC walls, failure probabilities and corresponding reliability indices are calculated at life safety and collapse prevention levels of performance as suggested by FEMA 356. Moreover, based on reliability indices, capacity reduction factors are determined subjected to shear for all specimens that are designed according to the ACI 318 Building Code. Obtained results show that the lateral load and the compressive strength of concrete have the highest effects on load-displacement responses compared to those of other random variables. It is also found that the probability of shear failure for the squat wall is slightly lower than that for slender walls. This implies that 𝛽 values are higher in a non-ductile mode of failure. Besides, the reliability of both squat and slender shear walls does not change significantly in the case of varying capacity reduction factors.

The link between Perceived Organizational Justice, Knowledge Hiding Behaviors and Innovative Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model

  • Choi, Suk-Bong;Jeong, Jae-Geum;Jung, Ki-Baek;Ullah, S.M. Ebrahim
    • 아태비즈니스연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - Previous studies tried to find antecedents of innovative behavior. However, research on knowledge hiding behavior, psychological mechanism, and perception of organizational justice has been relatively limited. In this sense, this study has investigated the impact of organizational justice on employees' innovative behavior and explored the factors that affect the above relationship. Especially, this study tested the direct effect of organizational justice on innovative behavior. This study also examines the mediating roles of knowledge hiding behavior in this causal relationship. Moreover, the process of organizational justice to innovative behavior is assumed to be influenced by leadership style. Therefore, we examined the moderating effect of authentic leadership on the relationship between organizational justice and knowledge hiding behavior. Design/methodology/approach - For the empirical test, we collected data via a questionnaire survey of a sample of 252 employees from Korean firms. We conducted a hierarchical regression analysis to test hypotheses. Results - The results of the empirical analysis revealed that organizational justice was positively related to innovative behavior and negatively related to knowledge hiding behavior. The results also showed that knowledge hiding behavior negatively mediated the relationship between organizational justice and innovative behavior. In addition, we found the moderating role of authentic leadership. More importantly, we found that the conditional indirect effect of organizational justice on innovative behavior via knowledge hiding behavior was depending on authentic leadership. Uncovering the relationship between organizational justice and innovative behavior through the mediating role of knowledge hiding behavior and the moderated mediating role of authentic leadership has useful theoretical and practical implications. We also suggest directions for future research by providing several limitations.

Reassessment of viscoelastic response in steel-concrete composite beams

  • Miranda, Marcela P.;Tamayo, Jorge L.P.;Morsch, Inacio B.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제81권5호
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    • pp.617-631
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    • 2022
  • In this paper the viscoelastic responses of four experimental steel-concrete composite beams subjected to highly variable environmental conditions are investigated by means of a finite element (FE) model. Concrete specimens submitted to stepped stress changes are also evaluated to validate the current formulations. Here, two well-known approaches commonly used to solve the viscoelastic constitutive relationship for concrete are employed. The first approach directly solves the integral-type form of the constitutive equation at the macroscopic level, in which aging is included by updating material properties. The second approach is postulated from a rate-type law based on an age-independent Generalized Kelvin rheological model together with Solidification Theory, using a micromechanical based approach. Thus, conceptually both approaches include concrete hardening in two different manners. The aim of this work is to compare and analyze the numerical prediction in terms of long-term deflections of the studied specimens according to both approaches. To accomplish this goal, the performance of several well-known model codes for concrete creep and shrinkage such as ACI 209, CEB-MC90, CEB-MC99, B3, GL 2000 and FIB-2010 are evaluated by means of statistical bias indicators. It is shown that both approaches with minor differences acceptably match the long-term experimental deflection and are able to capture complex oscillatory responses due to variable temperature and relative humidity. Nevertheless, the use of an age-independent scheme as proposed by Solidification Theory may be computationally more advantageous.

Seismic performance of CFS shear wall systems filled with polystyrene lightweight concrete: Experimental investigation and design methodology

  • Mohammad Rezaeian Pakizeh;Hossein Parastesh;Iman Hajirasouliha;Farhang Farahbod
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제46권4호
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    • pp.497-512
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    • 2023
  • Using light weight concrete as infill material in conventional cold-formed steel (CFS) shear wall systems can considerably increase their load bearing capacity, ductility, integrity and fire resistance. The compressive strength of the filler concrete is a key factor affecting the structural behaviour of the composite wall systems, and therefore, achieving maximum compressive strength in lightweight concrete while maintaining its lightweight properties is of significant importance. In this study a new type of optimum polystyrene lightweight concrete (OPLC) with high compressive strength is developed for infill material in composite CFS shear wall systems. To study the seismic behaviour of the OPLC-filled CFS shear wall systems, two full scale wall specimens are tested under cyclic loading condition. The effects of OPLC on load-bearing capacity, failure mode, ductility, energy dissipation capacity, and stiffness degradation of the walls are investigated. It is shown that the use of OPLC as infill in CFS shear walls can considerably improve their seismic performance by: (i) preventing the premature buckling of the stud members, and (ii) changing the dominant failure mode from brittle to ductile thanks to the bond-slip behaviour between OPLC and CFS studs. It is also shown that the design equations proposed by EC8 and ACI 318-14 standards overestimate the shear force capacity of OPLC-filled CFS shear wall systems by up to 80%. This shows it is necessary to propose methods with higher efficiency to predict the capacity of these systems for practical applications.

압축강도 120 MPa, 단위중량 20 kN/m3 고강도 경량 콘크리트 부착-슬립 거동 평가 (Evaluation of Bond-Slip Behavior of High Strength Lightweight Concrete with Compressive Strength 120 MPa and Unit Weight 20 kN/m3)

  • 구동길;오준환;유성원
    • 한국건설순환자원학회논문집
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2023
  • 최근 구조물의 장대화로 인하여 고강도 재료의 경량화 요구가 빈번해지고 있는 실정이다. 하지만 현재까지는 압축강도 120 MPa, 단위중량 20 kN/m3 정도의 고강도 경량 콘크리트를 구조부재에 적용하기 위한 콘크리트와 철근의 부착 특성에 관한 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 압축강도 120 MPa, 단위중량 20 kN/m3 정도의 고강도 경량 콘크리트 108개의 시편을 제작하여 직접 인발 부착실험을 수행하였고, 실험결과와 현행 설계기준과 비교하여 부착특성을 평가하였다. 솔리드버블은 단위중량 감소에 비해서 압축강도 및 탄성계수 감소효과는 상대적으로 적게 나타나, 초경량화를 위해서는 반드시 적용되어야 할 재료로 판단되며, ACI-408R의 부착강도 산정식과 실험결과는 비교적 유사한 것으로 판단되며, 더 낮은 압축강도, 단위중량의 콘크리트보다 더 큰 슬립 및 매개변수 값을 가지는 것으로 나타났다.

Seismic Retrofit Assessment of Different Bracing Systems

  • Sudipta Chakraborty;Md. Rajibul Islam;Dookie Kim;Jeong Young Lee
    • Architectural research
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • Structural ageing influences the structural performance in a negative way by reducing the seismic resilience of the structure which makes it a major concern around the world. Retrofitting is considered to be a pragmatic and feasible solution to address this issue. Numerous retrofitting techniques are devised by researchers over the years. The viability of using steel bracings as retrofitting component is evaluated on a G+30 storied building model designed according to ACI318-14 and ASCE 7-16. Four different types of steel bracing arrangements (V, Inverted V/ Chevron, Cross/ X, Diagonal) are assessed in the model developed in commercial nu-merical analysis software while considering both material and geometric nonlinearities. Reducing displacement and cost in the structures indicates that the design is safe and economical. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to find the best bracing system that causes minimum displacement, which indicates maximum lateral stiffness. To evaluate the seismic vulnerability of each system, incremental dynamic analysis was conducted to develop fragility curves, followed by the formation of collapse margin ratio (CMR) as stipulated in FEMA P695 and finally, a cost estimation was made for each system. The outcomes revealed that the effects of ge-ometric nonlinearity tend to evoke hazardous consequences if not considered in the structural design. Probabilistic seismic and economic probes indicated the superior performance of V braced frame system and its competency to be a germane technique for retrofitting.