• 제목/요약/키워드: 5축 NC 밀링가공

검색결과 8건 처리시간 0.02초

Ruled Surface를 이용한 효율적인 5축 Heel cutting (The Efficient 5-Axis Heel cutting Using Ruled Surface)

  • 공영식;이희관;양균의
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 1997년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.862-867
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    • 1997
  • A 5-axis NC milling technology is presented on ruled surface. Problems in 5-axis NC machining are such as tool interference,tool collision and change of tool attitude,etc. The change of tool attitude causes rotation of cutter and variation of feedrate to overcut part surface. This poor control of tool attitude is the primary problem in multi-axis NC milling. This paper observes ruled surface for control of tool attitude. Ruled surface is composed of directrix and ruling, line of constant magnitude. Directrix corresponds to points on part surface and Ruling cutting tool. Trajectory of tool movement corresponds to ruled surface.

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기계 특성에 근거한 5축 밀링가공 시간의 예측 (5-axis Milling Machining Time Estimation based on Machine Characteristics)

  • 소범식;정희진;정융호
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we present a machining time estimation algorithm for 5-axis high-speed machining. Estimation of machining time plays an important role in process planning and production scheduling of a shop. In contrast to the rapid evolution of machine tools and controllers, machining time calculation is still based on simple algorithms of tool path length divided by input feedrates of NC data, with some additional factors from experience. We propose an algorithm based on 5-axis machine behavior in order to predict machining time more exactly. For this purpose, we first investigated the operational characteristics of 5-axis machines. Then, we defined some dominant factors, including feed angle that is an independent variable for machining speed. With these factors, we have developed a machining time calculation algorithm that has a good accuracy not only in 3-axis machining, but also in 5-axis high-speed machining.

보간 길이 최적화에 의한 5축밀링 가공속도 향상 (Machining Speed Enhancement for 5-Axis Milling by Step Length Optimization)

  • 소범식;정융호
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.422-428
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, an NC data optimization approach for enhancing 5-axis machining speed is presented. It is usual to use expensive commercial CAD/CAM programs for NC data of 5-axis machining, since it needs very large calculations for optimal tool positioning and orientation, tool path planning, and collision-free tool path generation. Since commercial CAD/CAM systems have similar functions and efficiency based on common algorithms of reliable theories, they do not have their own unique features for machining speed and efficiency. In other words, most commercial CAD/CAM systems consider only the characteristics of part geometry to be machined, which means that they generate almost the same NC data if the part to be machined is the same, even though different machines are used for the pin. A new approach is proposed for optimizing NC data of 5-axis machining, which is based on the characteristics of the machine to be operated. As a result, the speed of 5-axis machining can increase without losing machining accuracy and surface quality.

포텐셜 에너지를 이용한 5축 NC 밀링의 공구방향 결정 (Determination of Tool Orientation in 5-Axis Milling Using Potential Energy Method)

  • 조인행;이건우
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 1996
  • In five-axis milling, optimal CL-data (cutter location data) should be generated to have advantages over three-axis milling in terms of accuracy and efficiency. This paper presents an algorithm for generating collision-free CL-data for five-axis milling using potential energy method. By virtually charging the cutter and part surfaces with static electricity, global collision as wells as local interference is eliminated. Additionally, machining efficiency is improved by minimizing the curvature difference between the part surface and tool swept surface at a CC-point (cutter contact point) simultaneously.

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5축 밀링가공기의 직교 특성을 이용한 역기구학 방정식의 유도 (Inverse Kinematics for Five-axis Machines Using Orthogonal Kinematics Chain)

  • 소범식;정융호
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes an efficient algorithm for deriving inverse kinematics equation of 5-axis machine. Because the joint order and direction of 5-axis machine are different for each type of machine, each type of machine needs its own inverse kinematics equation for post-processing of NC data. Also derived inverse kinematics equation may cause problems of indeterminate and inconsistent solution. In order to resolve these problems, we have developed a generic method to derive direct kinematics equation by considering orthogonal joints of 5-axis machines. Using this method, we also have proposed a general algorithm for deriving inverse kinematics equation for various types of 5-axis machines.

6축 병렬기구 공작기계의 머신 시뮬레이션과 앵글밀링헤드 적용에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Application of Machine Simulation and Angle Milling Head of a 6-Axis Parallel Kinematic Machine)

  • 이인수;김해지;김남경
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2017
  • This study examines the implementation of a kinematic machining tool to evaluate the interference and collision phenomenon of 5-axis machining of wing ribs from airplanes, particularly for a large-size model airplane. We develop a machine simulation model of a parallel kinematic machining tool that can operate in a virtual space, which is equivalent to the authentic conditions in the field. The investigation of the simulation function elements indicates the necessity to generate the 6-axis machining, which attaches an angle head to the main axis of the machine. Using an NC program for the wing ribs, we attempt to verify the correspondence and conformity between the machine simulation model and the actual equipment.

5-축 CNC 밀링으로의 자유곡면 가공에 관한 연구 (I) 공구축 방향의 벡터와 포스트 프로세싱 (A Study on the Machining of Sculptured Surfaces by 5-Axis CNC Milling (l) Cutter Axis Direction Verctor and Post-Processing)

  • 조현덕;전용태;양민양
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제17권8호
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    • pp.2001-2011
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    • 1993
  • This study deals with the machining of sculptured surfaces on 5-axis CNC milling machine with end mill cutter. The study (I) has the following contents. In 5-axis CNC milling, CL-data consist of CC-data and cutter axis direction vector at the CC-point. Thus, in machining of the sculptured surface on 5-axis CNC milling machine, determination of the direction vector of the milling cutter is very important. The direction vector is obtained by the fact that bottom plane of the milling cutter must not interfere with the free-form surface being machined. The interference is checked by the z-map method which can be applied in all geometric types of the sculptured surfaces. After generating NC part programs from 5-axis post-processing algorithms, sculptured surfaces were machined with 5-axis CNC milling machine (CINCINNATI MILACRON, 20V-80). From these machining tests, it was shown that the machining of the free-form surfaces on 5-axis CNC milling machine with the end mill has smaller cusp heights and shorter cutting time than on 3-axis CNC milling machine with the ball-end mill. Thus, 5-axis CNC end milling was effective machining method for sculptured surfaces. The study (II) deals with the prediction of cusp height and the determination of tool path interval for the 5-axis machining of sculptured surfaces on the basis of study(I).

공구이동궤적 모델을 이용한 5축 페이스밀링 가공데이터 생성 (Five-axis CL Data Generation by Considering Tool Swept Surface Model in Face Milling of Sculptured Surface)

  • 이정근;박정환
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2004
  • It is well known that the five-axis machining has advantages of tool accessibility and machined surface quality when compared with conventional three-axis machining. Traditional researches on the five-axis tool-path generation have addressed interferences such as cutter gouging, collision, machine kinematics and optimization of a CL(cutter location) or a cutter position. In the paper it is presented that optimal CL data for a face-milling cutter moving on a tool-path are obtained by incorporating TSS(tool swept surface) model. The TSS model from current CL position to the next CL position is constructed based on machine kinematics as well as cutter geometry, with which the deviation from the design surface can be computed. Then the next CC(cutter-contact) point should be adjusted such that the deviation conforms to given machining tolerance value. The proposed algorithm was implemented and applied to a marine propeller machining, which proved effective from a quantitative point of view. In addition, the algorithm using the TSS can also be applied to avoid cutter convex interferences in general three-axis NC machining.