• Title/Summary/Keyword: 5시나리오

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Study on the resignation backgrounds of female workers leaving work after parental leave (육아휴직 후 퇴사한 여성의 퇴사과정과 유형에 관한 탐색적 연구 : 여성의 일-가정 양립을 방해하는 배경을 중심으로)

  • Seo, Jungmi;Kim, Suyoun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.5-42
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates why some female workers come to decide to leave work after their taking parental leave and subsequently classifies their resignation backgrounds into four ideal types. The current debates on parental leave have mostly focused on clarifying the factors that influence on workers' usage of parental leave. But given that the final goal of parental leave is to help workers return to work after temporary rest for parenting, it is very important to inquire why some workers fail in reverting to their companies after parental leave. Based on in-depth interviews with 8 female workers who leave work after parental leave, this study analyses and compares their previous work-family conditions, reasons for taking parental leave and withdrawing from work, and behavioral patterns after resignation. This article then typifies four ideal types of resignation backgrounds (i.e. penalty by company, evasion from work, decision by family, choice for family). At the conclusion, this paper suggests policy alternatives to diminish female workers' resignation after parental leave and to heighten their work-family balance.

An Animated Study Based on Games - based on the 12 Stages of Christopher Vogler's heroic journey

  • Kim, Tak Hoon;Jeon, Cheon Hoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2018
  • The commercial success of the game has also led to animation of the original game, especially the live version of The Street Fighter II in 1994 and a variety of videos of the game-based version, 2D Animation and 3D Animaion until now. But animations are not always successful because they are based on popular and commercially successful games. That's because when the original game was remade into an animation, the difference between the narrative structure of the original game story and the setting of the game and animation is striking. Nevertheless, a feature-length animation based on the Angry Birds game, which was released on May 19, 2016, has also been a huge commercial success, with this paper analyzing the case applied to the 12th stage of Christopher Vogler's hero's journey, Aengibird the Movie, and discussing the way in which the animation developed based on the game compared with other animations. Christopher Vogler, a Hollywood playwright, analyzed the structure of popular-loved movies based on the common narrative of the myth as the main motif of the mythologist Joseph Campbell. His narrative style is a hero's journey, using a total of 12 stages of epic narrative structure to help the protagonist find himself and achieve what he wants. Foreign heroes, adventure films as well as animations from big studios like Disney, Pixar, and Ghibli are using the story-development method of this Christopher Vogler.

The Influence of Startup Ecosystem Components on the Management Performance of Startup: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of the Location Environment (창업생태계 구성요소가 창업기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향: 입지환경 매개변수를 중심으로)

  • You, Tae-Ho;Lee, Seok Kee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to investigate the influence of the components of the startup ecosystem on the business performance of startups, focusing on the mediating effect of the location environment. By presenting the insight that the popularization of start-ups can be an alternative for job creation thanks to the government's start-up support policy considering the location environment, it is possible to construct an optimal configuration scenario between the components of the start-up ecosystem and the location environment. Furthermore, it is expected to contribute to the improvement of corporate management performance. To achieve this goal, we performed a survey and the subjects were domestic start-up company employees with less than 7 years of experience. The results show that the components of the start-up ecosystem had a significant effect on the business performance of start-up companies and the location environment and on the management performance of start-up companies according to the mediation of the location environment.

Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Non-thermal Processed Japanese Foods Using Monte Carlo Simulation (몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 이용한 일식메뉴 중 비가열 처리 식품의 정량적 위해평가)

  • Song, Ju-Hyun;Choi, Yu-Jin;Nang, Hyo-Min;Lee, Kwang-Geun
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this study was to control the outbreak of food pathogen through quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA). We used Monte Calro Simulation (MCS) to predict contamination levels of Staphylococcus aureus on the raw materials, equipments and cook in Japanese restaurant located in Seoul. The result of sensitivity analysis showed that the most significant factor for the outbreak of food pathogen was consumption temperature and storage time. In shrimp and octopus sushi, 'consumption temperature' was the highest sensitivity value of 0.419 followed by 'storage time' of 0.374. To increase safety of sushi, consumers should have sushi as soon as possible after cooking. In sushi 'storage time after cooking' was determined as Critical Control Point (CCP). To determine Control Limit (CL), Scenario Analysis (SA) was carried out. In sushi, SA was carried out using storage time as a unit condition. Safety level of S. aureus was set lower than 5 log CFU/g. After 2 hr 'storage time' the number of S. aureus increased to 3.908 log CFU/g. Therefore, 'storage time' of sushi was set as CL in case of room temperature storage.

Assessment of the Structural Collapse Behavior of Between Offshore Supply Vessel and Leg in the Jack-up Drilling Rig (잭업드릴링 리그의 레그와 작업 지원선 충돌에 의한 구조붕괴 거동 평가)

  • Park, Joo-Shin;Seo, Jung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.601-609
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    • 2022
  • Jack-up drilling rigs are mobile offshore platforms widely used in the offshore oil and gas exploration industry. These are independent, three-legged, self-elevating units with a cantilevered drilling facility for drilling and production. A typical jack-up rig includes a triangular hull, a tower derrick, a cantilever, a jackcase, living quarters and legs which comprise three-chord, open-truss, X-braced structure with a spudcan. Generally, jack-up rigs can only operate in water depths ranging from 130m to 170m. Recently, there has been an increasing demand for jack-up rigs for operating at deeper water levels and harsher environmental conditions such as waves, currents and wind loads. All static and dynamic loads are supported through legs in the jack-up mode. The most important issue by society is to secure the safety of the leg structure against collision that causes large instantaneous impact energy. In this study, nonlinear FE -analysis and verification of the requirement against collision for 35MJ recommended by DNV was performed using LS-Dyna software. The colliding ship used a 7,500ton of shore supply vessel, and five scenarios of collisions were selected. From the results, all conditions do not satisfy the class requirement of 35MJ. The loading conditions associated with chord collision are reasonable collision energy of 15M and brace collisions are 6MJ. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the identical collision criteria by DNV need to be modified based on collision scenarios and colliding members.

Performance evaluation of hyperspectral image for morphological mapping (초분광 영상을 활용한 하상 측정 성능 평가 )

  • Youngcheol Seo;Dongsu Kim;Hojun You;Yeonghwa Gwon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.225-225
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    • 2023
  • 하상 측정은 하천 유지관리, 수공구조물 설계 및 보수, 수생태 조사의 필수적인 자료이다. 최근 4대강 대규모 사업 이후 자연적 안정화로 인해 침식 및 재퇴적이 진행되어 정밀 하상 모니터링이 요구되고 있다. 통상적인 하상 조사 기법은 레벨측량 및 RTK-GPS 등을 활용하여 점단위로 직접 계측하는 기법과 수심이 깊을 경우 ADCP와 같은 음향측심기법을 통해 하상변동을 계측하고 있다. 하지만 점단위 직접 측정은 사구와 사련과 같은 하상 구조 교란 및 계측 시 위험을 동반하고 수심자료의 측정오차가 크게 발생하는 한계점이 존재한다. 또한 초음파 방식의 경우 막음길이와 바닥면 노이즈 등의 한계점으로 50 cm 미만의 저수심부 하상 측정이 불가능한 실정이다. 이러한 한계점을 극복하기 위해 최근 드론의 보급으로 수심라이다(Bathymetry LiDAR), SFM, 드론 탑재 초분광 영상을 활용한 초분광수심법과 같은 저고도, 고해상도의 비접촉식 면단위 하상 측정 기법이 대안으로 각광받고 있고 최근 관심은 해당 최신 기술의 성능 점검 및 적용성 평가에 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 초분광수심법 중 보편적으로 적용할 수 있는 최적밴드비분석(OBRA)의 성능 점검과 실무 적용성을 국내 하천을 대상으로 검토하였다. 해당 기술의 실무 적용성 평가항목 중 수심 적용 범위가 경제적이고 효율적인 성능 평가의 주된 항목이다. 선행 연구에 따르면 감천을 대상으로 저수심부의 성능 평가를 진행한 결과 상세한 하상계측이 가능하다고 제시하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 낙동강-황강 합류부를 대상으로 전형적인 평수기 탁도 조건에서 초분광수심법을 적용할 경우 최대측정가능수심의 범위를 결정하는 방법 및 결과를 제시하려고 한다. 또한 현장실험 당시 합천댐 방류로 인하여 황강의 탁도가 높아진 상태에 기인하여 고탁도 조건에서 초분광수심법의 적용성 평가도 추가 검토하였다. 해당 연구는 수심과 밴드비의 비선형성을 통해 최적 밴드비 분석의 결과로 도출될 수 있는 상관계수와 평균 제곱근 오차(RMSE)의 동향을 보아 다양한 시나리오의 배제수심을 통해 최대측정가능수심을 산정하였으며 그 이상의 범위는 수심맵 산정에서 제외하였다. 그 결과로 낙동강 본류에서 2.5 m 이하, 황강 지류에서 1.25 m 이하의 최대측정가능수심이 나타났고 해당 범위 이하에서는 상세한 하상이 나타났다. 또한 고탁도 조건인 황강에서는 낙동강에 비해 절반 수준의 최대측정가능수심 범위가 나타나 탁도 조건에 따른 초분광수심법의 한계가 있는 것을 확인하였다.

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Modeling of Dam collapse using PMF and MCE conditions (PMF 및 MCE조건을 적용한 댐 붕괴 모델링)

  • Lee, Dong Hyeok;Jun, Kye Won;Lee, Byung Dae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.368-368
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    • 2020
  • 최근 초대형화 되어 나타나고 있는 이상홍수와 지진 등에 의한 저수지 붕괴와 같은 대규모 비상상황 발생으로 하류지역 주민의 생명과 재산의 피해가 발생하고 있다. 국내의 경우 1996년 이후로 지속적으로 발생하고 있는 이상홍수로 인해 1998년에는 40개,1999년에는 5개의 소규모 저수지가 붕괴되었으며 최근 2013년과 2014년에도 저수지가 붕괴되는 상황이 발생했다. 댐붕괴의 원인은 구조물의 자연적 노화, 극심한 강우나 홍수, 지진, 제체전도, 파이핑, 침윤발생, 월류 및 파랑 등에 의한 자연적 상황 등이 요인이 될 수 있으며, 시공결함, 사고 또는 전쟁과 같은 인위적인 요인으로 발생할 수도 있다. 과거에 설계 및 시공기술이 부족하였거나 경제적인 이유로 부실하게 건설되어 있는 댐이 세계적으로 산재되어 있어 잠재적인 위험을 상당수 내재하고 있는 실정이다. 본연구는 댐의 점진적인 파괴에 의해 발생하는 유출수문곡선을 구하고 파괴의 성질을 예측 및 홍수파를 수리학적으로 추적하기위해 BREACH 모형과 DAMBRK 모형을 사용했으며 극한홍수(PMF)조건과와 최대지진발생(MCE)조건을 적용하여 원주시 관내 저수지 붕괴 모의 시나리오를 구축했다. 저수지 붕괴에 따른 유출수문곡선을 유도하기 위해서 본 연구에서는 기존의 EAP보고서 자료를 참고하여 붕괴지속시간, 붕괴부 평균폭, 붕괴부 측벽면 경사의 변화에 따라 다양한 모의를 수행함으로써 발생되는 붕괴부 유량 수문곡선을 도출하여 각각의 조건들이 붕괴파 형성에 미치는 영향에 대한 분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 저수지의 붕괴시 첨두유출량에 민감한 영향을 주는 인자는 붕괴지속시간과, 붕괴부 평균폭으로서 이들 값이 붕괴유출량 변화에 많은 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 최대지진발생(MCE)조건 해석결과 홍수류의 범람으로 인해 홍수파가 하류측으로 진행할수록 완만히 감소하며, 하천 중·상류부 인근 제내지로 홍수류의 범람이 발생하는 것으로 검토되었으며, 극한홍수(PMF)조건 해석결과 최대지진발생(MCE)조건과 같이 홍수파가 하류측으로 진행할수록 완만히 감소하는 특성을 보이며, 하천 전체 구간에서 인근제내지로 홍수류의 범람이 발생하는 것으로 검토되었다. 본 연구는 침수구역 피해규모 산정 및 비상대처계획도를 작성시 기초데이터가 되어 상황별 피해예상지역에 대해 응급행동요령, 주민대피계획비상대처계획을 수립하여 지역 주민생활에 안정을 기여하고자 한다.

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A Study on the Indirect Benefits of Undergrounding Overhead Power Line Projects in an Urban Area Using Contingent Valuation Method (조건부가치측정법(CVM)을 이용한 도심지 송전선로 지중화사업의 간접편익 추정)

  • Park, Chan-Ho;Kim, Sung-Keun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6D
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    • pp.871-879
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    • 2008
  • Recently, as there are a rise in the standard of living and higher concerns of an electromagnetic wave and environment, undergrounding the aerial cables which are supported by large pylons and generally considered as the least attractive feature of an urban area is on an increasing trend to improve aesthetic benefits and electric reliability. This study applied Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) which is expected to become an effective tool to measure indirect benefit to estimate the substantial benefits of undergrounding overhead power line projects in an urban area. The tunneling construction project of the 345kV Shinsungnam electric power cable in Seongnam city was selected and a hypothetical scenario was given to respondents to determine their levels of Willingness to Pay (WTP) for undergrounding overhead power lines. The result from the estimation of the WTP of undergrounding overhead power lines in Seongnam city was calculated as approximately 17.1 billion won. Placing existing overhead lines underground is difficult to justify economically. Most undergrounding costs appear to be justified by aesthetic and public policy considerations. Therefore, considering the result of this study, undergrounding overhead power lines is of great benefit to public.

A Study on the Prediction Model for Bioactive Components of Cnidium officinale Makino according to Climate Change using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 기후변화에 따른 천궁 생리 활성 성분 예측 모델 연구)

  • Hyunjo Lee;Hyun Jung Koo;Kyeong Cheol Lee;Won-Kyun Joo;Cheol-Joo Chae
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2023
  • Climate change has emerged as a global problem, with frequent temperature increases, droughts, and floods, and it is predicted that it will have a great impact on the characteristics and productivity of crops. Cnidium officinale is used not only as traditionally used herbal medicines, but also as various industrial raw materials such as health functional foods, natural medicines, and living materials, but productivity is decreasing due to threats such as continuous crop damage and climate change. Therefore, this paper proposes a model that can predict the physiologically active ingredient index according to the climate change scenario of Cnidium officinale, a representative medicinal crop vulnerable to climate change. In this paper, data was first augmented using the CTGAN algorithm to solve the problem of data imbalance in the collection of environment information, physiological reactions, and physiological active ingredient information. Column Shape and Column Pair Trends were used to measure augmented data quality, and overall quality of 88% was achieved on average. In addition, five models RF, SVR, XGBoost, AdaBoost, and LightBGM were used to predict phenol and flavonoid content by dividing them into ground and underground using augmented data. As a result of model evaluation, the XGBoost model showed the best performance in predicting the physiological active ingredients of the sacrum, and it was confirmed to be about twice as accurate as the SVR model.

Effects of Cognitive Heuristics on the Decisions of Actual Judges and Mock Jury Groups for Simulated Trial Issues (가상적인 재판 쟁점에서의 현역판사의 판단과 모의배심의 집단판단에 대한 인지적 방략의 효과)

  • Kwang B. Park;Sang Joon Kim;Mi Young Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.59-84
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    • 2005
  • Three studies were conducted to examine the degree to which three common heuristics, anchoring heuristic, framing effect and representative-ness heuristic, influence the decision-making precesses of actual judges and 5-persons mock juries. With scenarios regarding various issues that are commonly raised in actual criminal and civil trials, study 1 examined the 158 actual judges' decisions. In study 2, the decisions of 80 mock jury groups that consisted of college students were examined with similar scenarios. And individual decisions were examined in study 3 to compare with the group decisions in study 2. The decision processes of the actual judges and the mock jury groups alike were found to be influenced by "anchors". But the biases by the anchoring heuristic were more pronounced in the group decisions than in the decisions of the actual judges. With respect to framing effect, the actual judges were found to be resistant, while a small effect was found in the decisions of mock jury groups. Representative-ness biases weren't found in the decisions of both the actual judges and mock juries. The implications of the results for judicial systems were discussed.

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