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    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 1988
  • 내담자와 상담자간의 관계형성 추진에 관한 연구가 C. Rogers에 의해 시작된 이래, 돕는자 또는 상담자가 가져야 할 주요 조건으로서 공감, 존중, 온정, 확고부동함, 진지성, 자기노출, 직면반응 등을 들고 있으며 이중 둘 또는 세 요소 등을 선택하여 그 효과를 보고 있으나 역시 가장 주요한 요소로써는 공감을 들고 있다. 공감에 관한 연구는 그 본질의 정서적 측면, 인지적 측면 또는 복합적인 측면을 강조하면서 시도되고 있으나 간호원은 돕는자로써 환자의 문제해결을 위한 전수자적 역할을 해야한다는 점을 고려할때 간호현상에서의 공감에 관한 연구는 복합적인 측면을 강조하는 공감이 어 야 한다고 생각한다. 간호학자들도 간호원의 돕는 행위중 주요 요소로써 공감을 들고 있으며 특히 Lamonica는 공감측정을 위한 도구를 개발하였으며 공감이란 환자가 간호원이 환자의 입장을 이해하고 도와준다는 사실을 인지하고 그 고마움을 표현하는 것을 의미한다고 하였다. 본 연구자는 간호원-환자간의 촉진적 관계형성을 위한 교육내용 개발에 대한 기본 연구로써 한국인의 공감 정도를 측정할 수 있는 도구개발의 중요성을 느껴 Lamonica 의 공감측정 도구를 번역하게 되었다. 본 연구의 구체적인 목적은 미국문화권에서 사용되는 공감측정 도구가 한국인에게 적합하고 의미있게 번역되었는지를 확인하고 또한 한국인이 인지한 공감에 대한 탐색을 하는데 있다. 위 목적달성을 위하여 횡문화적 연구과정을 통한 개념분석, 도구 개발에 대한 통계분석을 시도하였다. 한국인의 공감 개념 분석을 위하여 미국 텍사스 오스틴에 있는 한국인에게 공감의 뜻, 동의어, 어떤 경우에 공감을 느꼈는지, 어떤 경우에 비공감적임을 느꼈는지를 물은 결과 한국인이 갖는 공감의 의미는 미국인의 것과 유사하지만 그 표현방법의 차이가 있음을 알게 되었다. 따라서 두 국가에서 사용되는 공감의 의미가 유사하고 또한 간호학자인 Lamonica가 개발한 공감측정 도구를 한국인에게 사용하는데 무리가 없을 것으로 판단되었다. 도구의 번역은 텍사스 주립대학 박사과정 지원생인 임상 심리 학자에게 의뢰하고 그 정확성을 판단하기 위해 인간을 대상으로 하는 학문을 연구하는 한국인(간호학, 사회학, 신문방송, 광고학, 심리학 전공)에게 그 정확성 유무를 물어 최고 27점, 최하 9점중 22점 미만인 문항에 대해서는 미국 간호학자와 의논하여 수정ㆍ보완하였다. 그 후 일반인으로 간주되는 한국인에게 그 도구의 이해 여부를 확인한 후 통계분석을 시도하였다. 대상자는 미국 텍사스 오스틴에 거주하면서 한국을 떠난지 3년 미만인 성인 45명을 대상으로 하였다. 2차에 걸친 자료수집 과정상 5명의 자료는 분석 불가능하다고 판단되어 총 40명의 자료를 spss- X를 이용하여 cronbach's alpha, test-retest stability, intercorrelation matrix 분석을 통한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) cronbach's alpha는 1차 .9353 2차 .9666으로써 문항의 동질성을 보였고, 3, 4주 간격으로 행한 test-retest stability는 .7619(p=000)이였다. 2) 반면에 intercorrelation matrix에서는 역관계 또는 무관계를 보였으며 84문항중 26문항의 item-to-total correlation값이 .35미만이었고 이 중 16문항은 .30 미만이었다. 이들을 제외한 68문항과 58문항의 각각의 item-to-total correlation간은 .96이었고 test retest stability 역시 .76으로써 84문항 전체에 관한 값과 유사하였다. 3) 역상관 또는 무상관의 값을 보인 문항을 미국 간호학자와 재검토한 결과 본래 문항에서의 단어 의미가 복합적이거나 불분명한 것이었고 또는 미국 문화권에서 사용되는 특이한 용어임을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 한국인 공감 측정 도구의 타당성을 높이기 위해 역통역을 시도하였다. 그후 공감에 관한 연구를 하고 있는 미국 학자에게 그 정확성을 판단하여 최종적으로 58문항이 한국인 공감측정 도구로서 적합하다는 판단을 하였다. 위 결과를 통한 결론 및 제언은 다음과 같다. 인간의 행위는 조건화된 문화권에 따라 다를 수 있으며, 이것은 같은 현상을 인지하는데도 영향을 미치게 되며 본 연구와 같이 어떤 현상에 대한 횡문화적 연구는 그 행위를 이해하는데 도움을 준다. 그러나 한국에서 간호에 대한 연구가 한국적 토착화 과정에 있으므로 그 연구 방법이나 도구사용이 서구의 것을 도입해야 하는 입장을 고려할 때 도구번역 과정은 원래의 의미나 함축성을 내포한 번역이어야 하며 소홀히 해서는 안될 과정임을 재확인되었다. 또한 추후 연구로써 다양한 계층의 다수를 대상으로 한 한국인 공감 측정 도구의 타당성을 재확인해야 하며 요인분석을 시도할 필요성이 있다고 사려된다.

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건설산업경쟁력 강화와 부실방지대책(안)

  • 한국주택협회
    • 주택과사람들
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    • no.54 s.71
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    • pp.185-206
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    • 1996
  • 1.건설제도의 국제화와 경쟁기반 구축 $\bullet$건설산업을 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$사후관리 등 전 분야에 걸쳐 경쟁력 있는 산업으로 육성-기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$유지관리 등 건설산업 전반에 관한 기본사항을 법제화-대규모 공사의 경우 발주자를 대신하여 건설공사의 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$발주$\cdot$감리$\cdot$시공관리 등 업무의 전부 또는 일부를 종합적으로 조정$\cdot$관리하는 $\lceil$건설사업관리$\rfloor$제도를 도입 $bullet$건설공사 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입을 통한 하도급제도의 정비-전문건설업자로부터 하도급, 위탁, 고용 등의 형태로 공사에 참여하는 현장근로자를 신고 받아 권익을 보호하고 시공책임도 부과하는 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입 $\bullet$공사완성보증제, 손해배상보증제도를 도입하고, 신용상태 $\cdot$시공능력에 따라 보증 요율 등을 차등화 하여 부실업체를 배제 $\bullet$건설공사관련 각종 계약서와 시방서 등 제기준을 정비하여 발주자$\cdot$시공자 등 건설주체간의 역할과 책임을 명확화$\bullet$건설분쟁을 신속하고 객관적으로 조정$\cdot$중재하기 위하여 $\lceil$건설분쟁중재원$\rfloor$으로 확대 개편 2. 건설인력의 육성과 고용안정$\bullet$경쟁력 제고의 관건인 우수인력 확보를 위하여 대학교육 제도의 개선을 포함한 건설 인력 수급대책을 추진 - 대학의 건설관련 학과 정원을 2000년까지 매년 일정규모로 증원하여 고급기술 인력을 배출 현재 50$\%$에 불과한 건설관련 국가기술자격자를 2000년에 70$\%$까지 제고 - 감리 등 전문인력을 양성하고, 선진외국 감리 회사를 활용하여 국내 업계와의 경쟁을 유도 $\bullet$건설현장의 최일선에서 품질을 담당하고 있는 건설기능공의 고용안정과 복지향상을 위한 획기적인 대책을 마련 - 건설기능공의 자긍심과 사회적 책임의식을 고취하기 위해 기능공이 여러 현장을 전전하여 근무하더라도 경력관리, 공제금 등의 합산 관리가 가능하도록 $\lceil$건설 근로자 복지카드$\rfloor$제도를 도입 *$\lceil$건실시연구단$\rfloor$을 구성$\cdot$구체적인 운영방안을 수립 - 건설 업체 실정에 맞는 현장위주의 기능검정제도 도입 $\cdot$자격증이 현장에서 요구되는 기능수준과 숙련도를 제대로 반영할 수 있도록 검정방법을 현장 실기위주로 개선하고 자격검정업무도 건설협회 등의 자격 검정능력을 향상시켜 위탁$\cdot$시행하는 방안을 검토 3. 공사시행기관의 전문성과 책임성 제고 $\bullet$시장이 개방되어 건설공사가 국제적인 관행에 따라 이루어질 것에 대비하여 시행기관에 계약$\cdot$공사관리 등 전문직공무원을 집중 교육하여 양성 $\bullet$ 조달청이 대행하여 공사계약을 하는 경우라도 설계변경은 발주기관이 자체적으로 할 수 있도록 허용 $\bullet$ 기술직 공무원의 기술향상을 위하여 관련 공무원의 확충, 해외연수, 현장교육 강화 등을 지속적으로 추진 $\bullet$ 충분한 사전조사를 거쳐 사업계획을 수립하도록 $\lceil$건설공사 시행절차$\rfloor$를 규정 $\bullet$ 공사기간 3년 이상의 공사에 대하여는 최대한 계속비사업으로 편성토록 계속비제도의 운영을 활성화 4. 건설현장의 품질관리체제 구축 $\bullet$ 현장배쳐플랜트 설치를 확대하여 레미콘의 품질관리를 일원화하고 현장에서 레이콘을 배합하는 건식공법을 채택 - 현장레미콘생산시설(B/P)설치 확대로 콘크리트 하자에 대한 책임한계 일원화 유도 - 레미콘 재료인 골재$\cdot$시멘트$\cdot$물을 공장에서 혼합하여 공급하는 현행 습식배합 대신에 물만을 현장에서 혼합하는 건식 배합방식을 도입 $\bullet$철강재$\cdot$철구조물의 품질을 보증하기 위하여 일정기술을 갖춘 공장에서만 제작토록 하는$\lceil$공장인증제$\rfloor$를 도입 - 제작시설과 품질관리 등을 심사하여 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 사후관리를 일괄 책임질 수 있도록 $\lceil$시공 및 유지관리 일괄계약제도$\rfloor$를 도입 - 대형교량$\cdot$소각로$\cdot$하수처리장 등 유지관리에 전문성이 요구되는 분야부터 시범적으로 도입 $\bullet$건설자재의 표준화$\cdot$정보화사업을 조속히 추진 5. 건설업체에 대한 지원 강화 $\bullet$일부 공공사업자의 경우 관행화되어 있는 대금일부의 어음 또는 채권지급방법을 단계적으로 축소 $\bullet$매월 감독이나 감리원의 기성확인에 의하여 시공자에게 공사대금을 직접 지급토록 하는 등 대금 지급절차를 간소화 6. 민간 건축물에 대한 안전확보 $\bullet$충실한 설계가 이루어지도록 제도를 개선 - 설계도서 작성기준을 제정하고 다중이용시설에 대하여는 건축심의단계에서 구조검토 등 설계심의를 의무화 $\bullet$대형다중이용시설에 대한 감리 강화 - 감리전문회사 수준의 감리체제로 전환하고 감리대가도 공공수준으로 인상하고 적용요율대로 지도$\cdot$감독 강화

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  • Song, Gwang-Chul;Lee, Chang-Seop;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Nan-Young
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the sterilization effect of Er:YAG laser against the intraoral acid producing bacterium, S. mutans, by irradiating the culture solution containing S. mutans KCTC 3065 with Er:YAG laser having a $650{\mu}m$ diameter beam through the non-contact method. We obtained the following results after examining the temperature changes of the culture solution, numbers of bacterial colonies, and acid-producing ability and attaching ability on teeth by measuring the amount of extracellular polysaccharide produced by S. mutans. The number of bacterial colony was decreased in $10{\mu}l$ culture solution irradiated with laser in overall compared to the control solution. The number decreased as the irradiation intensity and pulse repetition rate were larger and as the exposure time was increased. However, it did not change significantly in $100{\mu}l$ culture solution compared to the control solution. Although the acid-producing ability of S. mutans was inhibited for a certain duration after laser irradiation in 10r1 bacterial culture solution, it did not change in $100{\mu}m$ solution compared with the control solution. The amount of extracellular polysaccharide synthesized by S. mutans was partially decreased through laser irradiation in $10{\mu}m$ culture solution but did not change in $100{\mu}m$ culture solution. Based on these findings, we concluded that Er:YAG laser has an sterilization effect on S. mutans in which we presume that the mechanism is through the heat effect rather than the mechanical effect from development of ultrasound.

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Effect of Saengmaec-san on the Level of Blood Glucose and Serum Components in Streptozocin-Induced Diabetic Rats (생맥산의 식이가 Streptozocin으로 유도된 당뇨 Rat의 혈당과 혈청 성분 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Yang, Hye-Jin;Kim, Mi-Hwan;Ryu, Gi-Hyung;Jung, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1179-1186
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of saengmaec-san on the level of blood glucose and serum components in streptozocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. The experimental groups were divided into normal group (normal), diabetic control group (Dia-control), 10% saengmaec-san (white ginseng) group (DA), 10% saengmaec-san (fermented white ginseng) group (DB), 10% saengmaec-san (fermented red ginseng) group (DC), 5% saengmaec-san (extruded and fermented white ginseng) group (DDL), 10% saengmaec-san (extruded and fermented white ginseng) group (DDH). The body weight after induction of diabetes was 85.4% in the Dia-control group compared with the normal group. But in the DA group, the body weight showed clear sign of recovery almost normal level after administration of saengmaec-san for two weeks. The food efficiency ratios (FER) were 5.94% in the normal group. But it was significantly decreased in the Dia-control group (0.58%). All the treatment groups showed increase of FER compared with the Dia-control group. The level of blood glucose was significantly increased in the STZ-induced diabetes groups but it was decreased in all the treatment groups after administration for 2 weeks. Serum creatinine level were significantly higher in the STZ-induced diabetes groups and after administration of saengmaeg-san for 2 weeks while the level of serum creatinine was decreased 33.3% in the DB group. After administration of saengmaec-san for two weeks, serum total cholesterol level were significantly lower in all treatment groups than the first day of the total cholesterol level. The level of serum triglyceride was increased in all the treatment groups compared with the first day of triglyceride level. The level of serum HDL-cholesterol, after STZ-induced diabetes, was decreased in all treatment groups but particularly in the DDL and DDH groups increased HDL-cholesterol level compared with the first day of the saengmaec-san administration. Compared with the beginning of experiment, Atherogenic index (AI) were significantly decreased in all treatment groups than the Dia-control group and showed clear sign of recovery almost normal level. These results suggested that the saengmaec-san could be developed as an antidiabetic agent.

Study of Hedyotis Diffusa Methanol Extract on Anti-tumoral Effect and Mechanism (백화사설초(白花蛇舌草) 메탄올 추출물(抽出物)의 항종양(抗腫瘍) 효과(效果) 및 항암(抗癌) 기전(機轉)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • No, Hoon-Jeong;Moon, Gu;Moon, Seok-Jae;Won, Jin-Hee;Moon, Young-Ho;Park, Rae-Gil
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.81-97
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    • 2000
  • Objectives: This experimental study was carried out to evaluate the effects of aqueous and methanol extracts of Hedyotis diffusa which has long been used for cancer treatment in oriental medicines on the induction of apoptotic cell death in human lymphoid leukemia cell line, HL-60. Methods: Cells were treated with various concentrations (200 to $0.4{\mu}g$) and periods (6 to 30 hr) of $H_2O$ and methanol extracts of Hedyotis diffusa. Then, cells were tested for viability by MTT assay. Cells wrere treated with $200{\mu}g/ml$ of methanol extract fork various periods. Genomic DNA was isolated, separated, on 1.5% agarose gels, stained with ethidium bromide and visualized under UV light. Cells were treated with $200{\mu}g/ml$ of each extract for 16 hr. Then, cells were treated with Hoechst dye 33342 and observed by fluorescence microscopy. Cells were treated with various doses of each for 12 hr and $100{\mu}g/ml$ of methanol extract for various periods. Lysate from the cells used to measure the activity of Caspase-1 and-3 proteases by using fluorogenic peptide substrates including acetyl-YVAD-AMC and acetyl-DEVD-AMC, respectively. Cells were treated with $200{\mu}g/ml$ of each extract for various periods. Cell lysates were immunoprecipated with anti-JNKl antibodies. The immune complex was reacted with $32^p-ATP$ and c-Jun as a substrate. The phosphotransferase activity of JNKI was measured by using PhosphoImage analyzer (Fuji Co., Japan). Nuclear extracts were isolated and incubated with oligonucleotide probe of $NF-{\kappa}B$. Transcriptional activation of ${\kappa}B$ was measured by using EMSA and visualized by PhosphoImage analyzer (Fuji Co, Japan). Cell lysates were prepared and analyzed by Western blotting with anti-Bc12 antibodies and anti-Bax antibodies. Cells were pretreated with various doses of methanol extract for 2 hr. Then, the extract was removed by centrifugation. Cells were resuspended with RPMI-1640 media containing 0.3% agarose, 10% FBS, overlayred onto bottom layer agarose and incubated at $CO_2$ incubator for 6 days. The number of colony was counted under light microscopy ($\time100$). Results: The death of HL-60 cells was markedly induced by the addition of methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa in a dose and time-dependent manners. The apoptotic characteristic ladder pattern of DNA strand break was observed in death of HL-60 cells. In addition, it was shown nucleus chromatin condensation and fragmentation under Hoechst staining. Therefore, Hedyotis diffusa extract-induced death of HL-60 cells is mediated by apoptotic signaling processes. The activity of Caspase 3-like proteases remained in a basal level in HL-60 cells treated with aqueous extract of Hedyotis diffusa. However, it was markedly increased in HL-60 cells treated with methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. In addition, the phosphotransferase activity of JNKl was increased in HL-60 cells treated with methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. Furthermore, the activation of transcriptional activator, $NF-{\kappa}B$ was markedly induced by methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. Anti-apoptotic Bc12 was cleaved into 23Kda fragment by treatment of methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. However, expression of proapoptotic Bax protein was increased by treatment of methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, methanol extract markedly inhibited the colony forming efficiency of HL-60 cells in semisolid agar culture. Conclusions: Above results suggest that methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa induces the apoptotic death of human leukemic HL-60 cells via activations of Caspase-3 proteases, JNKI, transcriptional activator $NF-{\kappa}B$, In addition, our results also suggest that methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa reduces the malignant potential of HL-60 cells via down regulation of colony forming effciency through cleavage of Bc12 as well as induction of Bax.

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Frequency and clinical characteristics of prenatally diagnosed congenital hydronephrosis and outcomes of ureteropelvic junction stenosis (산전 진단된 선천성 수신증의 빈도 및 임상적 특성과 신우요관 이행부 협착의 경과)

  • Kang, Hyun Soo;Sung, June Seung;Kim, Sun Hui;Back, Hee Jo;Kim, Young Ok;Kim, Chan Jong;Choi, Young Youn;Hwang, Tai Ju
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.8
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    • pp.870-874
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Popular use of fetal ultrasonography has increased to detect congenital hydronephrosis(CH) which is the most common anomaly prenatally detected. We'd like to determine the frequency and clinical characteristics of prenatally diagnosed CH and outcome of ureteropelvic junction stenosis(UPJS). Methods : The records of births between January 1994 and June 2003 in Chonnam National University Hospital(CNUH), and the records of children who were diagnosed with CH in the Department of Pediatrics of CNUH during the above period, were retrospectively analyzed. In the patients with UPJS, the initial anterior posterior diameters of renal pelvis(APD) were compared between the spontaneous regression (SR) and operation group(OP). In the SR group, sequential regression rates of APD were estimated. Results : Among a total 9,076 births, 231(2.54 percent) patients with 293 renal units were diagnosed as CH and 19(6.78 percent) renal units spontaneously regressed 3 days after birth. In 228 children(56 bilateral; 172 unilateral; total 284 renal units) diagnosed with CH in the department of pediatrics of CNUH, male(71.9 percent) and left kidney(69.2 percent) predilection were found and 78.1 percent of CH were caused by UPJS. The initial APD of the SR group(121 units) in UPJS was $7.8{\pm}6.28mm$, which was significantly smaller than the APD($26.8{\pm}12.14mm$) of the OP group(25 unit)(P<0.05). In the SR group, 81 percent spontaneously regressed within one year. Conclusions : In CH, male and left kidney predilection were found. UPJS was the most common cause of CH and initial APD in UPJS at 3 days of age was a good prognostic indicator. Close monitoring should be done for at least one year because most SR in UPJS regressed spontaneously within one year.

Studies on the Anticancer Effect of Apigenin in KB Cell Xenograft Nude Mouse Model (구강암 세포주를 이종 이식한 누드마우스에서 apigenin의 경구투여에 따른 항암효능에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Seok;Seo, Hyeong-Seok;Kim, So-Jung;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Kim, Jin;Lee, Seung-Ho;Park, Young-Seok;Park, Byung-Kwon;Kim, Byeong-Soo;Kim, Sang-Ki;Jung, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1519-1524
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    • 2010
  • Apigenin (4', 5, 7-trihydroxyflavone), a common dietary flavonoid abundantly present in fruits and vegetables, has shown remarkable anti-proliferative effects against various malignant cell lines. To observe the anti-proliferative effects, oral cavity cancer cell lines, $6{\times}10^3$ cells/well (96 well plate) of KB oral cavity tumor cells were plated and 24 hr later treated with apigenin for one day, after which MTT assay was performed. Apigenin induced cell death in a dose-dependent manner after incubation. Cell viability was significantly decreased in the group treated with 100 ${\mu}M$ apigenin for 24 hr (p<0.05) compared to the control group. To assess apoptosis, the nuclei of KB cells were stained with DAPI. The presence of chromatin condensation in the apigenin treated cells was detected on a fluorescent microscope (${\times}200$). We investigated the in vivo growth inhibitory effects of apigenin on oral cavity cancer KB tumor xenograft subcutaneously implanted in male nude mice. Apigenin was administered to mice by gavage at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg/day in 0.2ml of PBS. Tumor volume was significantly decreased in 25 and 50 mg/kg apigenin-administration groups compared to the control group. For apoptosis analysis, TUNEL staining was performed. A significant increase in TUNEL positive cells was found in the 25 mg/kg apigenin administration group compared to the non- apigenin administration group. Histopathological changes were not observed. These results indicate that apigenin inhibits oral cavity cancer cell growth through the induction of apoptosis.

Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of Inactivated HM175 Strain Hepatitis A Vaccine in Healthy Korean Children (건강한 한국 소아에서 HM175주 A형 간염 불활화 백신의 면역원성 및 이상반응에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang Hwi;Pyun, Bok Yang;Hong, Young Jin;Kang, Jin Han
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.120-128
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : Active immunization against hepatitis A with an inactivated vaccine reveals excellent immunogenicity, tolerability and protective efficacy. Inactivated hepatitis A vaccines have been selectively used since 1996 in Korea to prevent hepatitis A. This study was performed to assess the immunogenicity and reactogenicity after two doses of HM175 strain hepatitis A vaccine in healthy Korean children. Methods : 128 healthy children(M/F; 65/63) aged 1 to 15 years, who were seronegative for hepaitatis A, participated in this study. A alum-adsorbed vaccine containing 720 EL.U of antigen form HM175 hepatitis A strain per 0.5 mL dose was injected intramuscularly on the deltoid area. The second dose was given 6 months later, Anti-HAV antibodies were measured by ELISA before and 1 month after each vaccination to assess the immunogenicity. Any local and general adverse events were reported by patients parents with the prepared questionnaire after each vaccination. Results : 120 volunteers(M/F; 60/60) completed the whole series of the study. Seroconversion occurred in all cases after primary and booster vaccination. The mean anti-HAV antibody titer after primary vaccination was 389.2mIU/mL, and 3,609mIU/mL after booster vaccination. And levels of anti-HAV antibodies after booster immunization were significantly higher in female children. The most common local adverse event was soreness on the injection site, but it was mild and resolves within 3 days. Fever was not reported after booster vaccination. Conclusion : Based on these data, we conclude that the inactivated HM175 strain hepatitis A vaccine is highly immunogenic and tolerable in healthy Korean children.

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Epidemiological Studies of Avian Reovirus Infection in Broilers in Korea (국내 육계에서의 조류 레오바이러스 감염에 대한 역학 조사)

  • Kim, J.M.;Kim, M.J.;Song, J.S.;Mo, I.P.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2008
  • Avian reovirus (ARV) is a causative agent of viral arthritis/tenosynovitis, and malabsorption syndrome in broiler. The characteristics of malabsorption syndrome caused by ARV are diarrhea, poor feed conversion and stunting. Therefore, ARV infection has been recognized as one of the most important disease in the poultry industry because of economical losses. However, few study of ARV infection in broiler industry has been conducted in Korea. To evaluate the presence of ARV infection in broiler farms, epidemiological survey such as serological test and virus isolation has been conducted. For the serological survey using ELISA method, we selected five broiler farms which were located at different area and had a history of growth retardation, lameness, diarrhea and poor feathering. From these farms serum samples were collected at 1 day, 14 days and market age. All these farms had no history of vaccination against ARV. In addition to serological survey, we tried to isolate ARV from birds of designated farms at market age and collected feces and tissue samples such as cecal tonsil, intestine and liver. We were identified ARV by RT-PCR and transmissible electron microscopy. The samples were inoculated into 9-day-old embryonated eggs via the chorioallantoic membrane to observe the pock formation. For the pathogenicity test of ARV isolates, we inoculated with the isolates to the right footpad of 3-week-old SPF chicks and observed clinical signs and pathological changes for 14 days after challenge. Most broilers sampled for serological survey have maternal antibodies which were widely distributed at 1 day and decreased by 14 days. However, at the market age several broiler farms showed fairly high antibody titer against ARV. This increase of antibody titer at market age means the possible infection of ARV during the grow-out period. Among total 15 samples for the isolation of ARV. 2 samples were positive by RT-PCR and finally identified as a ARV. We inoculated these isolates in the SPF birds and observed that the antibody titer was increased from 7 days after challenge. However, we did not find any clinical signs both control and challenge groups. Based on the above results, it is clear that the ARV infection has been circulated in the broiler industry and caused significant economic losses. Further study is needed to evaluate the virulence of the isolates in the digestive system of broiler and the molecular characteristics of isolates.

A New Method For Measuring Acupoint Pigmentation After Cupping Using Cross Polarization (교차편광 촬영술(Cross Polarization Photographic Technique)를 이용한 부항요법의 배수혈 피부 색소 침착 변화 측정 평가)

  • Kim, Soo-Byeong;Jung, Byungjo;Shin, Tae-Min;Lee, Yong-Heum
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.252-263
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : Skin color deformation by cupping has been widely used as a diagnostic parameter in Traditional Korean Medicine(TKM). Skin color deformation such as ecchymoses and purpura is induced by local vacuum in a suction cup. Since existing studies have relied on a visual diagnostic method, there is a need to use the quantitative measurement method. Methods : We conducted an analysis of cross-polarization photographic images to assess the changes in skin color deformation. The skin color variation was analyzed using $L^*a^*b^*$ space and the skin erythema index(E.I.). The meridian theory in TKM indicates that the condition of primary internal organs is closely related to the skin color deformation at special acupoints. Before conducting these studies, it is necessary to evaluate whether or not skin color deformation is influenced by muscle condition. Hence, we applied cupping at BL13, BL15, BL18, BL20 and BL23 at Bladder Meridian(BL) and measured blood lactate at every acupoint. Results : We confirmed the high system measurement accuracy, and observed the diverse skin color deformations. Moreover, we confirmed that the $L^*$, $a^*$ and E.I. had not changed after 40 minutes(p>0.05). The distribution of blood lactate levels at each part was observed differently. Blood lactate level and skin color deformation at each part was independent of each other. Conclusions : The negative pressure produced by the suction cup induces a reduction in the volumetric fraction of melanosomes and subsequent reduction in epidermal thickness. The relationship between variations of tissue and skin properties and skin color deformation degree must be investigated prior to considering the relationship between internal organ dysfunction and skin color deformation.