• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3d 입체 영상

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Utilization Plan Research of High Resolution Images for Efficient River Zone Management (효율적 하천구역관리를 위한 고해상 영상의 활용 방안 연구)

  • Park, Hyeon-Cheol;Kim, Hyoung-Sub;Jo, Yun-Won;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2008
  • The river management in Korea had been focused on line based 2D spatial data for the developing river management application system. In this study, the polygon based 3D spatial data such as aerial photos and satellite images were selected and used through comparing their resolution levels for the river environment management. In addition, 1m detailed DEM (Digital Elevation Model) was constructed to implement the real topography information around river so that the damage area scale could be extracted for flood disaster. Also, the social environment thematic maps such as a cadastral map or land cover map could be used to verify the real damage area scale by overlay analysis on aerial photos or satellite images. The construction of these spatial data makes possible to present the real surface information and extract quantitative analysis to support the scientific decision making for establishing the river management policy. For the further study, the lidar surveying data will be considered as the very useful data by offering the real height information of riverbed as the depth of river so that flood simulation can give more reality.

Study of Educational Insect Robot that Utilizes Mobile Augmented Reality Digilog Book (모바일 증강현실 Digilog Book을 활용한 교육용 곤충로봇 콘텐츠)

  • Park, Young-sook;Park, Dea-woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.241-244
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we apply the learning of the mobile robot insect augmented reality Digilog Book. In the era of electronic, book written in paper space just have moved to virtual reality space. The virtual reality, constraints spatial and physical, in the real world, it is a technique that enables to experience indirectly situation not experienced directly as user immersive experience type interface. Applied to the learning robot Digilog Book that allows the fusion of paper analog and digital content, using the augmented reality technology, to experience various interactions. Apply critical elements moving, three-dimensional images and animation to enrich the learning, for easier block assembly, designed to grasp more easily rank order between the blocks. Anywhere at any time, is capable of learning of the robot in Digilog Book to be executed by the mobile phone in particular.

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Research and Development Trends in Three-dimensional (3D) Displays (공간표시 디스플레이 연구 및 개발 동향)

  • Cho, S.M.;Hwang, C.S.;Choi, J.H.;Kim, Y.H.;Cheon, S.H.;Choi, K.H.;Kim, J.Y.;Yang, J.H.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2020
  • In this article, we review the study trends of three-dimensional (3D) displays that can display stereoscopic images from the perspective of a display device. 3D display technology can be divided into light field, holographic, and volume displays. Light field display is a display that can reproduce the intensity and direction of light or 'ray' in each pixel. It can display stereoscopic images with less information than a holographic display and does not require coherence of the light source. Therefore, it is expected that it will be commercialized before the holographic display. Meanwhile, the holographic display creates a stereoscopic image by completely reproducing the wavefront of an image using diffraction in terms of wave characteristics of light. This technology is considered to be able to obtain the most complete stereoscopic image, and the digital holographic display using a spatial light modulator (SLM) is expected to be the ultimate stereoscopic display. However, the digital holographic display still experiences the problem of a narrow viewing angle due to the finite pixel pitch of the SLM. Therefore, various attempts have been made at solving this problem. Volumetric display is a technology that directly creates a stereoscopic image by forming a spatial pixel, which is known as a volumetric pixel, in a physical space, and has a significant advantage in that it can easily solve the problem of the viewing angle. This technology has already been tested for commercial purposes by several leading companies. In this paper, we will examine recent research trends regarding these 3D displays and near-eye display that is emerging as a significant application field of these technologies.

Convergence Study on the Three-dimensional Educational Model of the Functional Anatomy of Facial Muscles Based on Cadaveric Data (카데바 자료를 이용한 얼굴근육의 해부학적 기능 학습을 위한 삼차원 교육 콘텐츠 제작과 관련된 융합 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2021
  • This study dissected and three-dimensionally (3D) scanned the facial muscles of Korean adult cadavers, created a three-dimensional model with realistic facial muscle shapes, and reproduced facial expressions to provide educational materials to allow the 3D observation of the complex movements of cadaver facial muscles. Using the cadavers' anatomical photo data, 3D modeling of facial muscles was performed. We produced models describing four different expressions, namely sad, happy, surprised, and angry. We confirmed the complex action of the 3D cadaver facial muscles when making various facial expressions. Although the results of this study cannot confirm the individual functions of facial muscles quantitatively, we were able to observe the realistic shape of the cadavers' facial muscles, and produce models that would show different expressions depending on the actions performed. The data from this study may be used as educational materials when studying the anatomy of facial muscles.

Fast Structure Recovery and Integration using Improved Scaled Orthographic Factorization (개선된 직교분해기법을 사용한 빠른 구조 복원 및 융합)

  • Park, Jong-Seung;Yoon, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a 3D structure recovery and registration method that uses four or more common points. For each frame of a given video, a partial structure is recovered using tracked points. The 3D coordinates, camera positions and camera directions are computed at once by our improved scaled orthographic factorization method. The partially recovered point sets are parts of a whole model. A registration of point sets makes the complete shape. The recovered subsets are integrated by transforming each coordinate system of the local point subset into a common basis coordinate system. The process of shape recovery and integration is performed uniformly and linearly without any nonlinear iterative process and without loss of accuracy. The execution time for the integration is significantly reduced relative to the conventional ICP method. Due to the fast recovery and registration framework, our shape recovery scheme is applicable to various interactive video applications. The processing time per frame is under 0.01 seconds in most cases and the integration error is under 0.1mm on average.

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Pose Transformation of a Frontal Face Image by Invertible Meshwarp Algorithm (역전가능 메쉬워프 알고리즘에 의한 정면 얼굴 영상의 포즈 변형)

  • 오승택;전병환
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.1_2
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a new technique of image based rendering(IBR) for the pose transformation of a face by using only a frontal face image and its mesh without a three-dimensional model. To substitute the 3D geometric model, first, we make up a standard mesh set of a certain person for several face sides ; front. left, right, half-left and half-right sides. For the given person, we compose only the frontal mesh of the frontal face image to be transformed. The other mesh is automatically generated based on the standard mesh set. And then, the frontal face image is geometrically transformed to give different view by using Invertible Meshwarp Algorithm, which is improved to tolerate the overlap or inversion of neighbor vertexes in the mesh. The same warping algorithm is used to generate the opening or closing effect of both eyes and a mouth. To evaluate the transformation performance, we capture dynamic images from 10 persons rotating their heads horizontally. And we measure the location error of 14 main features between the corresponding original and transformed facial images. That is, the average difference is calculated between the distances from the center of both eyes to each feature point for the corresponding original and transformed images. As a result, the average error in feature location is about 7.0% of the distance from the center of both eyes to the center of a mouth.

Potential Use of 3D Course Material as a Pedagogical Tool for Laboratory Courses with respect to Assembly/Disassembly of the Combustion Chamber in Vocational High Schools (항공고등학교 실습교육에서 연소실 분해 조립을 중심으로 고찰한 3D 학습 자료의 활용 방안)

  • Lee, Tae-gyoon;Kim, Jong-Seong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2016
  • In this study, 3D-image based course material has been suggested as a potential pedagogical tool for laboratory courses for aviational maintenance in vocational high schools. With a special focus on assembly/disassembly of the combustion chamber, 3D contents described here are created by Soildworks 2014 based on the textbook widely used in aviational high schools. By analyzing several textbooks currently adopted at various schools, we have clearly shown that the current text-based teaching method is far from being effective regarding providing adequate learning environment for high school students who study aviational maintenance. From the analysis of the conventional textbooks, it is seen that it is urgent that we should come up with more effective and efficient way of teaching methods for these topics at vocational high schools. Using Solidworks, we have developed very vivid 3D image-based course material for topics related to a combustion chamber in the airplane. Newly developed 3D material is seen to clearly show step by step procedures of assembly and disassembly of the combustion chamber which has crucial importance in the aviational laboratory courses. Especially the transparent feature in Solidworks could make it possible to observe the parts covered by outer casing, which can not be seen even in any laboratory class with real objects. 3D animated views could provided unprecedented learning environment for students to acquire core knowledge with ease for the maintenance of a combustion chamber. In order to provide easy access for students to this 3D-based course material, the exclusive viewer is also developed using MS office powerpoint 2007. An example of a learning plan using 3d course material is suggested as well.

3D Visual Attention Model and its Application to No-reference Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment (3차원 시각 주의 모델과 이를 이용한 무참조 스테레오스코픽 비디오 화질 측정 방법)

  • Kim, Donghyun;Sohn, Kwanghoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2014
  • As multimedia technologies develop, three-dimensional (3D) technologies are attracting increasing attention from researchers. In particular, video quality assessment (VQA) has become a critical issue in stereoscopic image/video processing applications. Furthermore, a human visual system (HVS) could play an important role in the measurement of stereoscopic video quality, yet existing VQA methods have done little to develop a HVS for stereoscopic video. We seek to amend this by proposing a 3D visual attention (3DVA) model which simulates the HVS for stereoscopic video by combining multiple perceptual stimuli such as depth, motion, color, intensity, and orientation contrast. We utilize this 3DVA model for pooling on significant regions of very poor video quality, and we propose no-reference (NR) stereoscopic VQA (SVQA) method. We validated the proposed SVQA method using subjective test scores from our results and those reported by others. Our approach yields high correlation with the measured mean opinion score (MOS) as well as consistent performance in asymmetric coding conditions. Additionally, the 3DVA model is used to extract information for the region-of-interest (ROI). Subjective evaluations of the extracted ROI indicate that the 3DVA-based ROI extraction outperforms the other compared extraction methods using spatial or/and temporal terms.

Development of Quality Assurance Software for $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel Dosimetry ($PRESAGE^{REU}$ 겔 선량계의 분석 및 정도 관리 도구 개발)

  • Cho, Woong;Lee, Jaegi;Kim, Hyun Suk;Wu, Hong-Gyun
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study is to develop a new software tool for 3D dose verification using $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel dosimeter. The tool included following functions: importing 3D doses from treatment planning systems (TPS), importing 3D optical density (OD), converting ODs to doses, 3D registration between two volumetric data by translational and rotational transformations, and evaluation with 3D gamma index. To acquire correlation between ODs and doses, CT images of a $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel with cylindrical shape was acquired, and a volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plan was designed to give radiation doses from 1 Gy to 6 Gy to six disk-shaped virtual targets along z-axis. After the VMAT plan was delivered to the targets, 3D OD data were reconstructed from 512 projection data from $Vista^{TM}$ optical CT scanner (Modus Medical Devices Inc, Canada) per every 2 hours after irradiation. A curve for converting ODs to doses was derived by comparing TPS dose profile to OD profile along z-axis, and the 3D OD data were converted to the absorbed doses using the curve. Supra-linearity was observed between doses and ODs, and the ODs were decayed about 60% per 24 hours depending on their magnitudes. Measured doses from the $PRESAGE^{REU}$ Gel were well agreed with the TPS doses at central region, but large under-doses were observed at peripheral region at the cylindrical geometry. Gamma passing rate for 3D doses was 70.36% under the gamma criteria of 3% of dose difference and 3 mm of distance to agreement. The low passing rate was resulted from the mismatching of the refractive index between the PRESAGE gel and oil bath in the optical CT scanner. In conclusion, the developed software was useful for 3D dose verification from PRESAGE gel dosimetry, but further improvement of the Gel dosimetry system were required.

Site-Suitability Analysis Using Spatial Information Analysis (공간정보 분석기법을 이용한 적지분석)

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Kim, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.5207-5215
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    • 2010
  • Selecting proper location for complex facility with special purpose need comprehensive consideration on the condition and surrounding environment. Especially, in case of living space for human, lighting, ventilation, efficiency in land use, etc. are important elements. Diverse 3D analysis through 3D topography modeling and virtual simulation is necessary for this. Now, it can be processed with relatively inexpensive cost since high resolution satellite image essential in topography modeling is provided with domestic technology through Arirang No. 2 satellite (KOMPSAT2). In this study, several candidate sites is selected for complex planning with special purpose and analysis on proper location was performed using the 3D topography modeling and land information. For this, land analysis, land price calculation, slope analysis and aspect analysis have been carried out. As a result of arranging the evaluation index for each candidate site and attempting the quantitative evaluation, proper location could be selected efficiently and reasonably.