• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D surface model

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3D Surface Model Reconstruction of Aerial LIDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging) Data Considering Land-cover Type and Topographical Characteristic (토지피복 및 지형특성을 고려한 항공라이다자료의 3차원 표면모형 복원)

  • Song, Chul-Chul;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Jeong, Hoe-Seong;Lee, Kwan-Kyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2008
  • Usually in South Korea, land cover type and topographic undulation are frequently changed even in a narrow area. However, most of researches using aerial LIDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging) data in abroad had been acquired in the study areas to be changed infrequently. This research was performed to explore reconstruction methodologies of 3D surface models considering the distribution of land cover type and topographic undulation. Composed of variously undulatory forests, rocky river beds and man-made land cover such as streets, trees, buildings, parking lots and so on, an area was selected for the research. First of all, the area was divided into three zones based on land cover type and topographic undulation using its aerial ortho-photo. Then, aerial LIDAR data was clipped by each zone and different 3D modeling processes were applied to each clipped data before integration of each models and reconstruction of overall model. These kinds of processes might be effectively applied to landscape management, forest inventory and digital map composition. Besides, they would be useful to resolve less- or over-extracted problems caused by simple rectangle zoning when an usual data processing of aerial LIDAR.

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Effect of Trunk Height and Approaching Air Velocity of Notchback Road Vehicles on the Pressure Distribution of the Car Surface (Notchback자동차의 트렁크 높이와 공기속도가 차체 표면의 압력변화에 미치는 영향)

  • 박종수;최병대;김성준
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.178-186
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    • 2002
  • 3-D numerical studies are performed to investigate the effect of the trunk height and approaching air velocities on the pressure distribution of notchback road vehicle. For this purpose, the models of test vehicle with four different trunk heights are introduced and PHOENICS, a commercial CFD code, is used to simulate the flow phenomena and to estimate the values of pressure coefficients along the surface of vehicle. The standard k-$\xi$ model is adopted for the simulation of turbulence. The numerical results say that the height variation of trunk makes almost no influence on the distribution of the value of pressure coefficient along upper surface but makes very strong effects on the rear surface. That is, the value of pressure coefficient becomes smaller as the height is increased along the rear surface and the bottom surface. Approaching air velocity make no differences on pressure coefficients. Through the analysis of pressure coefficient on the vehicle surfaces one tried to assess aerodynamic drag and lift of vehicle. The pressure distribution on the rear surface affected more on drag and lift than pressure distribution on the front surface of the vehicle does. The increase of trunk height makes positive effects on the lift decrease but negative effects on drag reduction.

Enhanced Mesh Simplification using Extended Quadric Error Metric (확장된 이차오차 척도를 이용한 개선된 메쉬 간략화)

  • Han Tae-hwa;Chun Jun-chul
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.11A no.5
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    • pp.365-372
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the studies for mesh simplification have been increased according to the application area of the complicate 3D mesh models has been expanded. This paper introduces a novel method for mesh simplification which uses the properties of the mesh model in addition to the geometric locations of the model. The information of the 3D mesh model Includes surface properties such as color, texture, and curvature information as well as geometic information of the model. The most of current simplification methods adopt such geometric information and surface properties individually for mesh simplification. However, the proposed simplification method combines the geometric information and solace properties and applies them to the simplification process simultaneously. In this paper, we exploit the extended geometry based quadric error metric(QEM) which relatively allows fast and accurate geometric simplification of mesh. Thus, the proposed mesh simplification utilizes the quadric error metric based on geometric information and the surface properties such as color, normal, and texture. The proposed mesh simplification method can be expressed as a simple quadric equation which expands the quadric error metric based on geometric information by adding surface properties such as color, normal, and texture. From the experimental results, the simplification of the mesh model based on the proposed method shows the high fidelity to original model in some respects such as global appearance rather than using current geometry based simplification.

Machined Surface Prediction and Experimental Verification for Virtual Machining CAM System (실가공형 CAM 시스템의 구현을 위한 가공면 예측 및 실험검증)

  • 정대혁;서석환
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 1999
  • With the contemporary CAD/CAM system, where the tool path is generated and verified purely based on the geometric operation, geometric accuracy of the machined surface cannot be guaranteed dut to the cutting mechanics, meaning that the cutting mechanics should be incorporated in some fashion. In this paper, we incorporate the instantaneous cutting force and the tool deflection phenomena in predicting the machined surface for the finish-cut and milling operation. For the given NC dat including cutting conditions, the developed algorithm computes cutting force and deflection amount along the tool trajectory, and outputs the 3D graphic model of the machined surface together with error analysis. The validity and accuracy of the presented method has been tested by the actual cutting experiments. Experimental results and accuracy enhancement method together with implementing architecture of the VMCS (Virtual Machining CAM System) are discussed in the paper.

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The Elastic-Plastic Contact Analysis of 3D Rough Surface of Nongaussian Height Distribution (비정규 높이분포를 가진 3차원 거친 표면의 탄.소성접촉해석)

  • 김태완;구영필;조용주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2001
  • Surface roughness plays a significant role in friction, wear, and lubrication in machine components. Most engineering surfaces have tile nogaussian height distrubution. So, in this study, elastic-plastic contact simulations are conducted for not only gaussian surfaces but also nongaussian surfaces. Nongaussian rough surface considering the kurtosis is generated numerically. The contact simulation model takes into account the plastic deformation behaviors of asperities by setting a celing on their contact pressure at material hardness value. It will be shown that the performace variables such as real contact area fraction, plastic area fraction and average gap are sensitive to the characteristics of surface geometry according to kurtosis.

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Point-Based Simplification Using Moving-Least-Squrares (근사 함수를 이용한 Point-Based Simplification)

  • 조현철;배진석;김창헌
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1312-1314
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes a new simplification algorithm that simplifies reconstructed polygonal mesh from 3D point set considering an original point set. Previous method computes error using mesh information, but it makes to increase error of difference between an original and a simplified model by reason of implementation of simplification. Proposed method simplifies a reconstructed model using an original point data, we acquire a simplified model similar an original. We show several simplified results to demonstrate the usability of our methods.

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쌍끌이 중층트롤어법의 연구 ( 2 ) - 모형어구의 깊이에 관하여 - ( A Study on the Pair Midwater Trawling ( 2 ) - Working Depth of the Model Net - )

  • 이병기
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1995
  • Working depth of the model net was determined by using of the same experimental tank and the same model net that used in the forwarded report in a series studies. The depth of the net which indicates the depth of the head rope from the water surface, was determined by the photographs taken in front of the net mouth with the combination of towing velocity, warp length and distance between paired boats. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. Working depth of model nets A and B was varied in the range of 0.09~1.66$m$,and 0.04~1.34$m$(which can be converted into 2.7~40.2$m$and 1.2~49.8$m$in the full-scale net) respectively, and the depth of model net A was slightly deeper than the depth of the model net B. 2. Working depth ($D$,which is appendixed m for the model net, f for the full-scale net, A and B for the types of the model nets) can be expressed as the function of towing velocity$V_t$, as in the model net($V_t$=$m$/$sec$) $D_{mA}$=(-1.99+0.65$L_w$) $e^{-1.72V_t}$ $D_{mA]$=(-1.91+1.04 $L_w$) $e^{2.88V_t}$ in the full-scale net($V_t$=$k$'$t$ $D_{fA}$=(-29.32+0.65$L_w$)$e^{0.40 V_t}$ $D_{fB}$=(-57.60+1.04$L_w$)$e^{-0.67 V_t}$ 3. Working depth 9$D$ appendixes are as same as the former) can be expressed as the function of warp length$L_w$) in the model net, and can be converted into full-scale net as in the model net ($V_t$=$m$/$sec$) $D_{mA}$=-0.99 $e^{-1.42V_t}$+0.67$e^{-1359V_t}$$L_w$ $D_{mB}$=-.258$e^{-3.77V_t}$+1.16$e^{-3.15V_t$ $L^w$, in the full-scale net($V_t$=k't) $D_{fA}$=-29.28$e^{-0.32V_t}$+0.67$e^{-0.37V_t$$L_w$ $D_{fB}$=-69.10$e^{-0.81V_t}$+1.16$e^{-0.72V_t}$$L_w$. 4. Working depth was gradually shallowed according to the increase of the distance between paired boats.

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Free vibrational behavior of bi-directional perfect and imperfect axially graded cylindrical shell panel under thermal environment

  • Pankaj S. Ghatage;P. Edwin Sudhagar
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.85 no.1
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2023
  • This study presents the free vibrational responses of bi-directional axially graded cylindrical shell panels using 3D graded finite element approximation under a temperature field. The cylindrical shell panel is graded in two directions and made of metal-ceramic materials. To extract material properties, the Voigt model is combined with a Power-law material distribution. Convergence and validation studies are performed on the developed computational model to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness. Furthermore, a parametric study is performed to evaluate the developed model, which demonstrates that geometrical parameters, imperfect materials (porosity), support conditions, and surface temperature all have a significant impact on the free vibration responses of a bi-directional axially graded cylindrical shell panel in a thermal environment.

Arduino Learning Content using Blender and Unity Engine (블렌더와 유니티 엔진을 이용한 아두이노 학습 콘텐츠 설계)

  • Lee, Min-Hye;Park, Hyuk-Gyu;Won, Dong-Hyun;Kang, Sun-kyung;Shin, Sung-yoon;Kang, Yun-Jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.386-388
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    • 2022
  • Recently, realistic contents using virtual reality and augmented reality are attracting attention as learning aids. 3D-based contents have the advantage of being able to observe and experience objects from various angles than 2D-based contents shown on a flat surface. In this paper, we propose a content design based on 3D model for Arduino learning in a virtual environment. The Arduino board and sensor were implemented using Blender, and a 3D-based simulator environment was constructed using the Unity engine. The proposed content uses the Arduino board and sensor implemented in 3D so that learners can easily experience the working principle of Arduino and the coding process.

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Hindcast of Storm Surge in the Southeastern Coast Using a Three-Dimensional Numerical Model (3차원 수치모형을 이용한 남동해안 폭풍해일 산정)

  • Kim, Cha-Kyum;Lee, Jong Tae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.4B
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2011
  • A three and two dimensional (3D and 2D) numerical models were established to study the storm surge induced by Typoon Maemi in Masan and Pusan Ports. The typhoon landed on the southern coast of Korean Peninsula at 21:00, September 12, 2003 with a central pressure of 950 hPa. The observed maximum storm surge in Masan Port was 230 cm, and the computed peak storm surge using the 3D and the 2D models were 238 cm and 208 cm, respectively. The observed maximum storm surge in Pusan Port was 89 cm, and the peak storm surge of the 3D and the 2D models were 91 cm and 79 cm, respectively. The hindcasted storm surge using 3D model was in good agreement with the observed data, and the 3D model at peak time was more accurate than the 2D. The storm-induced currents were computed using the 3D model. The currents in the surface layer of Masan Bay went into the inner bay with 30~60 cm/sec, while the currents in the bottom layer flowed out with 20~40 cm/sec.