• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D simulation

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Experimental Study of Shape and Pressure Characteristics of Solitary Wave generated by Sluice Gate for Various Conditions (Sluice Gate를 이용한 고립파 발생조건에 따른 형상 및 압력 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Cho, Jae Nam;Kim, Dong Hyun;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2016
  • Recently, coastal erosion has been widely in progress and the erosion level becomes also serious in the world wide, espeically in East Sea in Korea. Since it would threaten the life, economics and security risk, it is necessary to much comprehend the reason why coastal erosion has occurred according to the geographical characteristics. Meanwhile, analysis about hydrodynamics of the solitary wave such as tunami in swash zone is needed for the best management practice of coastal erosion. Solitary wave is nonlinear wave and can be reproduced in the laboratoy scale by openning suddenly a sluice gate with water head difference, of which methodology was found in the literature, since it could be simply determined by a significant wave height. Thus, in this sutdy the generation of solitary wave was experimentalized using the sluice gate. Experimental conditions were classified by angles of a beach slope, a water level in a beach slope and a difference of water level between in a headtank and a channel bed. Two kinds of dimensionless analyses based from experimental results in this study were presented; the first analysis indicates nondimensionalization between the wave height and the water level in a beach slope in order to investigate characteristics of solitary wave approaching the beach. The second shows the other nondimensionalization between dynamic pressure and static pressure on a beach slope to investigate the relationship between wave breaking and wave pressure. Under the same conditions as laboratory experiments, the numerical results computed with a SWAN model embedded in FLOW 3D were compared in terms of wave height, and pressure on the beach slope, which shows good agreement with each other. Overall results from this study could provide fundamental hydraulic data for the reliabile verification of numerical simulation results about coastal erosion in swash zone caused by solitary waves.

Performance Analysis of a Multi-type Inverter Heat Pump (멀티형 인버터 열펌프의 냉방성능해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Y. C.;Park, G. W.;Youn, Y.;Min, M. K.;Choi, Y, D,
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2001
  • A system simulation program was developed for a multi-type inverter heat pump. Electronic expansion valve(EEV) was used to extend the capacity modulating range of the heat pump as expansion device. The program was also developed to calculate actual system performance with the building load variation with climate during a year. The performance variation of a multi-type hat pump with two EEV and an inverter compressor was simulated with compressor speed, capacity, and flow area of the EEV. As a result, the optimum operating frequency of the compressor and openings of the expansion device were decided at a given load. As compressor speed increased, he capacity of heat pump increased, the capacity of heat pump increased. Therefore flow area of EEV should be adjusted to have wide openness. Thus the coefficient of performance(COP) of the heat pump decreased due to increasement of compressor power input. The maximum COP point at a given load was decided according to the compressor speed. And under the given specific compressor speed and the load, the optimum openings point of EEV was also decided. Although the total load of indoor units was constant, the operating frequency increased as the fraction of load in a room increased. Finally ad the compressor power input increased, the coefficient of performance decreased.

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Analysis of Subthreshold Behavior of FinFET using Taurus

  • Murugan, Balasubramanian;Saha, Samar K.;Venkat, Rama
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2007
  • This paper investigates the subthreshold behavior of Fin Field Effect Transistor (FinFET). The FinFET is considered to be an alternate MOSFET structure for the deep sub-micron regime, having excellent device characteristics. As the channel length decreases, the study of subthreshold behavior of the device becomes critically important for successful design and implementation of digital circuits. An accurate analysis of subthreshold behavior of FinFET was done by simulating the device in a 3D process and device simulator, Taurus. The subthreshold behavior of FinFET, was measured using a parameter called S-factor which was obtained from the $In(I_{DS})\;-\;V_{GS}$ characteristics. The value of S-factor of devices of various fin dimensions with channel length $L_g$ in the range of 20 nm - 50 nm and with the fin width $T_{fin}$ in the range of 10 nm - 40 nm was calculated. It was observed that for devices with longer channel lengths, the value of S-factor was close to the ideal value of 60 m V/dec. The S-factor increases exponentially for channel lengths, $L_g\;<\;1.5\;T_{fin}$. Further, for a constant $L_g$, the S factor was observed to increase with $T_{fin}$. An empirical relationship between S, $L_g$ and $T_{fin}$ was developed based on the simulation results, which could be used as a rule of thumb for determining the S-factor of devices.

Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with polymer composites

  • Pendhari, S.S.;Kant, T.;Desai, Y.M.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2006
  • Strengthening of existing old structures has traditionally been accomplished by using conventional materials and techniques, viz., externally bonded steel plates, steel or concrete jackets, etc. Alternatively, fibre reinforced polymer composite (FRPC) products started being used to overcome problems associated with conventional materials in the mid 1950s because of their favourable engineering properties. Effectiveness of FRPC materials has been demonstrated through extensive experimental research throughout the world in the last two decades. However there is a need to use refined analytical tools to simulate response of strengthened system. In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop a numerical model of strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams with FRPC laminates. Material models for RC beams strengthened with FRPC laminates are described and verified through a nonlinear finite element (FE) commercial code, with the help of available experimental data. Three dimensional (3D) FE analysis has been performed by assuming perfect bonding between concrete and FRPC laminate. A parametric study has also been performed to examine effects of various parameters like fibre type, stirrup's spacing, etc. on the strengthening system. Through numerical simulation, it has been shown that it is possible to predict accurately the flexural response of RC beams strengthened with FRPC laminates by selecting an appropriate material constitutive model. Comparisons are made between the available experimental results in literature and FE analysis results obtained by the present investigators using load-deflection and load-strain plots as well as ultimate load of the strengthened beams. Furthermore, evaluation of crack patterns from FE analysis and experimental failure modes are discussed at the end.

An Improved Remote Sensing Image Fusion Algorithm Based on IHS Transformation

  • Deng, Chao;Wang, Zhi-heng;Li, Xing-wang;Li, Hui-na;Cavalcante, Charles Casimiro
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1633-1649
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    • 2017
  • In remote sensing image processing, the traditional fusion algorithm is based on the Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS) transformation. This method does not take into account the texture or spectrum information, spatial resolution and statistical information of the photos adequately, which leads to spectrum distortion of the image. Although traditional solutions in such application combine manifold methods, the fusion procedure is rather complicated and not suitable for practical operation. In this paper, an improved IHS transformation fusion algorithm based on the local variance weighting scheme is proposed for remote sensing images. In our proposal, firstly, the local variance of the SPOT (which comes from French "Systeme Probatoire d'Observation dela Tarre" and means "earth observing system") image is calculated by using different sliding windows. The optimal window size is then selected with the images being normalized with the optimal window local variance. Secondly, the power exponent is chosen as the mapping function, and the local variance is used to obtain the weight of the I component and match SPOT images. Then we obtain the I' component with the weight, the I component and the matched SPOT images. Finally, the final fusion image is obtained by the inverse Intensity-Hue-Saturation transformation of the I', H and S components. The proposed algorithm has been tested and compared with some other image fusion methods well known in the literature. Simulation result indicates that the proposed algorithm could obtain a superior fused image based on quantitative fusion evaluation indices.

The Structure of Reversible DTCNN (Discrete-Time Celluar Neural Networks) for Digital Image Copyright Labeling (디지털영상의 저작권보호 라벨링을 위한 Reversible DTCNN(Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Network) 구조)

  • Lee, Gye-Ho;Han, Seung-jo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.532-543
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we proposed structure of a reversible discrete-time cellular neural network (DTCNN) for labeling digital images to protect copylight. First, we present the concept and the structure of reversible DTCNN, which can be used to generate 2D binary pseudo-random images sequences. We presented some, output examples of different kinds of reversible DTCNNs to show their complex behaviors. Then both the original image and the copyright label, which is often another binary image, are used to generate a binary random key image. The key image is then used to scramble the original image. Since the reversibility of a reversible DTCNN, the same reversible DTCNN can recover the copyright label from a labeled image. Due to the high speed of a DTCNN chip, our method can be used to label image sequences, e.g., video sequences, in real time. Computer simulation results are presented.

Characteristics Analysis of RPV and AFD for Anti-Islanding in Active Method (단독운전방지를 위한 능동 방식 중 AFD 및 RPV에 대한 특성해석)

  • Choe, Gyu-Ha;D, Bayasgalan;Lee, Young-Jin;Han, Dong-Ha;Jeong, Byong-Hwan;Kim, Hong-Sung
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2009
  • To detect islanding mode when the grid is being tripped is a major safety issue in the Utility Interactive Photo Voltaic (UIPV) system. In this paper, analytical design method is suggested for AFD & RPV method under IEEE 929-2000 recommended islanding test condition. We have discussed that there is a same point. we injected reactive component of the current by AFD & RPV methods, but the current reference generated is other waveform. Possible if amount of reactive components in this methods are same each method, there is happened same rates frequency variation. To verify the validity of the analytical comparison, this paper presents simulation and experimental results from single phase, 3[kW] inverter for the transformerless UIPV system.

A study on instrument development for promoting residents' participation in planning of a street in a decaying residential area (주거지 가로환경정비 과정에서 주민참여를 도모하는 지원도구 개발방안 연구)

  • Park, Hye-Yeun;Shin, Woong-Ju;Lee, Sang-Sun;Kim, Su-Suk;Lee, Yeun-Sook;Park, Gang-Chul
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2009
  • Resident and user participation has been emerging as a hot topic and has been predicted to be popular and general in urban planning and regeneration, specially in housing regeneration in future. Also the number of the resident who are willing to participate in planning and regeneration process is expected to increase drastically as democratic and diverse society get matured. To enable a wide range of residents in planning process within a very limited time, effective and efficient communication tools need to be prepared. The purpose of study is to develop a set of tools for facilitating residents to participate actively in the process of exploring, consulting and decision making process in the street and regeneration. A realistic and feasible testbed site was decided. Developed tools were first, educational contents to empower resident capability to select a better design, second, three dimensional scaled model of existing site, third, floorplan and elevation of design alternative, forth, computer simulation images of both 3D & sketch-up for comparing wall heights and their effect. fifth, Two workshops among professionals and one workshop with residents were carried. Through the workshop, guidelines of developing communication tool for facilitating resident participation was developed. Its usage was summarized in both in further analog and digital tool.

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Design of 808nm GRIN-SCH Quantum Dot Laser Diode (808nm GRIN-SCH 양자점 레이저 다이오드 설계)

  • Chan, Trevor;Son, Sung-Hun;Kim, Kyoung-Chan;Kim, Tae-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.131-131
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    • 2010
  • The power of semiconductor laser diodes has been limited primarily by the heating effects which occur at high optical intensities. The actual limiting event can take one of a number of forms such as. catastrophic optical damage or filamentation. A general approach to this problem is to design a heterostructure which creates a high powered output while maintaining low internal optical intensities. A graded index separate confinement heterostructure (GRIN-SCH) is one such structure that accomplishes the above task. Here, the active region is sandwiched between graded index layers where the index of refraction increases nearer to the active layer. This structure has been shown to yield a high efficiency due to the confinement of both the optical power and carriers, thereby reducing the optical intensity required to achieve higher powers. The optical confinement also reinforces the optical beam quality against high power effects. Quantum dots have long been a desirable option for laser diodes due to the enhanced optical properties associated with the zeroth dimensionality. In our work, we use PICS3D software created by Crosslight Software Inc. to simulate the performance of In0.67A10.33As/A10.2Ga0.8AsquantumdotsusedwithaGRIN-SCH. The simulation tools are used to optimize the GRIN-SCH structure for high efficiency and optical beam quality.

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Implementation of LabVIEW®-based Joint-Linear Motion Blending on a Lab-manufactured 6-Axis Articulated Robot (RS2) (LabVIEW® 기반 6축 수직 다관절 로봇(RS2)의 이종 모션 블랜딩 연구)

  • Lee, D.S.;Chung, W.J.;Jang, J.H.;Kim, M.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.318-323
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    • 2013
  • For fast and accurate motion of 6-axis articulated robot, more noble motion control strategy is needed. In general, the movement strategy of industrial robots can be divided into two kinds, PTP (Point to Point) and CP (Continuous Path). Recently, industrial robots which should be co-worked with machine tools are increasingly needed for performing various jobs, as well as simple handling or welding. Therefore, in order to cope with high-speed handling of the cooperation of industrial robots with machine tools or other devices, CP should be implemented so as to reduce vibration and noise, as well as decreasing operation time. This paper will realize CP motion (especially joint-linear) blending in 3-dimensional space for a 6-axis articulated (lab-manufactured) robot (called as "RS2") by using LabVIEW$^{(R)}$ (6) programming, based on a parametric interpolation. Another small contribution of this paper is the proposal of motion blending simulation technique based on Recurdyn$^{(R)}$ V7 and Solidworks$^{(R)}$, in order to figure out whether the joint-linear blending motion can generate the stable motion of robot in the sense of velocity magnitude at the end-effector of robot or not. In order to evaluate the performance of joint-linear motion blending, simple PTP (i.e., linear-linear) is also physically implemented on RS2. The implementation results of joint-linear motion blending and PTP are compared in terms of vibration magnitude and travel time by using the vibration testing equipment of Medallion of Zonic$^{(R)}$. It can be confirmed verified that the vibration peak of joint-linear motion blending has been reduced to 1/10, compared to that of PTP.