• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D environment

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3D Reconstruction of Urban Building using Laser range finder and CCD camera

  • Kim B. S.;Park Y. M.;Lee K. H.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.128-131
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we describe reconstructed 3D-urban modeling techniques for laser scanner and CCD camera system, which are loading on the vehicle. We use two laser scanners, the one is horizon scanner and the other is vertical scanner. Horizon scanner acquires the horizon data of building for localization. Vertical scan data are main information for constructing a building. We compared extraction of edge aerial image with laser scan data. This method is able to correct the cumulative error of self-localization. Then we remove obstacles of 3D-reconstructed building. Real-texture information that is acquired with CCD camera is mapped by 3D-depth information. 3D building of urban is reconstructed to 3D-virtual world. These techniques apply to city plan. 3D-environment game. movie background. unmanned-patrol etc.

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Study and Practice on New Generation Digital-City Oriented 3D Digital Map

  • He, Xiaozhao;Li, Qi;Cheng, Jicheng
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.914-916
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    • 2003
  • Most current 3D digital maps are 2.5 dimension models based on DEM, which can only be recognized, browsed and operated by a special software, far from meeting the needs of a modern digital city (global) with the distributed, isomerous and multiple application on the real 3D representation and open sharing models. In this paper, a new generation digital city oriented 3D digital map is studied. Firstly, a real 3D digital map representation is presented. And then, some key techniques and methods for browser-based 3D digital map’s representation, display and operation are introduced, which can realized the open sharing of 3D map in distributed, isomerous and multiple application environment. Furthermore, the scale driving technique of proposed 3D digital map is also studied. And currently, some developments based on some of the above methods are being carried to provide key and general platform for other application software’s development.

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Development of Mobile 3D Terrain Viewer with Texture Mapping of Satellite Images

  • Kim, Seung-Yub;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2006
  • Based on current practical needs for geo-spatial information on mobile platform, the main theme of this study is a design and implementation of dynamic 3D terrain rendering system using spaceborne imagery, as a kind of texture image for photo-realistic 3D scene generation on mobile environment. Image processing and 3D graphic techniques and algorithms, such as TIN-based vertex generation with regular spacing elevation data for generating 3D terrain surface, image tiling and image-vertex texturing in order to resolve limited resource of mobile devices, were applied and implemented by using graphic pipeline of OpenGL|ES (Embedded System) API. Through this implementation and its tested results with actual data sets of DEM and satellite imagery, we demonstrated the realizable possibility and adaptation of complex typed and large sized 3D geo-spatial information in mobile devices. This prototype system can be used to mobile 3D applications with DEM and satellite imagery in near future.

Design of 3D Laser Radar Based on Laser Triangulation

  • Yang, Yang;Zhang, Yuchen;Wang, Yuehai;Liu, Danian
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2414-2433
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this paper is to design a 3D laser radar prototype based on laser triangulation. The mathematical model of distance sensitivity is deduced; a pixel-distance conversion formula is discussed and used to complete 3D scanning. The center position extraction algorithm of the spot is proposed, and the error of the linear laser, camera distortion and installation are corrected by using the proposed weighted average algorithm. Finally, the three-dimensional analytic computational algorithm is given to transform the measured distance into point cloud data. The experimental results show that this 3D laser radar can accomplish the 3D object scanning and the environment 3D reconstruction task. In addition, the experiment result proves that the product of the camera focal length and the baseline length is the key factor to influence measurement accuracy.


  • Kim, Seung-Yub;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.417-420
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    • 2006
  • In these days, mobile application dealing with information contents on mobile or handheld devices such as mobile communicator, PDA or WAP device face the most important industrial needs. The motivation of this study is the design and implementation of mobile application using high resolution satellite imagery, large-sized image data set. Although major advantages of mobile devices are portability and mobility to users, limited system resources such as small-sized memory, slow CPU, low power and small screen size are the main obstacles to developers who should handle a large volume of geo-based 3D model. Related to this, the previous works have been concentrated on GIS-based location awareness services on mobile; however, the mobile 3D terrain model, which aims at this study, with the source data of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and high resolution satellite imagery is not considered yet, in the other mobile systems. The main functions of 3D graphic processing or pixel pipeline in this prototype are implemented with OpenGL|ES (Embedded System) standard API (Application Programming Interface) released by Khronos group. In the developing stage, experiments to investigate optimal operation environment and good performance are carried out: TIN-based vertex generation with regular elevation data, image tiling, and image-vertex texturing, text processing of Unicode type and ASCII type.

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Development of a Mobile App Combining React Native and Unity3D for Chromakey-based Image Composition (React Native와 Unity3D를 활용한 크로마키 기반 이미지 합성 모바일 앱 개발)

  • Kim, Seung-Jun;Seo, Beom-Joo;Cho, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2020
  • In the rapidly changing mobile app market, it is crucial to develop a good idea quickly and receive its market evaluation. For a small-sized company, however, it is very challenging to rapidly develop and deploy their products in response to highly fragmented mobile environments. This article demonstrates that our integrated development environment using both React Native and Unity3D when developing a mobile app achieves a high level of functionality and performance requirements successfully. Moreover, this integrated environment helps reduce development costs and shorten development time.

Web-based 3D Virtual Experience using Unity and Leap Motion (Unity와 Leap Motion을 이용한 웹 기반 3D 가상품평)

  • Jung, Ho-Kyun;Park, Hyungjun
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2016
  • In order to realize the virtual prototyping (VP) of digital products, it is important to provide the people involved in product development with the appropriate visualization and interaction of the products, and the vivid simulation of user interface (UI) behaviors in an interactive 3D virtual environment. In this paper, we propose an approach to web-based 3D virtual experience using Unity and Leap Motion. We adopt Unity as an implementation platform which easily and rapidly implements the visualization of the products and the design and simulation of their UI behaviors, and allows remote users to get an easy access to the virtual environment. Additionally, we combine Leap Motion with Unity to embody natural and immersive interaction using the user's hand gesture. Based on the proposed approach, we have developed a testbed system for web-based 3D virtual experience and applied it for the design evaluation of various digital products. Button selection test was done to investigate the quality of the interaction using Leap Motion, and a preliminary user study was also performed to show the usefulness of the proposed approach.


  • Seungjun Roh;Feniosky Pena-Mora
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.920-927
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    • 2009
  • Many schedule delays and cost overruns in interior construction are caused by a lack of understanding in detailed and complicated interior works. To minimize these potential impacts in interior construction, a systematic approach for project managers to detect discrepancies at early stages and take corrective action through use of visualized data is required. This systematic implementation is still challenging: monitoring is time-consuming due to the significant amount of as-built data that needs to be collected and evaluated; and current interior construction progress reports have visual limitations in providing spatial context and in representing the complexities of interior components. To overcome these issues, this research focuses on visualization and computer vision techniques representing interior construction progress with photographs. The as-planned 3D models and as-built photographs are visualized in a 3D walk-through model. Within such an environment, the as-built interior construction elements are detected through computer vision techniques to automatically extract the progress data linked with Building Information Modeling (BIM). This allows a comparison between the as-planned model and as-built elements to be used for the representation of interior construction progress by superimposing over a 3D environment. This paper presents the process of representing and detecting interior construction components and the results for an ongoing construction project. This paper discusses implementation and future potential enhancement of these techniques in construction.

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Interactive Shape Analysis of the Hippocampus in a Virtual Environment (가상 환경에서의 해마 모델에 대한 대화식 형상 분석☆)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sik;Choi, Soo-Mi
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.165-181
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents an effective representation scheme for the shape analysis of the hippocampal structure and a stereoscopic-haptic environment to enhance sense of realism. The parametric model and the 3D skeleton represent various types of hippocampal shapes and they are stored in the Octree data structure. So they can be used for the interactive shape analysis. And the 3D skeleton-based pose normalization allows us to align a position and an orientation of the 3D hippocampal models constructed from multimodal medical imaging data. We also have trained Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classifying between the normal controls and epileptic patients. Results suggest that the presented representation scheme provides various level of shape representation and the SVM can be a useful classifier in analyzing the shape differences between two groups. A stereoscopic-haptic virtual environment combining an auto-stereoscopic display with a force-feedback (or haptic) device takes an advantage of 3D applications for medicine because it improves space and depth perception.

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  • Kim Seung-Yeb;Lee Kiwon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.321-324
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    • 2005
  • In these days, the management and visualization of 3D geo-spatial information is regarded as one of an important issue in GiS and remote sensing fields. 3D GIS is considered with the database issues such as handling and managing of 3D geometry/topology attributes, whereas 3D visualization is basically concerned with 3D computer graphics. This study focused on the design and implementation for the OpenGL API-based rendering system for the complex types of 3D geo-spatial features. In this approach 3D features can be separately processed with the functions of authoring and manipulation of terrain segments, building segments, road segments, and other geo-based things with texture mapping. Using this implementation, it is possible to the generation of an integrated scene with these complex types of 3D features. This integrated rendering system based on the feature-based 3D-GIS model can be extended and effectively applied to urban environment analysis, 3D virtual simulation and fly-by navigation in urban planning. Furthermore, we expect that 3D-GIS visualization application based on OpenGL API can be easily extended into a real-time mobile 3D-GIS system, soon after the release of OpenGLIES which stands for OpenGL for embedded system, though this topic is beyond the scope of this implementation.

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