• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Tracking

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A Study on Stereoscopical Motion Graphic Production using Tracking Data from 3D Camera (3D카메라 트레킹데이터를 활용한 입체적 모션그래픽 제작방법 연구)

  • Lee, Junsang;Han, Soowhan;Lee, Imgeun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2015.07a
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    • pp.232-233
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    • 2015
  • 디지털 미디어의 발전으로 인해 모션그래픽의 구성요소들은 다양한 방식으로 제작되고 있다. 모션그래픽을 활용한 영상콘텐츠 제작기법은 새로운 이미지를 어떻게 제작하느냐에 따라 보다 창의적이고 효율적인 영상으로 표현되기도 한다. 모션그래픽의 활용도는 웹, 게임, 및 영화 방송 등 다양한 콘텐츠의 시각적 정보전달의 의미를 가지고 있다. 모션그래픽의 새롭고 실험적인 작업은 어떠한 제작방식에 따라 그 결과는 아주 다르게 나타난다. 또한 영상제작에 대한 프로세스는 새로운 뉴미디어의 기술의 결합으로 영상콘텐츠의 창의적인 작품으로 된다. 따라서 본 논문은 모션그래픽의 제작방식에서 실사카메라의 움직임을 가상카메라로 트래킹하여 입체적인 모션그래픽을 구현하는 제작방법을 제시한다.

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3-Dimensional Path Planning and Guidance using the Dubins Curve for an 3-DOF Point-mass Aircraft Model (Dubins 곡선을 이용한 항공기 3자유도 질점 모델의 3차원 경로계획 및 유도)

  • O, Su-Hun;Ha, Chul-Su;Kang, Seung-Eun;Mok, Ji-hyun;Ko, Sangho;Lee, Yong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we integrate three degree of freedom(3DOF) point-mass model for aircraft and three-dimensional path generation algorithms using dubins curve and nonlinear path tracking law. Through this integration, we apply the path generation algorithm to the path planning, and verify tracking performance and feasibility of using the aircraft 3DOF point-mass model for air traffic management. The accuracy of modeling 6DOF aircraft is more accurate than that of 3DOF model, but the complexity of the calculation would be raised, in turn the rate of computation is more likely to be slow due to the increase of degree of freedom. These obstacles make the 6DOF model difficult to be applied to simulation requiring real-time path planning. Therefore, the 3DOF point-mass model is also sufficient for simulation, and real-time path planning is possible because complexity can be reduced, compared to those of the 6DOF. Dubins curve used for generating the optimal path has advantage of being directly available to apply path planning. However, we use the algorithm which extends 2D path to 3D path since dubins curve handles the two dimensional path problems. Control law for the path tracking uses the nonlinear path tracking laws. Then we present these concomitant simulation results.

A New VOF-based Numerical Scheme for the Simulation of Fluid Flow with Free Surface(II)-New Free Surface Tracking Algorithm and Its Verification- (자유 표면이 존재하는 유체 유동 해석을 위한 VOF 방법 기반의 새로운 수치 기법(II)-캐비터 충전 문제와 슬로싱 문제에의 응용-)

  • Kim, Min-Su;Park, Jong-Seon;Lee, U-Il
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.1570-1579
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    • 2000
  • Finite element analysis of fluid flow with moving free surface has been carried out in two and tree dimensions. The new VOF-based numerical algorithm that has been proposed by the present authors was applied to several 2-D and 3-D free surface flow problems. The proposed free surface tracking scheme is based on two numerical tools that have been newly introduced by the present authots; the orientation vector to represent the free surface orientation in each cell and the baby-cell to determine the fluid volume flux at each cell boundary. The proposed numerical algorithm has been applied to 2-D and 3-D cavity filling and sloshing problems, which demonstrated versatility and effectiveness of the new free surface tracking scheme as well as the overall solution procedure. The proposed numerical algorithm resolved successfully the interacting free surface with each other. The simulated results demonstrated the applicability of proposed numerical algorithm to the practical problems of large free surface motion. Also, it has been demonstrated that the proposed free surface tracking scheme can be easily implemented in any irregular non-uniform grid systems and can be extended to the 3-D free surface flow problem without additional efforts.

A Study on Real-time Tracking Method of Horizontal Face Position for Optimal 3D T-DMB Content Service (지상파 DMB 단말에서의 3D 컨텐츠 최적 서비스를 위한 경계 정보 기반 실시간 얼굴 수평 위치 추적 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seong-Goo;Lee, Sang-Seop;Yi, June-Ho;Kim, Jung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2011
  • An embedded mobile device mostly has lower computation power than a general purpose computer because of its relatively lower system specifications. Consequently, conventional face tracking and face detection methods, requiring complex algorithms for higher recognition rates, are unsuitable in a mobile environment aiming for real time detection. On the other hand, by applying a real-time tracking and detecting algorithm, we would be able to provide a two-way interactive multimedia service between an user and a mobile device thus providing a far better quality of service in comparison to a one-way service. Therefore it is necessary to develop a real-time face and eye tracking technique optimized to a mobile environment. For this reason, in this paper, we proposes a method of tracking horizontal face position of a user on a T-DMB device for enhancing the quality of 3D DMB content. The proposed method uses the orientation of edges to estimate the left and right boundary of the face, and by the color edge information, the horizontal position and size of face is determined finally to decide the horizontal face. The sobel gradient vector is projected vertically and candidates of face boundaries are selected, and we proposed a smoothing method and a peak-detection method for the precise decision. Because general face detection algorithms use multi-scale feature vectors, the detection time is too long on a mobile environment. However the proposed algorithm which uses the single-scale detection method can detect the face more faster than conventional face detection methods.

Design and Realization of Stereo Vision Module For 3D Facial Expression Tracking (3차원 얼굴 표정 추적을 위한 스테레오 시각 모듈 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Mun-Hee;Kim, Kyong-Sok
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4 s.33
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    • pp.533-540
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    • 2006
  • In this study we propose to use a facial motion capture technique to track facial motions and expressions effectively by using the stereo vision module, which has two CMOS IMAGE SENSORS. In the proposed tracking algorithm, a center point tracking technique and correlation tracking technique, based on neural networks, were used. Experimental results show that the two tracking techniques using stereo vision motion capture are able to track general face expressions at a 95.6% and 99.6% success rate, for 15 frames and 30 frames, respectively. However, the tracking success rates(82.7%,99.1%) of the center point tracking technique was far higher than those(78.7%,92.7%) of the correlation tracking technique, when lips trembled.

A Study on the N-Path SC Tracking Filter using PLL (PLL을 이용한 N-Path SC추적여파기에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sung-Hwan;Son, Hyun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 1983
  • N-path SC tracking filter is studied beyond the audio frequency range. First, the SC filter Cell which would determine total SC filter characteristics is analyzed by the two methods, charge equation method and difference equation method. Second, 4-path and 8-path SC filter are presented, including only capacitors and switches. Then, 4-path and 8-path SC tracking filter are constructed by conisting of SC filter block and PLL block. In this experiment, maximum response shift is confirmed. With respect to the capacitor ratios and the number of path, Q and Gain(dB) is considered. Also tracking range is measured.

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Measurement of Brownian motion of nanoparticles in suspension using a network-based PTV technique

  • Banerjee A.;Choi C. K.;Kihm K. D.;Takagi T.
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.91-110
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    • 2004
  • A comprehensive three-dimensional nano-particle tracking technique in micro- and nano-scale spatial resolution using the Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscope (TIRFM) is discussed. Evanescent waves from the total internal reflection of a 488nm argon-ion laser are used to measure the hindered Brownian diffusion within few hundred nanometers of a glass-water interface. 200-nm fluorescence-coated polystyrene spheres are used as tracers to achieve three-dimensional tracking within the near-wall penetration depth. A novel ratiometric imaging technique coupled with a neural network model is used to tag and track the tracer particles. This technique allows for the determination of the relative depth wise locations of the particles. This analysis, to our knowledge is the first such three-dimensional ratiometric nano-particle tracking velocimetry technique to be applied for measuring Brownian diffusion close to the wall.

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Streamlined Rotors Mini Rotorcraft : Trajectory Generation and Tracking

  • Beji Lotfi;Abichou Azgal
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2005
  • We present in this paper the stabilization (tracking) with motion planning of the six independent configurations of a mini unmanned areal vehicle equipped with four streamlined rotors. Naturally, the yaw-dynamic can be stabilized without difficulties and independently of other motions. The remaining dynamics are linearly approximated around a small roll and pitch angles. It will be shown that the system presents a flat output that is likely to be useful in the motion generation problem. The tracking feedback controller is based on receding horizon point to point steering. The resulting controller involves the lift (collective) time derivative for what flatness and feedback linearization are used. Simulation tests are performed to progress in a region with approximatively ten-meter-buildings.

Viewer Tracking in 3D Environment and Bare-hand Interaction using the Binocular Augmented Reality System with Smartphones (스마트폰을 이용한 양안식 증강현실 시스템의 3차원 공간에서의 시점 위치 추적 및 맨손 인터랙션 기술)

  • Hwang, Jae-In;Lee, Jinwoo;Rho, Seungmin;Lee, Youna;Lim, Yongwan;Kim, Junho
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we present binocular augmented reality system with smartphones. With improvements of performance and resolution of recent smartphones, various virtual reality devices using smartphones and applications are appearing in the market. But the augmented reality system with smartphones are not that popular because of the lack of required technologies. In our work, we discuss about 3D mapping and tracking using computer vision. Also, we provide hybrid tracking using sensors in the smartphone which can handle the computer vision failure cases. Bare hand 3D interaction method in our system will be also presented.

A Study of Image Target Detection and Tracking for Robust Tracking in an Occluded Environment (표적의 부분가림이 존재하는 환경에서 견실한 추적을 위한 영상 표적 탐지, 추적 알고리듬 연구)

  • Kim, Yong;Song, Taek-Lyul
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.982-990
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    • 2010
  • In a target tracking system using image information from a CCD (Charged Couple Device) or an IIR (Imaging Infra-red) sensor, occluded targets can result in track losses. If the target is occlued by background objects such as buildings or trees, probability of track existence will be reduced sharply and track will be terminated due to track maintenance algorithms. This paper proposes data association algorithm based on target existence for the robust tracking performance. we suggest the HPDA (Highest Probability Data Association) algorithm based on target existence and the tracking performance is compared with the established method based on target perceivability. Image tracking simulation that utilizes virtual 3D images and real IR images is employed to evaluate the robustness of the proposed tracking algorithm.