• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Panorama

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Implementation of Selective Mapping Billboard for Production of Image-based 3D Virtual Reality (실사기반의 3차원 가상현실 제작을 위한 선택적 맵핑 방식의 빌보드 구현)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Kim, Jae-Won
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.601-608
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    • 2010
  • This investigation proposes a new method to overcome disadvantages of panorama VR that is oriented toward spacial information and Object VR that is oriented toward object itself and consequently to make 3D virtual reality (VR) contents efficiently by using image based approach. 3D VR contents provide satisfactory qualities to users but 3D modeling is complex and elaborative and requires high cost. So, this paper aims at reducing tremendous efforts for making 3D VR by substituting 3D modeling with 'advanced Billboard'(we call it Smart Billboard). Smart Billboard has a mechanism for selecting an adequate mapping image that is observable at each user viewpoint and carry on texture mapping into the Billboard. And it is validated with the practical embodiments of a virtual museum in which the exhibitions are prepared by Smart Billboard.

Preliminary Study on Generating Three-Dimensional Floor Layout of Construction Sites (건설 시공 현장 3차원 층 단위 레이아웃 생성 모델 기초 연구)

  • Hong, Sungwon;Kim, Taejin;Park, Jiwon;Lee, Soohyoung;Kim, Taehoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.285-286
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    • 2023
  • The visualization of information serves as a valuable tool for facilitating communication and exchange of opinions among stakeholders by conveying information in an intuitive and clear manner. As a preliminary study of visualization for construction field, this study proposed a model for generating three-dimensional floor layout using 360-degree panoramic cameras. The model integrates the layouts by calculating normal vectors of the plane which has openings, and applying translation and rotation matrices between the normal vectors. The results of this study can contribute to improving communication in construction sites by incorporating visualization, and further to the digital transformation of the construction industry.

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Development of a Facility Management System for Underground Conduits Using Web Technologies (웹 기술을 이용한 지하 공동구의 시설물 관리 시스템 개발)

  • Ku, Kyong-I;Kim, Ji-Yoon;Ahn, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Joo-Sung;Kang, Jae-Mo;Kim, Youug-Jin;Kim, Yoo-Sung
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2005
  • Even though underground conduits have became important city-infra structures which should be exhaustively and efficiently managed, there is few systems which supports the well-defined facility management standards. Due to the lack of the supporting systems, experts must visit underground conduits scattered several cities over the country to see and check the status of the underground conduits including built-in facilities. This type of management gives us a little bit delayed status information at the end of so much time and money costs. In this paper, to solve this problem and manage the conduit synthetically, we developed a web-based facility management system for underground conduits by using information technologies. The developed management system has a simplified map drawing interface to depict the overall architectures and locations of underground conduits and their built-in facilities into sketch maps. And, the system uses the 3D panorama image technology with zooming functions in addition to still images and video images to give the feeling of a spot inspection. Moreover, since the system accumulates the data of repair/reinforcement, occasional inspections and safety diagnosis, conduit managers can synthetically and effectively manage the facilities within underground conduits and themselves.

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Development of Computer Assisted 3-D Simulation and Prediction Surgery in Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis (악안면 골신장술의 치료계획을 위한 3차원 시뮬레이션 프로토콜의 개발)

  • Paeng Jun-Young;Lee Jee-Ho;Lee Jong-Ho;Baek Seung-Hak;Kim Myung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Cleft Lip And Palate
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2003
  • There are significant limitations in the precision of mandibular distraction in setting a desired occlusal and facial esthetic outcome. The purpose of this study is to present the simulation method for the distraction osteogenesis treatment planning. 3-D surgery simulation software programs V-works and V-Surgery(Cybermed, Seoul, Korea) were used from the 3D CT data in addition to the conventional data facial photography, panorama and cephalogram, dental cast model. We have utilized already for the various surgical procedures to get information preoperatively for the maxillofacial surgery like cancer localization and reconstructive surgery, orthognathic surgery and implant surgery in the department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Seoul National University Hospital. On the software, bone cutting can be done at any place and any direction. Separated bone segment can be mobilized in all 3 dimensional direction. After the 3D simulation on the software program, mock surgery on the RP model can be performed. This planning method was applied to two hemifacial microsomia patients. With this protocol, we could simulate the movement of bony segment after maxillofacial distraction osteogenesis

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Development of High Dynamic Range Panorama Environment Map Production System Using General-Purpose Digital Cameras (범용 디지털 카메라를 이용한 HDR 파노라마 환경 맵 제작 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Eun-Hea;Hwang, Gyu-Hyun;Park, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • High dynamic range (HDR) images represent a far wider numerical range of exposures than common digital images. Thus it can accurately store intensity levels of light found in the specific scenes generated by light sources in the real world. Although a kind of professional HDR cameras which support fast accurate capturing has been developed, high costs prevent from employing those in general working environments. The common method to produce a HDR image with lower cost is to take a set of photos of the target scene with a range of exposures by general purpose cameras, and then to transform them into a HDR image by commercial softwares. However, the method needs complicate and accurate camera calibration processes. Furthermore, creating HDR environment maps which are used to produce high quality imaging contents includes delicate time-consuming manual processes. In this paper, we present an automatic HDR panorama environment map generating system which was constructed to make the complicated jobs of taking pictures easier. And we show that our system can be effectively applicable to photo-realistic compositing tasks which combine 3D graphic models with a 2D background scene using image-based lighting techniques.

3D Object Recognition Using Appearance Model Space of Feature Point (특징점 Appearance Model Space를 이용한 3차원 물체 인식)

  • Joo, Seong Moon;Lee, Chil Woo
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2014
  • 3D object recognition using only 2D images is a difficult work because each images are generated different to according to the view direction of cameras. Because SIFT algorithm defines the local features of the projected images, recognition result is particularly limited in case of input images with strong perspective transformation. In this paper, we propose the object recognition method that improves SIFT algorithm by using several sequential images captured from rotating 3D object around a rotation axis. We use the geometric relationship between adjacent images and merge several images into a generated feature space during recognizing object. To clarify effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we keep constantly the camera position and illumination conditions. This method can recognize the appearance of 3D objects that previous approach can not recognize with usually SIFT algorithm.

Intelligent simulation of the thermal buckling characteristics of a tapered functionally graded porosity-dependent rectangular small-scale beam

  • Shan, Xiaomin;Huang, Anzhong
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 2022
  • In the current research, the thermal buckling characteristics of the bi-directional functionally graded nano-scale tapered beam on the basis of a couple of nonlocal Eringen and classical beam theories are scrutinized. The nonlocal governing equation and associated nonlocal boundary conditions are constructed using the conservation energy principle, and the resulting equations are solved using the generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM). The mechanical characteristics of the produced material are altered along both the beam length and thickness direction, indicating that it is a two-dimensional functionally graded material (2D-FGM). It is thought that the nanostructures are defective because to the presence of porosity voids. Finally, the obtained results are used to design small-scale sensors and make an excellent panorama of developing the production of nanostructures.

Simulation Panorama Image Reconstruction for Eliminating Blind Spot of a Running Vehicle (주행 중인 차량의 사각지대 제거를 위한 파노라마 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, Min-Woo;Lee, Seok-Jun;Jang, Kyoung-Ho;Jung, Soon-Ki;Yoon, Pal-Joo
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.02a
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    • pp.767-773
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    • 2007
  • 현재 시판되고 있는 대다수의 자동차에 장착된 사이드미러와 백미러 같은 기존의 비젼 시스템은 모두 사각지대(blind spot)를 가지고 있다. 사각지대는 크고 작은 사고의 원인이 되기도 한다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위해 자동차 기업들은 자사의 고급 자동차 후방에 광각(wide-angle) 카메라를 장착하고 있다. 광각 카메라 시스템은 1대의 카메라를 사용하여 후방 영상을 얻고 그것을 그대로 보여줌으로서 어느 정도 사각지대를 줄여주는 역할을 하고 있지만 후방의 모든 사각지대를 제거해주지는 못한다. 그러므로 다수의 카메라를 사용하면 보다 넓은 후방 시야를 확보함으로서 보다 완벽하게 사각지대를 제거할 뿐만 아니라, 좀 더 다양한 위험물 정보를 주행 중에도 운전자에게 제공하는 것이 가능해진다. 본 논문에서는 사각지대를 제거하기 위해 차량의 좌, 우측 그리고 후방에 3대의 카메라를 장착하고, 장착된 카메라를 통해 얻어진 영상을 통합한 파노라마 영상을 생성하는 방법과 다양한 환경에서 실험한 결과를 제시한다. 파노라마 영상을 생성하기 위해서 제안하는 방법은 3D 와핑을 통해 각 영상의 Bird's Eye View를 생성하고, 생성된 Bird's Eye View를 2차원 이동변환만을 이용해서 하나의 통합된 Bird's Eye View를 만든다. 이렇게 만들어진 통합된 영상을 후방 카메라를 기준으로 다시 3D 와핑 함으로서 완전한 파노라마 영상을 생성한다. 제시된 방법으로 다양한 상황에 따라 실험을 수행하고, 이를 통해 문제점을 찾아본다.

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2D Adjacency Matrix Generation using DCT for UWV Contents (DCT를 통한 UWV 콘텐츠의 2D 인접도 행렬 생성)

  • Xiaorui, Li;Kim, Kyuheon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.366-374
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    • 2017
  • Since a display device such as TV or digital signage is getting larger, the types of media is getting changed into wider view one such as UHD, panoramic and jigsaw-like media. Especially, panoramic and jigsaw-like media is realized by stitching video clips, which are captured by different camera or devices. However, a stitching process takes long time, and has difficulties in applying for a real-time process. Thus, this paper suggests to find out 2D Adjacency Matrix, which tells spatial relationships among those video clips in order to decrease a stitching processing time. Using the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), we convert the each frame of video source from the spatial domain (2D) into frequency domain. Based on the aforementioned features, 2D Adjacency Matrix of images could be found that we can efficiently make the spatial map of the images by using DCT. This paper proposes a new method of generating 2D adjacency matrix by using DCT for producing a panoramic and jigsaw-like media through various individual video clips.

360 RGBD Image Synthesis from a Sparse Set of Images with Narrow Field-of-View (소수의 협소화각 RGBD 영상으로부터 360 RGBD 영상 합성)

  • Kim, Soojie;Park, In Kyu
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.487-498
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    • 2022
  • Depth map is an image that contains distance information in 3D space on a 2D plane and is used in various 3D vision tasks. Many existing depth estimation studies mainly use narrow FoV images, in which a significant portion of the entire scene is lost. In this paper, we propose a technique for generating 360° omnidirectional RGBD images from a sparse set of narrow FoV images. The proposed generative adversarial network based image generation model estimates the relative FoV for the entire panoramic image from a small number of non-overlapping images and produces a 360° RGB and depth image simultaneously. In addition, it shows improved performance by configuring a network reflecting the spherical characteristics of the 360° image.