• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D 지리정보

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Erosion and Sedimentation Monitoring of Coastal Region using Time Series UAV Image (시계열 UAV 영상을 활용한 연안지역 침식·퇴적 변화 모니터링)

  • CHO, Gi-Sung;HYUN, Jae-Hyeok;LEE, Geun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2020
  • In order to promote efficient coastal management, it is important to continuously monitor the characteristics of the terrain, which are changed by various factors. In this study, time series UAV images were taken of Gyeokpo beach. And the standard deviation of ±11cm(X), ±10cm(Y), and ±15cm(Z) was obtained as a result of comparing with the VRS measurement performance for UAV position accuracy evaluation. Therefore, it was confirmed that the tolerance of the digital map work rule was satisfied. In addition, as a result of monitoring the erosion and sedimentation changes using the DSM(digital surface model) constructed through UAV images, an average of 0.01 m deposition occurred between June 2018 and December 2018, and in December 2018 and June 2019. It was analyzed that 0.03m of erosion occurred. Therefore, 0.02m of erosion occurred between June 2018 and June 2019. From the topographical change analysis results, the area of erosion and sediment height was analyzed, and the area of erosion and sedimentation was widely distributed in the ±0.5m section. If we continuously monitor the topographical changes in the coastal regions by using the 3D terrain modeling results using the time series UAV images presented in this study, we can support the coastal management tasks such as supplement or dredging of sand.

A Modified grid-based KIneMatic wave STOrm Runoff Model (ModKIMSTORM) (II) - Application and Analysis - (격자기반 운동파 강우유출모형 KIMSTORM의 개선(II) - 적용 및 분석 -)

  • Jung, In Kyun;Shin, Hyung Jin;Park, Jin Hyeog;Kim, Seong Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6B
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    • pp.709-721
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    • 2008
  • This paper is to test the applicability of ModKIMSTORM (Modified KIneMatic Wave STOrm Runoff Model) by applying it to Namgangdam watershed of $2,293km^2$. Model inputs (DEM, land use, soil related information) were prepared in 500 m spatial resolution. Using five typhoon events (Saomi in 2000, Rusa in 2002, Maemi in 2003, Megi in 2004 and Ewiniar in 2006) and two storm events (May of 2003 and July of 2004), the model was calibrated and verified by comparing the simulated streamflow with the observed one at the outlet of the watershed. The Pearson's coefficient of determination $R^2$, Nash and Sutcliffe model efficiency E, the deviation of runoff volumes $D_v$, relative error of the peak runoff rate $EQ_p$, and absolute error of the time to peak runoff $ET_p$ showed the average value of 0.984, 0.981, 3.63%, 0.003, and 0.48 hr for 4 storms calibration and 0.937, 0.895, 8.08%, 0.138, and 0.73 hr for 3 storms verification respectively. Among the model parameters, the stream Manning's roughness coefficient was the most sensitive for peak runoff and the initial soil moisture content was highly sensitive for runoff volume fitting. We could look into the behavior of hyrologic components from the spatial results during the storm periods and get some clue for the watershed management by storms.

Comparison of Areal Accuracy in Cadastral Uncoincidence using the RTK-GPS (RTK-GPS를 이용한 지적불부합지의 면적 정확도 비교)

  • Jang, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Jin-Soo;Lee, Oong-Lak
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.3 s.21
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2002
  • The cadastral surveying is essential for the effective management of a country, the D/B building of NGIS. Many of GPS applications require a positioning accuracy of several centimeters for rover in real-times. But, to achieve higher positioning accuracies in real-time, the double differencing technique should be implemented using carrier phase data. Corrected observations at the reference station can be transmitted and used to form double difference observations at the rover using a data link. In this study, the area accuracy of cadastral survey using the RTK GPS will be assessed, and will produce area of parcel of land. As the result of comparison among area by TS, planer surveying and RTK GPS. parcels-register for site is analyzed by this data. The results show that mean error of area calculated min. $2.42m^{2}{\sim}\;max.\;13.69m^{2}$ and RMSE calculated min. $0.00329\;{\sim}\;max.\;0.01846$.

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On Method for LBS Multi-media Services using GML 3.0 (GML 3.0을 이용한 LBS 멀티미디어 서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Kee-Joong;Lee, Jun-Woo;Kim, Nam-Gyun;Hong, Seong-Hak;Choi, Beyung-Nam
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.12a
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2004
  • SK Telecom has already constructed GIMS system as the base common framework of LBS/GIS service system based on OGC(OpenGIS Consortium)'s international standard for the first mobile vector map service in 2002, But as service content appears more complex, renovation has been needed to satisfy multi-purpose, multi-function and maximum efficiency as requirements have been increased. This research is for preparation ion of GML3-based platform to upgrade service from GML2 based GIMS system. And with this, it will be possible for variety of application services to provide location and geographic data easily and freely. In GML 3.0, it has been selected animation, event handling, resource for style mapping, topology specification for 3D and telematics services for mobile LBS multimedia service. And the schema and transfer protocol has been developed and organized to optimize data transfer to MS(Mobile Stat ion) Upgrade to GML 3.0-based GIMS system has provided innovative framework in the view of not only construction but also service which has been implemented and applied to previous research and system. Also GIMS channel interface has been implemented to simplify access to GIMS system, and service component of GIMS internals, WFS and WMS, has gotten enhanded and expanded function.

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A Study on the Development of Intelligent Markup Indicator (IMI) Technology for Underground Facilities Management Using IoT (IoT를 이용한 지하매설물관리용 지능형표지기(IMI) 기술개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tai-Dal
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2017
  • Geographic Information System The geographic information system (GIS) has been limited to the government and some public sectors. Recently, the market has been diversified by combining with other areas such as mobile and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). The development direction of GIS technology in the 21st century is Web GIS, 3D GIS, mobile GIS, LBS, etc. as general technology for GIS application system development and spatial information service. In this study, we developed a new concept marking nail (a marking nail with built - in intelligent storage memory device) from the function of simple positioning of a marking nail related to a previously used underground item,, Burial depth, pipe thickness, piping material, management agency, contractor, contact, etc.) and store it in DB server, if necessary.Make it available in the right place. Through this research, it is possible to prevent and minimize various accidents caused by irregular excavation works, etc., and to provide information for establishing countermeasures related to sink holes. In order to provide systematic and reliable information on underground burial management, it was proposed to input information conveniently in the field, and the purpose was to reduce the incidence of buried underground pipes absolutely.

The Spatial Characteristics of Network in Zhongguancun Cluster - Focus on the Corporate Activities - (중관촌(中關村) 클러스터 네트워크의 공간적 특성 - 기업 활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Zhan, Jun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.298-309
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    • 2012
  • This paper studies the characteristics of the network of the Zhongguancun Cluster, the most representative innovative cluster of the high-tech industry in China at present. For this study, Zhongguancun Cluster was the first high-tech cluster created in China in 1988, the current Zhongguancun Cluster plays a leading role in the development of the high-tech industry in China. In addition, the Zhongguancun Cluster has attracted global attention and helped elevate China as a key region in terms of research development in relation to the high-tech industry. With regard to the spatial characteristics of the network belonging to the companies in Zhongguancun Cluster, purchase and producer services and information and R&D network have a strong tendency to be local, while on the other hand the product sales network has a strong tendency to be non-local. It is because the political support supplied by the government, institutional base that provides high-tech companies, producer services and information regarding producer services is relatively well prepared and managed in Zhongguancun Cluster. The spatial characteristics of the R&D network have a very strong local character is due to the location of the Zhongguancun Cluster where companies, universities and research centers with outstanding research development capacity as well as various support organizations for technology innovation within the cluster are included. On the other hand, because the high-tech products produced in this area are sold all across China as well as in foreign countries, the product sales network has a strong non-local character. Strengthening the local network in terms of the main agents of the cluster is the most important aspect in order to develop a certain industrial cluster into an innovative cluster. In this respect, if the Zhongguancun Cluster is seen from the perspective of a network, it has a basic network foundation. However, to strengthen international competitiveness, not only the local network but also the international network should be strengthened.

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Measurement Based Visualization Method of Radio Wave Environment Using a Mode Seeking Algorithm (모드 탐색 알고리즘을 이용한 측정치 기반의 전파 환경 시각화 기법)

  • Na, Dong Yeop;Koo, Hyung Il;Park, Yong Bae;Lee, Kyoung Hoon;Lee, Jae Ki;Hwang, In Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm to visualize radio wave environment based on the measured Received Signal Strength Indication( RSSI) and 3D geographic information. We estimate the source position using the circumcenter of the triangle and visualize the radio wave environment using the empirical propagation models. A mode seeking algorithm(mean-shift clustering) is used to seek the peak points and the center of gravity is utilized to reduce the estimation errors. Our approach finds its applications in the radio wave monitoring systems for the efficient utilization of radio resources.

Analysis on the Changes of Urban Structure by New Town Development - Case study of Go-Yang City by GIS - (신도시 개발에 따른 도시구조 변화의 분석 - GIS를 이용한 고양시 구도심지역 변화 분석 -)

  • Lim, Dong-Il
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.317-327
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    • 2008
  • Go-Yang city, rural region by the 1980s, had rapidly grown to the big city for only 15 years because of Il-San new town development which was developed during $1990{\sim}1995$. So the population and industrial function were greatly increased too. The change of urban spatial structure was grasped by tracing the distribution of population, household and industries of Go-Yang city during $1990{\sim}2005$. The new urban center had grown to the center of the whole city, while the industries of existing centers were extended to the neighbor areas. The existing centers had been changed into 3 types - (1) changed into a part of new urban center, (2) declined to sub-center with small merchant facilities. (3) continuously grown with the development of whole city. As a result, a new town development had changed the urban structure by creating new functional relationships among the existing and new centers rather the existing centers had declined.

Analysis of Land Use Characteristics Using GIS DB - A Case Study of Busan Metropolitan City in Korea - (GIS DB를 이용한 토지이용 특성 분석 - 부산광역시 건물 높이 시뮬레이션을 중심으로 -)

  • Min-Kyoung CHUN;Tae-Kyung BAEK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2023
  • As cities continue to develop rapidly, overcrowding, pollution, and urban sanitation problems arise, and the need to separate conflicting uses is emerging. From this perspective, there is no disagreement that urban land use should be planned. Therefore, all activities in land space must be predicted in advance and planned so that land use can be rationally established. This study used the constructed data to compare and analyze the use distribution characteristics of residential, commercial, and industrial areas in Busan Metropolitan City to identify the building area status, total floor area, and floor area ratio by use zone in districts and counties in Busan Metropolitan City. As a result, it was found that the residential area accounted for the largest proportion of the area by use zone at 51%, and that the residential area accounted for the largest proportion at 63% of the total floor area by use zone. And the analysis was conducted using a specialization coefficient that can identify regional characteristics based on land use composition ratio. Because it is difficult to determine the trend of the entire region just by counting the absolute value of the area, the area composition ratio was calculated and compared. Looking at the residential facilities among the specialization coefficients by use area, it is above 1.0 except for Gijang-gun, Sasang-gu, Saha-gu, and Jung-gu. Commercial facilities are over 1.0 except for Gijang-gun, Gangseo-gu, Nam-gu, Sasang-gu, and Saha-gu. Looking at industrial facilities, you can see that the industrial complex distribution area is Gangseo-gu (2.5), Gijang-gun (1.22), Sasang-gu (2.06), and Saha-gu (1.64). In addition, it was found that business facilities and educational welfare facilities were evenly distributed. Land use analysis was conducted through simulation of the current status of building heights according to each elevation in each use area and the height of buildings in each use area. In general, areas over 80m account for more than 43% of Busan City, showing that the distribution of use areas is designated in areas with high altitude due to the influence of topographical conditions.

Vegetation Structure and Dynamics of a Betula davurioa Forest in Mt. Chiri (지리산(智異山) 물박달나무림(林)의 식생구조(植生構造)와 동태(動態))

  • Ahn, Hyun-Chul;Lee, Jeong-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.445-458
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    • 1998
  • The present study focused on the vegetation structure and dynamics of Betula davurica forest were to provide the information for management, distribution and utilization of B. davurica forest in Mt. Chiri national park, southern Korea. The layer structure of B. davurica forest were consist of tree layer(18 species), middle layer(29 species), shrub layer(43 species) and herb layer(68 species). According to the importance value of stratification of layers, In tree layer, B. davurica dominant the highest value of 123.97%, Alnus hirsuta 49.04., Castanea crenata 25.58%, Quercus serrata 25.02%, Stewartia koreana 14.49%, in middle layer were B. davurica 70.81%, Q. serrata 37.74%, Fraxinus rhynchophylla 25.35% Lindera erythrocarpa 24.52%, S. koreana 18.86%, shrub layer were Sasa borealis 28.28%, L. erythrocarpa 24.94%, Rhus trichocarpa, 20.42%, Stephanandra incisa 19.90% and herb layer Schizandra chinensis 18.51%, Aster scaber 12.26%. Disporum smilacinum 10.63% etc, respectively. Results of chi-square test statistics based on presence-absence parameters, the positively associated species pair were Quercus variablis - Q. acutissima, Stewartia koreana - Symplocos paniculata, Acer pseudo-sieboldianum - Quercus mongolica. And covariation was calculated based on quantitative measure of density. The results showed that the association and covariation values among species not agreed with each other. The frequency distribution of DBH Betula davurica species showed reverse J-shaped, therefore it's seems to retrain as a dominant species. When predicting succession in Betula davurica forest, it is seedling and saplings were not richness, succession was governed by competition of hardwood species of subtree and tree layer.

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