• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-D coordinate system

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Conversion Method of 3D Point Cloud to Depth Image and Its Hardware Implementation (3차원 점군데이터의 깊이 영상 변환 방법 및 하드웨어 구현)

  • Jang, Kyounghoon;Jo, Gippeum;Kim, Geun-Jun;Kang, Bongsoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.2443-2450
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    • 2014
  • In the motion recognition system using depth image, the depth image is converted to the real world formed 3D point cloud data for efficient algorithm apply. And then, output depth image is converted by the projective world after algorithm apply. However, when coordinate conversion, rounding error and data loss by applied algorithm are occurred. In this paper, when convert 3D point cloud data to depth image, we proposed efficient conversion method and its hardware implementation without rounding error and data loss according image size change. The proposed system make progress using the OpenCV and the window program, and we test a system using the Kinect in real time. In addition, designed using Verilog-HDL and verified through the Zynq-7000 FPGA Board of Xilinx.

Calibration of Structured Light Vision System using Multiple Vertical Planes

  • Ha, Jong Eun
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.438-444
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    • 2018
  • Structured light vision system has been widely used in 3D surface profiling. Usually, it is composed of a camera and a laser which projects a line on the target. Calibration is necessary to acquire 3D information using structured light stripe vision system. Conventional calibration algorithms have found the pose of the camera and the equation of the stripe plane of the laser under the same coordinate system of the camera. Therefore, the 3D reconstruction is only possible under the camera frame. In most cases, this is sufficient to fulfill given tasks. However, they require multiple images which are acquired under different poses for calibration. In this paper, we propose a calibration algorithm that could work by using just one shot. Also, proposed algorithm could give 3D reconstruction under both the camera and laser frame. This would be done by using newly designed calibration structure which has multiple vertical planes on the ground plane. The ability to have 3D reconstruction under both the camera and laser frame would give more flexibility for its applications. Also, proposed algorithm gives an improvement in the accuracy of 3D reconstruction.

Automatic Side Mirror and Room Mirror Adjustment System using 3D Location of Driver′s Eyes (운전자 눈 위치를 이용한 사이드미러와 룸미러 자동조절시스템)

  • 노광현;박기현;한민홍
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.7-7
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes a mirror control system that can adjust the location of side and room mirror of the vehicle automatically using 3D coordinates to monitor the location of driver's eyes. Through analysis of the image inputted by two B/W CCD camera and infrared lamps installed on top of the driver's dashboard, we can estimate the values of 3D coordinate of the driver's eyes. Using these values, this system can determine the absolute position of each mirror and activate each actuator to the appropriate position. The stereo vision system can detect the driver's eyes whether it is day or night by virtue of infrared Lamps. We have tested this system using 10 drivers who drive a car currently, and most of the drivers were satisfied with the convenience of this system.

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Robust Camera Calibration using TSK Fuzzy Modeling

  • Lee, Hee-Sung;Hong, Sung-Jun;Kim, Eun-Tai
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.216-220
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    • 2007
  • Camera calibration in machine vision is the process of determining the intrinsic camera parameters and the three-dimensional (3D) position and orientation of the camera frame relative to a certain world coordinate system. On the other hand, Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy system is a very popular fuzzy system and approximates any nonlinear function to arbitrary accuracy with only a small number of fuzzy rules. It demonstrates not only nonlinear behavior but also transparent structure. In this paper, we present a novel and simple technique for camera calibration for machine vision using TSK fuzzy model. The proposed method divides the world into some regions according to camera view and uses the clustered 3D geometric knowledge. TSK fuzzy system is employed to estimate the camera parameters by combining partial information into complete 3D information. The experiments are performed to verify the proposed camera calibration.

The Coordinate Transformation of Digital Geological Map in accordance with the World Geodetic System (A Case Study of Chungju and Hwanggang-ri Sheets using ArcToolbox) (수치지질도의 세계측지계 좌표변환 (ArcToolbox를 이용한 충주 및 황강리 도폭의 사례))

  • Oh, Hyun-Joo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.537-543
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, the use of world geodetic system(WGS) has been mandated in year 2010. Accordingly, the national geographic information institute(NGIS) provides the digital maps according to the WGS. Nevertheless, most of the digital geological maps are still based on the Tokyo Datum(TD). Therefore, users should conduct 2D/3D geological spatial analysis after converting the coordinates of digital geological maps to WGS. The conversion process is often tedious and troublesome for certain users. Therefore, in this study, the method to transform coordinate from TD to WGS using ArcToolbox is introduced for users not familiar with the process. For a better appreciation, the Chungju and Hwanggang-ri digital sheets of 1:50,000 scale was chosen as an example. Here, Chungju and Hwanggang-ri sheets were defined based on the TD-central origin and TD-east origin, respectively. The two sheets were merged after the transformation of TD-east origin of Hwanggang-ri to the TD-central origin, and eventually transformed to WGS-central origin. The merged map was found to match exactly with the digital map(Daeso 367041). The problem of coordinate determination in previous digital geological maps was solved effectively. The proposed method is believed to be helpful to 2D/3D geological spatial analysis of various geological thematic maps.

Dynamic 3D Worker Pose Registration for Safety Monitoring in Manufacturing Environment based on Multi-domain Vision System (다중 도메인 비전 시스템 기반 제조 환경 안전 모니터링을 위한 동적 3D 작업자 자세 정합 기법)

  • Ji Dong Choi;Min Young Kim;Byeong Hak Kim
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.303-310
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    • 2023
  • A single vision system limits the ability to accurately understand the spatial constraints and interactions between robots and dynamic workers caused by gantry robots and collaborative robots during production manufacturing. In this paper, we propose a 3D pose registration method for dynamic workers based on a multi-domain vision system for safety monitoring in manufacturing environments. This method uses OpenPose, a deep learning-based posture estimation model, to estimate the worker's dynamic two-dimensional posture in real-time and reconstruct it into three-dimensional coordinates. The 3D coordinates of the reconstructed multi-domain vision system were aligned using the ICP algorithm and then registered to a single 3D coordinate system. The proposed method showed effective performance in a manufacturing process environment with an average registration error of 0.0664 m and an average frame rate of 14.597 per second.

Mixed Reality Extension System Using Beam Projectors : Beyond the Sight (빔 프로젝터를 이용한 혼합현실 확장 시스템 : Beyond the Sight)

  • Kim, Jongyong;Song, J.H;Park, J.H.;Nam, J.;Yoon, Seung-Hyun;Park, Sanghun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2019
  • Recently commercial mixed-reality devices have be launched and a variety of mixed-reality content has produced, but narrow field of view, which appear to be hardware technical limitations, are mentioned as an important issue for hindering immersion and limiting the scope of use. We propose a new innovative system that cooperate multiple beam projectors and a number of mixed reality devices. Using this technology, users can maximize immersion and minimize frustration of narrow viewing angles through 3D object rendering on background of large 2D screens. This system, named BtS (Beyond the Sight), is implemented on a client-server basis and includes the ability to calibrate between devices, share spatial coordinate systems, and synchronize real-time renderings as core modules. In this paper, each configuration module is described in detail and the possibility of its performance and application is shown through the introduction of mixed reality content case created using BtS system.

Building of the Web-Based 3D Road Guide System of Yonsei Univ. (웹 기반의 3차원 교내 길 안내 시스템)

  • 손홍규;김호성;백종하
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2004
  • Recently various types of digital maps are widely available through the internet. Such e-maps have an advantage that user can easily get the information of destination by using only the search function. But these e-naps are based on 2D coordinate system so that they have limits that the virtual shapes of ground are very different from the real ones. Therefore, for more actual services of location information, we made a 3D model of Yonsei University with JAVA 3D and VRML technology and built the 3D e-map of Yonsei University, which is applied through the interaction between the web server and clients.

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Three-Dimensional Shape Reconstruction from Images by Shape-from-Silhouette Technique and Iterative Triangulation

  • Cho, Jung-Ho;Samuel Moon-Ho Song
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.1665-1673
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    • 2003
  • We propose an image-based three-dimensional shape determination system. The shape, and thus the three-dimensional coordinate information of the 3-D object, is determined solely from captured images of the 3-D object from a prescribed set of viewpoints. The approach is based on the shape-from-silhouette (SFS) technique, and the efficacy of the SFS method is tested using a sample data set. The extracted three-dimensional shape is modeled with polygons generated by a new iterative triangulation algorithm, and the polygon model can be exported to commercial software. The proposed system may be used to visualize the 3-D object efficiently, or to quickly generate initial CAD data for reverse engineering purposes, including three dimensional design applications such as 3-D animation and 3-D games.

Obstacle Avoidance of Unmanned Surface Vehicle based on 3D Lidar for VFH Algorithm (무인수상정의 장애물 회피를 위한 3차원 라이다 기반 VFH 알고리즘 연구)

  • Weon, Ihn-Sik;Lee, Soon-Geul;Ryu, Jae-Kwan
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.945-953
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we use 3-D LIDAR for obstacle detection and avoidance maneuver for autonomous unmanned operation. It is aimed to avoid obstacle avoidance in unmanned water under marine condition using only single sensor. 3D lidar uses Quanergy's M8 sensor to collect surrounding obstacle data and includes layer information and intensity information in obstacle information. The collected data is converted into a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, which is then mapped to a two-dimensional coordinate system. The data including the obstacle information converted into the two-dimensional coordinate system includes noise data on the water surface. So, basically, the noise data generated regularly is defined by defining a hypothetical region of interest based on the assumption of unmanned water. The noise data generated thereafter are set to a threshold value in the histogram data calculated by the Vector Field Histogram, And the noise data is removed in proportion to the amount of noise. Using the removed data, the relative object was searched according to the unmanned averaging motion, and the density map of the data was made while keeping one cell on the virtual grid map. A polar histogram was generated for the generated obstacle map, and the avoidance direction was selected using the boundary value.