• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2차원 모델

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Estimating System for Concrete Bridge using 3D Bridge Information Models (3차원 교량정보모델에 기반한 콘크리트 교량의 견적 시스템)

  • Shim, Chang-Su;Kim, Deok-Won;Lee, Kwang-Myong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.43-44
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    • 2009
  • 3D bridge information models for a concrete box-girder bridge were built and a typical application example for the estimation linked with the 3D models was proposed. 3D geometry objects with PBS (product breakdown structure) were constructed using standard classification codes and 2D drawings. Information on the amount of materials according to the classification codes was utilized for the estimation system. A process for the estimation of concrete and rebars was developed and verified through the pilot test. Optimization of rebar fabrication was suggested as an additional function and was utilized for the cost reduction and standard fabrication.

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Reconstruction System of Road Environment using Image-based Modeling (이미지 기반 모델링을 이용한 도로환경 재구성 시스템)

  • Lee, Kye-Young;Lee, Yong-Jae;Shin, Yeong Gil
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents a new modeling technique to reconstruct road environments. The reconstruction algorithm for road environments consists of three parts - reconstructing 3D models of architectures in road environments, editing and creating road models, and modeling auxiliary objects. Different modeling technique is applied to each of these three parts according to properties objects to be modeled contain. In this reconstruction system, modified Photogrammetric Modeling techique is used, of which the user interface is more convenient, and in which constraints of road environments are considered. These improvements make this road environment reconstruction system much simpler and easier to use compared with Photogrammetric Modeling technique[1, 2].

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A Study on the Quasi-3-Dimensional Compressible Flow Calculation by Introduction of Viscous Loss Model in Axial-Flow Compressor (점성 손실모델 도입에 의한 축류 압축기 준 3차원 압축성 유동해석)

  • 조강래;이진호;김주환
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1044-1051
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    • 1989
  • A numerical calculation is carried out for the analysis of 3-dimensional compressible flow field in axial-flow rotating blades by using finite element method. The calculation of flow in impellers plays a dominant role in the theoretical research and design of turbomachines. Three-dimensional flow fields can be obtained by the quasi-three-dimensional iterative calculation of the flows both on blade-to-blade stream surfaces and hub-to-shroud stream surfaces with the introduction of viscous loss model in order to consider a loss due to viscosity of fluid. In devising the loss model, four primary sources of losses were identified: (1) blade profile loss (2) end wall loss (3) secondary flow loss (4) tip-leakage loss. For the consideration of an axially parabolic distribution of loss, the results of present calcullation are well agreed with the results by experiment, thus the introduction of loss model is proved to be valid.

Extracting Building Geometry for Structural Analysis from IFC Physical File (IFC 파일로부터 구조해석을 위한 형상모델의 구축)

  • Goh, IL-Du;Choi, Joong-Hyun;Kim, E-Doo;Jeong, Yeon-Suk;Lee, Jae-Min
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.601-604
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    • 2010
  • 기하형상이나 엔지니어링에 관한 정보를 3차원 모델기반으로 다루는 BIM기술은 기존의 2차원 도면작업들에 비해 업무의 효율성이나 신속성, 비용측면 등에서 많은 이점을 제공할 수 있어 건축계획 및 설계, 엔지니어링, 시공, 유지관리, 에너지분석 등 건설산업의 전 분야에 활용되고 있다. 본 논문은 BIM용 프로그램들간에 정보교환을 위해 사용되는 건물의 국제표준 정보모델인 IFC 파일로부터 구조해석을 위한 건물형상모델을 자동으로 구축하기 위한 방법을 제시하고, 실제 구현한 프로그램으로 적용사례를 보여준다.

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Development of a Three-Dimensional, Semi-Implicit Hydrodynamic Model with Wetting-and-Drying Scheme (조간대 처리기법을 포함한 3차원 Semi-Implicit 수역학모델 개발)

  • Lee, Kyung-Sun;Park, Kyeong;Oh, Jeong-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2000
  • Princeton Ocean Model (POM) is modified to construct a three-dimensional, semi-implicit hydro¬dynamic model with a wetting-and-drying scheme. The model employs semi-implicit treatment of the barotropic pressure gradient terms and the vertical mixing terms in the momentum equations, and the velocity divergence term in the vertically-integrated continuity equation. Such treatment removes the external mode and thus the mode splitting scheme in POM, allowing the semi-implicit model to use a larger time step. Applied to hypothetical systems, both the semi-implicit model and POM give nearly the same results. The semi-implicit model, however, runs approximately 4.4 times faster than POM showing its improved computational efficiency. Applied to a hypothetical system with intertidal flats, POM employing the mode splitting scheme produces noises at the intertidal flats, that propagate into the main channel resulting in unstable current velocities. Despite its larger time step, the semi-implicit model gives stable current velocities both at the intertidal flats and main channel. The semi-implicit model when applied to Kyeonggi Bay gives a good reproduction of the observed tides and tidal currents throughout the modeling domain, demonstrating its prototype applicability.

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A Photogrammetric Approach to Create 3-Dimensional Models of Irregular-shaped Curves (부정형 곡선의 3차원 모델 제작에 대한 사진측량적 접근)

  • Chang, Ji Hong
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.545-551
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    • 2017
  • It is very important to effectively obtain the information related to the human body shape for user-centered design. The human body shape is a huge combination of various irregular curves and is typically obtained by a 3-D Scanner. 3-D scanners show high reliability; however, they are expnsive equipment with limited mobility. 3-D models of irregular-shaped curves were created by a photogrammetric approach and the errors between the original curve and the models were evaluated. 3-D models were created based on 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, and 5 marking points evenly located on the original curve. In the case of convex curve, low levels of residuals were observed in the models from 160, 80, 40, and 20 marking points (0.13% max). In the combination of convex and concave curves, relatively low levels of residuals were observed in the models from 160, 80, and 40 marking points (0.29%). It is possible to conclude that marking points should be placed at every 5% of overall length of a convex curve and at every 2.5% of overall length of a curve with convex and concave curve in order to maintain low levels of errors. A photogrammetric approach can be used as an alternative for the 3-D scanners with advantages of low cost and mobility.

Real-time 3D Volumetric Model Generation using Multiview RGB-D Camera (다시점 RGB-D 카메라를 이용한 실시간 3차원 체적 모델의 생성)

  • Kim, Kyung-Jin;Park, Byung-Seo;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kwon, Soon-Chul;Seo, Young-Ho
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.439-448
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a modified optimization algorithm for point cloud matching of multi-view RGB-D cameras. In general, in the computer vision field, it is very important to accurately estimate the position of the camera. The 3D model generation methods proposed in the previous research require a large number of cameras or expensive 3D cameras. Also, the methods of obtaining the external parameters of the camera through the 2D image have a large error. In this paper, we propose a matching technique for generating a 3D point cloud and mesh model that can provide omnidirectional free viewpoint using 8 low-cost RGB-D cameras. We propose a method that uses a depth map-based function optimization method with RGB images and obtains coordinate transformation parameters that can generate a high-quality 3D model without obtaining initial parameters.

3D Human Shape Deformation using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 3차원 사람모델형상 변형)

  • Kim, DaeHee;Hwang, Bon-Woo;Lee, SeungWook;Kwak, Sooyeong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2020
  • Recently, rapid and accurate 3D models creation is required in various applications using virtual reality and augmented reality technology. In this paper, we propose an on-site learning based shape deformation method which transforms the clothed 3D human model into the shape of an input point cloud. The proposed algorithm consists of two main parts: one is pre-learning and the other is on-site learning. Each learning consists of encoder, template transformation and decoder network. The proposed network is learned by unsupervised method, which uses the Chamfer distance between the input point cloud form and the template vertices as the loss function. By performing on-site learning on the input point clouds during the inference process, the high accuracy of the inference results can be obtained and presented through experiments.

Numerical Model for Predicting Sand Bar Formation around River Mouth (하구역의 사주 형성 예측을 위한 수치 모델)

  • Kuroiwa, Masamitsu;Matsubara, Yuhei;Suzuki, Yoko;Kuchiishi, Takayuki
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2014
  • A three-dimensional beach evolution model was presented to predict morphodynamics around a river mouth. The presented model was based on the depth-averaged (2DH) and quasi three-dimensional (Q-3D) nearshore current modules, and the model took into account shoreline changes, the effect of advection diffusion of suspended load and discharged sediments from the river. First, the 3D beach evolution model was applied to the formation of sand spits and terrace at the river mouth in order to investigate the performance of the model. Secondly, the model was applied to the river mouth at the Ara River, facing the Sea of Japan. The formation of sand spit at the Ara River in winter season was reproduced. The computed result showed qualitatively agreement with field site observation.

Comparison between Numerical Results of 1D Beam and 2D Plane Stress Finite Element Analyses Considering Aspect Ratio of Cantilever Beams (캔틸레버보의 형상비에 따른 1차원 보와 2차원 평면응력 유한요소해석 결과의 비교)

  • Kang, Yoo-Jin;Sim, Ji-Soo;Cho, Hae-Sung;Shin, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2015
  • There exist different kinds of aircrafts, such as conventional airplane, rotorcraft, fighter, and unmanned aerial vehicle. Their shape and feature are dependent upon their own assigned mission. One of the fundamental analyses performed during the aircraft design is the structural analysis. It becomes more complicated and requires severe computations because of the recent complex trends in aircraft structure. In order for efficiency in the structural analysis, a simplified approach, such as equivalent beam or plate model, is preferred. However, it is not clear which analysis will be appropriate to analyze the realistic configuration, such as an aircraft wing, i.e., between an equivalent beam and plate analysis. It is necessary to assess the limitation for both the one-dimensional beam analysis and the two-dimensional plate theory. Thus, in this paper, the static structural analysis results obtained by EDISON solvers were compared with the three-dimensional results obtained from MSC NASTRAN. Before that, EDISON program was verified by comparing the results with those from MSC NASTRAN program and other analytic solutions.