• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2점 접촉

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Effects of Horticultural Therapy on the Improvement of the Self-Esteem and Sociality of Mentally Retarded Persons (원예치료프로그램의 적용이 정신지체장애인의 자기주장 및 사회성 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • 박민희;차영주;유영원;부희옥;이숙영
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.339-351
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of phased horticultural therapy(HT) program on the experience of psychologic therapy and the development of job and social integration in the mentally handicapped persons. In this study, the mentally handicapped persons participated in HT program were chosen in disabled person's welfare institute of Jeonnam. HT program was performed twice a week with 1 hour activity for 4 months. As a results, the mentally handicapped persons participated in HT program showed high interest of horticulture and improvement of self-respect and the high satisfactory degree of HT program. Therefore, the mentally handicapped persons were showed the experience of both physical and mental therapy, improvement of self-esteem scale and sociality in HT program. Also, the application of HT program with continuously interest will be showed high improvement of physical, psychological and sentimental. In the course of this HT program progress, horticultural therapist and social welfare officer were showed the limitation of role. Therefore the leaders of group for successful HT program be required the comprehensive plan of more efficient HT program and induced technique of continuously up-phased improvements in HT program progress.

Analysis of Indicator Microorganism Concentration in the Rice Cultural Plot after Reclaimed Water Irrigation (하수처리수 관개후 벼재배 시험구에서 지표미생물 거동 분석)

  • Jung, Kwang-Wook;Jeon, Ji-Hong;Ham, Jong-Hwa;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.37 no.1 s.106
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    • pp.112-121
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    • 2004
  • A study was performed to examine the effects of UV-disinfected reclaimed water on microorganism concentration during rice culture. Four treatments were used and each one was triplicated to evaluate the changes of microorganism concentrations: stream water irrigation (STR), biofilter effluent irrigation (BE), UV-disinfected water irrigation with dose of 6 mW ${\cdot}$ s $cm{-2}$ (UV-6), and UV-disinfected water irrigation with dose of 16 mW ${\cdot}$ s $cm{-2}$ (UV-16). The indicator microorganisms of interest were total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC), and E. coli. The biofilter effluent from 16-unit apartment sewage treatment plant was used as reclaimed water and flowthrough type UV-disinfection system was used. Concentrations of indicator microorganisms in the treatment plots ranged from $10^2$ to $10^5$ MPN/100 mL during 24 hours after irrigation in May and June, where initial irrigation water for transplanting reparation was biofilter-effluent without UV-disinfection. It implies that initial irrigation using only non-disinfected reclaimed water for puddling in paddy field can be health-concerned because of more chance of farmer's physical contact with elevated concentration of microorganisms. The concentrations of microorganisms varied widely with rainfall, and treatments using UV-disinfected water irrigation showed significantly lower concentrations than others and their levels were within the range of paddy rice field with normal surface water irrigation. The mean concentrations of STR and BE during growing season were in the range of 4 ${\times}\;10^3$ MPN/100 mL for TC, and 2${\times}\;10^3$ MPN/100 mL for FC and E, Coli, While mean concentrations of UV-S and UV-lS were less than 1${\times}\;10^3$ MPN/100 mL for all the indicator microorganisms. Overall, UV-disinfection was thought to be feasible and practical alternative for agricultural reuse of secondary level effluent in Korea.

Distribution and Bacteriological Characteristics of Vibrio vulnificus (Vibrio vulnificus 균의 분포 및 세균학적 특성)

  • CHANG Dong-Suck;SHIN Il-Shik;CHOI Seung-Tae;KIM Young-Man
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 1986
  • Vibrio vulnificus is a recently recognized halophilic organism that nay cause serious human infections. Patients infected with V. vulnificus often have a history of exposure to the sea, suggesting that the organism may be common inhabitant of marine environment. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the distribution and bacteriological characteristics of V. vulnificus. The strain used in this experiment was isolated from sea water and sea products such as common octopus (Octopus variabilis), ark shell (Anadara broughtonii), blue crab (Ericheir japonica), and sea squirt (Synthia roretzi) collected in Pusan area from July to October in 1985. V. vulnificus was frequently isolated in August when temperature of sea water was around $26^{\circ}C$ and rarely isolated in October when temperature of sea water was around $18.5^{\circ}C$. The distinctive biochemical characteristics of V. vulnificus were ONPG hydrolysis positive and fermented lactose and not grown in peptone water contained $8\%$ NaCl. The optical density at 660 nm of the growth of V. vulnificus was reached maximum level after 8 hours of culture at $35^{\circ}C$ in brain heart infusion broth but that of V. vulnificus was little increased at $15^{\circ}C$ for 14 hours. Optimum temperature and pH for the growth of V. vulnificus were around $35^{\circ}C$ and 8.0. The specific growth rate and the generation time of V. vulnificus isolated from the samples were $1.21\;hr^{-1}$, 34 min at $35^{\circ}C$ and $0.61\;hr^{-1}$, 69 min at $25^{\circ}C$, respectively. V. vulnificus did not grow on eosin-methylene-blue agar, salmonella-shigella agar, deoxycholate agar but grew well on Endo agar, xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar and hektoen enteric agar. On Endo agar, the colonies of V. vulnificus were red and achieved a diameter of 2 to 4 mm as a feature enabling differentiation of V. vulnificus from other Vibrio spp. V. vulnificus grow well on TCBS agar forming green colonies. V. vulnificus refrigerated at $4^{\circ}C$ exhibited a linear decline of its viablity as 1 log cycle in every 16 hours storage, while V. vulnificus freezed at $-18^{\circ}C$ almost became extinct.

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The Pattern of Initial Displacement in Lingual Lever Arm Traction of 6 Maxillary Anterior Teeth According to Different Material Properties: 3-D FEA (유한요소모델에서 레버암을 이용한 상악 6전치 설측 견인 시 초기 이동 양상)

  • Choi, In-Ho;Cha, Kyung-Suk;Chung, Dong-Hwa
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.213-230
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the initial movement and the stress distribution of each tooth and periodontal ligament during the lingual lever-arm retraction of 6 maxillary incisors using FEA. Two kinds of finite element models were produced: 2-properties model (simple model) and 24-properties model (multi model) according to the material property assignment. The subject was an adult male of 23 years old. The DICOM images through the CT of the patient were converted into the 3D image model of a skull using the Mimics (version 10.11, Materialise's interactive Medical Image Control System, Materialise, Belgium). After series of calculating, remeshing, exporting, importing process and volume mesh process was performed, FEA models were produced. FEA models are consisted of maxilla, maxillary central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, periodontal ligaments and lingual traction arm. The boundary conditions fixed the movements of posterior, sagittal and upper part of the model to the directions of X, Y, Z axis respectively. The model was set to be symmetrical to X axis. Through the center of resistance of maxilla complex, a retraction force of 200g was applied horizontally to the occlusal plane. Under this conditions, the initial movements and stress distributions were evaluated by 3D FEA. In the result, the amount of posterior movement was larger in the multi model than in the simple model as well as the amount of vertically rotation. The pattern of the posterior movement in the central incisors and lateral incisors was controlled tipping movement, and the amount was larger than in the canine. But the amount of root movement of the canine was larger than others. The incisor rotated downwardly and the canines upwardly around contact points of lateral incisor and canine in the both models. The values of stress are similar in the both simple and multi model.

Personification of On-line Shopping Mall -Focusing on the Social Presence- (온라인 쇼핑몰의 의인화 전략 -사회적 실재감을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Ju-Sik
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.143-172
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    • 2012
  • While e-commerce market(B2C) grows rapidly, many experts argue that EC(B2C) transactions have not reached its full potential. A notable difference between online and offline consumer markets that is suppressing the growth of EC(B2C) is the decreased presence of human and social elements in the online shopping environments. Generally online shopping lacks human warmth and sociability. In this study, social presence in online shopping mall was proposed as a substitute for face-to-face social interaction in the traditional commerce and author explored what variables affect social presence(human warmth and sociability) on online shopping malls and how human warmth and sociability can influence on online store loyalty. To achieve research objectives, we reviewed literatures related with marketing, psychology and communication research areas. Based on literature review, we proposed a research model on the online shopping mall. To examine the proposed research model, we gathered data by using a self-report questionnaire. Respondents consists of online shoppers with at least five or more times of purchase experience in online shopping malls. Because social presence is a feeling which needs frequent contacts with malls to experience, respondents must have enough purchase experiences. The empirical results are as follows : First, shopping mall's customization efforts influence perceived social presence on the mall significantly. Second, shopping mall's responsiveness influences perceived social presence significantly. Third, perceived activity of community of online shopping mall influences perceived social presence significantly. Mall managers have to activate their customer community to reinforce social presence, resulting in trust building. Finally, perceived social presence influences trust and enjoyment on the mall significantly. And then trust and enjoyment on the mall affect store loyalty significantly. From these findings it can be inferred that perceived social presence appears determinant which is critical to the formation of core variables(trust and loyalty) in existing online shopping papers.

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Determination of Target Clean-up Level and Risk-Based Remediation Strategy (위해성에 근거한 정화목표 산정 및 복원전략 수립)

  • Ryu, Hye-Rim;Han, Joon-Kyoung;Nam, Kyoung-Phile
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2007
  • Risk-based remediation strategy (RBRS) is a consistent decision-making process for the assessment and response to chemical release based on protecting human health and the environment. The decision-making process described integrates exposure and risk assessment practices with site assessment activities and remedial action selection to ensure that the chosen actions are protective of human health and the environment. The general sequences of events in Tier 1 is as follows: initial site assessment, development of conceptual site model with all exposure pathways, data collection on pollutants and receptors, and identification of risk-based screening level (RBSL). If site conditions do not meet RBSL, it needs further site-specific tier evaluation, Tier 2. In most cases, only limited number of exposure pathways, exposure scenarios, and chemicals of concern are considered the Tier 2 evaluation since many are eliminated from consideration during the Tier 1 evaluation. In spite of uncertainties due to the conservatism applied to risk calculations, limitation in site-specific data collections, and variables affecting the selection of target risk levels and exposure factors, RBRS provides us time- and cost-effectiveness of the remedial action. To ensure reliance of the results, the development team should consider land and resource use, cumulative risks, and additive effects. In addition, it is necessary to develop appropriate site assessment guideline and reliable toxicity assessment method, and to study on site-specific parameters and exposure parameters in Korea.

A Study on the Effect of the Third-Party Award Winning Advertisement on Consumer's Pre-Purchase Intention (제 3 기관 수상(Award Winning) 광고가 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 마케팅 변수들의 조절 효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Hoseong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.25-64
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    • 2008
  • Third-Party awards are growing in popularity. They are the hit product of the year chosen by The Korea Economic Daily, the best 10 products of the year chosen by Sports paper, the best hit product chosen by consulting firm and the best venture company of the year chosen by Information and Communication Ministry. Then these questions may be followed. Why industry likes this type of advertisement? Does this type of advertisement influences consumers' purchase intention? And if it does, how? Many researchers have been interested in external cue of product quality by focusing research effort on brand, price, producer, warranty etc. However, important but under-explored area is the role of third-party reference for signaling product quality. This paper comes from the idea that the third-party reference may signal consumers like manufacturer brand, product brand, product price, and shop brand. We develop a related theories to address research questions and drive some research hypotheses based on the previous studies probing source credibility, attribution, and signal theory. We put more emphasis on source credibility. We conducted the research based on 3x2x2x2 between group factorial design to explore causal relationship between the third party award winning advertising(real, fictional, no) and the purchase intention of consumers exposed to other information simultaneously such as product type(experience, search), distribution channel(direct, indirect) and perceived price(high, low). Since subjects are divided into 2 groups based on the means of response without extra experimental stimulus in case of perceived price. 12 different advertisements are used for conducting this study. The results are followings. First, the source credibility of the third party goes up, consumers' purchase intention would go up. It seems that consumers think the credibility of the third-party most when they are exposed to the third party award winning advertisement. Second, the product type does moderate the relationship between the third-party award winning advertisement and purchase intention. And the type of the distribution channel also moderates this relationship. The consumers' purchase intention goes up higher when they buy experience good and there is significant difference of purchase intention when consumers are exposed to direct channel treatment condition. But, perceived price has nothing to do with the third-party winning advertisement context for raising consumer intention to buy advertised product.

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EU's Space Code of Conduct: Right Step Forward (EU의 우주행동강령의 의미와 평가)

  • Park, Won-Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.211-241
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    • 2012
  • The Draft International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities officially proposed by the European Union on the occasion of the 55th Session of the United Nations Peaceful Uses of the Outer Space last June 2012 in Vienna, Austria is to fill the lacunae of the relevant norms to be applied to the human activities in the outer space and thus has the merit our attention. The missing elements of the norms span from the prohibition of an arms race, safety and security of the space objects including the measures to reduce the space debris to the exchange of information of space activities among space-faring nations. The EU's initiatives, when implemented, cover or will eventually prepare for the forum to deal with such issues of interests of the international community. The EU's initiatives begun at the end of 2008 included the unofficial contacts with major space powers including in particular the USA of which position is believed to have been reflected in the Draft with the aim to have it adopted in 2013. Although the Code is made up of soft law rather than hard law for the subscribing countries, the USA seems to be afraid of the eventuality whereby its strategic advantages in the outer space will be affected by the prohibiting norms, possibly to be pursued by the Code from its current non-binding character, of placing weapons in the outer space. It is with this trepidation that the USA has been opposing to the adoption of the United Nations Assembly Resolutions on the prevention of an arms race in the outer space (PAROS) and in the same context to the setting-up of a working group on the arms race in the outer space in the frame of the Conference on Disarmament. China and Russia who together put forward a draft Treaty on Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects (PPWT) in 2008 would not feel comfortable either because the EU initiatives will steal the lime light. Consequently their reactions are understandably passive towards the Draft Code while the reaction of the USA to the PPWT was a clear cut "No". With the above background, the future of the EU Code is uncertain. Nevertheless, the purpose of the Code to reduce the space debris, to allow exchange of the information on the space activities, and to protect the space objects through safety and security, all to maximize the principle of the peaceful use and exploration of the outer space is the laudable efforts on the part of EU. When the detailed negotiations will be held, some problems including the cost to be incurred by setting up an office for the clerical works could be discussed for both efficient and economic mechanism. For example, the new clerical works envisaged in the Draft Code could be discharged by the current UN OOSA (Office for Outer Space Affairs) with minimal additional resources. The EU's initiatives are another meaningful contribution following one due to it in adopting the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 to the UNFCCC (UN Framework Convention on the Climate Change) and deserve the praise from the thoughtful international community.

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Chemical Compositions of the Highway Side Fogwater in Shingal, Kyunggi-Province (경기도 신갈지역 고속도로변 안개의 화학적 조성)

  • 김홍률;주영특;정동준
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2003
  • pH value of sampled fogwater at source regions (above highway and road) in Yongin sites showed the lowest value and was increased after passing the forest stands. Changes of ion concentrations through the forest stands showed a lowering tendency at sampling sites. The fogwater passing the forest stands (Quercus mangolica and Pinus rigida) surrendered acid pollutants to crown and stem from the atmosphere. It was concluded that environmental moisture in the atmosphere is acidified in fogwater. The influence was extended to the pure zone, and the frequency of acid rain has increased. The forests are assumed to remove air pollutants because ion concentrations in fogwater decreased after passing the forests. The fogwater which functions as a local sink for pollutants (H$_2$SO$_4$, HNO$_3$, etc.) falling on plant surfaces is considered to effectively remove acid pollutants. But if the deposition of pollutants exceeds the capacity of purification, it would damage the forest ecosystem. Further investigation is necessary to identify tree species tolerant to acid pollutants.

Textural and Geochemical Characteristics and their Relation of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from Jeju Island (제주도 첨정석 페리도타이트 포획암의 조직 및 지화학적 특성과 그 관련성)

  • Yu, Jae-Eun;Yang, Kyoung-Hee;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.227-244
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    • 2010
  • Abundant spinel lherzolite xenoliths showing distinctively different textural types such as protogranular, porphyroclastic, and mylonitic texture are trapped in the basaltic rocks from southeastern part of Jeju Island. These xenoliths show the textural spectrum from coarse-grained protogranular through porphyroclastic with bimodal grain size to fine-grained and foliated mylonitic texture. They tend to decrease in grain sizes and show more linear grain boundaries and more frequent triple junctions from protogranular through porphyroclastic to mylonitic. Spinel has different occurrence mode according the textural type. Spinel is always associated with orthopyroxene in protogranular texture, whereas it is scattered and independent of orthopyroxene in mylonitic texture. Additionally, porphyroblast from porphyroclastic and mylonitic textures has internal deformation features such as kink band, undulatory extinction and curved lamella, whereas neoblast is strain-free. These textural features indicate increasing degree of static/dynamic recrystallization from protogranular through porphyroclastic to mylonitic texture. The mg#[$=100{\times}Mg/(Mg+Fe_t)$] of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene is relatively constant (ol: 88-91; opx: 89-92; cpx: 89-92) regardless of textural differences. The mg# of constituent minerals, NiO content (0.3~0.4 wt%) and MnO content (0.1~0.2 wt%) of olivine are similar to those of mantle xenoliths worldwide, also indicating that studied spinel lherzolite xenoliths were mantle residues having experienced 20~25% partial melting. The geochemical and textural characteristics have close relations showing that LREE and incompatible trace elements content of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene increases from protogranular through porphyroclastic to mylonitic. These observations suggest that the studied mantle xenoliths experienced metasomatism by LREE enriched melt or fluid after partial melting, indicating a close relation between deformation and metasomatism. The metasomatism was possibly confined to narrow shear zones from where porphyroclastic and mylonitic textured xenoliths originated. These shear zones might favorably drive the percolation of LREE-enriched melts/fluids responsible for the metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle below the Jeju Island.