• Title/Summary/Keyword: 희토류 광체

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Fe-REE Mineralization of the Hongcheon-Jaeun District (홍천-자은지역 철-희토류광상의 광화작용)

  • 김상중;이현구;윤경무;박중권
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2001
  • The Fe-REE deposit of the Hongcheon-Jaeun district occurs in Precambrian gneiss, and is classified into two ore bodies: the Jaeun ore body (northern ore body) and the Hongcheon ore body (southern ore body). Ecomonically important minerals consist of magnetite, monazite, strontianite and barite. Based on mineral assemblages and textures, the mineralization can be classified into two stages (Na-carbonatite stage and Fe-carbonatite stage). Main REE minerals were precipitated during the Fe-carbonatite stage. Some evidences of the carbonatite origin include: 1) strontianite-monazite exolution texture, 2) strontianite-barite exolution texture, 3) the occurrence of acmite of igneous origin at the area with abundant rare earth minerals, 4) the occurrence of the mineral assemblage consisting of carbonate minerals + magnetite + REE minerals. Therefore, we suggest that Fe-REE mineralization in the study area was related to carbonatite of igneous origin.

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Developmental Aspects of Hongcheon Fe-REE Ore Body (홍천 철-희토류광체의 발달양상)

  • Lee, Han Yeang;Ryoo, Chung Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.397-403
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    • 2012
  • Fe-REE deposits occurred in Jaeunri, Hongcheon formed by carbonatitic melts consist of 3 parts such as northern, middle and southern ore bodies showing discontinuous distribution, and extension shape of ore bodies can be figured through field survey and geometric analysis. Foliations in gneiss around northern and middle ore bodies represent NNE, whereas toward south its direction changes gradually from NE to ENE and finally N-S direction appears in southern ore body. From Jaeungyo to Saemaeulgyo geometric analysis from field work gives that fold shape in this area is open synclinal fold concavely and gently to NW with $45^{\circ}$ northwestward plunging axis, in contrast small scale anticline with $45^{\circ}$ northwestward plunging axis in Yagsooteo area near western part of Saemaeulgyo. Dragging effect could be occurred on these folds by WNW trending dextral strike-slip fault from Yagsooteo to Saemaeulgyo. New ore body can be confirmed from folding structure estimated by trend of foliation, and thus unidentified ore body may be exist under alluvial surface from middle to southern ore body and its distribution could show reversed "ㄱ", one of Korean consonants, considering with estimated strike and dip of foliations. This estimated extension of ore body figured out by structural analysis in the studied area works an important role for measuring of ore reserve and selecting of drilling site to find new ore body.

Geology and Constituent Rocks, and Radioactive Values of the Eoraesan Area, Chungju, Korea (충주 어래산지역의 지질 및 구성암류와 방사능 값)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Deok-Seon;Koh, Sang-Mo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2018
  • The Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation and the Mesozoic igneous rocks are distributed in the Eoraesan area, Chungju which is located in the northwestern part of Ogcheon metamorphic zone, Korea, and the rare earth element (REE) mineralized zone has been reported in the Gyemyeongsan Formation. We drew up the detailed geological map by the lithofacies classification, and measured the radioactivity values of the constituent rocks to understand the distribution and characteristics of the source rocks of REE ore body in this paper. It indicates that the Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation is mainly composed of metapelitic rock, granitic gneiss, iron-bearing quartzite, metaplutonic acidic rock (banded type, fine-grained type, basic-bearing type, coarse-grained type), metavolcanic acidic rock, and the Mesozoic igneous rocks, which intruded it, are divided into pegmatite, biotite granite, gabbro, diorite, basic dyke. The constituent rocks of Gyemyeongsan Formation show a zonal distribution of mainly ENE trend, and the distribution of basic-bearing type of metaplutonic acidic rock (MPAR-B) is very similar to that of the previous researcher's REE ore body. The Mesozoic biotite granite is regionally distributed unlike the result of previous research. The radioactive value of MPAR-B, which has a range of 852~1217 cps (average 1039 cps), shows a maximum value among the constituent rocks. The maximum-density distribution of radioactive value also agrees with the distribution of MPAR-B. It suggests that the MPAR-B could be a source rock of the REE ore body.

Geochemical exploration for REE occurrence in Nghe An Area within Northern Vietnam (베트남 북부 네안 희토류 산출지의 지구화학탐사)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Chung, Ho Tien;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.599-622
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    • 2012
  • The phase I soil geochemical exploration was carried out targeting around Chau Binh area far from about 14 km with southeastern direction from Quy Chau within Nghe An province. The interval of sampling are horizontal 300 m with 14 line and longitudinal 500 m with 15 line, resulting in 194 soil samples. Based on the result of the phase I soil geochemical exploration, the phase II detailed pitting survey was carried out targeting the grid point with high TREO content, resulting in 56 soil samples within 7 pits. The geology of survey area are consisted of Ban Chieng biotite granite complex and Dai Loc gneissic granite complex intruding Bu Khang formation comprising of schist, gneiss and limestone. Main mineralization in the study area have the characteristics of occurrence with tin, ruby and REE-bearing monazite(about 300 g/t) and xenotime(about 10 g/t) to be thought as occurring at the alteration zone of granite complex. In order to elucidate the source rock of monazite and xenotime confirmed from heavy sand, soil geochemical exploration was carried out. As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the phase I soil geochemical exploration, total REE oxide content of background amount to about 2 times of crustal abundance, enriching the heavy rare earth(about 2 times) and light rare earth(about 1.84 times). As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the phase II soil detailed pit survey, we identified outcrop considering as economic ore body at the grid point 4-7 pit with N40W attitude. As a synthetic consideration on the phase I soil geochemical exploration and phase II detailed pit survey, we tentatively designated areas considering as the extension of economic ore body with REE anomaly. In the near future, we have the plan to carry out the geophysical exploration and test drilling targeting the interval anticipated to the economic ore body.

Mineralogy and Mineral-chemistry of REE Minerals Occurring at Mountain Eorae, Chungju (충주 어래산 일대에서 산출하는 희토류 광물의 광물학적 및 광물화학적 특성)

  • You, Byoung-Woon;Lee, Gill Jae;Koh, Sang Mo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.643-659
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    • 2012
  • The Chungju Fe-REE deposit is located in the Kyemyeongsan Formation of the Ogcheon Group. The Kyemyeongsan Formation includes meta-volcanic rocks and pegmatite hosted REE deposit which show different kind of REE-containing minerals. The meta-volcanic rocks hosted REE deposits' main REE minerals are allanite, zircon, apatite, and sphene, whereas the pegmatite hosted REE deposits is mainly composed of fergusonite, and karnasurtite, zircon, thorite. The meta-volcanic rock hosted major REE mineral is allanite as the form of aggregation and contains 23.89-29.19 wt% TREO (Total Rare Earth Oxide), 4.71-9.92 wt% $La_2O_3$, 11.30-14.33 wt% $Ce_2O_3$, 0.11-0.29 wt% $Y_2O_3$, 0.15-0.94 wt% $ThO_2$, as a formula of (Ca, Y, REE, Th)$_{2.095}$(Mg, Al, Ti, Mn, $Fe^{3+})_{2.770}(SiO_4)_{2.975}(OH)$. Accompanying REE in a coupled substitution for $Ca^{2+}$ (M1 site) and $Al^{3+}-Fe^{2+}$ (M2 site) leads to a large chemical variety. Due to the allanite's high contents of Fe, it belongs to Ferrialanite. The pegmatite hosted deposit's domi-nant REE mineral is fergusonite as prismatic or subhedral grains associated with zircon, fluorite and karnasurtite. Geochemical composition of the fergusonite($YNbO_4$) suggests substitution of Y-REE and Y-Th in A-site, and Nb-Ta-Ti in B-site, furthermore the proportion of $Y_2O_3$ and $Nb_2O_5$ is oddly 1:1.5 comparing to the ideal ratio 1:1 and Nb is higher than Y, also A-site Y actively substitutes with REE. Karnasurtite in pegmatite variously ranges 9.16-22.88 wt% $Ce_2O_3$, 2.15-9.16 wt% and $La_2O_3$, 0.44-10.8 wt% $ThO_2$, as a calculated formula (Y, REE, Th, K, Na, Ca)$_{1.478}(Ti, Nb)_{1.304}$(Mg, Al, Mn, $Fe^{3+})_{0.988}$(Si, P)$_{1.431}O_7(OH)_4{\cdot}3H_2O$. Firstly the 870-860 Ma is the initial age of the supercontinent Rhodinia dispersal and subsequent A-1 type volcanism, which contains Fe, REE, and HFS(High Field Strength elements; Nb, Zr, Y etc.) elements in Fe-rich meta-volcanic rocks dominant Kyemyeongsan Formation, might mineralized allanite. Another synthesis is that regional metamorphism at late Paleozoic 300-280 Ma(Cho et al., 2002) might cause allanite mineralization. Also pegmatite REE mineralization highly related to the granite intrusion over the Chungju area in Jurassic(190 Ma; Koh et al., 2012). Otherwise above all, A-1 type volcanism at the same time of the Kyemyeongsan Formation development, regional metamorphism and pegmatite, might have caused REE mineralization. Although REE ore bodies display a close spatial association, each ore bodies display temporal distinction, different mineral assemblage and environment of ore formation.

Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics and Designation of Key Beds for the Effective Surveys in the Jeonnam Clay Deposits (전남일원 점토광상의 광물 및 지화학적 특성과 효과적 탐사를 위한 건층의 선정)

  • Yoo, Jang-Han;Koh, Sang-Mo;Moon, Dong-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.265-278
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    • 2011
  • Clayey ores of the Jeonnam province mainly consist of pyrophyllite (monoclinic), kaolinite (1T), and minor amounts of quartz, muscovite, and feldspars. Mineralogical studies revealed that two kinds of clay minerals were mainly produced from the volcanic sediments with similar ages and compositions. Kaolinite deposits sometimes contain neither diaspore nor corundum, but alunites are often found in the upper portions of the kaolin ore bodies. On the other hand, corundum and diaspore are commoner in the pyrophyllite deposits than the kaolin deposits. As ages of rock formations are becoming younger, amounts of pyrophyllite and kaolinite are rather radically decreased, and finally disappeared. But muscovite, quartz, and plagioclase feldspars are inclined to be preserved because of weak alteration. Most of clay ore bodies contain purple tuff beds on the uppermost portion, and silicified beds, tuff, and lapillistone are found in an ascending order in the most of clay quarries. Chemical analyses show that higher contents of $Al_2O_3$ might not necessarily be due to the argillization, since some tuffs contain higher $Al_2O_3$ contents originated from feldspars. $SiO_2$ contents are fairly higher in the silicified beds than in those of adjacent formations, which might have been introduced from the ore bodies. And $K_2O$ contents are obviously lower than those of $Na_2O$ and CaO in the ores and their vicinities. Ignition losses of some of clays represent much higher contents than those of the ordinary ones because of the sporadic presence of alunite, diaspore and corundum which are accompanied with lots of $SO_4$ and $Al_2O_3$ contents. REE (rare earth element) abundances of most of volcanics and clay ores show rather higher LREE (light rare earth elements) contents, and represent small to moderately negative Eu anomalies. Though most of ores ususally show milky white color, fine-grained and well bedded formations which could be easily discernible in the most of outcrop. But more distinct characteristics are desirable where rather massive ore bodies exist. Purple tuffs and silicified beds above the ore bodies would be useful as marker horizons/key beds since they have rather obvious lithology, extension and mineralogy than those of other adjacent formations.

Petrography of Hongcheon Fe-REE Deposit (홍천 철-희토류광상의 암석기재학)

  • 이한영;박중권;황덕환
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.90-102
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    • 2002
  • The studied Fe-REE ore consists of magnetite, ankerite, siderite, magnesite and strontianite as the major constituent, and monazite, columbite, fergusonite, apatite, aegirine-augite, Na-amphibole, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, molybdenite and barite as accessaries. Wall rock of ore deposits is replaced to fenite due to Na-metasomatism and mainly consists of sugary albite and Na-amphibole. Monazite $Ce_{0.49}La_{0.31}Pr_{0.14}Nd_{0.03}Gd_{0.03})PO_4$ is the main mineral for REE deposit and shows myrmekitic intergrowth with strontianite $Ca_{0.02-0.16}Sr_{0.84-0.98}CO_3$ and is corroded by carbonate minerals. Mineral forming sequence can be divided into early and late periods by the development of microfractures. The early period minerals such as magnetite, ankerite, magnesite, monazite and apatite show well developed networks of microfractures due to cataclastic deformation caused by enriched $CO_2$ gas in melts during emplacement. The late minerals of columbite, fergusonite, siderite molybdenite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite formed after the brecciation event and have little micro-fractures. Ankerite, magnesite, monazite, strontianite, barite and pyrite seem to be formed continuously from the ealy to the late period since they show textures both with well developed fractures and also with little fractures. Mineral chemistry, mineral assemblages such as various carbonate minerals, magnetite, REE minerals of monazite and fergusonite, Sr mineral of strontianite, and Nb minerals of columbite, myrmekitic texture of monazite and ankerite, and well developed fenite along ore deposits observed from this studied area strongly indicate that this Hongcheon Fe-REE ore deposits are formed from carbonatitic melt and its rock type is late differentiated Fe-carbonatite or ankerite-carbonatite.

A Study on Improvement of Recycling Process of Waste Fluorescent Lamps (폐형광등 재활용 공정의 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Gee Hun;Lee, Dong Hoon;Song, Young Jun;Kim, Chang Kwon
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to improve the recycling process of waste fluorescent lamp, and investigate the possibility of using the waste fluorescent lamp glass as a raw material for glass beads, the leaching method of rare earth from the waste phosphor powder, and the possibility of solvent extraction of rare earth from the rare earth leaching solution. The waste phosphor contained 28.9% yttrium oxide, 3.46% cerium oxide, 1.95% europium oxide, 1.76% terbium oxide, and 1.43% lanthanum oxide. As a result of the trial production of glass beads using waste fluorescent lamp glass, it was judged that the production yield and quality were excellent, so that waste fluorescent lamp glass could be used as a raw material for glass beads. The soda roasted waste phosphor was leached in water and thereby the aqueous solution was blown with CO2 to drop the pH to about 7, Then, Al, Si and residual N2CO3 were dissolved, and NaAlCO3(OH)2 and SiO2 were precipitated in the aqueous solution. In the solvent extraction of cyanex272-hydrochloric acid, cyanex272-sulfuric acid, D2EHPA-hydrochloric acid, D2EHPA-sulfuric acid, Ionquest290-hydrochloric acid, Ionquest290-sulfuric acid, p507-hydrochloric acid using xylene as a diluent, the extraction yield of Y, Eu, Ce, La, and Tb are close to 100%. However, in this conditions, the difference in extraction yield for each element, that is, selectivity is 16% or less.

Rare Metal Contents and Their Implications of Seabed Mineral Resources Explored by Korea (한국이 탐사 중인 해저광물자원의 희유금속 함량과 의미)

  • Pak, Sang-Joon;Moon, Jai-Woon;Lee, Kyeong-Yong;Chi, Sang-Bum
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.455-466
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    • 2010
  • Seabed mineral resources explored by Korea are categorized into major three types of deposit; manganese nodule, manganese crust and polymetallic sulfides. Pt displays high enrichment factors (400, ore/crust ratios) in manganese nodule. Rare earth oxide content in manganese nodule ranges from 0.037 to 0.302 REO % with mean value of 0.12 REO %. Both of Te and Pt are enriched elements in manganese crust, displaying enrichment factors of 10800 and 150, respectively. Rare earth oxide's contents of manganese crust are slightly higher than manganese nodule's (0.013~0.387 REO %, average = 0.18 REO %). Se and In are outstanding rare metals from seabed polymetallic sulfides, showing enrichment factors of 1300 and 110, respectively. Au (0.8~26.3 g/t) and Ag (0.9~348.0 g/t) are another enriched elements in polymetallic sulfides. The main concern at exploiting seabed mineral resource will be a securing rare metals for high-technology industries and rare metals from subsea mineral deposits will add economic values to commodity candidates such like Co, Ni and Cu.

Geochemical Exploration for Tri Le REE Occurrence in Nghe An Province within Northern Vietnam (베트남 북부 네안성 칠레 희토류 산출지의 지구화학탐사)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Ho, Tien Chung;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.147-168
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    • 2014
  • The soil geochemical exploration was carried out targeting around Tri Le area far from about 30 km with northwestern direction from Que Phong within Nghe An province. The interval of sampling are horizontal 200 m interval with 23 line and longitudinal 300 m with 10 line, resulting in 228 soil samples. Based on the result of the soil geochemical exploration, the detailed pitting survey was carried out targeting the grid point with high TREO content, resulting in 75 soil samples within 7 pits. The geology of survey area are consisted of Ban Chieng biotite granite complex and granitic gneiss intruding Ban Khang formation comprising of quartz schist and marble. Main mineralization in the study area have the characteristics of occurrence with tin, ruby and REE-bearing monazite and xenotime to be thought as occurring at the alteration zone of granite complex. In order to elucidate the source rock of monazite and xenotime confirmed from heavy sand, soil geochemical exploration was carried out. As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the soil geochemical exploration, total REE oxide content of background amount to about 2 times of crustal abundance, enriching the heavy rare earth(about 2 times) and light rare earth(about 1.5 times). As a analysis result with ICP-MS on the soil samples from the soil detailed pit survey, we only identified outcrop considering as economic weathered granite body at the grid point 1-10 pit among 7 pits. As a synthetic consideration on the soil geochemical exploration and detailed pit survey, we tentatively designated Tri Le area as no promising target for REE. In 2014, we have the plan to carry out the soil geochemical exploration targeting the extended economic REE ore body in Quy Chau as project area from 2011 to 2012.