• Title/Summary/Keyword: 흡입 유체

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Current and Future Perspectives of Lung Organoid and Lung-on-chip in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications

  • Junhyoung Lee;Jimin Park;Sanghun Kim;Esther Han;Sungho Maeng;Jiyou Han
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.339-355
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    • 2024
  • The pulmonary system is a highly complex system that can only be understood by integrating its functional and structural aspects. Hence, in vivo animal models are generally used for pathological studies of pulmonary diseases and the evaluation of inhalation toxicity. However, to reduce the number of animals used in experimentation and with the consideration of animal welfare, alternative methods have been extensively developed. Notably, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) have agreed to prohibit animal testing after 2030. Therefore, the latest advances in biotechnology are revolutionizing the approach to developing in vitro inhalation models. For example, lung organ-on-a-chip (OoC) and organoid models have been intensively studied alongside advancements in three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting and microfluidic systems. These modeling systems can more precisely imitate the complex biological environment compared to traditional in vivo animal experiments. This review paper addresses multiple aspects of the recent in vitro modeling systems of lung OoC and organoids. It includes discussions on the use of endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts composed of lung alveoli generated from pluripotent stem cells or cancer cells. Moreover, it covers lung air-liquid interface (ALI) systems, transwell membrane materials, and in silico models using artificial intelligence (AI) for the establishment and evaluation of in vitro pulmonary systems.

A numerical study on the aerodynamic characteristics of a variable geometry throttle valve(VGTV) system controlling air-flow rate (유량 제어장치인 가변스로틀밸브의 기하학적 형상변화에 따른 공기역학 특성분석 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun-Sung;Kim, Chul-Ho
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.378-383
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    • 2013
  • A butterfly throttle valve has been used to control the brake power of an SI engine by controlling the mass flow-rate of intake air in the induction system. However, the valve has a serious effect on the volumetric efficiency of the engine due to the pressure resistance in the induction system. In this study, a new intake air controlling valve named "Variable Geometry Throttle Valve(VGTV)" is proposed to minimize the pressure resistance in the intake system of an SI engine. The design concept of VGTV is on the application of a venturi nozzle in the air flow path. Instead of change of the butterfly valve angle in the airflow field, the throat width of the VGTV valve is varied with the operating condition of an SI engine. In this numerical study, CFD(computational fluid dynamics) simulation technique was incorporated to have an aerodynamics performance analysis of the two air flow controlling systems; butterfly valve and VGTV and compared the results to know which system has lower pressure resistance in the air intake system. From the result, it was found that VGTV has lower pressure resistance than the butterfly valve. Especially VGTV is effective on the low and medium load operating condition of an SI engine. The averaged pressure resistance of VGTV is about 49.0% lower than the value of the conventional butterfly throttle valve.

The Study of Noise Reduction Method for Vacuum Cleaner Fan Motor (진공청소기용 팬모타의 소음저감대책에 관한 연구)

  • 최인환;채희권
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1994.10a
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 1994
  • 현재 가전제품의 개발방향은 고효율화, 다기능화와 더불어 환경문제를 고려하는 방향으로 진행되고 있다. 환경문제로는 여러가지가 거론되고 있는데 제품의 소음에 대한 문제도 이제는 성능의 관점에서와 더불어 환경의 문제로도 인식되어야 한다고 생각한다. 특히 고속의 팬종류가 사용되는 가전제품에 있어서 저소음 성능은 판매력에 직접영향을 미치는 중요 판매전략으로 대두되고 있는 상황이다. 진공청소기는 가전제품중에서 매우 시끄러운 제품중에 속한다. 그 이유는 모타가 분당 30,000회 이상의 고속회전을 하면서 축에 연결되어 잇는 임펠러를 회전시켜 공기를 흡입, 배출시키는 일련의 작동을 하면서 여러가지 진동 및 유체소음을 일으키기 때문이다. 팬모타에서 발생한 소음과 진동은 여러가지 복잡한 전달경로를 거쳐서 외부로 전달되어진다. 따라서 청소기의 전체적인 소음을 감소시키기 위한 대책으로는 크게 두가지 방법으로 나누어 생각해 볼 수 있는데, 그 첫번째가 주된 소음원인 팬모타의 소음특성을 개선하는 방법이고 다른 하나는 팬모타로부터 발생된 소음이 밖으로 전달되는 경로를 적절하게 차단하는 방법으로서 청소기 내부에서 여러가지 방법을 사용하여 소음을 저감시키는 방법이다. 본 연구에서는 첫번째 방법인 팬모타의 소음을 감소시키는 대책들에 대하여 중점적으로 기술하려고 한다. 그 이유는 청소기 내부의 구조개선을 통하여 소음을 저감시키는 방법은 그동안 많이 실시되어 실험결과들이 축적되어 있는 반면 그 방법의 실시에는 구조적인 문제점 등 한계가 있기 때문에 더욱 조용한 청소기를 개발하기 위하여는 주된 소음원인 팬모타의 소음을 낮추어야 할 필요가 절실하게 요구되고 있기 때문이다.래그(drag) 토크의 영향과 치타음 저감을 위한 개선된 클러치 특성을 제시하였다. 클러치는 동력을 전달 또는 차단하는 기능 뿐만 아니라 엔진이나 변속기에서 발생하는 소음이나 진동을 저감시키는 기능을 가지고 있다. 따라서 엔진 공회전시에 발생하는 치타음(rattle noise)이나 비틀림 진동을 저감시키는 방법으로는 여러가지가 있으나 클러치 디스크(clutch disc)의 비틀림 기구의 설계 인자들을 적절히 조절함으로써 변속기의 인풋기어에 전달되는 비틀림 진동을 저감시키는 방법이 일반적으로 수행되어지고 있다. 본 연구는 4 실린더 4 싸이클 1.5L 엔진을 장착한 경승용차의 실차실험을 통해 공회전시 엔진 플라이휘일과 인풋기어에서의 회전수 변동을 측정하고, 이 실험 데이타를 기초로 하여 엔진 토크 및 변속기에서의 드래그 토크를 계산하여 엔진-변속기 인풋기어의 반한정계 2자유도 진동모델과 비틀림 특성을 가진 클러치 디스크의 프리댐퍼 영역에 대해 시뮬레이션을 수행하여 클러치 비틀림 기구의 설계인자인 비틀림 강성, 히스테리시스 토크에 따른 비틀림 진동 저감 효과를 연구하고자 한다.성을 확인하였다. 여기서는 실험실 수준의 평 판모델을 제작하고 실제 현장에서 이루어질 수 있는 진동제어 구조물에 대 한 동적실험 및 FRS를 수행하는 과정과 동일하게 따름으로써 실제 발생할 수 있는 오차나 error를 실험실내의 차원에서 파악하여 진동원을 있는 구조 물에 대한 진동제어기술을 보유하고자 한다. 이용한 해마의 부피측정은 해마경화증 환자의 진단에 있어 육안적인 MR 진단이 어려운 제한된 경우에만 실제적 도움을 줄 수 있는 보조적인 방법으로 생각된다.ofile where

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분무진공동결건조기 개발

  • Ryu, Gyeong-Ha;Ban, Byeong-Min;Kim, Jae-Hyeong;Son, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.02a
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    • pp.258-258
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    • 2013
  • 최근 건조 제품의 양질화, 고급화 및 편의화가 요구되어 이를 충족시키기 위한 새로운 건조방법이 계속 개발 되어 왔다. 이러한 방법들 중에서 저온과 진공하에서 건조가 이루어지는 진공 동결 건조는 가장 완벽한 건조 방법으로 최근 실용화 되고 있다. 진공동결건조란 건조의 한 종류로 수분을 함유한 시료를 동결시킨 후 진공펌프를 이용하여 수증기압을 3중점 이하로 낮추어 얼음을 직접 증기로 만드는 승화의 원리에 의해서 얻어진다. 분무진공동결건조의 특징은 (1) 물리적구조의 보존성, (2) 화학적인 안정성, (3) 생물학적인 활동의 보존성, (4) 제품의 높은 복원성 및 재생성이다. 따라서 분무진공동결건조 기술은 크게 진공, 분무, 동결, 건조, 멸균 등과 같은 요소기술의 복합기술이라 할 수 있다. 분말을 제조하기 위해서 진공동결건조 후 분쇄하는 방법을 사용하나 본 방법에서는 정밀화학품 제조를 위해서 분무진공동결건조 방식을 사용한다. 이를 통하여 적당한 크기인 5~10 um의 입경 제조가 가능하고, 공기동력학적인 입경이 기존 방식에 비해 작아서 허파까지의 운반효율이 1.5~2배 우수하다. 화학, 의학 분야에서의 분무동결 건조는 주로 민감한 제품, 즉 생물학적 고유성의 손상 없이 물을 제거하는데 사용되어 영구적으로 저장 가능한 상태로 보관할 수 있으며 물의 첨가로 원상태로 복구할 수 있어서 매우 각광을 받고 있다. 의약용 냉동건조 제품은 항생물질, 박테리아, 혈청, 백신, 검사 약물, 단백질을 포함하는 생물공학 제품들, 세포, 섬유, 화학제품 등이 있으며 주로 vial 또는 ampule 상태로 건조가 이루어진다.본 연구에서는 원료를 $-194^{\circ}C$의 액체질소에 분무시켜 동결된 미립자를 형성한 후 진공 및 저온상태에서얼음의 승화(sublimation)에 기반한 1차 건조와 수증기 탈착(desorption)에 기초한 2차 건조 과정으로 구성된 분무진공동결건조기를 개발하였다. 분무동결 과정의 해석을 통해 2유체식 노즐을 통해 분무된 미세 입경의 액적이 액체 질소 표면까지 도달하는 회수률, 분무 노즐의 위치, 운전 조건 및 용기의 설계의 최적화를 수행하였다. 초기 액적속도, 분무노즐의 높이, 흡입구 추가에 따른 액적 유동 및 회수의 특성을 제시하였으며 이를 통한 분사시스템 고도화 가능성을 제시하였다. 구형의 미세 입자가 적층된 제품의 동결건조 공정의 해석은 흡착승화 모델(sorption sublimation model)을 기반으로 다음과 같은 열전달, 물질전달, 상변화 모델을 고려하여 유도되었다. 분무노즐 및 냉동/진공 배기계 시작품을 개발하여, 표면의 고다공도를 갖춘 입경 3~20 m 정도의 시료를 얻을 수 있으며, 동역학적 입경 5 m 충족함을 확인하였다.

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Comparison and Validation Study on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Wind Tunnel Test Results of Standard Dynamics Model (표준 동안정 모델의 전산유체해석 및 풍동시험 결과 비교검증)

  • Cho, Donghyurn;Kim, Seung Pil;An, Eunhye;Choi, Younseok;Roh, Jisoo;Chung, Hyoung Seog
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2017
  • This research represents comparison and validation of static aerodynamic results in different wind tunnel organizations and EFD-CFD results. KAFA conducted wind tunnel tests with Standard Dynamics Model(SDM) which is based on the NRC model, the same configuration of KARI; and then compared and analyzed similarities and differences of the data from KARI and NRC results for verifying the accuracy of wind tunnel tests. Also, We compared the result of CFD with that of wind tunnel tests and examined strakes effect in static characteristics which are attached on the forward fuselage of SDM for investigating the cause of some discrepancies. From this analysis, there are some discrepancies in Cm tendency between EFD-CFD and it did not show the big difference of aerodynamic characteristics by strake effects. Thus, we need to research additionally for analyzing the different cause of some discrepancies such as vortex structures by the rear strut or intake of SDM and regenerating grid resolution of CFD.

A Study of Cold Flow Characteristics of a Flue Gas Recirculation Burner using Coanda Nozzles (코안다 노즐을 이용한 배기가스 재순환 버너의 냉간 유동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ji Soo;Park, Chan Hyuk;Shim, Sung Hun;Jung, Sang Hyun
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.152-158
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    • 2016
  • Nitrogen oxide is generated by the chemical reaction of oxygen and nitrogen in higher temperature environment of combustion facilities. The NOx reduction equipment is generally used in the power plant or incineration plant and it causes enormous cost for the construction and maintenance. The flue gas recirculation method is commonly adopted for the reduction of NOx formation in the combustion facilities. In the present study, the computational fluid dynamic analysis was accomplished to elucidated the cold flow characteristics in the flue gas recirculation burner with coanda nozzles in the flue gas recirculation pipe. The inlet and outlet of flue gas recirculation pipes are directed toward the tangential direction of circular burner not toward the center of burner. The swirling flow is formed in the burner and it causes the reverse flow in the burner. The ratio of flue gas recirculation flow rate with the air flow rate was about 2.5 for the case with the coanda nozzle gap, 0.5mm and it was 1.5 for the case with the gap, 1.0mm. With the same coanda nozzle gap, the flue gas recirculation flow rate ratio had a little increase when the air flow rate changes from 1.1 to 2.2 times of ideal air flow rate.

Computational Fluid Analysis for the Otter Boards - 4 . Efficiency Analysis of the Cambered Otter Boards for the Vortex Generators - (전개판에 대한 수직해법 - 4 . 과발생기에 따른 만곡형전개판의 성능분석 -)

  • 고관서
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.286-292
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    • 1991
  • The authors propose to use the vortex generators in order to improve of the efficiency for the cambered otter boards. The equipments and testing method of this model test was the same as the previous report. This study was tested for 6 models such as the single cambered, the V-shaped cambered and the slotted cambered otter board without and with vortex generators. The results obtained are as follows: \circled1 C sub(L) of the single cambered model otter board with vortex generators was increased about 10% in comparison with that of model without vortex generators, C sub(D) decreased 2%, and L/D increased 5~20%. \circled2 L/D of the V-shaped cambered model otter board with vortex generators was increased 10~20% in comparison with that of model without vortex generators. \circled3 C sub(L) of the two slotted cambered model otter board with vortex generators was increased about 20% within an angle of attack 25$^{\circ}$ in comparison with that of without vortex generators, C sub(D) increased 5~20%, and L/D was higher than prototype within an angle of attack 20$^{\circ}$. \circled4 The separation point of the model otter boards with vortex generators was removed back ward a little in comparison with that of the model without vortex generators. \circled5 Flow speed difference of the back side to the front side of model otter boards with vortex generators was increased a little in comparison with that of the models without vortex generators. \circled6 The size of separation zone in case of the model otter boards with vortex generators was decreased about 10% in comparison with that of the models without vortex generators.

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A Numerical Study on the Step 0 Benchmark Test in Task C of DECOVALEX-2023: Simulation for Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Behavior by Using OGS-FLAC (DECOVALEX-2023 Task C 내 Step 0 벤치마크 수치해석 연구: OGS-FLAC을 활용한 열-수리-역학 복합거동 수치해석)

  • Kim, Taehyun;Park, Chan-Hee;Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.610-622
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    • 2021
  • The DECOVALEX project is one of the representative international cooperative projects to enhance the understanding of the complex Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical(THMC) coupled behavior in the high-level radioactive waste disposal system based on the numerical simulation. DECOVALEX-2023 is the current phase consisting of 7 tasks, and Task C aims to model the THM coupled behavior in the disposal system based on the Full-scale Emplacement (FE) experiment at the Mont-Terri underground rock laboratory. This study performs the numerical simulation based on the OGS-FLAC developed for the current study. In the numerical model, we emplaced the heater with constant power horizontally based on the FE experiment and monitored the pressure development, temperature increase, and mechanical deformation at the specific monitoring points. We monitored the capillary pressure as the primary effect inducing the flow in the buffer system, and thermal stress and pressurization were dominant in the surrounding rocks' area. The results will also be compared and validated with the other participating groups and the experimental data further.

Study on Structural Strength and Application of Composite Material on Microplastic Collecting Device (휴대형 미세플라스틱 수거 장비 경량화 부품 설계 및 구조강도 평가)

  • Myeong-Kyu, Kim;Hyoung-Seock, Seo;Hui-Seung, Park;Sang-Ho, Kim
    • Composites Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.447-455
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    • 2022
  • Currently, the problem of pollution of the marine environment by microplastics is emerging seriously internationally. In this study, to develop a lightweight portable microplastic collection device, the types and number of microplastics in 21 coastal areas nationwide in Korea were investigated. And CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic), GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic), ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene copolymer) and aluminum were applied for design and analysis of microplastic collection device to have the durability, corrosion resistance and lightweight. As a result of sample collection and classification from the shore, it was confirmed that microplastics were distributed the most in Hamdeok beach, and the polystyrene was found to be mainly distributed microplastics. Particle information through coastal field survey and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis were used to analyze the flow rate and distribution of particles such as sand and impurities, which were applied to the structural analysis of the cyclone device using the finite element method. As a result of structural analysis considering the particle impact inside the cyclone device, the structural safety was examined as remarkable in the order of CFRP, GFRP, aluminum, and ABS. In the view of weight reduction, CFRP could be reduced in weight by 53%, GFRP by 47%, and ABS by 61% compared to aluminum for the cyclone device.

Collagen Extraction Using Supercritical CO2 from Animal-Derived Waste Tissue (동물 유래 폐지방으로부터 초임계 CO2를 이용한 콜라겐 추출)

  • No, Seong-Rae;Shin, Yong-Woo;You, Seong-sik
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.386-391
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    • 2022
  • This study is about a technique for obtaining collagen by extracting fat by treating collagen-containing liposuction effluent in the presence of supercritical fluid. Using a supercritical solvent, a collagen extract could be obtained from animal-derived fat in a short time (about 6 hours), and about 2-3% of collagen by mass compared to the raw material could be obtained. The presence of collagen in the extract obtained by supercritical extraction was confirmed by SDS-PAGE, and it was confirmed that it was type 1 collagen having a relatively large molecular weight. In addition, the growth factors of IGF-1, bFGF, VEGF and NGF were analyzed to find out which growth factors were present in the collagen obtained by supercritical extraction, and it was found that these growth factors were contained in the extract. There was no significant difference in DNA content per mg of sample before and after supercritical treatment. Further in-depth studies are likely to be needed on decellularization technology using the supercritical process. In conclusion, the extracellular matrix obtained through the solvent extraction process using a supercritical fluid contains growth factors above a certain amount even after decellularization and removal of fat, so that it was found that not only biocompatibility is greatly increased, but also tissue regeneration can be rapidly induced.