• Title/Summary/Keyword: 후보소재

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$SiC_f$/SiC 복합재료

  • Park, Ji-Yeon
    • Ceramist
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2010
  • 극한환경용 소재기술의 발전은 새로운 기기의 설계 및 제작을 가능하게 하고, 이에 따른 고효율 시스템의 운전을 실현할 수 있게 한다. 청정 에너지 확보, 에너지 전환 효율 극대화, 항공우주 기술의 확보 등 21세기 신성장 동력산업의 주요 이슈들은 시스템 운전여건을 고온의 극한 환경으로 처하게 한다. $SiC_f$/SiC 복합체는 우수한 고온 성능으로 고온 극한환경에 적용할 수 있는 잠재성을 지닌 소재로 항공우주 산업, 방위산업, 원자력 산업 및 에너지 산업에서 적용되고 있거나 적용이 검토되고 있다. 일본은 OASIS (Organization of Advanced Sustainability Initiative for Energy System/Material) 주도로 FEEMA 프로젝트에서 엔진부품용 $SiC_f$/SiC 복합체 개발을 추진 중이며, 유럽연합과 BA (Broad Approach) 프로젝트를 통하여 핵융합로 적용소재에 관한 연구를 수행 중이다. 또한 미국과 TITAN 공동프로젝트 내에서도 $SiC_f$/SiC 복합체에 대한 연구가 진행 중이다. 미국의 일본과의 TITAN외에도 일본원자력연구원 (JAEA) 및 프랑스 원자력연구소 (CEA)와도 공동연구를 수행하고 있다. 프랑스 CEA는 고온가스로의 피복재로 개발을 수행하고 있다. 이외에도 유럽연합은 RAPHAEL 프로그램과EXTREMAT 프로그램에서 $SiC_f$/SiC 복합체 개발을 수행하고 있다. 또한 소규모이지만 $SiC_f$/SiC 복합체의 상업적인 판매가 일본에서 시작되었고, 가까운 미래에 범용적으로 적용할 상업적인 판매를 시작하는 단계로 발전할 수 있으리라 생각된다. 이외에도 미국 ASME는 고온 설계코드 개발을 위한 준비를 진행 중이다. 아울러 가속화된 제조공정 기술 개발과 설계코드 및 DB 구축과 같은 소재 적용여건의 성숙은 $SiC_f$/SiC 복합체가 상용소재로 적용될 가능성을 높이고 있으며, 개량 후보소재에서 현용재로 적용될 시기를 앞당길 수 있는 계기가 되리라 생각된다. 따라서 국내에서 이에 걸맞는 체계적인 투자와 연구가 진행되어야하겠다.

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후보종빈돈의 등지방 두께가 첫발정 및 첫수정 시기에 미치는 영향

  • 손동수;이장희;허태영;김인철;연성흠;서국현;이동원;최선호;류일선
    • Proceedings of the KSAR Conference
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    • 2002.06a
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 2002
  • Meat type 의 돼지 개량으로 체조직내 지방함량의 감소에 의하여 종빈돈의 번식성적 저하 및 경제수명이 단축됨에 따라 후보종빈돈의 등지방 두께가 첫발정 및 첫수정 시기에 미치는 영향을 조사하여 후보종빈돈의 번식관리 기술개발에 기초자료로 활용코자 하였다. 공시축은 충남 천안시 소재 중소규모의 양돈장에서 사육하고 있는 후보종빈돈 47두에 대하여 첫 발정일령 및 첫수정일령의 조사와 등지방 두께를 측정하였다. 첫발정일령은 등지방 두께가 13 -16㎜일 때 생후 182.1±17.3일, 17-20㎜일 때 생후 173.0±18.4일, 21-22㎜일 때 생후 162.2±17.8 일로 등지방 두께가 앓을 수록 첫발정시기가 늦어졌다. 첫수정일령은 등지방 두께가 13-16㎜일 때 생후 211.8±14.8 일, 17-20㎜일 때 생후 203.0±24.3일, 21-23㎜ 일 때 생후 195.4±13.2일로 등지방 두께가 밟을 수록 첫수정 시기가 늦어졌다. (중략)

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Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Materials for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Plant (초임계 이산화탄소 발전용 소재의 고온 내식성 평가)

  • Chae, Hobyung;Seo, Sukho;Jung, Yong Chan;Lee, Soo Yeol
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.109-113
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    • 2015
  • 초임계 이산화탄소 발전 시스템 구축을 위해서는 고온, 고압의 열악한 환경에 노출되는 터빈, 열 교환기, 압축기와 같은 핵심 부품들의 내식성 평가는 반드시 수행되어야 한다. 이를 위해 후보소재 3종 Ferritic-Martensitic Steel (T92), Austenitic Steel (SS316L), Ni-based Alloy (IN738LC)를 선정하여 고온의 유사 초임계 $CO_2$ 발전 환경에서의 내식성 평가를 진행하였다. $600^{\circ}C$, $700^{\circ}C$의 2개의 온도 구간에서 $CO_2$ 분위기를 조성하여 800 시간 동안 노출시킨 뒤, Weight Change, Surface Morphology, Cross Section, Composition을 분석하였다. Cr-rich Protective Layer를 형성하는 Ni-based Alloy와 Fe/Cr-rich oxide를 형성하는 Austenitic Steel은 우수한 부식 저항성을 보인 반면에 Ferritic-Martensitic Steel은 높은 Weight Change와 Fe-rich Non-Protective Oxide가 관찰되어 상대적으로 낮은 부식 저항성을 보였다.

Theoretical Study for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) Property in Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) Candidates (유기발광소재(OLED) 후보물질의 지연형광(TADF) 성질에 대한 이론적 연구)

  • Seo, Hyun-il;Jeong, Hyeon Jin;Yoon, Byung Jin;Kim, Seung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2019
  • The TADF properties for carbazol-dicyanobenzene, carbazol-diphenyl sulfone, carbazol-benzonitrile derivatives as OLED candidate materials are theoretically investigated using density functional theory (DFT) with $6-31G^{**}$, cc-pVDZ, and cc-pVTZ basis sets. The optimized geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and HOMO-LUMO energy separations are predicted at the B3LYP/$6-31G^{**}$ level of theory. The harmonic vibrational frequencies of the molecules considered in this study show all real numbers implying true minima. The time dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations have been also applied to investigate the absorption and emission wavelength (${\lambda}_{max}$), energy differences (${\Delta}E_{ST}$) between excited singlet ($S_1$) and triplet ($T_1$) states of candidate materials.

Effects of Raising System on the Reproductive and Weaning Performances in Replacing Gilts (후보모돈의 실내.외 사육방식이 번식 및 이유성적에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, G.W.;Ok, Y.S.;Kim, S.E.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to analyze the effects of sow breeding environment on the reproduction in the first litter in a large-sized hog farm, located in Dangjin-gun, Chungnam from July 1st, 2007 to June 30th, 2008 and provide basic information to improve the sow productivity in a family farming sows. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The gestation periods were proved to be similar without significant differences between indoor and outdoor breeding grounds, The average of farrowing rate was 91.91%, and 92.54% farrowing rate of out-door ground breeding sows was slightly greater than 91.57% of group-housed sows, but there was no significance between two groups. 2. The average of total litter size and the number of born alive per litter were 9.81 and 9.02, respectively. The number of total number was 0.98 and the number of born alive per litter was 1.18 in the outdoor-ground breeding sows, which was significantly greater than group-housed sows(p<0.001). 3. The number(rate) of piglets stillborn was 0.22(2.10%) from the outdoor-ground breeding sows was significantly greater, compared with 0.33(3.53%) from group-housed sows(p<0.01). The number of piglets culled was 0.23(2.27%) and 0.26(2.77%), in the out-door ground breeding sows and in group-housed sows, respectively and it was not significantly similar between two groups. And, the number of mummies was 0.21(2.1%) and 0.28(2.29%), in the out-door ground breeding sows and in group-housed sows, respectively, which showed no significance. 4. The weaning number in the playground breeding sows was 9.48 and it was significantly greater than that in the group-housed sows(p<0.001). The average of weaned age was observed to be 22.91 days. The weaned age in the out-door ground breeding sows was 22.39 days, and it was significantly smaller than that in group-housed sows(p<0.001). The breeding rate for the weaning of pigs was satisfactory as 96.82%, but there was no significant difference between two groups.

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Control of Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) of Mutant N-29 Broth Filtrate of Streptomyces scopuliridis KR-001 (토양 방선균 N-29 배양 여액의 생태계교란 식물 돼지풀 방제효과)

  • Kim, Jae-Deok;Kim, Young-Sook;Kwak, Hwa-Sook;Kim, Hye-Jin;Lee, Youn-Me;Ko, Young-Kwan;Park, Kee-Woong;Choi, Jung-Sup
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2018
  • We isolated Streptomyces scopuliridis KR-001 that produced herbicidal active metabolite(s) against several grass and broad leaf weeds. In this study, potential as natural herbicide of mutant N-29 broth filtrate of S. scopuliridis KR-001 was investigated to Ambrosia artemisiifilia in a greenhouse and field condition. The broth filtrate of mutant N-29 by foliar application showed a strong herbicidal activity to A. artemisiifilia with leaf stage in a greenhouse condition. Also, field trial of foliar application within treatment range had effectively controlled with early and middle stage of A. artemisiifilia at the natural habitats. Phytotoxic symptoms of mutant N-29 broth filtrate by foliar application were wilting and discoloration, and burn-down of leaves and finally plant death. These results suggest that mutant N-29 broth filtrate is considered possible as a natural herbicide for controlling environmentally friend to invasive alien plant such as A. artemisiifilia and may provide a new lead molecule for a more efficient herbicide.

Herbicidal Characteristics of Soil Bacteria Actinomycetes G-0299 to Southern Crabgrass (토양 방선균 Actinomycetes G-0299의 바랭이에 대한 선택적 살초특성)

  • Choi, Jung-Sup;Kim, Young Sook;Kim, Jae Deok;Kim, Hye Jin;Ko, Young-Kwan;Park, Kee Woong;Moon, Surk-Sik
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.212-221
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    • 2017
  • An actinomycetes isolate G-0299 obtained from a forest soil showed strong phytotoxic activity to Digitaria ciliaris. For the foliar application study, the culture filtrate of the isolate G-0299 showed strong herbicidal activity only to D. ciliaris among the 12 monocot and 5 dicot weed species. And herbicidal activity at a concentration of 500, 250, 125 and $62.5{\mu}gmL^{-1}$ of culture filtrate was 100%, 98%, 70% and 40%, respectively. Phytotoxic symptoms of the culture filtrate by foliar application were desiccation and burn-down or bleaching of leaves and finally plant death. And then the herbicidal activity was exhibited only under the light condition. Also, chlorophyll loss of D. ciliaris leaf tissues in the light condition was much higher than in the dark condition and then chlorophyll content decreased 82%, 5%, respectively. In conclusion, our results suggest that soil bacteria, isolate G-0299 could be a good candidate for new bio-herbicide and provide a new lead molecule for a more unique herbicide.

Identification of Streptomyces scopuliridis KR-001 and Its Herbicidal Characteristics (Streptomyces scopuliridis KR-001의 분리 동정 및 잡초 방제효과)

  • Lee, Boyoung;Kim, Jae Deok;Kim, Young Sook;Ko, Young Kwan;Yon, Gyu Hwan;Kim, Chang-Jin;Koo, Suk Jin;Choi, Jung Sup
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2013
  • With increasing environmental issues from synthetic chemical herbicides, microbe-originated herbicides could be a fascinating alternative in current agriculture. We isolated Streptomyces strains that produced herbicidal active metabolite(s) against a grass weed Digitaria sanguinalis. According to the result from 16S rDNA sequence comparison with the close strains, the best isolate (Code name MS-80673) was identified as Streptomyces scopuliridis KR-001. The closest type strain was Streptomyces scopuliridis RB72 which was previously reported as a bacteriocin producer. The optimal culture condition of S. scopuliridis KR-001 was $28^{\circ}C$, pH 7.0 and culture period 4 to7 days. Both of soil and foliar application of the crude culture broth concentrate was effective on several troublesome or noxious weed species such as a Sciyos angulatus in a greenhouse and field condition. Phytotoxic symptoms of the culture broth concentrate of S. scopuliridis KR-001 by foliar application were wilting and burndown of leaves, and stems followed by discoloration and finally plant death. In crops such as rice, wheat, barley, hot pepper and tomato, growth inhibition was observed. These results suggest that the new S. scopuliridis KR-001 strain producing herbicidal metabolites may be a new bio-herbicide candidate and/or may provide a new lead molecule for a more efficient herbicide.

스핀트로닉스 소재로 사용될 수 있는 HgCdTe의 물리적 성질 : Rashbar effect 와 Zeeman spin splitting

  • 홍진기;이진서;이긍원;안세영;이제형;김진상;이병찬
    • Proceedings of the Korean Magnestics Society Conference
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    • 2002.12a
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    • pp.32-33
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    • 2002
  • 최근 세계적 주목을 받고 있는 spin FET[1] 소자의 구현은 강자성 물질에 의하여 반도체에 주입된 spin 편향된 전자가 반도체 계면에 유도된 전기장의 영향을 받아 spin-orbit interaction을 하는 mechanism(Rashbar effect)이 근간을 이루고 있다. 작은 band gap을 가지는 반도체(narrow gap 반도체)는 작은 유효질량의 전자에 의해서 이러한 Rashbar effect[2]를 크게 할 수 있는 물질로서, spin FET 구현을 위한 강력한 후보이며, 요즘 한창 연구되고 있는 주제이기도 하다[3]. (중략)

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People Inside - 남기훈 위원장(계란자조금관리위원장/본회 채란위원장/부회장)

  • Jang, Seong-Yeong
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    • v.49 no.12
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    • pp.118-120
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    • 2017
  • 지난 10월 24일 대전 소재 선샤인호텔에서 '2017년 제4차 계란자조금관리위원회 대의원회'를 통해 제5대 계란자조금관리위원장에 남기훈 후보가 만장일치로 추대됐다. 더불어 이날 자리에서 대의원회 의장에 오정길 씨(전, 한국양계축산업 협동조합장), 부의장은 김양길 씨(본회 광주전남도지회장), 감사에는 한만혁 씨(무지개농장)와 장재권 씨(자연농장)가 당선됐다. 금년 초 본회 제21대 임원으로 선출되면서 본회 부회장이자 채란위원장에 이어, 2년간 계란자조금관리위원회를 이끌어갈 남기훈 위원장을 만나 앞으로 운영 계획에 대해 들어보았다.