• Title/Summary/Keyword: 화자 확인

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Influence of SNR difference on the Korean speech intelligibility in classrooms (교실에서 신호대잡음비 변이가 한국어 음성명료도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chan-Jae;Jo, Sung-Min;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.651-660
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    • 2019
  • The present study aims to find out the necessary speech sound level which can satisfy with the speech intelligibility in a noisy classroom environments. For this, auralized materials were made to undertake listening tests with 27 people. Speech intelligibility tests were carried out using both Consonant-Vowel-Consonant (CVC) and Phonetically Balanced Words (PBW) methods. Signal to noise ratio was changed by 5 dB for each test. As a result, it was found that speech intelligibilities are increasing with larger Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). It was also found that there is a lot of difference of speech intelligibilities by SNR for syllables (CVC) with the Reverberation Time (RT) of 1.5 s. However, any significant difference was not found for words (PBW) in the case with RTs of below 0.8 s. Also, it was revealed through the 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test that SNR is the only attentive factor which can affect the Korean speech intelligibilities for both PBW and CVC methods. Therefore, RTs below 0.8 s could be the acoustic criteria for classroom which can minimize the effects of noise. In the case with RTs larger than 0.8 s, much larger SNR is needed to give sufficient speech intelligibility.

Cloning and Characterization of a Gene Coding for a Dextransucrase from Leuconostoc mesenteroides B-742CB (Leuconostoc mesenteroides B-742CB로부터 Dextransucrase를 Coding하는 유전자 분리 및 특성 연구)

  • 박미란;이소영;류화자;김호상;강희경;유선균;조성용;조동련;김도만
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.188-199
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    • 2001
  • A gene encoding the dextransucrase(dsCB) that synthesizes mostly $\alpha-(1\rightarrow6)$ linked dextran with low amount(10%) of $\alpha-(1\rightarrow3)$ branching was cloned and sequenced from Leuconostoc mesenteroides B-742CB. The 6.1 kbp DNA fragment carrying dsCB showed one open reading frame(ORF) composed of 4,536bp. The deduced amino acid sequence shows that it begins from the start codon(ATG) at position 698 of the cloned DNA fragment and extends to the termination condon(TAA) at position 5,223. The enzyme is consisted of 1,508 amino acids and has an calculated molecular mass of 168.6kDa. This calculated Mw was in good agreement with an activity band of 170kDa on non-denaturing SDS-PAGE. A recombinant E. coli DH5 $alpha$ harboring pDSCB produced extracellular dextransucrase in 2% sucrose medium, and synthesized both soluble and insoluble dextran. To compare the properties of enzyme with B-742CB dextransucrase, the acceptor reaction, hydrolysis of dextran and methylation were performed. The expressed enzyme showed the same properties as B-742CB dextransucrease, but its ability to synthesize $\alpha-(1\rightarrow3)$ branching was lower than that of B-742CB dextransucrase. In order to identify the critical amino acid residues known as conserved regions related to catalytic activity, Asp-492 was replaced with Asn. D492N resulted in a 1.6 fold decrease in specific activity.

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Comprehension of Figurative Language in Young and Old Adults: The Role of Simile, Metaphor, Idiom and Proverb (정상 청년층과 노년층의 비유언어 이해 능력: 직유, 은유, 관용어, 속담을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji Hye;Yoon, Ji Hye
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.981-1001
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    • 2016
  • At old age, as people depend on superficial clues when they interpret the overall context of communication, their ability to understand connotative and figurative words and articles could deteriorate. In this study, 50 normal young(junior) people and normal old(senior) people were made to perform a task to understand similes, metaphors, idioms, and proverbs, the sub-areas of figurative language. For the task, participants were made to understand a paragraph consisting of several sentences and select a correct answer representing appropriate figurative language. As a result of the analysis, first, old people showed a lower level of performance than young people in all the sub-areas of figurative language. Second, in understanding idiomatic words and proverbs, old people showed a lower level of performance due to unfamiliarity. Third, for the types of wrong answers, old people mostly understood only the literal meanings in all the sub-areas of figurative language. Due to aging, old people come to have a lowered level of the pragmatic language ability, reasoning ability, and inhibiting ability to efficiently communicate with others considering certain situations and contexts. Thus, old people could have difficulties in understanding inner meanings from others in daily communication.

A Study of the Central Meaning of Transmission and a Reconsideration of Its Value as a Local Cultural Content within Jeongeupsa (<정읍사> 전승의 구심적(求心的) 의미와 지역문화콘텐츠로서의 가치 재고(再考))

  • Kim, Jeong-ae
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.40
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    • pp.273-302
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    • 2022
  • This paper aims reinterpreting and reflecting on the current status and problems with the various contents that have developed through Jeongeupsa (井邑詞, Jeongeup Lyrics) in order to enhance the local and cultural value of Jeongeupsa within the broader context of classical poetry. The results of this research are as follows: First, I raised the questions by summarizing previous studies on the interpretation of Jeongeupsa. The view of Jeongeupsa as songs about the jealousy and anger of wives is highlighted, and the view of the wives' desire for their husbands' safety is confirmed to be passive portrayals of women. These two interpretations raise questions about the extent to which Jeongeupsa remain relevant to local cultural content of today. Second, it was understood that Jeongeupsa shows a mature attitude that does not indicate spatial separation from the subjects in the poem. This is shown via the absence of those subjects, and further shows an active and subjective attitude of waiting. Therefore, it was deemed that there is room to reconsider to the categorization of Jeongeupsa as lewd songs. Third, the contents generated through Jeongeupsa are buried in feelings of sadness and anger. Thereby, the contents have not guaranteed the health of Jeongeupsa. In order to promote Jeongeupsa as a source of local and cultural content, the positive value of Jeongeupsa must be enhanced.

The role of voice onset time (VOT) and post-stop fundamental frequency (F0) in the perception of Tohoku Japanese stops (도호쿠 일본어의 폐쇄음 지각에 있어서 voice onset time(VOT)과 후속모음 fundamental frequency(F0)의 역할)

  • Hi-Gyung Byun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2023
  • Tohoku Japanese is known to have voiced stops without pre-voicing in word-initial position, whereas traditional or conservative Japanese has voiced stops with pre-voicing in the same position. One problem with this devoicing of voiced stops is that it affects the distinction between voiced and voiceless stops because their voice onset time (VOT) values overlap. Previous studies have confirmed that Tohoku speakers use post-stop fundamental frequency (F0) as an acoustic cue along with VOT to avoid overlap. However, the role of post-stop F0 as a perceptual cue in this region has barely been investigated. Therefore, this study explored the role of post-stop F0 in stop voicing perception along with VOT. Several perception tests were conducted using resynthesized stimuli, which were manipulated along a VOT continuum orthogonal to an F0 continuum. The results showed no significant regional difference (Tohoku vs. Chubu) for nonsense words (/ta-da/). However, for meaningful words (/pari/ 'Paris' vs. /bari/ 'Bali,' /piza/ 'pizza' vs. /biza/ 'visa'), a significant word effect was found, and it was confirmed that some listeners utilized the post-stop F0 more consistently and steadily than others. Based on these results, we discuss innovative listeners who may lead the change in the perception of stop voicing.

Robust Speech Recognition Algorithm of Voice Activated Powered Wheelchair for Severely Disabled Person (중증 장애우용 음성구동 휠체어를 위한 강인한 음성인식 알고리즘)

  • Suk, Soo-Young;Chung, Hyun-Yeol
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2007
  • Current speech recognition technology s achieved high performance with the development of hardware devices, however it is insufficient for some applications where high reliability is required, such as voice control of powered wheelchairs for disabled persons. For the system which aims to operate powered wheelchairs safely by voice in real environment, we need to consider that non-voice commands such as user s coughing, breathing, and spark-like mechanical noise should be rejected and the wheelchair system need to recognize the speech commands affected by disability, which contains specific pronunciation speed and frequency. In this paper, we propose non-voice rejection method to perform voice/non-voice classification using both YIN based fundamental frequency(F0) extraction and reliability in preprocessing. We adopted a multi-template dictionary and acoustic modeling based speaker adaptation to cope with the pronunciation variation of inarticulately uttered speech. From the recognition tests conducted with the data collected in real environment, proposed YIN based fundamental extraction showed recall-precision rate of 95.1% better than that of 62% by cepstrum based method. Recognition test by a new system applied with multi-template dictionary and MAP adaptation also showed much higher accuracy of 99.5% than that of 78.6% by baseline system.

Comparison of vowel lengths of articles and monosyllabic nouns in Korean EFL learners' noun phrase production in relation to their English proficiency (한국인 영어학습자의 명사구 발화에서 영어 능숙도에 따른 관사와 단음절 명사 모음 길이 비교)

  • Park, Woojim;Mo, Ranm;Rhee, Seok-Chae
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this research was to find out the relation between Korean learners' English proficiency and the ratio of the length of the stressed vowel in a monosyllabic noun to that of the unstressed vowel in an article of the noun phrases (e.g., "a cup", "the bus", etcs.). Generally, the vowels in monosyllabic content words are phonetically more prominent than the ones in monosyllabic function words as the former have phrasal stress, making the vowels in content words longer in length, higher in pitch, and louder in amplitude. This study, based on the speech samples from Korean-Spoken English Corpus (K-SEC) and Rated Korean-Spoken English Corpus (Rated K-SEC), examined 879 English noun phrases, which are composed of an article and a monosyllabic noun, from sentences which are rated on 4 levels of proficiency. The lengths of the vowels in these 879 target NPs were measured and the ratio of the vowel lengths in nouns to those in articles was calculated. It turned out that the higher the proficiency level, the greater the mean ratio of the vowels in nouns to the vowels in articles, confirming the research's hypothesis. This research thus concluded that for the Korean English learners, the higher the English proficiency level, the better they could produce the stressed and unstressed vowels with more conspicuous length differences between them.

Emoticon by Emotions: The Development of an Emoticon Recommendation System Based on Consumer Emotions (Emoticon by Emotions: 소비자 감성 기반 이모티콘 추천 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Keon-Woo;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.227-252
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    • 2018
  • The evolution of instant communication has mirrored the development of the Internet and messenger applications are among the most representative manifestations of instant communication technologies. In messenger applications, senders use emoticons to supplement the emotions conveyed in the text of their messages. The fact that communication via messenger applications is not face-to-face makes it difficult for senders to communicate their emotions to message recipients. Emoticons have long been used as symbols that indicate the moods of speakers. However, at present, emoticon-use is evolving into a means of conveying the psychological states of consumers who want to express individual characteristics and personality quirks while communicating their emotions to others. The fact that companies like KakaoTalk, Line, Apple, etc. have begun conducting emoticon business and sales of related content are expected to gradually increase testifies to the significance of this phenomenon. Nevertheless, despite the development of emoticons themselves and the growth of the emoticon market, no suitable emoticon recommendation system has yet been developed. Even KakaoTalk, a messenger application that commands more than 90% of domestic market share in South Korea, just grouped in to popularity, most recent, or brief category. This means consumers face the inconvenience of constantly scrolling around to locate the emoticons they want. The creation of an emoticon recommendation system would improve consumer convenience and satisfaction and increase the sales revenue of companies the sell emoticons. To recommend appropriate emoticons, it is necessary to quantify the emotions that the consumer sees and emotions. Such quantification will enable us to analyze the characteristics and emotions felt by consumers who used similar emoticons, which, in turn, will facilitate our emoticon recommendations for consumers. One way to quantify emoticons use is metadata-ization. Metadata-ization is a means of structuring or organizing unstructured and semi-structured data to extract meaning. By structuring unstructured emoticon data through metadata-ization, we can easily classify emoticons based on the emotions consumers want to express. To determine emoticons' precise emotions, we had to consider sub-detail expressions-not only the seven common emotional adjectives but also the metaphorical expressions that appear only in South Korean proved by previous studies related to emotion focusing on the emoticon's characteristics. We therefore collected the sub-detail expressions of emotion based on the "Shape", "Color" and "Adumbration". Moreover, to design a highly accurate recommendation system, we considered both emotion-technical indexes and emoticon-emotional indexes. We then identified 14 features of emoticon-technical indexes and selected 36 emotional adjectives. The 36 emotional adjectives consisted of contrasting adjectives, which we reduced to 18, and we measured the 18 emotional adjectives using 40 emoticon sets randomly selected from the top-ranked emoticons in the KakaoTalk shop. We surveyed 277 consumers in their mid-twenties who had experience purchasing emoticons; we recruited them online and asked them to evaluate five different emoticon sets. After data acquisition, we conducted a factor analysis of emoticon-emotional factors. We extracted four factors that we named "Comic", Softness", "Modernity" and "Transparency". We analyzed both the relationship between indexes and consumer attitude and the relationship between emoticon-technical indexes and emoticon-emotional factors. Through this process, we confirmed that the emoticon-technical indexes did not directly affect consumer attitudes but had a mediating effect on consumer attitudes through emoticon-emotional factors. The results of the analysis revealed the mechanism consumers use to evaluate emoticons; the results also showed that consumers' emoticon-technical indexes affected emoticon-emotional factors and that the emoticon-emotional factors affected consumer satisfaction. We therefore designed the emoticon recommendation system using only four emoticon-emotional factors; we created a recommendation method to calculate the Euclidean distance from each factors' emotion. In an attempt to increase the accuracy of the emoticon recommendation system, we compared the emotional patterns of selected emoticons with the recommended emoticons. The emotional patterns corresponded in principle. We verified the emoticon recommendation system by testing prediction accuracy; the predictions were 81.02% accurate in the first result, 76.64% accurate in the second, and 81.63% accurate in the third. This study developed a methodology that can be used in various fields academically and practically. We expect that the novel emoticon recommendation system we designed will increase emoticon sales for companies who conduct business in this domain and make consumer experiences more convenient. In addition, this study served as an important first step in the development of an intelligent emoticon recommendation system. The emotional factors proposed in this study could be collected in an emotional library that could serve as an emotion index for evaluation when new emoticons are released. Moreover, by combining the accumulated emotional library with company sales data, sales information, and consumer data, companies could develop hybrid recommendation systems that would bolster convenience for consumers and serve as intellectual assets that companies could strategically deploy.