Behavioral characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders among children.child psyachiatry. Inattention, Hyperactivity that is done by hyperkinesis or minimal brain dysfunction is major sypmton in ADHD, But etiology and pathological facor of ADHD is very much or unkown.. We brought to about a Study on the Oriental - medical pathologic Understanding about Inattention, Hyperactivity symptom in ADHD within Don yui bo gam Book are as follows. 1. Oriental medical pathologic concepts about Inattention, Hyperactivity are continuous with process of Yang Qi(陽氣), an unbalance of qi(氣) and shen ming(神明), excess of seven emotions(七情), pathology of Huo(火). 2. Immanent factors in inattention, Hyperactivity are improper diet, overtiredness and seven emotions, are continuous with pathological process of the heart, liver, gall bladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys. 3. In oriental medicine, considered as a child's qi of shao yang, dynamic physiological feature, excess and want of yin and yang, organs and bowels, immanently imbalance in growth rather than a child's mental disorder 4. Inattention, looseness in ADHD-PI type are continuous with forgetfulness, improper overtiredness, shortage of qi, the interior heat syndrome due to yin deficiency within Don yui bo gam Book 5. Hyperactivity, impulsive actions in ADHD-C type are continuous with sudden palpitation, severe palpitation, delirium, fidgeting due to deficiency, fidgetiness, hyperactivity of huo due to yin deficiency, fever, febrile disease with accumulation of blood.