• Title/Summary/Keyword: 혼합흐름 방식 터보팬 엔진

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Two Spool Mixed-Flow Turbofan Engine Performance Analysis Modeling (2 스풀 혼합흐름 배기방식 터보팬 엔진 성능해석 모델링)

  • Seungheon Lee;Hyoung Jin Lee;Sangjo Kim;Gyujin Na;Jung Hoe Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2023
  • In this study, performance analysis modeling of two spool mixed flow type turbofan engine according to steady-state and transient is performed. The target engine is selected as F100-PW-229 from Pratt & Whitney, and main engine components including fan, high pressure compressors, combustion, high pressure turbines, low pressure turbines, mixer, convergent-divergent nozzle are modeled. The cooling effect of turbine through secondary flow path are considered in engine simulation model. We develop in-house Matlab/Simulink-based engine performance analysis program capable of analyzing internal engine state and compare it with GASTURB which is generally used as a commercial engine analysis program.