• Title/Summary/Keyword: 협업 성과

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A Table Parametric Method for Automatic Generation of Parametric CAD Models in a Mold Base e-Catalog System (몰드베이스 전자 카탈로그 시스템의 파라메트릭 CAD 모델 자동 생성을 위한 테이블 파라메트릭 방법)

  • Mun, Du-Hwan;Kim, Heung-Ki;Jang, Kwang-Sub;Cho, Jun-Myun;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Han, Soon-Hung
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.117-136
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    • 2004
  • As the time-to-market gets more important for competitiveness of an enterprise in manufacturing industry, it becomes important to shorten the development cycle of a product. Reuse of existing design models and e-Catalog for components are required for faster product development. To achieve this goal, an electric catalog must provide parametric CAD models since parametric information is indispensable for configuration design. There are difficulties in building up a parametric library of all the necessary combination using a CAD system, since we have too many combinations of components for a product. For example, there are at least 80 million combinations of components on one page of paper catalog of a mold base. To solve this problem, we propose the method of table parametric for the automatic generation of parametric CAD models. Any combination of mold base can be generated by mapping between a classification system of an electric catalog and the design parameters set of the table parametric. We propose how to select parametric models and to construct the design parameters set.

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A Study on the Possibility of Domestic Dance Film's Development - Focusing on 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' and 'Dance Film Project' (국내 무용영화의 발전 가능성 연구 - '서울무용영화제'와 '댄스필름 프로젝트'를 중심으로)

  • LEE, Eunjoo;CHUNG, Euisook
    • Trans-
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    • v.4
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2018
  • Dance films, which started together as a combination of dance and video technology, have evolved into a new genre. Overseas, from early 1950s, experimental dance films have been produced and the dance film association is organized along with many dance film festivals are being held. However, it has not been long since the perception and creativity of the genre of dance films in Korea. Under these circumstances, holding of the 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' and experimental approaches by 'Dance Film Project' are important for the development of domestic dance films. Therefore, this paper explores the concept and development of dance films, the status and features of various overseas dance film festivals and the 'Seoul Dance Film Festival'. This paper also explores the roll and function of 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' and 'Dance Film Project', and their expected benefit along with possibilities of prosperity of domestic dance film. 'Dance Film Project' is the educational and experimental venue for producing of dance films, and the 'Seoul Dance Film Festival' is a platform for producing dance film makers, show of works, dialogue with audiences, international exchanges, and distributions. The dance film festival embodies the value of the past and current flow of the dance film and is intrinsic to the existence of a live content that can be predicted the future aspect of its roll. The two groups mutual growth and development are expected to play a positive role in the development of domestic dance films.

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A Study of Collective Knowledge Production Mechanisms of the three Great SNS (3대 SNS에서의 집단적 지식생산 메커니즘 연구)

  • Hong, Sam-Yull;Oh, Jae-Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.1075-1081
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    • 2013
  • Twitter, Facebook, and KakaoStory are the major SNS in Korea. Social knowledge production is being produced by those services from numerous collaboration and co-participation in those SNS. Wikipedia or Naver JishikIN service was regarded as the representative product of collective knowledge production during the wired internet era. However now at the wireless internet era centered with smart phones, various forms of collective knowledge production would be achieved by connecting to SNS in real-time. In this thesis, the survey data of collective knowledge production for users of three SNS have been compared and analyzed. The difference of the collective knowledge production mechanism among Twitter, Facebook and KakaoStory has been studied and compared through three variables: the motivation of collective knowledge production, the preference of collective knowledge production model, and collective knowledge production cultural perception. As a result of the analysis of the discriminant factors for three SNS user groups, it turns out that the diversity-toward usage motivation, personal contribution motivation, and collective knowledge production tendency perception are the most influential variables. This thesis is of significance in that it unites the value of social science such as social capital and collective knowledge production from the viewpoint of computer science and opens the new chapter of collective knowledge production with the real-time SNS of wireless internet from the wired internet.

The Development and the Application of a Collaborative Design Prototyping Tool for Digital Products (디지털 제품의 협동적 디자인을 위한 프로토타이핑 도구 개발 및 활용 사례 연구)

  • Nam, Tek-Jin
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2004
  • There is a lack of user centered design methods that support effective collaboration between designers and end-users for designing hardware and software integrated digital products. This paper presents the application of Collaborative Design and a new collaborative design prototyping tool for interactive digital product design projects. The tool consists of STCtools(State Transition Chart tools) software, hardware modeling materials, and physical interface toolkits for integrating software and hardware. STCtools allow users to create and edit States, to compose Events describing transitions between States, and to run intermediate or final results of STC. Using the hardware modeling materials and the physical interface toolkit, designers and end-users can collaborately examine the hardware and software integrated concepts in an early stage of the design process. Three collaborative design workshops of designing a portable digital guide for a theme park were accomplished to examine the feasibility of the tool. The results suggested that the tool supported iterative concept development and interactions between designers and end users. Although several user interface problems of STCtools were identified, the participants gave positive feedback on the role of the tool in collaborative concept generation and deployment. It is expected that the results of this study contribute not only to the collaboration between designers and end users, but also to the collaboration between designers, and between designers and other professionals.

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A Resource Adaptive Data Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 자원 적응형 데이터 확산프로토콜)

  • Kim, Hyun-Tae;Choi, Nak-Sun;Jung, Kyu-Su;Jeon, Yeong-Bae;Ra, In-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.2091-2098
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, it proposes a protocol of resource adaptive data dissemination for sensor nodes in a wireless sensor network. In general, each sensor node used in a wireless sensor network delivers the required information to the final destination by conducting cooperative works such as sensing, processing, and communicating each other using the battery power of a independent sensor node. So, a protocol used for transferring the acquired information to users through the wireless sensor network can minimize the power consumption of energy resource given to a sensor node. Especially, it is very important to minimize the total amount of power consumption with a method for handling the problems on implosion. data delivery overlapping, and excessive message transfer caused by message broadcasting. In this paper, for the maintaining of the shortest path between sensor nodes, maximizing of the life time of a sensor node and minimizing of communication cost, it presents a method for selecting the representative transfer node for an event arising area based on the negotiation scheme and maintaining optimal transfer path using hop and energy information. Finally, for the performance evaluation, we compare the proposed protocol to existing directed diffusion and SPIN protocol. And, with the simulation results, we show that the proposed protocol enhances the performance on the power consumption rate when the number of overall sensor nodes in a sensor network or neighbor sensor nodes in an event area are increased and on the number of messages disseminated from a sensor node.

A Design of Enhanced Lower-Power Data Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 개선된 저전력형 데이터 확산 프로토콜 설계)

  • Choi Nak-Sun;Kim Hyun-Tae;Kim Hyoung-Jin;Ra In-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.437-441
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    • 2006
  • Wireless sensor network consists of sensor nodes which are disseminated closely to each other to collect informations for the various requests of a sensor application applied for sensing phenomenons in real world. Each sensor node delivers sensing informations to an end user by conducting cooperative works such as processing and communicating between sensor nodes. In general, the power supply of a sensor node is depends on a battery so that the power consumption of a sensor node decides the entire life time of a sensor network. To resolve the problem, optimal routing algorithm can be used for prolong the entire life time of a sensor network based on the information on the energy level of each sensor node. In this paper, different from the existing Directed Diffusion and SPTN method, we presents a data dissemination protocol based on lower-power consumption that effectively maximizes the whole life time of a sensor network using the informations on the energy level of a sensor node and shortest-path hops. With the proposed method, a data transfer path is established using the informations on the energy levels and hops, and the collected sensing information from neighboring nodes in the event-occurring area is merged with others and delivered to users through the shortest path.

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Comparative analysis of R&D programs for societal challenges (한일 사회문제 해결형 연구개발사업 비교 분석)

  • Park, Inyong;Seong, Ji-eun;Han, Kyu-young
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.191-227
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    • 2015
  • The supply-driven innovation system is encountering its limitation. At the same time, the needs for solving societal challenges occurring in people's lives are growing. Social problem-solving R&D programs have been attracting attention as a countermeasure to satisfy these needs. It is important to understand the social context of the occurring problems as well as the users facing the social challenges. Therefore, social problem-solving R&D programs have to explore the social challenge and users' needs, with emphasis on the collaboration with researchers and users in the development and implementation process. This study carries out comparative analysis between 'Korean Citizen-driven R&D project' and 'Japanese Research institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX)' concerning goals, construction of program, and promotion processes. The two cases are similar regarding the objectives of social problem-solving and the strategy for user participation. However, there are differences between the characteristics of the projects and promotion processes. The RISTEX is performing social problem-solving R&D with a much wider perspectives than the Korean project. This is because the Korean project maintained the existing R&D system with the lens of the supply-driven system, even when approaching social problem-solving. Therefore, this limitation should be overcome by adopting support systems discarding the supply-driven perspective, through substantiality of user participation, maintenance of legal system, and commercialization of technologies.

Device Virtualization Framework for Smart Home Cloud Service (스마트홈 클라우드 서비스를 위한 디바이스 가상화 프레임워크)

  • Kim, Kyungwon;Park, Jongbin;Kum, Seungwoo;Jung, Jongjin;Yang, Chang-Mo;Lim, Taebeom
    • Telecommunications review
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.677-691
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    • 2014
  • Connectivity is becoming more important keywords recently. For example, many devices are going to be connected to the internet. It is usually called as the IoT(internet of things). Many IoT devices can be evolved as a part of giant system of the world wide web. It is a great opportunity for us, because many new services can have emerged through this paradigm. In this paper, we propose a device virtualization framework for smart home service. The proposed framework connects the many home appliances devices and the internet using a dynamic protocol conversion. After our protocol conversion for device virtualization, our framework provides a RESTful API to access the resources of device through the internet. Therefore, the proposed framework can provide a variety of services, so it also can be developed into the ecosystem for smart home service. The current framework version only supports UPnP enabled devices of the home, but it can easily be extended to many other home middleware solutions. To verify the feasibility of the framework, we have implemented several service scenarios.

Integrated Flood Disaster Management System for Local Governments using ICT (ICT를 이용한 지자체 홍수통합관리시스템 구축방안)

  • Cho, Wan Hee;Park, Jeong Su;Na, Yu Jin;Shin, Cheol Kyun;Lee, Yong Taek
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.577-577
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    • 2016
  • 기후변화는 전 지구적 현상으로 이로 인한 홍수피해는 심화되고 있다. 기후변화 정부간 협의체 5차 보고서(IPCC, 2014)에 의하면 1980년대 이전 세계 평균 홍수피해액은 70억 달러 수준이었으나 2011년에는 240억 달러로 크게 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 2013년 필리핀에 태풍 '하이옌' 내습으로 인해 6,200여명이 사망하고, 2천여명이 실종되는 피해가 발생하였다. 국내의 경우 2014년 8월 경남 부산지역에는 시간당 130mm가 넘는 국지성 호우에 따라 차량 4,000여대가 침수, 5명 사망 등 약 125억원의 재산피해가 발생한 바 있다. 국회예산정책처(2012)와 소방방재청(2014)에 따르면, 자연재해 중 집중호우 및 태풍에 의한 호우피해가 85%를 차지하였으며, 전국 하천 피해액의 98.7%가 지방 및 소하천에서 발생하고 있다. 이에 따라 중소하천과 같이 소외된 지역의 물복지 향상을 위해서는 홍수재해 상황에 대하여 선제적 효과적 대응을 위한 과학적 체계적인 홍수통합관리 체계의 구축이 요구되고 있다. 특히 홍수관련 유관기관 자료를 연계한 실시간 상 하류 수문상황 모니터링, 홍수분석 및 하천수위별 대응기준 수립, 배수펌프장 등 수리시설원격 제어 등을 포함하는 홍수 통합관리체계 구축과 같은 비구조적 대책의 수립이 제방정비, 저류조 등 구조적 대책과 병행하여 반드시 추진되어야 한다. 이에 K-water는 ICT기반의 물관리기술력과 경험을 활용하여, 인력 기술력 예산 부족 등 열악한 재난관리 여건으로 어려움을 겪고 있는 지자체와 협업을 통해 홍수통합관리체계 구축을 지원하고 있다. 홍수통합관리체계 구축은 지자체 상 하류의 다양한 재난정보를 수집 통합하고, 수집된 정보를 활용한 홍수분석 및 홍수 대응기준 수립을 통해 예방적 재난대응 체계를 마련하는 것으로, K-water는 지난 2010년 남원시를 시작으로 무주군, 군산시, 진안군 등 21개 지자체의 홍수재해 통합관리체계 구축을 지원하고 있다. 특히 남원시의 경우 본 사업을 통한 시스템 구축후 홍수피해액이 50% 감소한 것으로 확인되는 등 재난관련 골든타임을 확보하고 홍수피해 최소화를 위한 홍수재해 통합관리 체계 구축은 이제 선택이 아닌 필수라 할 수 있다. K-water는 물관리 전문 공기업으로써의 역할을 다하고, 예방 중심의 재난관리 체계 마련을 위해 '지자체 맞춤형 홍수통합관리체계' 구축 지원을 지속적으로 확대해나갈 예정이다.

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A Survey of Weather Forecasting Software and Installation of Low Resolution of the GloSea6 Software (기상예측시스템 소프트웨어 조사 및 GloSea6 소프트웨어 저해상도 설치방법 구현)

  • Chung, Sung-Wook;Lee, Chang-Hyun;Jeong, Dong-Min;Yeom, Gi-Hun
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.349-361
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    • 2021
  • With the development of technology and the advancement of weather forecasting models and prediction methods, higher performance weather forecasting software has been developed, and more precise and accurate weather forecasting is possible by performing software using supercomputers. In this paper, the weather forecast model used by six major countries is investigated and its characteristics are analyzed, and the Korea Meteorological Administration currently uses it in collaboration with the UK Meteorological Administration since 2012 and explains the GloSea However, the existing GloSea was conducted only on the Meteorological Administration supercomputer, making it difficult for various researchers to perform detailed research by specialized field. Therefore, this paper aims to establish a standard experimental environment in which the low-resolution version based on GloSea6 currently used in Korea can be used in local systems and test it to present the localization of low-resolution GloSea6 that can be performed in the laboratory environment. In other words, in this paper, the local portability of low-resolution Globe6 is verified by establishing a basic architecture consisting of a user terminal-calculation server-repository server and performing execution tests of the software.