• Title/Summary/Keyword: 혈관내 치료

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Expression of the Epidermal Growth Factor and Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$ in Lung Cancer (폐암에서 Epidermal growth factor와 Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$의 발현)

  • 장덕기;이충석;박성달;김송명
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.138-147
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    • 2001
  • 배경: 폐암발생에 EGF의 자가 분비는 암의 성장과정에 직, 간접적인 영향을 주고 있으며, TNF-$\alpha$는 면역 반응의 급성체로서 폐암의 발생을 억제하고 이미 발생한 폐암종의 치료에도 이용되고 있는 실정이다. 폐암 조직과 혈장에서 epidermal growth factor(EGF)와 tumor necrosis factor-$\alpha$(TNF-$\alpha$)를 면역 방사선 분석법을 이용하여 정량분석 하여 발현 정도를 분석해보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 폐암환자 20례와 양성종양 및 육아종 환자 4례에 대해서 AJCCS에 의한 조직학적 분류와 TNM 분류에 따라 구분하여 절제수술을 받은 환자를 대상으로 수술전 혈액을 채취하고 수술직후 적출한 표본을 암이 없는 건강하다고 판단되는 대조조직과 폐암조직에서 일정량의 조직을 절취하여 액화질소 내에 실험시까지 급속 냉동보관 하였다. 수술후 혈액을 재 채취하여 혈장을 분리하여 냉동고에 검사시까지 보관하였다. EGF의 정량은 Human Epidermal Growth Factor kit(Amersham Phamacia Biotech, England)를 사용하였으며, TNF-$\alpha$ 정량은 TNF-$\alpha$ IRMA kit(Biosouce, Belgium)을 사용하여 IRMA 방법으로 각각 정량분석하여 표현유무를 연구한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 결과: 1. 대조조직, 양성종양 및 육아종과 폐암 수술전후의 조직과 혈청 모두에서 EGF와 TNF-$\alpha$가 발현되었다. 2. EGF와 TNF-$\alpha$의 농도는 대조조직과 양성종양(0.11$\pm$0.06 ng/ml, 20,3$\pm$9.08 pg/ml)에 비하여 폐암조직(0.13$\pm$0.05 ng/ml, 34.34$\pm$47.74pg/ml)에서 유의하게 높은 농도가 발현되고 있었다. 3. 폐암중 선암조직에서 특히 TNF-$\alpha$(80.92$\pm$104.08 ng/ml)의 발현이 강하게 나타났다. 4. 혈청내의 EGF와 TNF-$\alpha$의 발현되는 양이 조직내의 양보다도 높았다. EGF는 5.7배정도 TNF는 1.3배정도 강하게 표현되었다. 5. 폐암의 조직학적 종류에 따라서 EGF는 거의 차이가 없었으나 TNF-$\alpha$ 정량치에는 차이가 있었다. 6. TNM stage가 진행함에 따라 EGF는 농도가 증가하였고 TNF-$\alpha$는 오히려 감소하는 반대되는 교차현상이 있었다. 7. 수술직후 EGF는 증가하였으나 TNF-$\alpha$는 오히려 감소하였다. 결론: 결론적으로 저자는 암조직과 대조조직간에 EGF와 TNF-$\alpha$의 표현량의 차이가 있음을 관찰하였으며 또한 조직과 혈청사이에도 표현량에 차이가 있으며 조직보다도 오히려 혈청내의 농도가 높다는 사실을 관찰하였다. EFG와 TNF-$\alpha$는 정상조직이나 양성조직과 폐암조직 모두에서 분비작용되는 cytokines으로 세포기능에 따라 다양하게 표현이 되며 계속적인 연구로서 밝혀야만 할 과제라고 판단된다.

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A Case of Churg-Strauss Syndrome with Multiple Tracheobronchial Mucosal Lesions (기관과 기관지내 다발성 점막 병변을 동반한 Churg-Strauss 증후군 1예)

  • Boo, Sun-Jin;Lee, Kwangha;Ra, Seung Won;Jin, Young-Joo;Park, Gyung-Min;Hong, Sang-Bum
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.405-409
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    • 2008
  • Churg-Strauss syndrome is a rare form of systemic necrotizing vasculitis that occurs exclusively in patients with asthma, and is associated with blood and tissue eosinophilia. The classic pathology findings in the lung include a combination of eosinophilic pneumonia, granulomatous inflammation and necrotizing vasculitis. However, there are few reports of tracheobronchial mucosal lesions in Churg-Strauss syndrome. We report a case of Churg-Strauss syndrome with multiple tracheobronchial mucosal lesions in a 33-year-old man with a history of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. He had been diagnosed with community acquired pneumonia at another hospital and was treated with antibiotics. However, the chest radiographic findings were aggravated and showed multifocal consolidations in the whole lung fields. He was transferred to the Asan Medical Center. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed multiple nodular mucosal lesions of the trachea and bronchi. The histopathology of the mucosal lesions revealed necrotizing bronchial inflammation with eosinophilic infiltration. Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery was performed. The wedge resected lung tissue revealed chronic eosinophilic pneumonia that was consistent with Churg-Strauss syndrome. Methylprednisolone (1 mg/kg q 8 hr) was prescribed and his symptoms resolved gradually. The chest radiographic findings improved significantly, and a follow-up fiberoptic bronchoscopy performed eight days later showed that the tracheobronchial mucosal lesions had resolved. The patient was prescribed oral prednisolone for 20 months after discharge. Currently, the patient is not taking steroids and is being followed up.

A study of Tumor Angiogenesis in Human Lung Cancer by Immunohistochemical Stain (Human Lung Cancer에서 면역세포화학적 방법을 이용한 Tumor Angiogenesis에 관한 연구)

  • Cheon, Seon Hee;Kim, Sung Sook;Rha, Sun Young;Chung, Hyun Cheol
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.894-902
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    • 1996
  • Background : Tumor angiogenesis is the growth of new vessels toward and within tumor. It has been demonstrated that the growth of tumor beyond a certain size requires angiogenesis and it is closely involved in tumor progression and metastasis. The finding that intensity of neovascularization correlates independently with metastasis may lead to identification of patients in whom radical surgery should be supplemented by systemic treatment. Method : We have collected paraffin blocks of bronchoscopic biopsy of patients with non-small cell lung cancer. We highlighted the vessel by staining endothelial cell with JC70 monoclonal antibody(to CD31) immunohistochemically and counted microvessels under 200 X field using light microscopy. Results : 1) The mean microvessel count was $32.7{\pm}20.8$ (9-96) in total 29 cases. 2) There were no correlations between microvessel counts and pathologic cell type, T staging, node melastasis(N) and hematogenous metastasis(M) (p>0.05). 3) The median follow-up duration was 15 months(2-46) and there was no correlation between the microvessel counts and survival rate of lung cancer patients (p>0.05). Conclusion : Tumor angiogenesis seems to be an important prognostic factor suggesting the probability of metastasis. But the microvessel count in the bronchoscopic biopsy specimen was inadequate and very limited. There has been no data about angiogenesis of lung cancer in korea yet So the study of tumor angiogenesis using resected lung tumor specimen would be demanded.

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Result of Tracheal Resection and End-to-end Anastomosis (기관 절제 및 단단문합술의 성적 고찰)

  • 유양기;박승일;박순익;김용희;박기성;김동관;최인철
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2003
  • Background: Common treatment modalities for tracheal stenosis include conservative methods such as repeated balloon dilatation, removal of obstructive material through bronchoscopy and T-tube insertion as well as operative treatment methods. Recent advances in surgical approaches through tracheal resection and end-to-end anastomosis have been reported to give better functional and anatomical results. Material and Method: Between March 1990 and July 2002, 41 patients who received tracheal resection and end-to-end anastomosis at Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan were studied retrospectively. Result: The causes for tracheal resection and end-to-end anastomosis included 26 cases of postintubation stenosis, 10 cases of primary tracheal tumors (3 benign, 7 malignant), 1 case of endobronchial tuberculosis, 2 cases of traumatic rupture, and 2 cases of tracheal invasion of a thyroid cancer, Of the 41 patients who received tracheal resection and reconstruction, 29 received tracheal resection and end-to-end anastomosis, and 12 received laryngotracheal anastomosis with cricoid or thyroid cartilage resection. Four of these patients received supralaryngeal release. The average length of the resected trachea was $3.6{\pm}1.0$cm. Of the 41 patients who received tracheal resection and end-to-end anastomosis, 30 (73.2%) experienced no postoperative complications, and 8 (19.5%) experienced granulation tissue growth and/or minor infections which improved after conservative management. Good or satisfactory results were therefore achieved in 92.7%. Complications included repeated granulation tissue growth in 7, wound infection in 2, anastomotic site dehiscence in 2, restenosis resulting in dyspnea on exertion in 1, and repeated postoperative aspiration requiring retracheostomy in 1. There was no early postoperative mortality. There were 3 cases of hospital death. Conclusion: In cases of proper length of tracheal lesion, excellent results were obtained after tracheal resection and end-to-end anastomosis. But, granulation tissue growth is so serious complication, it is necessary for continuous study and efforts to prevent it.

Long Term Survival after the Resection of Esophageal Cancer (식도암 절제수술 후 장기 성적)

  • 김영태;성숙환;김주현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.653-659
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    • 1999
  • Background: Despite the recent promising efforts to improve survival in patients with esophageal carcinoma, the long term survival results of patients with esophageal cancer have seldom been reported in Korea. To establish standard control for future studies, we re trospectively analyzed the surgical treatment results of the esophageal cancer patients managed in our department at Seoul National University Hospital. Material and Method: From January 1984 to December 1996, 734 patients were diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Among them, 253 patients underwent surgery in our department. We retrospectively analyzed the operative results and long term survival rates of these patients. Result: The majority of patients(237) had squamous cell histology and only 6 patients had adenocarcinoma. The final TNM stage grouping for these patients was based on the 1988 revised American Joint Commitee on Cancer classification. Twenty one patients were surgically classified as stage I, 109 as stage II, and 107 as stage III. C respiratory failure in 8, sepsis in 1, hepatic failure in 1, bleeding in 1 and unknown etiology in the remaining 3. The actuarial survival of 222 patients in whom the curative resection was accomplished at 1-, 2-, 3- and 5 years was 74.7${\pm}$3.1%, 46.5${\pm}$3.7%, 32.3${\pm}$3.7%, and 19.9${\pm}$3.3%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The poor long term survival rates suggest that an alternative treatment method such as intensive combined modality therapy should be developed for the management of esophageal cancer.

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Comparison of Endovenous Treatment Using a 980 nm Diode Laser versus Conventional Stripping for Truncal Saphenous Vein Incompetence: Mid-term Results by VCSS Score and Recurrence (복재정맥 부전에 대한 980-nm 다이오드 레이저를 이용한 치료와 전통적인 발거술 간의 비교: VCSS 점수와 재발에 의한 중기 임상 결과)

  • Choi, Jae-Sung;Kim, Eung-Joong;Lee, Jeong-Sang
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.387-393
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    • 2010
  • Background: The aims of the present study were to assess and compare mid-term clinical outcomes including recurrences between endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) and stripping. Material and Method: Between January 2007 and February 2010, 318 limbs in 237 patients with saphenous truncal varicosities were treated by laser energy using a 980 nm diode or were treated with conventional stripping. At the initial visit and at 1, 2, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months postoperatively, clinical examination and questioning for Venous Clinical Severity Score (VCSS) as well as duplex ultrasonography were done. In order to compare clinical outcomes between the two treatment groups, EVLT versus stripping, all data were processed and analyzed. Result: There were no significant differences between the two treatment groups in the extent of the reflux and the number of insufficient perforating veins. The in EVLT and the stripping group at 12 months were $90.3{\pm}4.5%$ and $93.9{\pm}4.2%$, respectively (p>0.05). Total recurrence rates were 4.4% in the EVLT group and 1.5% in the stripping group (p>0.05). In both groups, the VCSS scores were significantly reduced at week 1, 1 month, and 2 months after EVLT or stripping (p<0.001). Conclusion: Efficiency in eliminating truncal saphenous vein incompetence and reducing venous clinical severity were equal in the two treatment groups.

Nonodontogenic Toothache : Case Reports (비치성 치통의 치험 증례)

  • Yoon, Seung-Hyun;Choi, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Seong-Taek;Ahn, Hyung-Joon;Kwon, Jeong-Seung
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.401-407
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    • 2008
  • The most common type of orofacial pain is toothache. However, many other types of pain which derived from nonodontogenic problems can mimic toothache. Nonodontogenic toothache is heterotopic pain that the site of pain is not in the same location of the source of pain. This differs from primary pain, in which the site of pain is the actual site which the pain originates. Heterotopic pain can be alleviated by direct treatment toward the source of pain. The common sources of nonodontogenic toothache include neuropathic pain, sinus pain, Myofascial pain, neurovascular pain and even cardiac pain and psychogenic pain. Thus, clinicians should have a thorough knowledge about causes of nonodontogenic toothache, and through pain history and examination of dental and nondental structures are needed. This case report is about some cases of nonodontogenic toothache, and it also emphasizes essential considerations for proper differential diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

A Rare Case of Acquired Arteriovenous Malformation in Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (간세포암의 경동맥 화학색전술 중 발견된 후천성 동정맥 기형에 관한 드문 증례보고)

  • Moon, Sung-Nam;Seo, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 2019
  • Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is a commonly used and rapidly evolving non-invasive treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It is important that understanding individual anatomical variants and planning for tumor-feeding artery access to acquire adequate treatment effectiveness. In this study, we will report acquired arteriovenous malformation which interferes with TACE for HCC. A 72-year-old man with persistent abdominal pain for 2 days visited our hospital. The patient was chronic hepatitis B carrier and had a history of HCC treated with conventional TACE 10 years ago. Hypervascular nodular HCC in the liver segment 8 and aberrant right hepatic artery from the superior mesenteric artery were detected on computed tomography (CT). When first TACE was performed, the tumor-feeding artery originating from the left hepatic artery was found and embolized. There was no tumor-feeding artery from the right hepatic artery but arteriovenous malformation was found. After a month, follow up CT showed necrotic lesion and residual HCC and we performed secondary TACE. On secondary TACE, we selected the right hepatic artery and passed through arteriovenous malformation. Superselective-angiogram showed remnant tumoral staining and remnant tumor was embolized using drug-eluting bead and Adriamycin. Final angiogram showed no remnant tumoral staining and the patient was discharged without complication. We found the rare case of arteriovenous malformation adjacent to HCC, and we performed superselective TACE beyond arteriovenous malformation to treat HCC.

Clinical Appilication of Endobornchial Cryoablation That's Performed through Flexible Bronchoscope for Treating Tracheobronchial Ostruction (기관 및 기관지 폐색환자에서 굴곡형 기관지내시경을 이용한 냉동수술의 임상적용)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Kim, Kwang-Taik;Chung, Jae-Ho;Chung, Won-Jae;Kang, Moon-Chul;Kang, Eun-Hae;Lee, Eun-Joo;In, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.457-462
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    • 2008
  • Background: Emergency airway access is essential when a patient has dyspnea that's due to tracheal or bronchial obstruction. Such methods as laser therapy and PDT are now being used for the treatment of tracheal obstruction that's due to benign diseases or nonsurgical malignant diseases. Cryotherapy is a method that uses extreme hypothermia for freezing a tumor to cause necrosis. In this study, we have evaluated the clinical effectiveness of performing endobronchial cryoablation through a flexible bronchoscope. Material and Method: 10 patients with tracheal obstruction that was due to endotracheal tumors were evaluated between May 2005 and May 2007. Eight were male and the mean age of the 10 patients was $59.4{\pm}18.4$ years. Three cases of tracheal obstruction were due to benign tumors and 7 were due to malignant tumors. The obstruction sites were 3 at the trachea, 3 at the carina and 4 at the bronchus. A flexible bronchoscope was inserted and the tumor was eliminated using a flexible cryoprobe. Follow up bronchoscopy was performed at 1 week and 1 month after cryoablation, and then we evaluated the decrease of dyspnea, the improvement of the performance and the complications of the procedures. Result: Complete remission was achieved in 4 patients and partial remission was achieved in 6 patients. Complications such as hemoptysis (100%), and cough (50%) were noted. Hemoptysis was spontaneously resolved in 3 to 8 days (mean: 4.9 days). A decrease in dyspnea and improvement in the performance was noted in all patients. Conclusion: Endobronchial stenosis plays a detrimental role in the life quality of a terminal cancer patient. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness for controlling bleeding, endobronchial cryoablation is considered to be a safe method that is clinically applicable to a wide range of tumors, including the removal of large tumors. We concluded that endobronchial cryoablation through a flexible bronchoscope is a safe, effective method for treating tracheobroncheal obstructions.

Effect of Reperfusion after 20 min Ligation of the Left Coronary Artery in Open-chest Bovine Heart: An Ultrastructural Study (재관류가 허혈 심근세포의 미세구조에 미치는 영향 : 재관류 손상에 관한 연구)

  • 이종욱;조대윤;손동섭;양기민;라봉진;김호덕
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.739-748
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    • 1998
  • Background: It has been well documented that transient occlusion of the coronary artery causes myocardial ischemia and finally cell death when ischemia is sustained for more than 20 minutes. Extensive studies have revealed that ischemic myocardium cannot recover without reperfusion by adequate restoration of blood flow, however, reperfusion can cause long-lasting cardiac dysfunction and aggravation of structural damage. The author therefore attempted to examine the effect of postischemic reperfusion on myocardial ultrastructure and to determine the rationales for recanalization therapy to salvage ischemic myocardium. Materials and methods: Young Holstein-Friesian cows(130∼140 Kg body weight; n=40) of both sexes, maintained with nutritionally balanced diet and under constant conditions, were used. The left anterior descending coronary artery(LAD) was occluded by ligation with 4-0 silk snare for 20 minutes and recanalized by release of the ligation under continuous intravenous drip anesthesia with sodium pentobarbital(0.15 mg/Kg/min). Drill biopsies of the risk area (antero-lateral wall) were performed at just on reperfusion(5 minutes), 1-, 2-, 3-, 6-, 12-hours after recanalization, and at 1-hour assist(only with mechanical respiration and fluid replacement) after 12-hour recanalization. The materials were subdivided into subepicardial and subendocardial tissues. Tissue samples were examined with a transmission electron microscope (Philips EM 300) at the accelerating voltage of 60 KeV. Results: After a 20-minute ligation of the LAD, myocytes showed slight to moderate degree of ultrastructural changes including subsarcolemmal bleb formation, loss of nuclear matrix, clumping of chromatin and margination, mitochondrial destruction, and contracture of sarcomeres. However, microvascular structures were relatively well preserved. After 1-hour reperfusion, nuclear and mitochondrial matrices reappeared and intravascular plugging by polymorphonuclear leukocytes or platelets was observed. However, nucleoli and intramitochondrial granules reappeared within 3 hours of reperfusion and a large number of myocytes were recovered progressively within 6 hours of reperfusion. Recovery was apparent in the subepicardial myocytes and there were no distinct changes in the ultrastructure except narrowed lumen of the microvessels in the later period of reperfusion. Conclusions: It is likely that the ischemic myocardium could not be salvaged without adequate restoration of coronary flow and that the microvasculature is more resistant to reversible period of ischemia than subendocardium and subepicardium. Therefore, thrombolysis and/or angioplasty may be a rational method of therapy for coronarogenic myocardial ischemia. However, it may take a relatively longer period of time to recover from ischemic insult and reperfusion injury should be considered.

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