• Title/Summary/Keyword: 현장 검사

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A Development of Offshore plant Piping Process Monitoring System Based on 3D CAD Model (3D CAD 모델 기반 해양플랜트 배관 공정 모니터링 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Hyun-Cheol;Lee, Gyu-Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2020
  • 3D Models of offshore plant piping materials designed by 3D CAD systems are provided to the production processes in the form of 2D piping drawings and 2D piping installation drawings. In addition to the standard engineering information, the purchasing, procurement, manufacturing, installation, and inspection of raw materials are managed systematically in an integrated process control system. The existing integrated process management system can help reduce the processing time by managing the flow and progress of resources systematically, but it does not include 3D design model information. Hence, it is difficult to understand complicated pipe structures before installing the pipe. In addition, when design changes or immediate design modifications are required, it is difficult to find related data or exchange information quickly with each other. To solve this problem, an offshore plant-piping process-monitoring system was developed based on a 3D model. The 3D model-based piping monitoring system is based on Visual Studio 2017 C# and UNITY3D so that the piping-process work information can be linked to the 3D CAD model in real time. In addition, the 3D model could check the progress of the pipe installation process, such as block, size, and material, and the progress of functional inspection items, such as cleaning, hydraulic inspection, and pneumatic inspection.

Reliability of Measurements of Back Vertex Power for Soft Contact Lenses Using an Auto-Lensmeter (자동렌즈미터를 이용한 소프트 콘택트렌즈의 굴절력 측정 방법에 관한 신뢰도)

  • Kim, Kun-Kyu;Lee, Wook-Jin;Lee, Sun-Haeng;Kwak, Ho-Won;Yu, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To assess the reliability for measuring the back vertex power of soft contact lenses by dry blotting and wet cell method using an auto-lensmeter. Methods: The soft contact lenses used for measurement were 5 types that were distributed in Korea, and 4 back vertex powers (-1.50D, -3.00D, -6.00D, -9.00D) were used. and repeatability and reproducibility were evaluated by measuring them with an auto-lensmeter by two examiners. Results: Measured powers by dry blotting method were ranged in mean differences from 0.03D to 0.18D for overall lenses, 0.10D to 0.18D for silicone hydrogel lenses, 0.03D to 0.08D for hydrogel lenses. The mean differences between two examiners were less than 0.10D, and the inter-examiner reproducibility was good for dry blotting method. The mean difference between powers determined by wet cell method were 0.09D to 0.69D, the mean differences between two examiners were 0.02D to 0.59D. The reliability of measurements and inter-examiner reproducibility were less than dry blotting method. Conclusions: The reliability of measurements for all materials was better in dry blotting than wet cell method, the re liability of measurements for silicone hydrogel lenses was low in both methods. In clinical practical which requires quick checking of back vertex power using an auto-lensmeter. dry blotting method is thought to be more efficient than wet cell one.

A Study on Suppression of UT Grain Noise Using SSP MPO Algorithms (SSP MPO 알고리즘을 이용한 초음파 결정립 잡음 억제에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Kil-Mo;Jun, Kye-Suk
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 1996
  • It is very important for ultrasonic test method to evaluate the integrity of the class I components in nuclear power plants. However, as the rltrasonic test is affected by internal structures and configurations of test materials, backscattering, that is, time invariant noise is generated in large grain size materials. Due to the above reason, the received signal results in low signal to noise(S/N) ratio. Split spectrum processing(SSP) technique is effective to suppress the grain noise. The conventional SSP technique. however, has been applied to unique algorithm. This paper shows that MPO(minimization and polarity threshold) algorithm which two algorithms are applied simulatancously, was utilized, the signal processing time was shorten by using the new constant-Q SSP with the FIR filter which frequency to bandwidth ratio is constant and the optimum parameters were analysed for the signal processing to longitudinal wave and shear wave with the same requirements of inspection on nuclear power plant site. Moreover, the new ultrasonic test instrument, the reference block of the same product form and material specification, stainless stell test specimens and copper test specimens block of the same fabricated for the application of new SSP technique. As the result of experimental test with new ultrasonic test instrument and test specimens, the signal to noise ratio was improved by appying the new SSP technique.

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Development and Application of Tool for Measuring High School Students' Scientific Experience (고등학생의 과학 경험 측정을 위한 도구의 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Nak-Kyu;Ryu, Chun-Ryol
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.276-287
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a measurement tool quantifying the degree of high school students' scientific experience. Based on previous studies, we divided the factors that compose school scientific experience into three categories: general activity experience, scientific inquiry experience and laboratory apparatus experience. While, outside of school scientific experience was divided into general activity experience, interesting activity experience and field trip experience. Items consisting each factor were selected from scientific experience measurement tools used in previous researches, most frequent answers showed in open questionnaire about scientific experiences, and exploratory analysis of textbooks. After the measurement tool developed by pilot-questionnaires and previous researches were preliminary tested and then was secondarily tested for a group of 413 high school students. The content validity and construct validity of the measurement tool was evaluated by two school teachers and two experts in science education and by factor analysis, respectively. The reliability of the tool was estimated with Cronbach Alpha. The results of validity and reliability revealed that the tool was appropriate for measuring scientific experience.

Establishment of Quality Control System for Angiographic Unit (IVR장치의 성능 평가 기준 개발)

  • Kang, Byung-Sam;Son, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Seung-Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the number of interventional procedures has increased dramatically as an alternative of invasive surgical procedure. The need for the quality control program of the angiographic units has also increased, because of concerns about the increased patient dose and the importance of image quality of angiographic units for the successful procedures. The purpose of this study was to propose an optimal guideline for the quality control program of the angiographic units. We reviewed domestic and international standards about medical imaging system and we evaluated the quality of 61 angiographic units in Korea with the use of NEMA 21 phantom. According to the results of our study, we propose a guideline for the quality control program of the angiographic units. Quality control program includes tube voltage test, tube current test, HVL test, image-field geometry test, spatial resolution test, low-contrast iodine detectability test, wire resolution test, phantom entrance dose test. Proposed reference levels are as follows: PAE < $\pm$ 10% in tube voltage test, PAE < $\pm$ 15% in tube current test, minimum 2.3 mmAl at 80 kVp in HVL test, minimum 'acceptable' level at image-field geometry test, 0.8 lp/mm for detector size of 34-40cm, 1.0 lp/mm for detector size of 28-33cm, 1.2 lp/mm for detector size of 22-27cm in spatial resolution test, minimum 200mg/cc in low contrast iodine detectability test, phantom entrance dose should be under 10R/min, 0.012 inch wire should be seen at static wire resolution test, and 0.022 inch wire should be seen at moving wire resolution test.

A Study on Fire Facilities of Urbane Buildings (도시건축물의 소방시설에 관한 연구(I))

  • 김소수
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 1992
  • 우리나라는 1960년대의 경제개발계획에 따른 공업화 시축의 추진으로 산업의 발달과 경제성장은 인구를 도시로 집중시키면서 도시건축물은 대형화, 고층화, 과밀화 현상을 가져왔다. 한편, 국민생활의 향상과 산업활동의 다양화로 화재발생의 주요원인이 되는 전기, 가스, 유류등의 사용량이 해마다 늘어나고 있어 화재의 위험을 가중시키고 있다. 최근 10연간('81~'90) 전국에서 발생한 화재사고는 9만 5,154건이 발생하여 인명피해 1만1,117명, 재산피해 1,859억 2,200만원의 많은 손실을 가져 왔으며, 이 중에는 서울에서 발생한 화재가 3만6,089건으로 전체의 37.9%을 차지하고 있다. 화재가 발생할 경우 대형 참사를 방지하고 귀중한 인명피해는 물론 경제적 손실을 최저로 줄일 수 있는 소방시설을 도시건축물에 설치하여 이에 대비하는 것이 무엇보다 귀중한 일이다. 이는 화재예방 또는 발생 초기에 이를 감지, 통보하고 피난하며 소화활동에 이르는 모든 방재 및 소화를 위한 소방시설의 유용성을 최대로 발휘할 수 있기 때문이다. 본 논문에서는 서울특별시를 중심으로 도시건축물에 설치된 소방시설의 유지 관리 실태와 화재시 소방시설의 이용실태를 분석하여 문제점을 도출하고 이에 대한 개선방향을 제시하므로서 예방소방행정의 발전을 기하고저 하였으며, 그 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 제1장에서는 서론부분으로서 연구의 목적과 범위및 접근 방법을 서술하였고, 제2장에서는 도시소방행정의 특성 및 소방환경의 변화로 먼저 소방행정의 의의와 도시소방행정의 유형으로 예방소방과 진압소방 그리고 구급.구조업무등을 살피고. 도시소방환경변화에 따른 화재발생추세를 살펴 보았다. 제3장에서는 도시건축물에 설치하는 소방시설의 설치.유지 및 이용실태를 검사.분석하였다. '90년도 서울시내 소방서에서 실시한 소방대상물에 대한 소방검사와 방화관리자에 대한 설문조사를 실시하여 소방시설의 유지관리실태를 통계.분석한 결과, 소방시설이 양호한 소방대상물은 전체의 75.9%이며, 불량소방대상물은 24.1%로 나타났다. 그리고 화재가 발생한 소방검사대상물에 대한 화재현장 조사결과 화재시 소방시설을 사용한 소방대상물은 전체의 72.1%를 차지하고 있다. 제4장에서 는 소방시설의 문제점으로 \circled1 소방설비부실공사, \circled2 소방시설 유지관리능력부족, \circled3 소방검사제도 불합리등이며, 이에 대한 개선방향으로 \circled1 소방설비 시공자의 지도. 감독강화, \circled2 자체시설관리능력향상, \circled3 예방소방행정제도의 개선을 제시하였다. 제5장은 결론으로, 우리나라가 최근 경제성장과 산업의 발달로 도시건축물의 화재발생 위험이 가중되면서 이에 대한 소방안전대비책이 요구된다. 이에는 도시건축물에 방화시설과 소방시설을 완비하고, 그리고 자격있고 유능한 방화관리자 선임하여 자체 소방계획을 수립하여 시설점검, 정비와 유지관리를 철저히 한다면 어떠한 화재도 예방 또는 초기에 진압할 수 있고, 또한 입주검자에 대한 소방교육 및 훈련을 지속적으로 수행하여 나간다면 여하한 도시건축물의 소방안전도 그 목적을 달성하리라고 생각한다.

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Optimization of Cooking Conditions of Brown Sauce by Sensory Evaluation and Response Surface Method (관능검사와 반응표면분석에 의한 브라운소스 제법의 최적화)

  • Kim, Sung-Kook;Lee, Seung-Ju
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.58-62
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    • 1999
  • Method to access qualities of brown sauce and optimize its cooking conditions was studied by sensory evaluation and response surface methodology. Cooks of an hotel, sauce experts, were selected as sensory panelists, and the brown sauce cooking conditions practically used in an hotel were adopted to prepare sauce samples for the sensory test. The cooking conditions were designed with two factors, i.e., one factor of roux contents with three levels and the other factor of cooking times with three levels, which were known as most important in sauce cooking. Sensory acceptance evaluation with intensity 7 grades was applied for several sauce attributes such as color, flavour, viscosity, taste and overall. Ability of each panel to perceive the differences between the brown sauces prepared under different cooking conditions was judged, and only data of the 9 panelists proved as reliable among the 12 panelists were reflected. The acceptances by different cooking conditions were found to be in the order of 11 > 9 > 13% roux contents and 8 > 9 > 7 hr cooking times. Response surface methodology was treated with second-order model on the sensory data and the optimum cooking conditions with the highest acceptances were $10.3{\sim}10.8%$ roux content and 8 hr cooking time.

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A Study on Liquified Petroleum Gas(LPG) Fuel Quantitative Method using Coriolis Mass Flowmeter (코리올리 질량유량계를 이용한 액화석유가스(LPG) 정량 측정 방법 연구)

  • Park, Tae-Seong;Seong, Sang-Rae;Yim, Eui-Soon;Lee, Joung-Min;Lee, Myung-Sig;Kang, Hyung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2018
  • Domestic LPG meters are being tested for LPG quantification in accordance with the "Measures Act". The LPG meter is re-tested every three years in accordance with the "Enforcement Decree of the Measures Act". The maximum permissible error within the test is within ${\pm}1.0%$, and the tolerance is within ${\pm}1.5%$. For the quantitative measurement of LPG, a hydrometer for LPG, a balance, and a pressure vessel are used. The volume of LPG varies in depending on the temperature and pressure. The current quantitative measurement method of LPG requires the measurement of temperature, pressure and density in order to determine the volume of LPG, respectively, and some equipments are needed accordingly. Coriolis mass flowmeter, on the other hand, measure the mass flow, density and temperature at the same time, and can be converted and calculated to the required values using a computer program, also it is widely applied in the industrial field. In this study, the volume of LPG was measured using a Coriolis mass flowmeter as a basic study of LPG quantitative measurement. In addition, it is shown that it is possible to apply for the LPG quantitative measurement using the Coriolis mass flowmeter by comparing it with the conventional LPG quantitative measurement method.

A study on the methods of identifying and verifying the causes of defects on rock bolt stressmeter and rod extensometer (터널계측용 록볼트축력계와 지중변위계의 불량원인 파악과 검증방법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeong-Bae;Noh, Won-Seok;Lee, Seong-Won;Jeon, Hunmin;Lee, Kang-Il
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.411-429
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    • 2022
  • Instrumentations are essential in NATM tunnels, however measuring instruments are installed and applied without performance verification procedures due to insufficient research on methods, procedures, regulations, etc. to verify the reliability of the measuring instruments. In this study, domestic and foreign regulations relating to the verification and calibration of instruments were investigated and necessities for accreditation standards were proposed. In order to identify the causes of the defects, an external inspection was performed on rock bolt stressmeter and rod extensometer, which are measuring instruments with relatively complex structures. For verifying the performance of these instruments, verification devices were developed that can load step-by-step and the causes of defects were identified in measuring instruments of nine domestic manufacturers. Through the performance test, a number of measuring instruments were found to be defective. It was important to test the performance of the instruments in the state of a finished product and accordingly performance inspection methods and procedures were proposed. The results of this study are expected to help preparing related regulations for verifying instrument performance and selecting instruments in the field.

Development of Real-time Quantitative PCR Assay based on SYBR Green I and TaqMan Probe for Detection of Apple Viruses (사과 바이러스 검정을 위한 SYBR Green I 및 TaqMan probe 기반의 real-time PCR 검사법 개발)

  • Heo, Seong;Chung, Yong Suk
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.496-507
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    • 2020
  • Virus infections of apples result in lowered commercial qualities such as low sugar content, weakened tree vigor, and malformed fruits. An effective way to control viruses is to produce virus-free plants based on the development of an accurate and sensitive diagnostic method. In this study, real-time PCR assays based on SYBR Green I and TaqMan probes were developed for detecting ASGV, ASPV, and ApMV viruses. These methods can detect and quantify 103 to 1011 RNA copies/μL of each virus separately. Compared with methods with two different dyes, the SYBR Green I-based method was efficient for virus detection as well as for assay using the TaqMan probe. Field tests demonstrated that real-time PCR methods developed in this study were applicable to high-throughput diagnoses for virus research and plant quarantine.